[gen] Bugfixes in the search engine.
This commit is contained in:
@ -591,35 +591,36 @@ class ToolMixin(BaseMixin):
rq = self.REQUEST
# Store the search criteria in the session
criteria = self._getDefaultSearchCriteria()
for attrName in rq.form.keys():
if attrName.startswith('w_') and \
not self._searchValueIsEmpty(attrName):
field = self.getAppyType(attrName[2:], rq.form['className'])
if not field.persist: continue
for name in rq.form.keys():
if name.startswith('w_') and not self._searchValueIsEmpty(name):
hasStar = name.find('*') != -1
fieldName = not hasStar and name[2:] or name[2:name.find('*')]
field = self.getAppyType(fieldName, rq.form['className'])
if field and not field.persist: continue
# We have a(n interval of) value(s) that is not empty for a
# given field.
attrValue = rq.form[attrName]
if attrName.find('*') != -1:
attrValue = attrValue.strip()
# given field or index.
value = rq.form[name]
if hasStar:
value = value.strip()
# The type of the value is encoded after char "*".
attrName, attrType = attrName.split('*')
if attrType == 'bool':
exec 'attrValue = %s' % attrValue
elif attrType in ('int', 'float'):
name, type = name.split('*')
if type == 'bool':
exec 'value = %s' % value
elif type in ('int', 'float'):
# Get the "from" value
if not attrValue: attrValue = None
if not value: value = None
exec 'attrValue = %s(attrValue)' % attrType
exec 'value = %s(value)' % type
# Get the "to" value
toValue = rq.form['%s_to' % attrName[2:]].strip()
toValue = rq.form['%s_to' % name[2:]].strip()
if not toValue: toValue = None
exec 'toValue = %s(toValue)' % attrType
attrValue = (attrValue, toValue)
elif attrType == 'date':
prefix = attrName[2:]
exec 'toValue = %s(toValue)' % type
value = (value, toValue)
elif type == 'date':
prefix = name[2:]
# Get the "from" value
year = attrValue
year = value
month = rq.form['%s_from_month' % prefix]
day = rq.form['%s_from_day' % prefix]
fromDate = self._getDateTime(year, month, day, True)
@ -628,23 +629,23 @@ class ToolMixin(BaseMixin):
month = rq.form['%s_to_month' % prefix]
day = rq.form['%s_to_day' % prefix]
toDate = self._getDateTime(year, month, day, False)
attrValue = (fromDate, toDate)
elif attrType.startswith('string'):
value = (fromDate, toDate)
elif type.startswith('string'):
# In the case of a string, it could be necessary to
# apply some text transform.
if len(attrType) > 6:
transform = attrType.split('-')[1]
if (transform != 'none') and attrValue:
exec 'attrValue = attrValue.%s()' % \
if len(type) > 6:
transform = type.split('-')[1]
if (transform != 'none') and value:
exec 'value = value.%s()' % \
if isinstance(attrValue, list):
if isinstance(value, list):
# It is a list of values. Check if we have an operator for
# the field, to see if we make an "and" or "or" for all
# those values. "or" will be the default.
operKey = 'o_%s' % attrName[2:]
operKey = 'o_%s' % name[2:]
oper = ' %s ' % rq.form.get(operKey, 'or').upper()
attrValue = oper.join(attrValue)
criteria[attrName[2:]] = attrValue
value = oper.join(value)
criteria[name[2:]] = value
# Complete criteria with Ref info if the search is restricted to
# referenced objects of a Ref field.
refInfo = rq.get('ref', None)
Reference in a new issue