2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
import os, os.path, re, sys, parser, symbol, token, types
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
import appy.pod, appy.pod.renderer
from appy.shared.utils import FolderDeleter
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
import appy.gen as gen
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
from po import PoMessage, PoFile, PoParser
from descriptors import *
from utils import produceNiceMessage, getClassName
2012-03-26 12:09:45 -05:00
from model import ModelClass, User, Group, Tool, Translation, Page
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GeneratorError(Exception): pass
# I need the following classes to parse Python classes and find in which
# order the attributes are defined. --------------------------------------------
class AstMatcher:
'''Allows to find a given pattern within an ast (part).'''
def _match(pattern, node):
res = None
if pattern[0] == node[0]:
# This level matches
if len(pattern) == 1:
return node
if type(node[1]) == tuple:
return AstMatcher._match(pattern[1:], node[1])
return res
_match = staticmethod(_match)
def match(pattern, node):
res = []
for subNode in node[1:]:
# Do I find the pattern among the subnodes ?
occurrence = AstMatcher._match(pattern, subNode)
if occurrence:
return res
match = staticmethod(match)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AstClass:
'''Python class.'''
def __init__(self, node):
# Link to the Python ast node
self.node = node
self.name = node[2][1]
self.attributes = [] # We are only interested in parsing static
# attributes to now their order
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2,5):
self.statementPattern = (
symbol.stmt, symbol.simple_stmt, symbol.small_stmt,
symbol.expr_stmt, symbol.testlist, symbol.test, symbol.or_test,
symbol.and_test, symbol.not_test, symbol.comparison, symbol.expr,
symbol.xor_expr, symbol.and_expr, symbol.shift_expr,
symbol.arith_expr, symbol.term, symbol.factor, symbol.power)
self.statementPattern = (
symbol.stmt, symbol.simple_stmt, symbol.small_stmt,
symbol.expr_stmt, symbol.testlist, symbol.test, symbol.and_test,
symbol.not_test, symbol.comparison, symbol.expr, symbol.xor_expr,
symbol.and_expr, symbol.shift_expr, symbol.arith_expr,
symbol.term, symbol.factor, symbol.power)
for subNode in node[1:]:
if subNode[0] == symbol.suite:
# We are in the class body
def getStaticAttributes(self, classBody):
statements = AstMatcher.match(self.statementPattern, classBody)
for statement in statements:
if len(statement) == 2 and statement[1][0] == symbol.atom and \
statement[1][1][0] == token.NAME:
attrName = statement[1][1][1]
def __repr__(self):
return '<class %s has attrs %s>' % (self.name, str(self.attributes))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Ast:
'''Python AST.'''
classPattern = (symbol.stmt, symbol.compound_stmt, symbol.classdef)
2012-05-31 10:29:06 -05:00
utf8prologue = '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def __init__(self, pyFile):
f = file(pyFile)
fContent = f.read()
2012-05-31 10:29:06 -05:00
# For some unknown reason, when an UTF-8 encoding is declared, parsing
# does not work.
if fContent.startswith(self.utf8prologue):
fContent = fContent[len(self.utf8prologue):]
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
fContent = fContent.replace('\r', '')
ast = parser.suite(fContent).totuple()
# Get all the classes defined within this module.
self.classes = {}
classNodes = AstMatcher.match(self.classPattern, ast)
for node in classNodes:
astClass = AstClass(node)
self.classes[astClass.name] = astClass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CODE_HEADER = '''# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# GNU General Public License (GPL)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.
class Generator:
'''Abstract base class for building a generator.'''
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
def __init__(self, application, options):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
self.application = application
# Determine application name
self.applicationName = os.path.basename(application)
# Determine output folder (where to store the generated product)
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
self.outputFolder = os.path.join(application, 'zope',
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
self.options = options
# Determine templates folder
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
genFolder = os.path.dirname(__file__)
self.templatesFolder = os.path.join(genFolder, 'templates')
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# Default descriptor classes
2010-08-05 11:23:17 -05:00
self.descriptorClasses = {
'class': ClassDescriptor, 'tool': ClassDescriptor,
2010-10-14 07:43:56 -05:00
'user': ClassDescriptor, 'workflow': WorkflowDescriptor}
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# The following dict contains a series of replacements that need to be
# applied to file templates to generate files.
self.repls = {'applicationName': self.applicationName,
'applicationPath': os.path.dirname(self.application),
'codeHeader': CODE_HEADER}
# List of Appy classes and workflows found in the application
self.classes = []
2010-08-05 11:23:17 -05:00
self.tool = None
2010-09-02 09:16:08 -05:00
self.user = None
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
self.workflows = []
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
self.config = gen.Config.getDefault()
2009-11-11 13:22:13 -06:00
self.modulesWithTests = set()
2009-12-03 09:45:05 -06:00
self.totalNumberOfTests = 0
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def determineAppyType(self, klass):
'''Is p_klass an Appy class ? An Appy workflow? None of this ?
If it (or a parent) declares at least one appy type definition,
it will be considered an Appy class. If it (or a parent) declares at
least one state definition, it will be considered an Appy
res = 'none'
for attrValue in klass.__dict__.itervalues():
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
if isinstance(attrValue, gen.Type):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
res = 'class'
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
elif isinstance(attrValue, gen.State):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
res = 'workflow'
if not res:
for baseClass in klass.__bases__:
baseClassType = self.determineAppyType(baseClass)
if baseClassType != 'none':
res = baseClassType
return res
2009-11-11 13:22:13 -06:00
def containsTests(self, moduleOrClass):
2009-12-03 09:45:05 -06:00
'''Returns True if p_moduleOrClass contains doctests. This method also
counts tests and updates self.totalNumberOfTests.'''
res = False
docString = moduleOrClass.__doc__
if docString and (docString.find('>>>') != -1):
self.totalNumberOfTests += 1
res = True
# Count also docstring in methods
if type(moduleOrClass) == types.ClassType:
for name, elem in moduleOrClass.__dict__.iteritems():
if type(elem) in (staticmethod, classmethod):
elem = elem.__get__(name)
2011-02-17 11:13:42 -06:00
if callable(elem) and (type(elem) != types.ClassType) and \
hasattr(elem, '__doc__') and elem.__doc__ and \
2009-12-03 09:45:05 -06:00
(elem.__doc__.find('>>>') != -1):
res = True
self.totalNumberOfTests += 1
return res
2009-11-11 13:22:13 -06:00
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
IMPORT_ERROR = 'Warning: error while importing module %s (%s)'
SYNTAX_ERROR = 'Warning: error while parsing module %s (%s)'
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
noVisit = ('tr', 'zope')
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def walkModule(self, moduleName):
'''Visits a given (sub-*)module into the application.'''
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# Some sub-modules must not be visited
for nv in self.noVisit:
nvName = '%s.%s' % (self.applicationName, nv)
if moduleName == nvName: return
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
exec 'import %s' % moduleName
exec 'moduleObj = %s' % moduleName
moduleFile = moduleObj.__file__
if moduleFile.endswith('.pyc'):
moduleFile = moduleFile[:-1]
astClasses = Ast(moduleFile).classes
except ImportError, ie:
# True import error or, simply, this is a simple folder within
# the application, not a sub-module.
print self.IMPORT_ERROR % (moduleName, str(ie))
except SyntaxError, se:
print self.SYNTAX_ERROR % (moduleName, str(se))
2009-11-11 13:22:13 -06:00
if self.containsTests(moduleObj):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
classType = type(Generator)
# Find all classes in this module
for moduleElemName in moduleObj.__dict__.keys():
exec 'moduleElem = moduleObj.%s' % moduleElemName
if (type(moduleElem) == classType) and \
(moduleElem.__module__ == moduleObj.__name__):
# We have found a Python class definition in this module.
appyType = self.determineAppyType(moduleElem)
if appyType != 'none':
# Produce a list of static class attributes (in the order
# of their definition).
attrs = astClasses[moduleElem.__name__].attributes
if appyType == 'class':
2010-10-14 07:43:56 -05:00
# Determine the class type (standard, tool, user...)
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
if issubclass(moduleElem, gen.Tool):
2010-08-05 11:23:17 -05:00
if not self.tool:
klass = self.descriptorClasses['tool']
self.tool = klass(moduleElem, attrs, self)
self.tool.update(moduleElem, attrs)
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
elif issubclass(moduleElem, gen.User):
2010-09-02 09:16:08 -05:00
if not self.user:
klass = self.descriptorClasses['user']
self.user = klass(moduleElem, attrs, self)
self.user.update(moduleElem, attrs)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
2010-08-05 11:23:17 -05:00
descriptorClass = self.descriptorClasses['class']
descriptor = descriptorClass(moduleElem,attrs, self)
# Manage classes containing tests
2009-11-11 13:22:13 -06:00
if self.containsTests(moduleElem):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
elif appyType == 'workflow':
2010-08-05 11:23:17 -05:00
descriptorClass = self.descriptorClasses['workflow']
descriptor = descriptorClass(moduleElem, attrs, self)
2009-11-11 13:22:13 -06:00
if self.containsTests(moduleElem):
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
elif isinstance(moduleElem, gen.Config):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
self.config = moduleElem
# Walk potential sub-modules
if moduleFile.find('__init__.py') != -1:
# Potentially, sub-modules exist
moduleFolder = os.path.dirname(moduleFile)
for elem in os.listdir(moduleFolder):
2009-08-04 07:39:43 -05:00
if elem.startswith('.'): continue
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
subModuleName, ext = os.path.splitext(elem)
if ((ext == '.py') and (subModuleName != '__init__')) or \
os.path.isdir(os.path.join(moduleFolder, subModuleName)):
# Submodules may be sub-folders or Python files
subModuleName = '%s.%s' % (moduleName, subModuleName)
def walkApplication(self):
'''This method walks into the application and creates the corresponding
meta-classes in self.classes, self.workflows, etc.'''
# Where is the application located ?
containingFolder = os.path.dirname(self.application)
# What is the name of the application ?
appName = os.path.basename(self.application)
def generateClass(self, classDescr):
'''This method is called whenever a Python class declaring Appy type
definition(s) is encountered within the application.'''
def generateWorkflow(self, workflowDescr):
'''This method is called whenever a Python class declaring states and
transitions is encountered within the application.'''
def initialize(self):
'''Called before the old product is removed (if any), in __init__.'''
def finalize(self):
'''Called at the end of the generation process.'''
def copyFile(self, fileName, replacements, destName=None, destFolder=None,
'''This method will copy p_fileName from self.templatesFolder to
self.outputFolder (or in a subFolder if p_destFolder is given)
after having replaced all p_replacements. If p_isPod is True,
p_fileName is a POD template and the copied file is the result of
applying p_fileName with context p_replacements.'''
# Get the path of the template file to copy
templatePath = os.path.join(self.templatesFolder, fileName)
# Get (or create if needed) the path of the result file
destFile = fileName
if destName: destFile = destName
if destFolder: destFile = '%s/%s' % (destFolder, destFile)
absDestFolder = self.outputFolder
if destFolder:
absDestFolder = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, destFolder)
if not os.path.exists(absDestFolder):
resultPath = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, destFile)
if os.path.exists(resultPath): os.remove(resultPath)
if not isPod:
# Copy the template file to result file after having performed some
# replacements
f = file(templatePath)
fileContent = f.read()
if not fileName.endswith('.png'):
for rKey, rValue in replacements.iteritems():
fileContent = fileContent.replace(
'<!%s!>' % rKey, str(rValue))
f = file(resultPath, 'w')
# Call the POD renderer to produce the result
rendererParams = {'template': templatePath,
'context': replacements,
'result': resultPath}
renderer = appy.pod.renderer.Renderer(**rendererParams)
def run(self):
2010-08-05 11:23:17 -05:00
for descriptor in self.classes: self.generateClass(descriptor)
for descriptor in self.workflows: self.generateWorkflow(descriptor)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
2009-12-03 09:45:05 -06:00
msg = ''
if self.totalNumberOfTests:
msg = ' (number of tests found: %d)' % self.totalNumberOfTests
print 'Done%s.' % msg
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ZopeGenerator(Generator):
'''This generator generates a Zope-compliant product from a given Appy
poExtensions = ('.po', '.pot')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Generator.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Set our own Descriptor classes
self.descriptorClasses['class'] = ClassDescriptor
2012-03-26 12:09:45 -05:00
# Create Tool, User, Group, Translation and Page instances.
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
self.tool = ToolClassDescriptor(Tool, self)
self.user = UserClassDescriptor(User, self)
self.group = GroupClassDescriptor(Group, self)
self.translation = TranslationClassDescriptor(Translation, self)
2012-03-26 12:09:45 -05:00
self.page = PageClassDescriptor(Page, self)
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
# i18n labels to generate
self.labels = [] # i18n labels
self.referers = {}
versionRex = re.compile('(.*?\s+build)\s+(\d+)')
def initialize(self):
# Determine version number
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
self.version = '0.1.0 build 1'
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
versionTxt = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, 'version.txt')
if os.path.exists(versionTxt):
f = file(versionTxt)
oldVersion = f.read().strip()
res = self.versionRex.search(oldVersion)
self.version = res.group(1) + ' ' + str(int(res.group(2))+1)
# Existing i18n files
self.i18nFiles = {} #~{p_fileName: PoFile}~
# Retrieve existing i18n files if any
i18nFolder = os.path.join(self.application, 'tr')
if os.path.exists(i18nFolder):
for fileName in os.listdir(i18nFolder):
name, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
if ext in self.poExtensions:
poParser = PoParser(os.path.join(i18nFolder, fileName))
self.i18nFiles[fileName] = poParser.parse()
def finalize(self):
# Some useful aliases
msg = PoMessage
app = self.applicationName
# Some global i18n messages
poMsg = msg(app, '', app); poMsg.produceNiceDefault()
self.labels += [poMsg,
2012-09-20 02:37:33 -05:00
msg('app_name', '', msg.APP_NAME),
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
msg('workflow_state', '', msg.WORKFLOW_STATE),
msg('appy_title', '', msg.APPY_TITLE),
msg('data_change', '', msg.DATA_CHANGE),
msg('modified_field', '', msg.MODIFIED_FIELD),
msg('previous_value', '', msg.PREVIOUS_VALUE),
msg('phase', '', msg.PHASE),
msg('workflow_comment', '', msg.WORKFLOW_COMMENT),
msg('choose_a_value', '', msg.CHOOSE_A_VALUE),
msg('choose_a_doc', '', msg.CHOOSE_A_DOC),
msg('min_ref_violated', '', msg.MIN_REF_VIOLATED),
msg('max_ref_violated', '', msg.MAX_REF_VIOLATED),
msg('no_ref', '', msg.REF_NO),
msg('add_ref', '', msg.REF_ADD),
msg('action_ok', '', msg.ACTION_OK),
msg('action_ko', '', msg.ACTION_KO),
msg('move_up', '', msg.REF_MOVE_UP),
msg('move_down', '', msg.REF_MOVE_DOWN),
msg('query_create', '', msg.QUERY_CREATE),
msg('query_import', '', msg.QUERY_IMPORT),
msg('query_no_result', '', msg.QUERY_NO_RESULT),
msg('query_consult_all', '', msg.QUERY_CONSULT_ALL),
msg('import_title', '', msg.IMPORT_TITLE),
msg('import_show_hide', '', msg.IMPORT_SHOW_HIDE),
msg('import_already', '', msg.IMPORT_ALREADY),
msg('import_many', '', msg.IMPORT_MANY),
msg('import_done', '', msg.IMPORT_DONE),
msg('search_title', '', msg.SEARCH_TITLE),
msg('search_button', '', msg.SEARCH_BUTTON),
msg('search_objects', '', msg.SEARCH_OBJECTS),
msg('search_results', '', msg.SEARCH_RESULTS),
msg('search_results_descr', '', ' '),
msg('search_new', '', msg.SEARCH_NEW),
msg('search_from', '', msg.SEARCH_FROM),
msg('search_to', '', msg.SEARCH_TO),
msg('search_or', '', msg.SEARCH_OR),
msg('search_and', '', msg.SEARCH_AND),
msg('ref_invalid_index', '', msg.REF_INVALID_INDEX),
msg('bad_long', '', msg.BAD_LONG),
msg('bad_float', '', msg.BAD_FLOAT),
msg('bad_date', '', msg.BAD_DATE),
msg('bad_email', '', msg.BAD_EMAIL),
msg('bad_url', '', msg.BAD_URL),
msg('bad_alphanumeric', '', msg.BAD_ALPHANUMERIC),
msg('bad_select_value', '', msg.BAD_SELECT_VALUE),
msg('select_delesect', '', msg.SELECT_DESELECT),
msg('no_elem_selected', '', msg.NO_SELECTION),
2012-06-03 11:34:56 -05:00
msg('object_edit', '', msg.EDIT),
msg('object_delete', '', msg.DELETE),
2012-10-08 03:08:54 -05:00
msg('object_unlink', '', msg.UNLINK),
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
msg('delete_confirm', '', msg.DELETE_CONFIRM),
2012-10-08 03:08:54 -05:00
msg('unlink_confirm', '', msg.UNLINK_CONFIRM),
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
msg('delete_done', '', msg.DELETE_DONE),
2012-10-08 03:08:54 -05:00
msg('unlink_done', '', msg.UNLINK_DONE),
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
msg('goto_first', '', msg.GOTO_FIRST),
msg('goto_previous', '', msg.GOTO_PREVIOUS),
msg('goto_next', '', msg.GOTO_NEXT),
msg('goto_last', '', msg.GOTO_LAST),
msg('goto_source', '', msg.GOTO_SOURCE),
msg('whatever', '', msg.WHATEVER),
msg('yes', '', msg.YES),
msg('no', '', msg.NO),
msg('field_required', '', msg.FIELD_REQUIRED),
msg('field_invalid', '', msg.FIELD_INVALID),
msg('file_required', '', msg.FILE_REQUIRED),
msg('image_required', '', msg.IMAGE_REQUIRED),
msg('odt', '', msg.FORMAT_ODT),
msg('pdf', '', msg.FORMAT_PDF),
msg('doc', '', msg.FORMAT_DOC),
msg('rtf', '', msg.FORMAT_RTF),
msg('front_page_text', '', msg.FRONT_PAGE_TEXT),
2012-02-16 11:13:51 -06:00
msg('captcha_text', '', msg.CAPTCHA_TEXT),
msg('bad_captcha', '', msg.BAD_CAPTCHA),
2012-06-03 11:34:56 -05:00
msg('app_login', '', msg.LOGIN),
msg('app_connect', '', msg.CONNECT),
msg('app_logout', '', msg.LOGOUT),
msg('app_password', '', msg.PASSWORD),
msg('app_home', '', msg.HOME),
msg('login_reserved', '', msg.LOGIN_RESERVED),
msg('login_in_use', '', msg.LOGIN_IN_USE),
msg('login_ko', '', msg.LOGIN_KO),
msg('login_ok', '', msg.LOGIN_OK),
msg('password_too_short', '', msg.PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT),
msg('passwords_mismatch', '', msg.PASSWORDS_MISMATCH),
msg('object_save', '', msg.SAVE),
msg('object_saved', '', msg.SAVED),
msg('validation_error', '', msg.ERROR),
msg('object_cancel', '', msg.CANCEL),
msg('object_canceled', '', msg.CANCELED),
msg('enable_cookies', '', msg.ENABLE_COOKIES),
msg('page_previous', '', msg.PAGE_PREVIOUS),
msg('page_next', '', msg.PAGE_NEXT),
2012-07-09 08:47:38 -05:00
msg('forgot_password', '', msg.FORGOT_PASSWORD),
msg('ask_password_reinit', '', msg.ASK_PASSWORD_REINIT),
2012-09-19 10:48:49 -05:00
msg('wrong_password_reinit','', msg.WRONG_PASSWORD_REINIT),
2012-07-09 08:47:38 -05:00
msg('reinit_mail_sent', '', msg.REINIT_MAIL_SENT),
msg('reinit_password', '', msg.REINIT_PASSWORD),
msg('reinit_password_body', '', msg.REINIT_PASSWORD_BODY),
msg('new_password', '', msg.NEW_PASSWORD),
msg('new_password_body', '', msg.NEW_PASSWORD_BODY),
msg('new_password_sent', '', msg.NEW_PASSWORD_SENT),
2012-07-18 14:58:11 -05:00
msg('last_user_access', '', msg.LAST_USER_ACCESS),
msg('object_history', '', msg.OBJECT_HISTORY),
msg('object_created_by', '', msg.OBJECT_CREATED_BY),
msg('object_created_on', '', msg.OBJECT_CREATED_ON),
msg('object_action', '', msg.OBJECT_ACTION),
msg('object_author', '', msg.OBJECT_AUTHOR),
msg('action_date', '', msg.ACTION_DATE),
msg('action_comment', '', msg.ACTION_COMMENT),
2012-10-03 07:44:34 -05:00
msg('day_Mon_short', '', msg.DAY_MON_SHORT),
msg('day_Tue_short', '', msg.DAY_TUE_SHORT),
msg('day_Wed_short', '', msg.DAY_WED_SHORT),
msg('day_Thu_short', '', msg.DAY_THU_SHORT),
msg('day_Fri_short', '', msg.DAY_FRI_SHORT),
msg('day_Sat_short', '', msg.DAY_SAT_SHORT),
msg('day_Sun_short', '', msg.DAY_SUN_SHORT),
msg('day_Mon', '', msg.DAY_MON),
msg('day_Tue', '', msg.DAY_TUE),
msg('day_Wed', '', msg.DAY_WED),
msg('day_Thu', '', msg.DAY_THU),
msg('day_Fri', '', msg.DAY_FRI),
msg('day_Sat', '', msg.DAY_SAT),
msg('day_Sun', '', msg.DAY_SUN),
msg('ampm_am', '', msg.AMPM_AM),
msg('ampm_pm', '', msg.AMPM_PM),
msg('month_Jan_short', '', msg.MONTH_JAN_SHORT),
msg('month_Feb_short', '', msg.MONTH_FEB_SHORT),
msg('month_Mar_short', '', msg.MONTH_MAR_SHORT),
msg('month_Apr_short', '', msg.MONTH_APR_SHORT),
msg('month_May_short', '', msg.MONTH_MAY_SHORT),
msg('month_Jun_short', '', msg.MONTH_JUN_SHORT),
msg('month_Jul_short', '', msg.MONTH_JUL_SHORT),
msg('month_Aug_short', '', msg.MONTH_AUG_SHORT),
msg('month_Sep_short', '', msg.MONTH_SEP_SHORT),
msg('month_Oct_short', '', msg.MONTH_OCT_SHORT),
msg('month_Nov_short', '', msg.MONTH_NOV_SHORT),
msg('month_Dec_short', '', msg.MONTH_DEC_SHORT),
msg('month_Jan', '', msg.MONTH_JAN),
msg('month_Feb', '', msg.MONTH_FEB),
msg('month_Mar', '', msg.MONTH_MAR),
msg('month_Apr', '', msg.MONTH_APR),
msg('month_May', '', msg.MONTH_MAY),
msg('month_Jun', '', msg.MONTH_JUN),
msg('month_Jul', '', msg.MONTH_JUL),
msg('month_Aug', '', msg.MONTH_AUG),
msg('month_Sep', '', msg.MONTH_SEP),
msg('month_Oct', '', msg.MONTH_OCT),
msg('month_Nov', '', msg.MONTH_NOV),
msg('month_Dec', '', msg.MONTH_DEC),
msg('today', '', msg.TODAY),
msg('which_event', '', msg.WHICH_EVENT),
msg('event_span', '', msg.EVENT_SPAN),
msg('del_next_events', '', msg.DEL_NEXT_EVENTS),
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
# Create a label for every role added by this application
for role in self.getAllUsedRoles():
self.labels.append(msg('role_%s' % role.name,'', role.name,
# Create basic files (config.py, etc)
# Create version.txt
f = open(os.path.join(self.outputFolder, 'version.txt'), 'w')
# Make folder "tests" a Python package
initFile = '%s/tests/__init__.py' % self.outputFolder
if not os.path.isfile(initFile):
f = open(initFile, 'w')
# Decline i18n labels into versions for child classes
for classDescr in self.classes:
for poMsg in classDescr.labelsToPropagate:
for childDescr in classDescr.getChildren():
childMsg = poMsg.clone(classDescr.name, childDescr.name)
if childMsg not in self.labels:
# Generate i18n pot file
potFileName = '%s.pot' % self.applicationName
if self.i18nFiles.has_key(potFileName):
potFile = self.i18nFiles[potFileName]
fullName = os.path.join(self.application, 'tr', potFileName)
potFile = PoFile(fullName)
self.i18nFiles[potFileName] = potFile
# We update the POT file with our list of automatically managed labels.
removedLabels = potFile.update(self.labels, self.options.i18nClean,
not self.options.i18nSort)
if removedLabels:
print 'Warning: %d messages were removed from translation ' \
'files: %s' % (len(removedLabels), str(removedLabels))
# Before generating the POT file, we still need to add one label for
# every page for the Translation class. We've not done it yet because
# the number of pages depends on the total number of labels in the POT
# file.
pageLabels = []
nbOfPages = int(len(potFile.messages)/self.config.translationsPerPage)+1
for i in range(nbOfPages):
msgId = '%s_page_%d' % (self.translation.name, i+2)
pageLabels.append(msg(msgId, '', 'Page %d' % (i+2)))
potFile.update(pageLabels, keepExistingOrder=False)
# Generate i18n po files
for language in self.config.languages:
# I must generate (or update) a po file for the language(s)
# specified in the configuration.
poFileName = potFile.getPoFileName(language)
if self.i18nFiles.has_key(poFileName):
poFile = self.i18nFiles[poFileName]
fullName = os.path.join(self.application, 'tr', poFileName)
poFile = PoFile(fullName)
self.i18nFiles[poFileName] = poFile
poFile.update(potFile.messages, self.options.i18nClean,
not self.options.i18nSort)
# Generate corresponding fields on the Translation class
page = 'main'
i = 0
for message in potFile.messages:
i += 1
# A computed field is used for displaying the text to translate.
self.translation.addLabelField(message.id, page)
# A String field will hold the translation in itself.
self.translation.addMessageField(message.id, page, self.i18nFiles)
if (i % self.config.translationsPerPage) == 0:
# A new page must be defined.
if page == 'main':
page = '2'
page = str(int(page)+1)
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
def getAllUsedRoles(self, zope=None, local=None, grantable=None):
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
'''Produces a list of all the roles used within all workflows and
classes defined in this application.
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
If p_zope is True, it keeps only Zope-standard roles; if p_zope
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
is False, it keeps only roles which are specific to this application;
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
if p_zope is None it has no effect (so it keeps both roles).
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
If p_local is True, it keeps only local roles (ie, roles that can
only be granted locally); if p_local is False, it keeps only "global"
roles; if p_local is None it has no effect (so it keeps both roles).
If p_grantable is True, it keeps only roles that the admin can
grant; if p_grantable is False, if keeps only ungrantable roles (ie
those that are implicitly granted by the system like role
"Authenticated"); if p_grantable is None it keeps both roles.'''
allRoles = {} # ~{s_roleName:Role_role}~
# Gather roles from workflow states and transitions
for wfDescr in self.workflows:
for attr in dir(wfDescr.klass):
attrValue = getattr(wfDescr.klass, attr)
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
if isinstance(attrValue, gen.State) or \
isinstance(attrValue, gen.Transition):
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
for role in attrValue.getUsedRoles():
if role.name not in allRoles:
allRoles[role.name] = role
# Gather roles from "creators" attributes from every class
for cDescr in self.getClasses(include='all'):
for role in cDescr.getCreators():
if role.name not in allRoles:
allRoles[role.name] = role
res = allRoles.values()
# Filter the result according to parameters
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
for p in ('zope', 'local', 'grantable'):
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
if eval(p) != None:
res = [r for r in res if eval('r.%s == %s' % (p, p))]
return res
def addReferer(self, fieldDescr):
'''p_fieldDescr is a Ref type definition.'''
k = fieldDescr.appyType.klass
refClassName = getClassName(k, self.applicationName)
if not self.referers.has_key(refClassName):
self.referers[refClassName] = []
def getAppyTypePath(self, name, appyType, klass, isBack=False):
'''Gets the path to the p_appyType when a direct reference to an
appyType must be generated in a Python file.'''
if issubclass(klass, ModelClass):
res = 'wrappers.%s.%s' % (klass.__name__, name)
res = '%s.%s.%s' % (klass.__module__, klass.__name__, name)
if isBack: res += '.back'
return res
def getClasses(self, include=None):
'''Returns the descriptors for all the classes in the generated
gen-application. If p_include is:
* "all" it includes the descriptors for the config-related
2012-03-26 12:09:45 -05:00
classes (tool, user, group, translation, page)
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
* "allButTool" it includes the same descriptors, the tool excepted
* "custom" it includes descriptors for the config-related classes
for which the user has created a sub-class.'''
if not include: return self.classes
res = self.classes[:]
2012-03-26 12:09:45 -05:00
configClasses = [self.tool, self.user, self.group, self.translation,
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
if include == 'all':
res += configClasses
elif include == 'allButTool':
res += configClasses[1:]
elif include == 'custom':
res += [c for c in configClasses if c.customized]
elif include == 'predefined':
res = configClasses
return res
def generateConfig(self):
repls = self.repls.copy()
# Get some lists of classes
classes = self.getClasses()
classesWithCustom = self.getClasses(include='custom')
classesButTool = self.getClasses(include='allButTool')
classesAll = self.getClasses(include='all')
# Compute imports
imports = ['import %s' % self.applicationName]
for classDescr in (classesWithCustom + self.workflows):
theImport = 'import %s' % classDescr.klass.__module__
if theImport not in imports:
repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports)
# Compute default add roles
repls['defaultAddRoles'] = ','.join(
['"%s"' % r for r in self.config.defaultCreators])
# Compute list of add permissions
addPermissions = ''
for classDescr in classesAll:
addPermissions += ' "%s":"%s: Add %s",\n' % (classDescr.name,
self.applicationName, classDescr.name)
repls['addPermissions'] = addPermissions
# Compute root classes
repls['rootClasses'] = ','.join(["'%s'" % c.name \
for c in classesButTool if c.isRoot()])
# Compute list of class definitions
repls['appClasses'] = ','.join(['%s.%s' % (c.klass.__module__, \
c.klass.__name__) for c in classes])
# Compute lists of class names
repls['appClassNames'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % c.name \
for c in classes])
repls['allClassNames'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % c.name \
for c in classesButTool])
# Compute the list of ordered attributes (forward and backward,
# inherited included) for every Appy class.
attributes = []
for classDescr in classesAll:
titleFound = False
names = []
for name, appyType, klass in classDescr.getOrderedAppyAttributes():
if name == 'title': titleFound = True
# Add the "title" mandatory field if not found
if not titleFound: names.insert(0, 'title')
# Any backward attributes to append?
if classDescr.name in self.referers:
for field in self.referers[classDescr.name]:
[gen] Added param Search.default allowing to define a default Search. The default search, if present, will be triggered when clicking on the main link for a class, instead of the query that collects all instances of this class; appy.gen.Type: removed 3 obsolete params: 'index', 'editDefault' and 'optional'. For achieving the same result than using 'editDefault', one may define 'by hand' an attribute on the Tool for storing the editable default value, and define, on the appropriate field in param 'default', a method that returns the value of the tool attribute; Added Type.defaultForSearch, allowing, for some sub-types, to define a default value when displaying the corresponding widget on the search screen; added a default 'state' field allowing to include workflow state among search criteria in the search screens; removed obsolete test applications.
2012-10-31 07:20:25 -05:00
# Add the 'state' attribute
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
qNames = ['"%s"' % name for name in names]
attributes.append('"%s":[%s]' % (classDescr.name, ','.join(qNames)))
repls['attributes'] = ',\n '.join(attributes)
# Compute list of used roles for registering them if needed
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
specificRoles = self.getAllUsedRoles(zope=False)
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
repls['roles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % r.name for r in specificRoles])
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
globalRoles = self.getAllUsedRoles(zope=False, local=False)
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
repls['gRoles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % r.name for r in globalRoles])
grantableRoles = self.getAllUsedRoles(local=False, grantable=True)
repls['grRoles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % r.name for r in grantableRoles])
# Generate configuration options
repls['languages'] = ','.join('"%s"' % l for l in self.config.languages)
repls['languageSelector'] = self.config.languageSelector
repls['sourceLanguage'] = self.config.sourceLanguage
2012-07-26 10:22:22 -05:00
repls['ogone'] = repr(self.config.ogone)
2012-07-27 04:01:35 -05:00
repls['activateForgotPassword'] = self.config.activateForgotPassword
2011-12-15 15:56:53 -06:00
self.copyFile('config.pyt', repls, destName='config.py')
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
def generateInit(self):
# Compute imports
imports = []
classNames = []
for c in self.getClasses(include='all'):
importDef = ' import %s' % c.name
if importDef not in imports:
classNames.append("%s.%s" % (c.name, c.name))
repls = self.repls.copy()
repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports)
repls['classes'] = ','.join(classNames)
repls['totalNumberOfTests'] = self.totalNumberOfTests
2011-12-15 15:56:53 -06:00
self.copyFile('__init__.pyt', repls, destName='__init__.py')
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
def getClassesInOrder(self, allClasses):
'''When generating wrappers, classes mut be dumped in order (else, it
generates forward references in the Python file, that does not
res = [] # Appy class descriptors
resClasses = [] # Corresponding real Python classes
for classDescr in allClasses:
klass = classDescr.klass
if not klass.__bases__ or \
(klass.__bases__[0].__name__ == 'ModelClass'):
# This is a root class. We dump it at the begin of the file.
res.insert(0, classDescr)
resClasses.insert(0, klass)
# If a child of this class is already present, we must insert
# this klass before it.
lowestChildIndex = sys.maxint
for resClass in resClasses:
if klass in resClass.__bases__:
lowestChildIndex = min(lowestChildIndex,
if lowestChildIndex != sys.maxint:
res.insert(lowestChildIndex, classDescr)
resClasses.insert(lowestChildIndex, klass)
return res
def generateWrappers(self):
# We must generate imports and wrapper definitions
imports = []
wrappers = []
allClasses = self.getClasses(include='all')
for c in self.getClassesInOrder(allClasses):
if not c.predefined or c.customized:
moduleImport = 'import %s' % c.klass.__module__
if moduleImport not in imports:
# Determine parent wrapper and class
parentClasses = c.getParents(allClasses)
wrapperDef = 'class %s_Wrapper(%s):\n' % \
(c.name, ','.join(parentClasses))
wrapperDef += ' security = ClassSecurityInfo()\n'
if c.customized:
# For custom tool, add a call to a method that allows to
# customize elements from the base class.
wrapperDef += " if hasattr(%s, 'update'):\n " \
"%s.update(%s)\n" % (parentClasses[1], parentClasses[1],
# For custom tool, add security declaration that will allow to
# call their methods from ZPTs.
for parentClass in parentClasses:
wrapperDef += " for elem in dir(%s):\n " \
"if not elem.startswith('_'): security.declarePublic" \
"(elem)\n" % (parentClass)
# Register the class in Zope.
wrapperDef += 'InitializeClass(%s_Wrapper)\n' % c.name
repls = self.repls.copy()
repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports)
repls['wrappers'] = '\n'.join(wrappers)
for klass in self.getClasses(include='predefined'):
modelClass = klass.modelClass
repls['%s' % modelClass.__name__] = modelClass._appy_getBody()
2011-12-15 15:56:53 -06:00
self.copyFile('wrappers.pyt', repls, destName='wrappers.py')
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
def generateTests(self):
'''Generates the file needed for executing tests.'''
repls = self.repls.copy()
modules = self.modulesWithTests
repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(['import %s' % m for m in modules])
repls['modulesWithTests'] = ','.join(modules)
2011-12-15 15:56:53 -06:00
self.copyFile('testAll.pyt', repls, destName='testAll.py',
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
def generateTool(self):
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
'''Generates the tool that corresponds to this application.'''
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
Msg = PoMessage
# Create Tool-related i18n-related messages
msg = Msg(self.tool.name, '', Msg.CONFIG % self.applicationName)
# Tune the Ref field between Tool->User and Group->User
Tool.users.klass = User
if self.user.customized:
Tool.users.klass = self.user.klass
Group.users.klass = self.user.klass
2012-03-26 12:09:45 -05:00
# Generate the Tool-related classes (User, Group, Translation, Page)
for klass in (self.user, self.group, self.translation, self.page):
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
klassType = klass.name[len(self.applicationName):]
self.labels += [ Msg(klass.name, '', klassType),
Msg('%s_plural' % klass.name,'', klass.name+'s')]
repls = self.repls.copy()
2012-03-26 12:09:45 -05:00
if klass.isFolder():
parents = 'BaseMixin, Folder'
icon = 'folder.gif'
parents = 'BaseMixin, SimpleItem'
icon = 'object.gif'
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
repls.update({'methods': klass.methods, 'genClassName': klass.name,
2012-03-26 12:09:45 -05:00
'baseMixin':'BaseMixin', 'parents': parents,
'classDoc': 'Standard Appy class', 'icon': icon})
2011-12-15 15:56:53 -06:00
self.copyFile('Class.pyt', repls, destName='%s.py' % klass.name)
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
# Before generating the Tool class, finalize it with query result
# columns, with fields to propagate, workflow-related fields.
for classDescr in self.getClasses(include='allButTool'):
for fieldName, fieldType in classDescr.toolFieldsToPropagate:
for childDescr in classDescr.getChildren():
childFieldName = fieldName % childDescr.name
fieldType.group = childDescr.klass.__name__
self.tool.addField(childFieldName, fieldType)
if classDescr.isRoot():
# We must be able to configure query results from the tool.
# Add the search-related fields.
importMean = classDescr.getCreateMean('Import')
if importMean:
# Generate the Tool class
repls = self.repls.copy()
repls.update({'methods': self.tool.methods,
'genClassName': self.tool.name, 'baseMixin':'ToolMixin',
'parents': 'ToolMixin, Folder', 'icon': 'folder.gif',
'classDoc': 'Tool class for %s' % self.applicationName})
2011-12-15 15:56:53 -06:00
self.copyFile('Class.pyt', repls, destName='%s.py' % self.tool.name)
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
def generateClass(self, classDescr):
'''Is called each time an Appy class is found in the application, for
generating the corresponding Archetype class.'''
k = classDescr.klass
print 'Generating %s.%s (gen-class)...' % (k.__module__, k.__name__)
if not classDescr.isAbstract():
# Determine base Zope class
isFolder = classDescr.isFolder()
baseClass = isFolder and 'Folder' or 'SimpleItem'
icon = isFolder and 'folder.gif' or 'object.gif'
parents = 'BaseMixin, %s' % baseClass
classDoc = classDescr.klass.__doc__ or 'Appy class.'
repls = self.repls.copy()
'parents': parents, 'className': classDescr.klass.__name__,
'genClassName': classDescr.name, 'baseMixin':'BaseMixin',
'classDoc': classDoc, 'applicationName': self.applicationName,
'methods': classDescr.methods, 'icon':icon})
fileName = '%s.py' % classDescr.name
# Create i18n labels (class name and plural form)
poMsg = PoMessage(classDescr.name, '', classDescr.klass.__name__)
poMsgPl = PoMessage('%s_plural' % classDescr.name, '',
# Create i18n labels for searches
for search in classDescr.getSearches(classDescr.klass):
searchLabel = '%s_search_%s' % (classDescr.name, search.name)
labels = [searchLabel, '%s_descr' % searchLabel]
if search.group:
grpLabel = '%s_searchgroup_%s' % (classDescr.name, search.group)
labels += [grpLabel, '%s_descr' % grpLabel]
for label in labels:
default = ' '
if label == searchLabel: default = search.name
poMsg = PoMessage(label, '', default)
if poMsg not in self.labels:
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
# Generate the resulting Zope class.
2011-12-15 15:56:53 -06:00
self.copyFile('Class.pyt', repls, destName=fileName)
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
def generateWorkflow(self, wfDescr):
'''This method creates the i18n labels related to the workflow described
by p_wfDescr.'''
k = wfDescr.klass
print 'Generating %s.%s (gen-workflow)...' % (k.__module__, k.__name__)
# Identify workflow name
wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(wfDescr.klass)
# Add i18n messages for states
for name in dir(wfDescr.klass):
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
if not isinstance(getattr(wfDescr.klass, name), gen.State): continue
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, name), '', name)
# Add i18n messages for transitions
for name in dir(wfDescr.klass):
transition = getattr(wfDescr.klass, name)
2011-12-05 08:11:29 -06:00
if not isinstance(transition, gen.Transition): continue
2012-08-14 09:05:02 -05:00
if transition.show:
poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, name), '', name)
if transition.show and transition.confirm:
2011-12-05 03:52:18 -06:00
# We need to generate a label for the message that will be shown
# in the confirm popup.
label = '%s_%s_confirm' % (wfName, name)
poMsg = PoMessage(label, '', PoMessage.CONFIRM)
if transition.notify:
# Appy will send a mail when this transition is triggered.
# So we need 2 i18n labels: one for the mail subject and one for
# the mail body.
subjectLabel = '%s_%s_mail_subject' % (wfName, name)
poMsg = PoMessage(subjectLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_SUBJECT)
bodyLabel = '%s_%s_mail_body' % (wfName, name)
poMsg = PoMessage(bodyLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_BODY)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------