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''' must be executed by a "zopectl run" command and, as single arg,
must get a string with the following format:
<ZopeAdmin> is the userName of the Zope administrator for this instance.
<PloneInstancePath> is the path, within Zope, to the Plone Site object (if
not at the root of the Zope hierarchy, use '/' as
folder separator); leave blank if using appy.gen > 0.8
<ApplicationName> is the name of the Appy application. If it begins with
"path=", it does not represent an Appy application, but
the path, within <PloneInstancePath>, to any Zope object
(use '/' as folder separator); leave blank if using
appy.gen > 0.8;
<ToolMethodName> is the name of the method to call on the tool in this
Appy application, or the method to call on the arbitrary
Zope object if previous param starts with "path=".
<args> (optional) are the arguments to give to this method (only strings
are supported). Several arguments must be separated by '*'.
Note that you can also specify several commands, separated with
semicolons (";"). This scripts performs a single commit after all commands
have been executed.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys, transaction
# Check that is called with the right parameters.
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print(' was called with wrong args.')
commands = sys.argv[1].split(';')
# Check that every command has the right number of sub-elelements.
for command in commands:
parts = command.split(':')
if len(parts) not in (4,5):
print(' was called with wrong args.')
for command in commands:
parts = command.split(':')
# Unwrap parameters
if len(parts) == 4:
zopeUser, plonePath, appName, toolMethod = parts
args = ()
zopeUser, plonePath, appName, toolMethod, args = parts
# Zope was initialized in a minimal way. Complete Zope install.
from Testing import makerequest
app = makerequest.makerequest(app)
app.REQUEST._fake_ = True
# Log as Zope admin
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
user = app.acl_users.getUserById(zopeUser)
if not user:
# Try with user "admin"
user = app.acl_users.getUserById('admin')
if not hasattr(user, 'aq_base'):
user = user.__of__(app.acl_users)
newSecurityManager(None, user)
# Find the root object.
rootObject = app # Initialised with the Zope root object.
if plonePath:
for elem in plonePath.split('/'):
rootObject = getattr(rootObject, elem)
# If we are in a Appy application, the object on which we will call the
# method is the config object on this root object.
if not appName:
targetObject = rootObject.config.appy()
elif not appName.startswith('path='):
objectName = 'portal_%s' % appName.lower()
targetObject = getattr(rootObject, objectName).appy()
# It can be any object.
targetObject = rootObject
for elem in appName[5:].split('/'):
targetObject = getattr(targetObject, elem)
# Execute the method on the target object
if args: args = args.split('*')
exec 'targetObject.%s(*args)' % toolMethod
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------