appy.pod: xhtml2odt: ability to include images from img tags (anonymously). Non-anonymous solution for a Appy/Zope server only; function 'document': allow to specify size of images in cm or px, or via a 'style' tag; appy.gen: allow to upload images in ckeditor fields; improved error management.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2138,7 +2138,8 @@ class Pod(Type):
stylesMapping = self.stylesMapping
rendererParams = {'template': StringIO.StringIO(template.content),
'context': podContext, 'result': tempFileName,
'stylesMapping': stylesMapping}
'stylesMapping': stylesMapping,
'imageResolver': tool.o.getApp()}
if tool.unoEnabledPython:
rendererParams['pythonWithUnoPath'] = tool.unoEnabledPython
if tool.openOfficePort:
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ homePage = '''
errorPage = '''
<tal:main define="tool python: context.config">
<tal:main define="tool python: context.config"
on-error="string: ServerError">
<html metal:use-macro="context/ui/template/macros/main">
<div metal:fill-slot="content" tal:define="o python:options">
<p tal:condition="o/error_message"
@ -1387,31 +1387,71 @@ class BaseMixin:
for name in templateName.split('/'): res = getattr(res, name)
return res
def download(self):
'''Downloads the content of the file that is in the File field named
def download(self, name=None):
'''Downloads the content of the file that is in the File field whose
name is in the request. This name can also represent an attribute
storing an image within a rich text field. If p_name is not given, it is retrieved
from the request.'''
name = self.REQUEST.get('name')
if not name: return
if '_img_' not in name:
appyType = self.getAppyType(name)
if (not appyType.type =='File') or not appyType.isShowable(self,'view'):
appyType = self.getAppyType(name.split('_img_')[0])
if not appyType.isShowable(self, 'view'):
from zExceptions import NotFound
raise NotFound()
theFile = getattr(self.aq_base, name, None)
if theFile:
response = self.REQUEST.RESPONSE
response.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'inline;filename="%s"' % \
# Define content type
if theFile.content_type:
response.setHeader('Content-Type', theFile.content_type)
response.setHeader('Cachecontrol', 'no-cache')
response.setHeader('Expires', 'Thu, 11 Dec 1975 12:05:05 GMT')
return theFile.index_html(self.REQUEST, self.REQUEST.RESPONSE)
def allows(self, permission):
def upload(self):
'''Receives an image uploaded by the user via ckeditor and stores it in
a special field on this object.'''
# Get the name of the rich text field for which an image must be stored.
params = self.REQUEST['QUERY_STRING'].split('&')
fieldName = params[0].split('=')[1]
ckNum = params[1].split('=')[1]
# We will store the image in a field named [fieldName]_img_[nb].
i = 1
attrName = '%s_img_%d' % (fieldName, i)
while True:
if not hasattr(self.aq_base, attrName):
i += 1
attrName = '%s_img_%d' % (fieldName, i)
# Store the image. Create a fake File instance for doing the job.
fakeFile = gen.File(isImage=True)
|||| = attrName
||||, self.REQUEST['upload'])
# Return the URL of the image.
url = '%s/download?name=%s' % (self.absolute_url(), attrName)
resp = "<script type='text/javascript'>" \
".callFunction(%s, '%s');</script>" % (ckNum, url)
def allows(self, permission, raiseError=False):
'''Has the logged user p_permission on p_self ?'''
return self.getUser().has_permission(permission, self)
hasPermission = self.getUser().has_permission(permission, self)
if not hasPermission and raiseError:
from AccessControl import Unauthorized
raise Unauthorized
return hasPermission
def getEditorInit(self, name):
'''Gets the Javascrit init code for displaying a rich editor for
'''Gets the Javascript init code for displaying a rich editor for
field named p_name.'''
return "CKEDITOR.replace('%s', {toolbar: 'Appy'})" % name
return "CKEDITOR.replace('%s', {toolbar: 'Appy', filebrowserUploadUrl:"\
"'%s/upload'})" % (name, self.absolute_url())
def getCalendarInit(self, name, years):
'''Gets the Javascript init code for displaying a calendar popup for
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<html metal:use-macro="context/ui/template/macros/main">
<metal:fill fill-slot="content"
tal:define="contextObj context/getParentNode;
dummy python: contextObj.allows('Modify portal content', raiseError=True);
errors request/errors | python:{};
layoutType python:'edit';
layout python: contextObj.getPageLayout(layoutType);
@ -9,7 +10,8 @@
phase phaseInfo/name;
page request/page|python:'main';
cssJs python: contextObj.getCssAndJs(contextObj.getAppyTypes(layoutType, page), layoutType);
confirmMsg request/confirmMsg | nothing;">
confirmMsg request/confirmMsg | nothing;"
tal:on-error="structure python: tool.manageError(error)">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Include type-specific CSS and JS.</tal:comment>
<link tal:repeat="cssFile cssJs/css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
<html metal:use-macro="context/ui/template/macros/main">
<metal:fill fill-slot="content"
tal:define="contextObj python: context.getParentNode();
dummy python: contextObj.allows('View', raiseError=True);
portal_type python: context.portal_type.lower().replace(' ', '_');
errors python: req.get('errors', {});
layoutType python:'view';
layout python: contextObj.getPageLayout(layoutType);
phaseInfo python: contextObj.getAppyPhases(currentOnly=True, layoutType='view');
page req/page|python:'main';
phase phaseInfo/name;">
phase phaseInfo/name;"
tal:on-error="structure python: tool.manageError(error)">
<metal:prologue use-macro="context/ui/page/macros/prologue"/>
<metal:show use-macro="context/ui/page/macros/show"/>
<metal:footer use-macro="context/ui/page/macros/footer"/>
@ -17,10 +17,12 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,USA.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, os.path, time, shutil, struct, random
import os, os.path, time, shutil, struct, random, urlparse
from appy.pod import PodError
from appy.pod.odf_parser import OdfEnvironment
from appy.shared import mimeTypesExts
from appy.shared.utils import FileWrapper
from appy.shared.dav import Resource
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FILE_NOT_FOUND = "'%s' does not exist or is not a file."
@ -32,28 +34,30 @@ PDF_TO_IMG_ERROR = 'A PDF file could not be converted into images. Please ' \
class DocImporter:
'''Base class used for importing external content into a pod template (an
image, another pod template, another odt document...'''
def __init__(self, content, at, format, tempFolder, ns, fileNames):
def __init__(self, content, at, format, renderer):
self.content = content
# If content is None, p_at tells us where to find it (file system path,
# url, etc)
|||| = at
# Ensure this path exists.
if at and not os.path.isfile(at): raise PodError(FILE_NOT_FOUND % at)
# Ensure this path exists, if it is a local path.
if at and not at.startswith('http') and not os.path.isfile(at):
raise PodError(FILE_NOT_FOUND % at)
self.format = format
self.res = u''
self.ns = ns
self.renderer = renderer
self.ns = renderer.currentParser.env.namespaces
# Unpack some useful namespaces
self.textNs = ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_TEXT]
self.linkNs = ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_XLINK]
self.drawNs = ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_DRAW]
self.svgNs = ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_SVG]
self.tempFolder = tempFolder
self.textNs = self.ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_TEXT]
self.linkNs = self.ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_XLINK]
self.drawNs = self.ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_DRAW]
self.svgNs = self.ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_SVG]
self.tempFolder = renderer.tempFolder
self.importFolder = self.getImportFolder()
# Create the import folder if it does not exist.
if not os.path.exists(self.importFolder): os.mkdir(self.importFolder)
self.importPath = self.getImportPath(at, format)
# A link to the global fileNames dict (explained in
self.fileNames = fileNames
self.fileNames = renderer.fileNames
if at:
# Move the file within the ODT, if it is an image and if this image
# has not already been imported.
@ -84,6 +88,9 @@ class DocImporter:
'''Gets the path name of the file to dump on disk (within the ODT for
images, in a temp folder for docs).'''
if not format:
if at.startswith('http'):
format = '' # We will know it only after the HTTP GET.
format = os.path.splitext(at)[1][1:]
fileName = 'f.%d.%f.%s' % (random.randint(0,10), time.time(), format)
return os.path.abspath('%s/%s' % (self.importFolder, fileName))
@ -136,8 +143,7 @@ class PdfImporter(DocImporter):
nextImage = '%s/%s%d.jpg' % (imagesFolder, self.imagePrefix, i)
if os.path.exists(nextImage):
# Use internally an Image importer for doing this job.
imgImporter = ImageImporter(None, nextImage, 'jpg',
self.tempFolder, self.ns, self.fileNames)
imgImporter =ImageImporter(None, nextImage, 'jpg',self.renderer)
self.res +=
@ -199,17 +205,70 @@ class ImageImporter(DocImporter):
# Yes!
i = importPath.rfind(self.pictFolder) + 1
return importPath[:i] + imagePath
# If I am here, the image has not already been imported: copy it.
# The image has not already been imported: copy it.
if not at.startswith('http'):
shutil.copy(at, importPath)
return importPath
# The image must be retrieved via a URL. Try to perform a HTTP GET.
response = Resource(at).get()
if response.code == 200:
# At last, I can get the file format.
self.format = mimeTypesExts[response.headers['Content-Type']]
importPath += self.format
f = file(importPath, 'wb')
return importPath
# The HTTP GET did not work, maybe for security reasons (we probably
# have no permission to get the file). But maybe the URL was a local
# one, from an application server running this POD code. In this case,
# if an image resolver has been given to POD, use it to retrieve the
# image.
imageResolver = self.renderer.imageResolver
if not imageResolver:
# Return some default image explaining that the image wasn't found.
import appy.pod
podFolder = os.path.dirname(appy.pod.__file__)
img = os.path.join(podFolder, 'imageNotFound.jpg')
self.format = 'jpg'
importPath += self.format
f = file(img)
imageContent =
f = file(importPath, 'wb')
# The imageResolver is a Zope application. From it, we will
# retrieve the object on which the image is stored and get
# the file to download.
urlParts = urlparse.urlsplit(at)
path = urlParts[2][1:]
obj = imageResolver.unrestrictedTraverse(path.split('/')[:-1])
zopeFile = getattr(obj, urlParts[3].split('=')[1])
appyFile = FileWrapper(zopeFile)
self.format = mimeTypesExts[appyFile.mimeType]
importPath += self.format
return importPath
def setImageInfo(self, anchor, wrapInPara, size):
def setImageInfo(self, anchor, wrapInPara, size, sizeUnit, style):
# Initialise anchor
if anchor not in self.anchorTypes:
raise PodError(self.WRONG_ANCHOR % str(self.anchorTypes))
self.anchor = anchor
self.wrapInPara = wrapInPara
self.size = size
self.sizeUnit = sizeUnit
# Put CSS attributes from p_style in a dict.
self.cssAttrs = {}
for attr in style.split(';'):
if not attr.strip(): continue
name, value = attr.strip().split(':')
value = value.strip()
if value.endswith('px'): value = value[:-2]
if value.isdigit(): value=int(value)
self.cssAttrs[name.strip()] = value
def run(self):
# Some shorcuts for the used xml namespaces
@ -222,19 +281,37 @@ class ImageImporter(DocImporter):
i = self.importPath.rfind(self.pictFolder)
imagePath = self.importPath[i+1:].replace('\\', '/')
self.fileNames[imagePath] =
# Compute image size, or retrieve it from self.size if given
# Retrieve image size from self.size.
width = height = None
if self.size:
width, height = self.size
if self.sizeUnit == 'px':
# Convert it to cm
width = float(width) / pxToCm
height = float(height) / pxToCm
# Override self.size if 'height' or 'width' is found in self.cssAttrs
if 'width' in self.cssAttrs:
width = float(self.cssAttrs['width']) / pxToCm
if 'height' in self.cssAttrs:
height = float(self.cssAttrs['height']) / pxToCm
# If width and/or height is missing, compute it.
if not width or not height:
width, height = getSize(self.importPath, self.format)
if width != None:
size = ' %s:width="%fcm" %s:height="%fcm"' % (s, width, s, height)
size = ''
image = '<%s:frame %s:name="%s" %s:z-index="0" %s:anchor-type="%s"%s>' \
'<%s:image %s:type="simple" %s:show="embed" %s:href="%s" ' \
'%s:actuate="onLoad"/></%s:frame>' % (d, d, imageName, d, t, \
self.anchor, size, d, x, x, x, imagePath, x, d)
if 'float' in self.cssAttrs:
floatValue = self.cssAttrs['float'].capitalize()
styleInfo = '%s:style-name="podImage%s" ' % (d, floatValue)
self.anchor = 'char'
styleInfo = ''
image = '<%s:frame %s%s:name="%s" %s:z-index="0" ' \
'%s:anchor-type="%s"%s><%s:image %s:type="simple" ' \
'%s:show="embed" %s:href="%s" %s:actuate="onLoad"/>' \
'</%s:frame>' % (d, styleInfo, d, imageName, d, t, self.anchor,
size, d, x, x, x, imagePath, x, d)
if hasattr(self, 'wrapInPara') and self.wrapInPara:
image = '<%s:p>%s</%s:p>' % (t, image, t)
self.res += image
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 861 B |
@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ STYLES_POD_FONTS = '<@style@:font-face @style@:name="PodStarSymbol" ' \
class Renderer:
def __init__(self, template, context, result, pythonWithUnoPath=None,
ooPort=2002, stylesMapping={}, forceOoCall=False,
finalizeFunction=None, overwriteExisting=False):
finalizeFunction=None, overwriteExisting=False,
'''This Python Open Document Renderer (PodRenderer) loads a document
template (p_template) which is an ODT file with some elements
written in Python. Based on this template and some Python objects
@ -128,7 +129,13 @@ class Renderer:
- If you set p_overwriteExisting to True, the renderer will overwrite
the result file. Else, an exception will be thrown if the result file
already exists.'''
already exists.
- p_imageResolver allows POD to retrieve images, from "img" tags within
XHTML content. Indeed, POD may not be able (ie, may not have the
permission to) perform a HTTP GET on those images. Currently, the
resolver can only be a Zope application object.
self.template = template
self.templateZip = zipfile.ZipFile(template)
self.result = result
@ -143,6 +150,7 @@ class Renderer:
self.forceOoCall = forceOoCall
self.finalizeFunction = finalizeFunction
self.overwriteExisting = overwriteExisting
self.imageResolver = imageResolver
# Remember potential files or images that will be included through
# "do ... from document" statements: we will need to declare them in
# META-INF/manifest.xml. Keys are file names as they appear within the
@ -235,13 +243,12 @@ class Renderer:
for converting a chunk of XHTML content (p_xhtmlString) into a chunk
of ODT content.'''
stylesMapping = self.stylesManager.checkStylesMapping(stylesMapping)
ns = self.currentParser.env.namespaces
# xhtmlString can only be a chunk of XHTML. So we must surround it a
# tag in order to get a XML-compliant file (we need a root tag).
if xhtmlString == None: xhtmlString = ''
xhtmlContent = '<p>%s</p>' % xhtmlString
return Xhtml2OdtConverter(xhtmlContent, encoding, self.stylesManager,
stylesMapping, ns).run()
stylesMapping, self).run()
def renderText(self, text, encoding='utf-8', stylesMapping={}):
'''Method that can be used (under the name 'text') into a pod template
@ -262,7 +269,8 @@ class Renderer:
imageFormats = ('png', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif')
ooFormats = ('odt',)
def importDocument(self, content=None, at=None, format=None,
anchor='as-char', wrapInPara=True, size=None):
anchor='as-char', wrapInPara=True, size=None,
sizeUnit='cm', style=None):
'''If p_at is not None, it represents a path or url allowing to find
the document. If p_at is None, the content of the document is
supposed to be in binary format in p_content. The document
@ -274,9 +282,14 @@ class Renderer:
* p_wrapInPara, if true, wraps the resulting 'image' tag into a 'p'
* p_size, if specified, is a tuple of float or integers
(width, height) expressing size in centimeters. If not
specified, size will be computed from image info.'''
ns = self.currentParser.env.namespaces
(width, height) expressing size in p_sizeUnit (see below).
If not specified, size will be computed from image info.
* p_sizeUnit is the unit for p_size elements, it can be "cm"
(centimeters) or "px" (pixels).
* If p_style is given, it is the content of a "style" attribute,
containing CSS attributes. If "width" and "heigth" attributes are
found there, they will override p_size and p_sizeUnit.
importer = None
# Is there someting to import?
if not content and not at:
@ -297,16 +310,17 @@ class Renderer:
if format in self.ooFormats:
importer = OdtImporter
self.forceOoCall = True
elif format in self.imageFormats:
elif (format in self.imageFormats) or not format:
# If the format can't be guessed, we suppose it is an image.
importer = ImageImporter
isImage = True
elif format == 'pdf':
importer = PdfImporter
raise PodError(DOC_WRONG_FORMAT % format)
imp = importer(content, at, format, self.tempFolder, ns, self.fileNames)
imp = importer(content, at, format, self)
# Initialise image-specific parameters
if isImage: imp.setImageInfo(anchor, wrapInPara, size)
if isImage: imp.setImageInfo(anchor, wrapInPara, size, sizeUnit, style)
res =
return res
@ -113,3 +113,9 @@
<@style@:list-level-properties @text@:space-before="2.5in" @text@:min-label-width="0.25in"/>
<@style@:style @style@:name="podImageLeft" @style@:family="graphic" @style@:parent-style-name="Graphics">
<@style@:graphic-properties @style@:run-through="foreground" @style@:wrap="parallel" @style@:number-wrapped-paragraphs="no-limit" @style@:wrap-contour="false" @style@:vertical-pos="top" @style@:vertical-rel="paragraph" @style@:horizontal-pos="left" @style@:horizontal-rel="paragraph" @style@:mirror="none" @fo@:clip="rect(0cm, 0.3cm, 0cm, 0cm)"/>
<@style@:style @style@:name="podImageRight" @style@:family="graphic" @style@:parent-style-name="Graphics">
<@style@:graphic-properties @style@:run-through="foreground" @style@:wrap="parallel" @style@:number-wrapped-paragraphs="no-limit" @style@:wrap-contour="false" @style@:vertical-pos="top" @style@:vertical-rel="paragraph" @style@:horizontal-pos="right" @style@:horizontal-rel="paragraph" @style@:mirror="none" @fo@:clip="rect(0cm, 0.3cm, 0cm, 0cm)"/>
@ -214,16 +214,18 @@ class XhtmlEnvironment(XmlEnvironment):
'ul_kwn': 'podBulletItemKeepWithNext',
'ol_kwn': 'podNumberItemKeepWithNext'}
listStyles = {'ul': 'podBulletedList', 'ol': 'podNumberedList'}
def __init__(self, ns):
def __init__(self, renderer):
self.renderer = renderer
self.ns = renderer.currentParser.env.namespaces
self.res = u''
self.currentContent = u''
self.currentElements = [] # Stack of currently walked elements
self.currentLists = [] # Stack of currently walked lists (ul or ol)
self.currentTables = [] # Stack of currently walked tables
self.textNs = ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_TEXT]
self.linkNs = ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_XLINK]
self.tableNs = ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_TABLE]
self.textNs = self.ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_TEXT]
self.linkNs = self.ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_XLINK]
self.tableNs = self.ns[OdfEnvironment.NS_TABLE]
self.ignore = False # Will be True when parsing parts of the XHTML that
# must be ignored.
@ -445,6 +447,12 @@ class XhtmlParser(XmlParser):
e.dumpString(' %s:number-columns-spanned="%s"' % \
(e.tableNs, attrs['colspan']))
elif elem == 'img':
style = None
if attrs.has_key('style'): style = attrs['style']
imgCode = e.renderer.importDocument(at=attrs['src'],
wrapInPara=False, style=style)
elif elem in IGNORABLE_TAGS:
e.ignore = True
@ -483,7 +491,8 @@ class XhtmlParser(XmlParser):
class Xhtml2OdtConverter:
'''Converts a chunk of XHTML into a chunk of ODT.'''
def __init__(self, xhtmlString, encoding, stylesManager, localStylesMapping,
self.renderer = renderer
self.xhtmlString = xhtmlString
self.encoding = encoding # Todo: manage encoding that is not utf-8
self.stylesManager = stylesManager
@ -491,7 +500,7 @@ class Xhtml2OdtConverter:
self.globalStylesMapping = stylesManager.stylesMapping
self.localStylesMapping = localStylesMapping
self.odtChunk = None
self.xhtmlParser = XhtmlParser(XhtmlEnvironment(ns), self)
self.xhtmlParser = XhtmlParser(XhtmlEnvironment(renderer), self)
def run(self):
Reference in a new issue