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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import difflib
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class HtmlDiff:
'''This class allows to compute differences between two versions of some
HTML chunk.'''
insertStyle = 'color: blue; cursor: help'
deleteStyle = 'color: red; text-decoration: line-through; cursor: help'
def __init__(self, old, new,
insertMsg='Inserted text', deleteMsg='Deleted text',
insertCss=None, deleteCss=None, diffRatio=0.7):
# p_old and p_new are strings containing chunks of HTML.
self.old = old.strip() = new.strip()
# Every time an "insert" or "delete" difference will be detected from
# p_old to p_new, the impacted chunk will be surrounded by a tag that
# will get, respectively, a 'title' attribute filled p_insertMsg or
# p_deleteMsg. The message will give an explanation about the change
# (who made it and at what time, for example).
self.insertMsg = insertMsg
self.deleteMsg = deleteMsg
# This tag will get a CSS class p_insertCss or p_deleteCss for
# highlighting the change. If no class is provided, default styles will
# be used (see HtmlDiff.insertStyle and HtmlDiff.deleteStyle).
self.insertCss = insertCss
self.deleteCss = deleteCss
# The diff algorithm of this class will need to identify similarities
# between strings. Similarity ratios will be computed by using method
# difflib.SequenceMatcher.ratio (see m_isSimilar below). Strings whose
# comparison will produce a ratio above p_diffRatio will be considered
# as similar.
self.diffRatio = diffRatio
def getModifiedChunk(self, seq, type, sep):
'''p_sep.join(p_seq) is a chunk that was either inserted
(p_type='insert') or deleted (p_type='delete'). This method will
surround this part with a div or span tag that will get some CSS
class allowing to highlight the difference.'''
if sep == '\n': tag = 'div'
else: tag = 'span'
exec 'msg = self.%sMsg' % type
exec 'cssClass = self.%sCss' % type
if cssClass:
style = 'class="%s"' % cssClass
exec 'style = self.%sStyle' % type
style = 'style="%s"' % style
return '<%s %s title="%s">%s</%s>' % (tag,style,msg,sep.join(seq),tag)
def getStringDiff(self, old, new):
'''Identifies the differences between strings p_old and p_new by
* i = the end index of the potential common starting part (if no
common part is found, i=0);
* jo = the start index in p_old of the potential common ending part;
* jn = the start index in p_new of the potential common ending part.
# Compute i
i = -1
diffFound = False
while not diffFound:
i += 1
if old[i] != new[i]: diffFound = True
# Compute jo and jn
jo = len(old)
jn = len(new)
diffFound = False
while not diffFound:
2011-10-10 05:23:58 -05:00
if (jo == i) or (jn == i):
# We have reached the end of substring old[i:] or new[i:]
jo -=1
jn -= 1
jo -= 1
jn -= 1
if old[jo] != new[jn]: diffFound=True
return i, jo+1, jn+1
def isSimilar(self, s1, s2):
'''Returns True if strings p_s1 and p_s2 can be considered as
ratio = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=s1.lower(), b=s2.lower()).ratio()
return ratio > self.diffRatio
def getSeqDiff(self, seqA, seqB):
'''p_seqA and p_seqB are lists of strings. Here we will try to identify
similarities between strings from p_seqA and p_seqB, and return a
list of differences between p_seqA and p_seqB, where each element
is a tuple (action, data).
* If p_action is "delete", data is a sublist of p_seqA with lines
considered as not included anymore in p_seqB;
* If p_action is "replace", data is a tuple (lineA, lineB) containing
one line from p_seqA and one from p_seqB considered as similar;
* If p_action is "insert", data is a sublist of p_seqB with lines
considered as not included in p_seqA.
res = []
i = j = k = 0
deleted = []
# Scan every string from p_seqA and try to find a similar string in
# p_seqB.
while i < len(seqA):
if k == len(seqB):
# We have already "consumed" every string from p_seqB. Remaining
# strings from p_seqA must now be considered has having been
# deleted.
if deleted: res.append( ('delete', deleted) )
res.append( ('delete', seqA[i:]) )
similarFound = False
for j in range(k, len(seqB)):
if self.isSimilar(seqA[i], seqB[j]):
similarFound = True
if deleted:
# Dump first the strings flagged as deleted.
res.append( ('delete', deleted) )
deleted = []
# Strings between indices k and j in p_seqB must be
# considered as inserted, because no similar line exists
# in p_seqA.
if k < j:
res.append( ('insert', seqB[k:j]) )
# Similar strings are appended in a 'replace' entry
res.append(('replace', (seqA[i], seqB[j])))
k = j+1
if not similarFound:
# Add to list of deleted lines.
i += 1
# Consider any "unconsumed" line from p_seqB as being inserted.
if deleted: res.append( ('delete', deleted) )
if k < len(seqB): res.append( ('insert', seqB[k:]) )
return res
def getHtmlDiff(self, old, new, sep):
'''Returns the differences between p_old and p_new. Result is a string
containing the comparison in HTML format. p_sep is used for turning
p_old and p_new into sequences.'''
res = []
a = old.split(sep)
b = new.split(sep)
matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher()
for action, i1, i2, j1, j2 in matcher.get_opcodes():
if action == 'equal':
toAdd = sep.join(a[i1:i2])
elif action == 'insert':
toAdd = self.getModifiedChunk(b[j1:j2], action, sep)
elif action == 'delete':
toAdd = self.getModifiedChunk(a[i1:i2], action, sep)
elif action == 'replace':
if sep == '\n':
# We know that some lines have been replaced from a to b. By
# identifying similarities between those lines, consider
# some as having been deleted, modified or inserted.
toAdd = ''
for sAction, data in self.getSeqDiff(a[i1:i2], b[j1:j2]):
if sAction in ('insert', 'delete'):
toAdd += self.getModifiedChunk(data, sAction, sep)
elif sAction == 'replace':
lineA, lineB = data
# Investigate further here and explore differences
# at the *word* level between lineA and lineB. As a
# preamble, and in order to restrict annoyances due
# to the presence of XHTML tags, we will compute
# start and end parts wich are similar between lineA
# and lineB: they may correspond to opening and
# closing XHTML tags.
i, ja, jb = self.getStringDiff(lineA, lineB)
diff = self.getHtmlDiff(lineA[i:ja],lineB[i:jb],' ')
toAdd += lineB[:i] + diff + lineB[jb:]
2011-10-10 05:23:58 -05:00
if ((i2-i1) == 1) and (a[i1] == ''):
# difflib has considered an empty char as 'removed' (?)
toAdd = ''
toAdd = self.getModifiedChunk(a[i1:i2],'delete', sep)
toAdd += self.getModifiedChunk(b[j1:j2],'insert', sep)
return sep.join(res)
def get(self):
'''Produces the result.'''
return self.getHtmlDiff(self.old,, '\n')
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