
529 lines
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import re, difflib
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
innerDiff = re.compile('<span name="(insert|delete)".*? title="(.*?)">' \
htmlTag = re.compile('<(?P<tag>\w+)( .*?)?>(.*)</(?P=tag)>')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Merger:
'''This class allows to merge 2 lines of text, each containing inserts and
def __init__(self, lineA, lineB, previousDiffs, differ):
# lineA comes "naked": any diff previously found on it was removed from
# it (ie, deleted text has been completely removed, while inserted text
# has been included, but without its surrounding tag). Info about
# previous diffs is kept in a separate variable "previousDiffs".
self.lineA = lineA
self.previousDiffs = previousDiffs
# Differences between lineA and lineB have just been computed and are
# included (within inner tags) in lineB. We will compute their position
# in self.newDiffs (see below).
self.lineB = lineB
self.newDiffs = self.computeNewDiffs()
# We choose to walk within self.lineB. We will keep in self.i our
# current position within self.lineB.
self.i = 0
# The delta index that must be applied on previous diffs
self.deltaPrevious = 0
# A link to the caller HtmlDiff class.
self.differ = differ
def computeNewDiffs(self):
'''lineB may include inner "insert" and/or tags. This function
detects them.'''
i = 0
res = []
while i < len(self.lineB):
match =, i)
if not match: break
i = match.end()
return res
def getNextDiff(self):
'''During the merging process on self.lineB, what next diff to
"consume"? An old one? A new one?'''
# No more diff ?
if not self.previousDiffs and not self.newDiffs:
return None, None, None
# No more new diff ?
if not self.newDiffs:
diff = self.previousDiffs[0]
del self.previousDiffs[0]
return diff, diff.start() + self.deltaPrevious, True
# No more previous diff ?
if not self.previousDiffs:
diff = self.newDiffs[0]
del self.newDiffs[0]
return diff, diff.start(), False
# At least one more new and previous diff. Which one to consume?
previousDiff = self.previousDiffs[0]
newDiff = self.newDiffs[0]
previousDiffIndex = previousDiff.start() + self.deltaPrevious
newDiffIndex = newDiff.start()
if previousDiffIndex <= newDiffIndex:
# Previous wins
del self.previousDiffs[0]
return previousDiff, previousDiffIndex, True
# New wins
del self.newDiffs[0]
return newDiff, newDiffIndex, False
def manageOverlap(self, oldDiff):
'''p_oldDiff is a previously inserted text from self.lineA. This text
is not found anymore at the start of self.lineB[self.i:]: it means
that an overlapping diff exists among new diffs. We will manage this
by identifying several, cutted, "insert" and/or "edit" zones.'''
# The idea here is to "consume" the old inserted text until we have
# found, within the new diff, all updates that have been performed on
# this old text. Then, we will have found the complete "zone" that was
# impacted by both old and new diffs.
oldText =
res = ''
while oldText:
# Get the overlapping (new) diff.
newDiff, newDiffStart, isPrevious = self.getNextDiff()
if not newDiff:
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# No more new diff. So normally, we should find what remains in
# oldText at self.lineB[self.i:]
if not self.lineB[self.i:].startswith(oldText):
# Anormal additional char. Probably a space? Indeed,
# word-level comparisons imply split(' ') which can be
# error-prone.
res += self.lineB[self.i]
self.i += 1
if not self.lineB[self.i:].startswith(oldText):
raise 'Error!!!!'
res += self.differ.getModifiedChunk(oldText, 'insert', '',
self.i += len(oldText)
oldText = ''
# Dump the part of the old text that has been untouched by the new
# diff.
if self.i < newDiffStart:
untouched = self.lineB[self.i:newDiffStart]
res += self.differ.getModifiedChunk(untouched, 'insert', '',
self.i = newDiffStart
oldText = oldText[len(untouched):]
# Manage the new diff
res +=
self.i += len(
self.deltaPrevious += len(
if == 'delete':
# Consume oldText, that was deleted, at least partly, by
# this diff.
if len( >= len(oldText):
# We have consumed oldText in its entirety
oldText = ''
oldText = oldText[len(]
self.deltaPrevious -= len(
return res
def merge(self):
'''Merges self.previousDiffs into self.lineB.'''
res = ''
2011-11-17 18:01:50 -06:00
print 'MERGE'
print 'Line A', self.lineA
print 'Line B', self.lineB
diff, diffStart, isPrevious = self.getNextDiff()
while diff:
# Dump the part of lineB between self.i and diffStart
res += self.lineB[self.i:diffStart]
self.i = diffStart
if isPrevious:
if == 'insert':
# Check if the inserted text is still present in lineB
if self.lineB[self.i:].startswith(
# Yes. Dump the diff and go ahead within lineB
res +=
self.i += len(
# The inserted text can't be found as is in lineB.
# Must have been (partly) re-edited or removed.
overlap = self.manageOverlap(diff)
res += overlap
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elif == 'delete':
res +=
# Dump the diff and update self.i
res +=
self.i += len(
# Because of this new diff, all indexes computed on lineA are
# now wrong because we express them relative to lineB. So:
# update self.deltaPrevious to take this into account.
self.deltaPrevious += len(
if == 'delete':
# The indexes in lineA do not take the deleted text into
# account, because it wasn't deleted at this time. So remove
# from self.deltaPrevious the length of removed text.
self.deltaPrevious -= len(
# Load next diff
diff, diffStart, isPrevious = self.getNextDiff()
# Dump the end of self.lineB if not completely consumed
if self.i < len(self.lineB):
res += self.lineB[self.i:]
return res
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class HtmlDiff:
'''This class allows to compute differences between two versions of some
HTML chunk.'''
insertStyle = 'color: blue; cursor: help'
deleteStyle = 'color: red; text-decoration: line-through; cursor: help'
def __init__(self, old, new,
insertMsg='Inserted text', deleteMsg='Deleted text',
insertCss=None, deleteCss=None, insertName='insert',
deleteName='delete', diffRatio=0.7):
# p_old and p_new are strings containing chunks of HTML.
self.old = old.strip() = new.strip()
# Every time an "insert" or "delete" difference will be detected from
# p_old to p_new, the impacted chunk will be surrounded by a tag that
# will get, respectively, a 'title' attribute filled p_insertMsg or
# p_deleteMsg. The message will give an explanation about the change
# (who made it and at what time, for example).
self.insertMsg = insertMsg
self.deleteMsg = deleteMsg
# This tag will get a CSS class p_insertCss or p_deleteCss for
# highlighting the change. If no class is provided, default styles will
# be used (see HtmlDiff.insertStyle and HtmlDiff.deleteStyle).
self.insertCss = insertCss
self.deleteCss = deleteCss
# This tag will get a "name" attribute whose content will be
# p_insertName or p_deleteName
self.insertName = insertName
self.deleteName = deleteName
# The diff algorithm of this class will need to identify similarities
# between strings. Similarity ratios will be computed by using method
# difflib.SequenceMatcher.ratio (see m_isSimilar below). Strings whose
# comparison will produce a ratio above p_diffRatio will be considered
# as similar.
self.diffRatio = diffRatio
# Some computed values
for tag in ('div', 'span'):
for type in ('insert', 'delete'):
setattr(self, '%s%sPrefix' % (tag, type.capitalize()),
'<%s name="%s"' % (tag, getattr(self, '%sName' % type)))
def getModifiedChunk(self, seq, type, sep, msg=None):
'''p_sep.join(p_seq) (if p_seq is a list) or p_seq (if p_seq is a
string) is a chunk that was either inserted (p_type='insert') or
deleted (p_type='delete'). This method will surround this part with
a div or span tag that will get some CSS class allowing to highlight
the update. If p_msg is given, it will be used instead of the default
p_type-related message stored on p_self.'''
# Will the surrouding tag be a div or a span?
if sep == '\n': tag = 'div'
else: tag = 'span'
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# What message will it show in its 'title' attribute?
if not msg:
exec 'msg = self.%sMsg' % type
# What CSS class (or, if none, tag-specific style) will be used ?
exec 'cssClass = self.%sCss' % type
if cssClass:
style = 'class="%s"' % cssClass
exec 'style = self.%sStyle' % type
style = 'style="%s"' % style
# the 'name' attribute of the tag indicates the type of the update.
exec 'tagName = self.%sName' % type
# The idea is: if there are several lines, every line must be surrounded
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# by a tag. This way, we know that a surrounding tag can't span several
# lines, which is a prerequisite for managing cumulative diffs.
if sep == ' ':
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if not isinstance(seq, basestring):
seq = sep.join(seq)
sep = ''
if isinstance(seq, basestring):
return '%s<%s name="%s" %s title="%s">%s</%s>%s' % \
(sep, tag, tagName, style, msg, seq, tag, sep)
res = ''
for line in seq:
res += '%s<%s name="%s" %s title="%s">%s</%s>%s' % \
(sep, tag, tagName, style, msg, line, tag, sep)
return res
def applyDiff(self, line, diff):
'''p_diff is a regex containing an insert or delete that was found
within line. This function applies the diff, removing or inserting
the diff into p_line.'''
# Keep content only for "insert" tags.
content = ''
if == 'insert':
content =
return line[:diff.start()] + content + line[diff.end():]
def isSimilar(self, s1, s2):
'''Returns True if strings p_s1 and p_s2 can be considered as
ratio = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=s1.lower(), b=s2.lower()).ratio()
return ratio > self.diffRatio
def getLineAndType(self, line):
'''p_line is a string that can already have been surrounded by an
"insert" or "delete" tag. This is what we try to determine here.
This method returns a tuple (type, line, innerDiffs, outerTag),
where "type" can be:
* "insert" if it has already been flagged as inserted;
* "delete" if it has already been flagged as deleted;
* None else;
"line" holds the original parameter p_line, excepted:
* if type="insert". In that case, the surrounding insert tag has been
removed and placed into "outerTag" (a re.MatchObject from regex
innerHtml, see above);
* if inner diff tags (insert or delete) are found. In that case,
- if inner "insert" tags are found, they are removed but their
content is kept;
- if inner "delete" tags are found, they are removed, content
- "innerDiffs" holds the list of re.MatchObject instances
representing the found inner tags.
if line.startswith(self.divDeletePrefix):
return ('delete', line, None, None)
if line.startswith(self.divInsertPrefix):
# Return the line without the surrounding tag.
action = 'insert'
outerTag = htmlTag.match(line)
line =
action = None
outerTag = None
# Replace found inner inserts with their content.
innerDiffs = []
while True:
match =
if not match: break
# I found one.
line = self.applyDiff(line, match)
return (action, line, innerDiffs, outerTag)
def computeTag(self, regexTag, content):
'''p_regexTag is a re.MatchObject from regex htmlTag. p_content is a
new content to put within this tag. This method produces the new
string tag filled with p_content.'''
# Recompute start tag from p_regexTag
startTag = '<%s' %
# Add tag attributes if found
startTag +=
startTag += '>'
# Recompute end tag
endTag = '</%s>' %
# Wrap content info reified tag
return startTag + content + endTag
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def getSeqDiff(self, seqA, seqB, sep):
'''p_seqA and p_seqB are lists of strings. Here we will try to identify
similarities between strings from p_seqA and p_seqB, and return a
list of differences between p_seqA and p_seqB, where each element
is a tuple (action, line).
* If p_action is "delete", "line" is a line of p_seqA considered as
not included anymore in p_seqB;
* If p_action is "insert", "line" is a line of p_seqB considered as
not included in p_seqA;
* If p_action is "replace", "line" is a tuple
(lineA, lineB, previousDiffsA) containing one line from p_seqA and
one from p_seqB considered as similar. "previousDiffsA" contains
potential previous inner diffs that were found (but extracted
from, for comparison purposes) lineA.
res = []
i = j = k = 0
# Scan every string from p_seqA and try to find a similar string in
# p_seqB.
while i < len(seqA):
pastAction, lineA, innerDiffs, outerTag=self.getLineAndType(seqA[i])
if pastAction == 'delete':
# We will consider this line as "equal" because it already has
# been noted as deleted in a previous diff.
res.append( ('equal', seqA[i]) )
elif k == len(seqB):
# We have already "consumed" every string from p_seqB. Remaining
# strings from p_seqA must be considered as deleted (or
# sometimes equal, see above)
if not pastAction: res.append( ('delete', seqA[i]) )
# 'insert': should not happen. The inserted line should also
# be found in seqB.
res.append( ('equal', seqA[i]) )
# Try to find a line in seqB which is similar to lineA.
similarFound = False
for j in range(k, len(seqB)):
if self.isSimilar(lineA, seqB[j]):
similarFound = True
# Strings between indices k and j in p_seqB must be
# considered as inserted, because no similar line exists
# in p_seqA.
if k < j:
for line in seqB[k:j]: res.append(('insert', line))
# Similar strings are appended in a 'replace' entry,
# excepted if lineA is already an insert from a
# previous diff: in this case, we keep the "old"
# version: the new one is the same, but for which we
# don't remember who updated it.
if (pastAction == 'insert') and (lineA == seqB[j]):
res.append( ('equal', seqA[i]) )
res.append(('replace', (lineA, seqB[j],
innerDiffs, outerTag)))
k = j+1
if not similarFound: res.append( ('delete', seqA[i]) )
i += 1
# Consider any "unconsumed" line from p_seqB as being inserted.
if k < len(seqB):
for line in seqB[k:]: res.append( ('insert', line) )
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# Merge similar diffs, excepted if separator is a carriage return
if sep == '\n': return res
newRes = []
lastType = None
for type, data in res:
if lastType and (type != 'replace') and (lastType == type):
newRes[-1] = (type, newRes[-1][1] + sep + data)
newRes.append( (type, data) )
lastType = type
return newRes
def split(self, s, sep):
'''Splits string p_s with p_sep. If p_sep is a space, the split can't
happen for a leading or trailing space, which must be considered as
being part of the first or last word.'''
# Manage sep == \n
if sep == '\n': return s.split(sep)
leadSpace = s.startswith(sep)
trailSpace = s.endswith(sep)
if not leadSpace and not trailSpace: return s.split(sep)
res = s.strip(sep).split(sep)
if leadSpace: res[0] = sep + res[0]
if trailSpace: res[-1] = res[-1] + sep
return res
garbage = ('', '\r')
def removeGarbage(self, l):
'''Removes from list p_l elements that have no interest, like blank
strings or considered as is.'''
i = len(l)-1
while i >= 0:
if l[i] in self.garbage: del l[i]
i -= 1
return l
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nextSeps = {'\n': ' ', ' ': ''}
def getReplacement(self, sep, lineA, lineB, previousDiffsA, outerTagA):
'''p_lineA has been replaced with p_lineB. Here, we will investigate
further here and explore differences at the *word* level between
p_lineA and p_lineB.
p_previousDiffsA may contain a series of updates (inserts, deletions)
that have already been performed on p_lineA.
If p_lineA was a previously inserted line, p_lineA comes without his
outer tag, that lies in p_outerTagA (as a re.MatchObject instance
computed from regex htmlTag). In that case, we will wrap the result
with that tag.'''
# As a preamble, and in order to restrict annoyances due to the presence
# of XHTML tags, we will remove start and end tags from p_lineA and
# p_lineB if present.
matchA = htmlTag.match(lineA)
contentA = matchA and or lineA
matchB = htmlTag.match(lineB)
contentB = matchB and or lineB
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# Perform the diff at the level of words
diff = self.getHtmlDiff(contentA, contentB, self.nextSeps[sep])
if matchB:
res = self.computeTag(matchB, diff)
res = diff
# Merge potential previous inner diff tags that
# were found (but extracted from) lineA.
if previousDiffsA:
merger = Merger(lineA, res, previousDiffsA, self)
res = merger.merge()
# Rewrap line into outerTagA if lineA was a line tagged as previously
# inserted.
if outerTagA:
res = self.computeTag(outerTagA, res)
return res
def getHtmlDiff(self, old, new, sep):
'''Returns the differences between p_old and p_new. Result is a string
containing the comparison in HTML format. p_sep is used for turning
p_old and p_new into sequences. If p_sep is a carriage return, this
method is used for performing a whole diff between 2 strings splitted
into sequences of lines; if sep is a space, the diff is a
word-by-word comparison within 2 lines that have been detected as
similar in a previous call to m_getHtmlDiff with sep=carriage
res = []
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if sep:
a = self.split(old, sep)
b = self.split(new, sep)
a = old
b = new
matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher()
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matcher.set_seqs(a, b)
for action, i1, i2, j1, j2 in matcher.get_opcodes():
chunkA = self.removeGarbage(a[i1:i2])
chunkB = self.removeGarbage(b[j1:j2])
toAdd = None
if action == 'equal':
if chunkA: toAdd = sep.join(chunkA)
elif action == 'insert':
if chunkB:
toAdd = self.getModifiedChunk(chunkB, action, sep)
elif action == 'delete':
if chunkA:
toAdd = self.getModifiedChunk(chunkA, action, sep)
elif action == 'replace':
if not chunkA and not chunkB:
toAdd = ''
elif not chunkA:
# Was an addition, not a replacement
toAdd = self.getModifiedChunk(chunkB, 'insert', sep)
elif not chunkB:
# Was a deletion, not a replacement
toAdd = self.getModifiedChunk(chunkA, 'delete', sep)
else: # At least, a true replacement
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toAdd = []
# We know that some lines/words have been replaced from a to
# b. By identifying similarities between those lines/words,
# consider some as having been deleted, modified or
# inserted.
for sAction, line in self.getSeqDiff(chunkA, chunkB, sep):
if sAction in ('insert', 'delete'):
mChunk = self.getModifiedChunk(line, sAction, sep)
elif sAction == 'equal':
elif sAction == 'replace':
toAdd.append(self.getReplacement(sep, *line))
# The following line, when sep is the space (=when workin
# on diffs at the word level), leads to additional spaces
# being dumped into the result (ie, a space between a delete
# and an insert, which was not in the initial text). We
# could not find a way to avoid inserting those spaces. So
# when merging diffs (see Merger.merge), we know that a
# 'space' error can occur and we take it into account then.
toAdd = sep.join(toAdd)
if toAdd: res.append(toAdd)
return sep.join(res)
def get(self):
'''Produces the result.'''
return self.getHtmlDiff(self.old,, '\n')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------