Updated new.py for installing Plone 4 without buildout and added an alternative way to insert POD expressions in POD templates via fields (track-changed text still works).

This commit is contained in:
Gaetan Delannay 2010-10-27 12:06:21 +02:00
parent feca97bda3
commit 50c8a139fc
9 changed files with 1841 additions and 1825 deletions

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
'''This script allows to create a brand new read-to-use Plone/Zone instance.
'''This script allows to create a brand new ready-to-use Plone/Zone instance.
As prerequisite, you must have installed Plone through the Unifier installer
available at http://plone.org.'''
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, os.path, sys, shutil
import os, os.path, sys, shutil, re
from optparse import OptionParser
from appy.shared.utils import cleanFolder, copyFolder
@ -22,12 +22,34 @@ MKZOPE_NOT_FOUND = 'Script mkzopeinstance.py not found in "%s and ' \
WRONG_INSTANCE_PATH = '"%s" must be an existing folder for creating the ' \
'instance in it.'
zopeCtl = '''#!/bin/sh
export PYTHON
exec "$PYTHON" "$ZDCTL" -C "$CONFIG_FILE" "$@"
runZope = '''#! /bin/sh
export PYTHON
exec "$PYTHON" "$ZOPE_RUN" -C "$CONFIG_FILE" "$@"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class NewScript:
'''usage: %prog ploneVersion plonePath instancePath
"ploneVersion" can be plone25, plone30, or plone3x
(plone3x can be Plone 3.2.x, Plone 3.3.5...)
"ploneVersion" can be plone25, plone30, plone3x or plone4
(plone3x represents Plone 3.2.x, Plone 3.3.5...)
"plonePath" is the (absolute) path to you plone installation.
Plone 2.5 and 3.0 are typically installed in
@ -35,48 +57,7 @@ class NewScript:
installed in in /usr/local/Plone.
"instancePath" is the (absolute) path where you want to create your
instance (should not already exist).'''
ploneVersions = ('plone25', 'plone30', 'plone3x')
def createInstance(self, linksForProducts):
'''Calls the Zope script that allows to create a Zope instance and copy
into it all the Plone packages and products.'''
# Find the Python interpreter running Zope
for elem in os.listdir(self.plonePath):
pythonPath = None
elemPath = os.path.join(self.plonePath, elem)
if elem.startswith('Python-') and os.path.isdir(elemPath):
pythonPath = elemPath + '/bin/python'
if not os.path.exists(pythonPath):
raise NewError(PYTHON_EXE_NOT_FOUND % pythonPath)
if not pythonPath:
raise NewError(PYTHON_NOT_FOUND % self.plonePath)
# Find the Zope script mkzopeinstance.py
makeInstancePath = None
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(self.plonePath):
# Do not browse the buildout-cache
for fileName in files:
if (fileName == 'mkzopeinstance.py') and \
('/buildout-cache/' not in dirname):
makeInstancePath = os.path.join(dirname, fileName)
if not makeInstancePath:
raise NewError(MKZOPE_NOT_FOUND % self.plonePath)
# Execute mkzopeinstance.py with the right Python interpreter
cmd = '%s %s -d %s' % (pythonPath, makeInstancePath, self.instancePath)
print cmd
# Now, make the instance Plone-ready
action = 'Copying'
if linksForProducts:
action = 'Symlinking'
print '%s Plone stuff in the Zope instance...' % action
if self.ploneVersion in ('plone25', 'plone30'):
elif self.ploneVersion == 'plone3x':
# Clean the copied folders
cleanFolder(os.path.join(self.instancePath, 'Products'))
cleanFolder(os.path.join(self.instancePath, 'lib/python'))
ploneVersions = ('plone25', 'plone30', 'plone3x', 'plone4')
def installPlone25or30Stuff(self, linksForProducts):
'''Here, we will copy all Plone2-related stuff in the Zope instance
@ -105,56 +86,9 @@ class NewScript:
# Copy thre product into the instance
copyFolder(folderName, destFolder)
uglyChunks = ('pkg_resources', '.declare_namespace(')
def findPythonPackageInEgg(self, currentFolder):
'''Finds the Python package that is deeply hidden into the egg.'''
# Find the file __init__.py
isFinalPackage = False
for elem in os.listdir(currentFolder):
elemPath = os.path.join(currentFolder, elem)
if elem == '__init__.py':
f = file(elemPath)
content = f.read()
# Is it a awful egg init ?
for chunk in self.uglyChunks:
if content.find(chunk) == -1:
isFinalPackage = True # It is not an ugly egg init.
if not isFinalPackage:
# Maybe we are wrong: our way to identify egg-viciated __init__
# files is approximative. If we believe it is not the final package,
# but we find other Python files in the folder, we must admit that
# we've nevertheless found the final Python package.
otherPythonFiles = False
for elem in os.listdir(currentFolder):
if elem.endswith('.py') and (elem != '__init__.py'):
otherPythonFiles = True
if otherPythonFiles:
# Ok, this is the final Python package
return currentFolder
# Find the subfolder and find the Python package into it.
for elem in os.listdir(currentFolder):
elemPath = os.path.join(currentFolder, elem)
if os.path.isdir(elemPath):
return self.findPythonPackageInEgg(elemPath)
return currentFolder
def getSubFolder(self, folder):
'''In p_folder, we now that there is only one subfolder. This method
returns the subfolder's absolute path.'''
for elem in os.listdir(folder):
elemPath = os.path.join(folder, elem)
if (elem != 'EGG-INFO') and os.path.isdir(elemPath):
return elemPath
return None
viciatedFiles = {'meta.zcml': 'includePlugins',
'configure.zcml': 'includePlugins',
'overrides.zcml': 'includePluginsOverrides'}
def patchPlone(self, productsFolder, libFolder):
filesToPatch = ('meta.zcml', 'configure.zcml', 'overrides.zcml')
patchRex = re.compile('<includePlugins.*?/>', re.S)
def patchPlone3x(self):
'''Auto-proclaimed ugly code in z3c forces us to patch some files
in Products.CMFPlone because these guys make the assumption that
"plone.xxx" packages are within eggs when they've implemented their
@ -163,102 +97,156 @@ class NewScript:
CMFPlone files. It does not seem to affect Plone behaviour. Indeed,
these directives seem to be useful only when adding sad (ie, non
Appy) Plone plug-ins.'''
ploneFolder = os.path.join(productsFolder, 'CMFPlone')
# Patch viciated files
for fileName, uglyDirective in self.viciatedFiles.iteritems():
j = os.path.join
ploneFolder = os.path.join(self.productsFolder, 'CMFPlone')
# Patch files
for fileName in self.filesToPatch:
filePath = os.path.join(ploneFolder, fileName)
f = file(filePath)
fileContent = f.read()
if fileContent.find(uglyDirective) != -1:
toReplace = '<%s package="plone" file="%s" />' % \
(uglyDirective, fileName)
fileContent = fileContent.replace(toReplace, '')
f = file(filePath, 'w')
f = file(filePath, 'w')
f.write(self.patchRex.sub('<!--Del. includePlugins-->',fileContent))
def installPlone3Stuff(self):
'''Here, we will copy all Plone3-related stuff in the Zope instance
we've created, to get a full Plone-ready Zope instance.'''
# All Plone 3 eggs are in buildout-cache/eggs. We will extract from
# those silly overstructured folder hierarchies the standard Python
# packages that lie in it, and copy them in the instance. Within these
# eggs, we need to distinguish:
# - standard Python packages that will be copied in
# <zopeInstance>/lib/python (ie, like Appy applications)
# - Zope products that will be copied in
# <zopeInstance>/Products (ie, like Appy generated Zope products)
filesToPatch2 = ('profiles/default/skins.xml')
def patchPlone4(self):
'''Patches Plone 4 that can't live without buildout as-is.'''
self.patchPlone3x() # We still need this for Plone 4 as well.
# bin/zopectl
content = zopeCtl % (self.pythonPath, self.instancePath, self.zopePath)
f = file('%s/bin/zopectl' % self.instancePath, 'w')
# bin/runzope
content = runZope % (self.pythonPath, self.instancePath, self.zopePath)
f = file('%s/bin/runzope' % self.instancePath, 'w')
j = os.path.join
themeFolder = '%s/plonetheme' % self.libFolder
for theme in os.listdir(themeFolder):
# Create a simlink to every theme in self.productsFolder
tFolder = j(themeFolder, theme)
if not os.path.isdir(tFolder): continue
os.system('ln -s %s %s/%s' % (tFolder, self.productsFolder, theme))
# Patch skins.xml
fileName = '%s/profiles/default/skins.xml' % tFolder
f = file(fileName)
content = f.read()
f = file(fileName, 'w')
f.write(content.replace('plonetheme.%s:' % theme, '%s/' % theme))
# As eggs have been deleted, Plone can't tell which version of Zope and
# Plone are there. So we patch the code that tries to get Plone and Zope
# versions.
codeFile = "%s/pkg_resources.py" % self.libFolder
f = file(codeFile)
content = f.read()
content = content.replace("raise DistributionNotFound(req)",
"dist = Distribution(project_name=req.project_name, " \
"version='1.1.1', platform='linux2', location='%s')" % \
f = file(codeFile, 'w')
def copyEggs(self):
'''Copy content of eggs into the Zope instance.'''
j = os.path.join
eggsFolder = j(self.plonePath, 'buildout-cache/eggs')
productsFolder = j(self.instancePath, 'Products')
libFolder = j(self.instancePath, 'lib/python')
self.ploneThemes = []
for name in os.listdir(eggsFolder):
eggMainFolder = j(eggsFolder, name)
if name.startswith('Products.'):
# A Zope product. Copy its content in Products.
innerFolder= self.getSubFolder(self.getSubFolder(eggMainFolder))
destFolder = j(productsFolder, os.path.basename(innerFolder))
copyFolder(innerFolder, destFolder)
# A standard Python package. Copy its content in lib/python.
# Go into the subFolder that is not EGG-INFO.
eggFolder = self.getSubFolder(eggMainFolder)
if not eggFolder:
# This egg is malformed and contains basic Python files.
# Copy those files directly in libFolder.
for fileName in os.listdir(eggMainFolder):
if fileName.endswith('.py'):
fullFileName= j(eggMainFolder, fileName)
shutil.copy(fullFileName, libFolder)
eggFolderName = os.path.basename(eggFolder)
if eggFolderName == 'Products':
# Goddamned. This should go in productsFolder and not in
# libFolder.
innerFolder = self.getSubFolder(eggFolder)
destFolder = j(productsFolder,os.path.basename(innerFolder))
copyFolder(innerFolder, destFolder)
if name == 'EGG-INFO': continue
absName = j(eggsFolder, name)
# Copy every file or sub-folder into self.libFolder or
# self.productsFolder.
for fileName in os.listdir(absName):
absFileName = j(absName, fileName)
if fileName == 'Products' and not name.startswith('Zope2-'):
# Copy every sub-folder into self.productsFolder
for folderName in os.listdir(absFileName):
absFolder = j(absFileName, folderName)
if not os.path.isdir(absFolder): continue
copyFolder(absFolder, j(self.productsFolder,folderName))
elif os.path.isdir(absFileName):
copyFolder(absFileName, j(self.libFolder, fileName))
packageFolder = self.findPythonPackageInEgg(eggFolder)
# Create the destination folder(s) in the instance,
# within libFolder
destFolders = []
if packageFolder != eggFolder:
destFolders = [eggFolderName]
remFolders = packageFolder[len(eggFolder):]
remFolders = remFolders.strip(os.sep)
if remFolders.find(os.sep) != -1:
# There are more subfolders
destFolders += remFolders.split(os.sep)[:-1]
if destFolders:
# We must create the subfolders (if not yet created)
# before copying the Python package.
baseFolder = libFolder
for subFolder in destFolders:
subFolderPath = j(baseFolder,subFolder)
if not os.path.exists(subFolderPath):
# Create an empty __init__.py in it.
init = j(subFolderPath,'__init__.py')
f = file(init, 'w')
f.write('# Makes me a Python package.')
baseFolder = subFolderPath
destFolder = os.sep.join(destFolders)
destFolder = j(libFolder, destFolder)
if not os.path.exists(destFolder):
shutil.copy(absFileName, self.libFolder)
def createInstance(self, linksForProducts):
'''Calls the Zope script that allows to create a Zope instance and copy
into it all the Plone packages and products.'''
j = os.path.join
# Find the Python interpreter running Zope
for elem in os.listdir(self.plonePath):
pythonPath = None
elemPath = j(self.plonePath, elem)
if elem.startswith('Python-') and os.path.isdir(elemPath):
pythonPath = elemPath + '/bin/python'
if not os.path.exists(pythonPath):
raise NewError(PYTHON_EXE_NOT_FOUND % pythonPath)
if not pythonPath:
raise NewError(PYTHON_NOT_FOUND % self.plonePath)
self.pythonPath = pythonPath
# Find the Zope script mkzopeinstance.py and Zope itself
makeInstancePath = None
self.zopePath = None
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(self.plonePath):
# Find Zope
for folderName in dirs:
if folderName.startswith('Zope2-'):
self.zopePath = j(dirname, folderName)
# Find mkzopeinstance
for fileName in files:
if fileName == 'mkzopeinstance.py':
if self.ploneVersion == 'plone4':
makeInstancePath = j(dirname, fileName)
destFolder = libFolder
destFolder = j(destFolder, os.path.basename(packageFolder))
copyFolder(packageFolder, destFolder)
self.patchPlone(productsFolder, libFolder)
if ('/buildout-cache/' not in dirname):
makeInstancePath = j(dirname, fileName)
if not makeInstancePath:
raise NewError(MKZOPE_NOT_FOUND % self.plonePath)
# Execute mkzopeinstance.py with the right Python interpreter.
# For Plone4, we will call it later.
cmd = '%s %s -d %s' % (pythonPath, makeInstancePath, self.instancePath)
if self.ploneVersion != 'plone4':
print cmd
# Now, make the instance Plone-ready
action = 'Copying'
if linksForProducts:
action = 'Symlinking'
print '%s Plone stuff in the Zope instance...' % action
if self.ploneVersion in ('plone25', 'plone30'):
elif self.ploneVersion in ('plone3x', 'plone4'):
if self.ploneVersion == 'plone3x':
elif self.ploneVersion == 'plone4':
# Create the Zope instance
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '%s:%s' % \
j(self.instancePath, 'lib/python'))
print cmd
# Remove .bat files under Linux
if os.name == 'posix':
cleanFolder(j(self.instancePath, 'bin'), exts=('.bat',))
def manageArgs(self, args):
'''Ensures that the script was called with the right parameters.'''
if len(args) != 3: raise NewError(WRONG_NB_OF_ARGS)
self.ploneVersion, self.plonePath, self.instancePath = args
# Add some more folder definitions
j = os.path.join
self.productsFolder = j(self.instancePath, 'Products')
self.libFolder = j(self.instancePath, 'lib/python')
# Check Plone version
if self.ploneVersion not in self.ploneVersions:
raise NewError(WRONG_PLONE_VERSION % str(self.ploneVersions))

View file

@ -189,6 +189,7 @@
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Show forward reference(s)</tal:comment>
<table tal:attributes="class python:test(innerRef, '', 'listing nosort');
width python:test(innerRef, '100%', appyType['layouts']['view']['width']);"
align="right" tal:condition="python: not appyType['isBack'] and objs" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

View file

@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ class PodEnvironment(OdfEnvironment):
# For the currently read expression, is there style-related information
# associated with it?
self.exprHasStyle = False
self.gotNamespaces = False # Namespace definitions were not already
# encountered
# Namespace definitions are not already encountered.
self.gotNamespaces = False
# Store inserts
self.inserts = inserts
# Currently walked "if" actions
@ -208,7 +208,8 @@ class PodParser(OdfParser):
e.state = e.IGNORING
elif elem == ('%s:annotation' % officeNs):
elif elem == ('%s:change-start' % textNs):
elif (elem == ('%s:change-start' % textNs)) or \
(elem == ('%s:conditional-text' % textNs)):
e.exprHasStyle = False
@ -280,7 +281,8 @@ class PodParser(OdfParser):
e.currentContent = ''
elif e.state == e.READING_EXPRESSION:
if elem == ('%s:change-end' % textNs):
if (elem == ('%s:change-end' % textNs)) or \
(elem == ('%s:conditional-text' % textNs)):
expression = e.currentContent.strip()
e.currentContent = ''
# Manage expression

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
old = 'OLD'
new = 'NEW'

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ binaryRex = re.compile(r'[\000-\006\177-\277]')
class Resource:
'''Every instance of this class represents some web resource accessible
through WebDAV.'''
through HTTP.'''
def __init__(self, url, username=None, password=None, measure=False):
self.username = username
@ -94,9 +94,7 @@ class Resource:
else: raise 'Wrong URL: %s' % str(url)
def __repr__(self):
port = ':' + str(self.port)
if self.port == 80: port = ''
return '<Dav resource at %s%s/%s>' % (self.url, port, self.uri)
return '<Dav resource at %s>' % self.url
def updateHeaders(self, headers):
# Add credentials if present
@ -203,12 +201,22 @@ class Resource:
if not uri: uri = self.uri
return self.sendRequest('GET', uri, headers=headers)
def post(self, data, uri=None, headers={}):
'''Perform a HTTP POST on the server.'''
def post(self, data=None, uri=None, headers={}, type='form'):
'''Perform a HTTP POST on the server. If p_type is:
- "form", p_data is a dict representing form data that will be
- "soap", p_data is a XML request that will be wrapped in a SOAP
if not uri: uri = self.uri
# Format the form data and prepare headers
body = DataEncoder(data).encode()
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
# Prepare the data to send
if type == 'form':
# Format the form data and prepare headers
body = DataEncoder(data).encode()
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
elif type =='soap':
body = data
headers['SOAPAction'] = self.url
headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(body))
return self.sendRequest('POST', uri, headers=headers, body=body)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

View file

@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ def cleanFolder(folder, exts=extsToClean, verbose=False):
def copyFolder(source, dest, cleanDest=False):
'''Copies the content of folder p_source to folder p_dest. p_dest is
created, with intermediary subfolders if required. If p_cleanDest is
True, it removes completely p_dest if it existed.'''
True, it removes completely p_dest if it existed. Else, content of
p_source will be added to possibly existing content in p_dest, excepted
if file names corresponds. In this case, file in p_source will overwrite
file in p_dest.'''
dest = os.path.abspath(dest)
# Delete the dest folder if required
if os.path.exists(dest) and cleanDest: