[gen] Integrated ckeditor inline editing via boolean parameter field.inlineEdit.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1072,7 +1072,8 @@ class Float(Type):
class String(Type):
# Javascript files sometimes required by this type
jsFiles = {'edit': ('ckeditor/ckeditor.js',)}
jsFiles = {'edit': ('ckeditor/ckeditor.js',),
'view': ('ckeditor/ckeditor.js',)}
# Some predefined regular expressions that may be used as validators
c = re.compile
@ -1181,7 +1182,7 @@ class String(Type):
masterValue=None, focus=False, historized=False, mapping=None,
label=None, sdefault='', scolspan=1, swidth=None, sheight=None,
transform='none', styles=('p','h1','h2','h3','h4'),
allowImageUpload=True, inlineEdit=False):
# According to format, the widget will be different: input field,
# textarea, inline editor... Note that there can be only one String
# field of format CAPTCHA by page, because the captcha challenge is
@ -1193,6 +1194,8 @@ class String(Type):
self.styles = styles
# When format is XHTML, do we allow the user to upload images in it ?
self.allowImageUpload = allowImageUpload
# When format in XHTML, can the field be inline-edited (ckeditor)?
self.inlineEdit = inlineEdit
# The following field has a direct impact on the text entered by the
# user. It applies a transformation on it, exactly as does the CSS
# "text-transform" property. Allowed values are those allowed for the
@ -103,6 +103,19 @@ class BaseMixin:
return obj, msg
def updateField(self, name, value):
'''Updates a single field p_name with new p_value.'''
field = self.getAppyType(name)
# Remember previous value if the field is historized.
previousData = self.rememberPreviousData([field])
# Store the new value into the database
field.store(self, value)
# Update the object history when relevant
if previousData: self.historizeData(previousData)
# Update last modification date
from DateTime import DateTime
self.modified = DateTime()
def delete(self):
'''This method is self's suicide.'''
# Call a custom "onDelete" if it exists
@ -1834,6 +1847,19 @@ class BaseMixin:
ck.append('%s: %s' % (k, sv))
return 'CKEDITOR.replace("%s", {%s})' % (name, ', '.join(ck))
def getEditorInlineInit(self, name):
'''Gets the Javascript init code for enabling inline edition of a rich
field named p_name.'''
field = self.getAppyType(name)
uid = self.UID()
return "CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;\n" \
"CKEDITOR.inline('%s_%s_ck', {on: {blur: " \
"function( event ) { var data = event.editor.getData(); " \
"askAjaxChunk('%s_%s','POST','%s','page','saveField', "\
"{'fieldName':'%s', 'fieldContent': encodeURIComponent(data)}, "\
"null, evalInnerScripts);}}});"% \
(uid, name, uid, name, self.absolute_url(), name)
def getCalendarInit(self, name, years):
'''Gets the Javascript init code for displaying a calendar popup for
field named p_name.'''
@ -59,6 +59,14 @@ function XhrObject() { // Wraps a XmlHttpRequest object
this.info = {}; /* An associative array for putting anything else. */
/* When inserting HTML at some DOM node in a page via Ajax, scripts defined in
this chunk of HTML are not executed. This function, typically used as "onGet"
param for the askAjaxChunk function below, will evaluate those scripts. */
function evalInnerScripts(xhrObject, hookElem) {
var scripts = hookElem.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i=0; i<scripts.length; i++) { eval(scripts[i].innerHTML) }
function getAjaxChunk(pos) {
// This function is the callback called by the AJAX machinery (see function
// askAjaxChunk below) when an Ajax response is available.
@ -208,7 +216,8 @@ function askField(hookId, objectUrl, layoutType, showChanges){
var fieldName = hookId.split('_')[1];
var params = {'fieldName': fieldName, 'layoutType': layoutType,
'showChanges': showChanges};
askAjaxChunk(hookId, 'GET', objectUrl, 'widgets/show', 'fieldAjax', params);
askAjaxChunk(hookId, 'GET', objectUrl, 'widgets/show', 'fieldAjax', params,
null, evalInnerScripts);
// Function used by checkbox widgets for having radio-button-like behaviour
@ -340,3 +340,14 @@
<span tal:replace="structure messages"></span>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
Save the content of a rich field and return its consult view.
Requires request/fieldContent.
<metal:save define-macro="saveField"
tal:define="fieldName request/fieldName;
fieldContent request/fieldContent;
dummy python: contextObj.updateField(fieldName, fieldContent)">
<metal:call use-macro="app/ui/widgets/show/macros/fieldAjax"/>
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Call the previous macro, but from Ajax.</tal:comment>
<metal:afield define-macro="fieldAjax"
tal:define="widgetName request/fieldName;
layoutType request/layoutType;
layoutType python: request.get('layoutType', 'view');
showChanges python: request.get('showChanges', 'False') == 'True';
widget python: contextObj.getAppyType(widgetName, asDict=True);
page widget/pageName">
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<tal:comment replace="nothing">View macro for a String.</tal:comment>
<metal:view define-macro="view"
tal:define="fmt widget/format; isUrl widget/isUrl">
tal:define="fmt widget/format; isUrl widget/isUrl;
mayAjaxEdit python: not showChanges and widget['inlineEdit'] and contextObj.mayEdit(widget['writePermission'])">
<span tal:condition="python: fmt in (0, 3)">
<ul tal:condition="python: value and isMultiple">
<li tal:repeat="sv value"><i tal:content="structure sv"></i></li>
@ -20,9 +21,16 @@
<span tal:condition="python: value and (fmt == 1)"
tal:replace="structure python: contextObj.formatText(value, format='html')"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">XHTML text</tal:comment>
<div tal:condition="python: value and (fmt == 2)" class="xhtml">
<span tal:replace="structure value"/>
<tal:xhtml condition="python: value and (fmt == 2)">
<div tal:condition="not: mayAjaxEdit" class="xhtml" tal:content="structure value"></div>
<div tal:condition="mayAjaxEdit" class="xhtml" contenteditable="true"
tal:attributes="id python: '%s_%s_ck' % (contextObj.UID(), name)"
tal:content="structure value">
<script tal:condition="mayAjaxEdit"
tal:content="python: contextObj.getEditorInlineInit(name)">
<input type="hidden" tal:condition="masterCss"
tal:attributes="class masterCss; value rawValue; name name; id name"/>
Reference in a new issue