
552 lines
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2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os.path, time
import appy
from appy.gen.mail import sendMail
from appy.shared.utils import executeCommand
from appy.gen.wrappers import AbstractWrapper
from appy.gen.installer import loggedUsers
2013-06-25 05:04:23 -05:00
from appy.px import Px
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_PY = 'Please specify a file corresponding to a Python interpreter ' \
'(ie "/usr/bin/python").'
FILE_NOT_FOUND = 'Path "%s" was not found.'
VALUE_NOT_FILE = 'Path "%s" is not a file. ' + _PY
NO_PYTHON = "Name '%s' does not starts with 'python'. " + _PY
NOT_UNO_ENABLED_PYTHON = '"%s" is not a UNO-enabled Python interpreter. ' \
'To check if a Python interpreter is UNO-enabled, ' \
'launch it and type "import uno". If you have no ' \
'ImportError exception it is ok.'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ToolWrapper(AbstractWrapper):
2013-06-25 05:04:23 -05:00
pxHome = Px('''
<table width="300px" height="240px" align="center">
<tr valign="middle">
<td align="center">::_('front_page_text')</td>
</table>''', template=AbstractWrapper.pxTemplate, hook='content')
# Show on query list or grid, the field content for a given object.
pxQueryField = Px('''<x>
<!-- Title -->
<x if=" == 'title'"
var2="navInfo='search.%s.%s.%d.%d' % \
(className, searchName, startNumber+currentNumber, totalNumber);
<a href=":zobj.getUrl(nav=navInfo, page=zobj.getDefaultViewPage())"
if="enableLinks" class=":cssClass">:zobj.Title()</a><span
if="not enableLinks" class=":cssClass">:zobj.Title()</span><span
style=":showSubTitles and 'display:inline' or 'display:none'"
<!-- Actions: edit, delete -->
<div if="zobj.mayAct()">
<a if="zobj.mayEdit()"
var2="navInfo='search.%s.%s.%d.%d' % \
(className, searchName, loop.zobj.nb+1+startNumber, totalNumber)"
href=":zobj.getUrl(mode='edit', page=zobj.getDefaultEditPage(), \
<img src=":url('edit')" title=":_('object_edit')"/></a>
<img if="zobj.mayDelete()" class="clickable" src=":url('delete')"
onClick=":'onDeleteObject(%s)' % q(zobj.UID())"/>
<!-- Any other field -->
<x if=" != 'title'">
<x var="layoutType='cell'; innerRef=True"
if="zobj.showField(, 'result')">field.pxView</x>
# Show query results as a list.
pxQueryResultList = Px('''
<table class="list" width="100%">
<!-- Headers, with filters and sort arrows -->
<tr if="showHeaders">
<th for="column in columns"
sortable=ztool.isSortable(, className, 'search');
width=":column['width']" align=":column['align']">
<!-- Results -->
<tr for="zobj in zobjects" id="query_row" valign="top"
var2="currentNumber=currentNumber + 1;
class=":loop.zobj.odd and 'even' or 'odd'">
<td for="column in columns"
var2="widget=column['field']" id=":'field_%s' %"
# Show query results as a grid.
pxQueryResultGrid = Px('''
<table width="100%"
cols=(len(modeElems)==2) and int(modeElems[1]) or 4;
rows=ztool.splitList(zobjects, cols)">
<tr for="row in rows" valign="middle">
<td for="zobj in row" width=":'%d%%' % (100/cols)" align="center"
style="padding-top: 25px" var2="obj=zobj.appy()">
<x var="currentNumber=currentNumber + 1"
for="column in columns"
var2="widget = column['field']">:self.pxQueryField</x>
# Show paginated query results as a list or grid.
pxQueryResult = Px('''
<div id="queryResult"
refUrlPart=refObject and ('&amp;ref=%s:%s' % (refObject.UID(), \
refField)) or '';
startNumber=req.get('startNumber', '0');
searchName=req.get('search', '');
searchDescr=ztool.getSearch(className, searchName, descr=True);
sortKey=req.get('sortKey', '');
sortOrder=req.get('sortOrder', 'asc');
filterKey=req.get('filterKey', '');
filterValue=req.get('filterValue', '');
queryResult=ztool.executeQuery(className, \
search=searchDescr['search'], startNumber=startNumber, \
remember=True, sortBy=sortKey, sortOrder=sortOrder, \
filterKey=filterKey, filterValue=filterValue, \
refObject=refObject, refField=refField);
navBaseCall='askQueryResult(%s,%s,%s,%s,**v**)' % \
(q(ajaxHookId), q(ztool.absolute_url()), q(className), \
newSearchUrl='%s/ui/search?className=%s%s' % \
(ztool.absolute_url(), className, refUrlPart);
showSubTitles=req.get('showSubTitles', 'true') == 'true';
<x if="zobjects">
<!-- Display here POD templates if required. -->
<table var="widgets=ztool.getResultPodFields(className);
if="zobjects and widgets" align=":dright">
<td var="zobj=zobjects[0]; obj=zobj.appy()"
for="field in widgets">:field.pxView</td>
<!-- The title of the search -->
<x>:searchDescr['translated']</x> (<x>:totalNumber</x>)
<x if="showNewSearch and (searchName == 'customSearch')">&nbsp;&mdash;
&nbsp;<i><a href=":newSearchUrl">:_('search_new')</a></i>
<table width="100%">
<!-- Search description -->
<td if="searchDescr['translatedDescr']">
<span class="discreet">:searchDescr['translatedDescr']</span><br/>
<!-- Appy (top) navigation -->
<td align=":dright" width="25%"><x>:self.pxAppyNavigate</x></td>
<!-- Results, as a list or grid -->
<x var="columnLayouts=ztool.getResultColumnsLayouts(className, refInfo);
columns=zobjects[0].getColumnsSpecifiers(columnLayouts, dir);
<x if="resultMode == 'list'">:self.pxQueryResultList</x>
<x if="resultMode != 'list'">:self.pxQueryResultGrid</x>
<!-- Appy (bottom) navigation -->
<x if="not zobjects">
<x if="showNewSearch and (searchName == 'customSearch')"><br/>
<i class="discreet"><a href=":newSearchUrl">:_('search_new')</a></i></x>
pxQuery = Px('''
<x var="className=req['className'];
searchName=req.get('search', '');
</x>''', template=AbstractWrapper.pxTemplate, hook='content')
2013-06-25 05:04:23 -05:00
pxSearch = Px('''
<x var="className=req['className'];
refInfo=req.get('ref', None);
searchInfo=ztool.getSearchInfo(className, refInfo);
x=ztool.getCssJs(searchInfo['fields'], 'edit', cssJs)">
<!-- Include type-specific CSS and JS. -->
<link for="cssFile in cssJs['css']" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script for="jsFile in cssJs['js']" type="text/javascript"
<!-- Search title -->
<h1><x>:_('%s_plural'%className)</x> &ndash;
<!-- Form for searching objects of request/className. -->
<form name="search" action=":ztool.absolute_url()+'/do'" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="SearchObjects"/>
<input type="hidden" name="className" value=":className"/>
<input if="refInfo" type="hidden" name="ref" value=":refInfo"/>
<table width="100%">
<tr for="searchRow in ztool.getGroupedSearchFields(searchInfo)"
<td for="field in searchRow"
var2="scolspan=field and field.scolspan or 1"
width=":'%d%%' % ((100/searchInfo['nbOfColumns'])*scolspan)">
<x if="field"
widgetName='w_%s' % name">field.pxSearch</x>
<br class="discreet"/>
<!-- Submit button -->
<p align=":dright"><br/>
<input type="submit" class="button" value=":_('search_button')"
style=":url('buttonSearch', bg=True)"/>
</x>''', template=AbstractWrapper.pxTemplate, hook='content')
pxImport = Px('''
<x var="className=req['className'];
<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
var importedElemsShown = false;
function toggleViewableElements() {
var rows = document.getElementsByName('importedElem');
var newDisplay = 'table-row';
if (isIe) newDisplay = 'block';
if (importedElemsShown) newDisplay = 'none';
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
rows[i].style.display = newDisplay;
importedElemsShown = !importedElemsShown;
var checkBoxesChecked = true;
function toggleCheckboxes() {
var checkBoxes = document.getElementsByName('cbElem');
var newCheckValue = true;
if (checkBoxesChecked) newCheckValue = false;
for (var i=0; i<checkBoxes.length; i++) {
checkBoxes[i].checked = newCheckValue;
checkBoxesChecked = newCheckValue;
function importSingleElement(importPath) {
var f = document.forms['importElements'];
f.importPath.value = importPath;
function importManyElements() {
var f = document.forms['importElements'];
var importPaths = '';
// Get the values of the checkboxes
var checkBoxes = document.getElementsByName('cbElem');
for (var i=0; i<checkBoxes.length; i++) {
if (checkBoxes[i].checked) {
importPaths += checkBoxes[i].value + '|';
if (! importPaths) alert(no_elem_selected);
else {
f.importPath.value = importPaths;
<!-- Form for importing several elements at once. -->
<form name="importElements"
action=":ztool.absolute_url()+'/do'" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="ImportObjects"/>
<input type="hidden" name="className" value=":className"/>
<input type="hidden" name="importPath" value=""/>
<table class="list" width="100%">
<th for="columnHeader in importElems[0]">
<img if="loop.columnHeader.nb == 0" src=":url('eye')"
2013-07-15 06:39:05 -05:00
title="_('import_show_hide')" class="clickable"
onClick="toggleViewableElements()" align=":dleft" />
<th width="20px"><img src=":url('select_elems')" class="clickable"
title=":_('select_delesect')" onClick="toggleCheckboxes()"/></th>
<tr for="row in importElems[1]"
var2="alreadyImported=ztool.isAlreadyImported(className, row[0]);
allAreImported=allAreImported and alreadyImported;
id=":alreadyImported and 'importedElem' or 'notImportedElem'"
name=":alreadyImported and 'importedElem' or 'notImportedElem'"
style=":alreadyImported and 'display:none' or 'display:table-row'"
class=":odd and 'even' or 'odd'">
<td for="elem in row[1:]">:elem</td>
<input type="button" if="not alreadyImported"
onClick=":'importSingleElement(%s)' % q(row[0])"
<x if="alreadyImported">:_('import_already')</x>
<td align="center">
<input if="not alreadyImported" type="checkbox" checked="checked"
id="cbElem" name="cbElem" value="row[0]"/>
<tr if="not importElems[1] or allAreImported">
<td colspan="15">:_('query_no_result')</td></tr>
<!-- Button for importing several elements at once. -->
<p align=":dright"><br/>
<input if="importElems[1] and not allAreImported"
type="button" onClick="importManyElements()"
</x>''', template=AbstractWrapper.pxTemplate, hook='content')
def validPythonWithUno(self, value):
'''This method represents the validator for field unoEnabledPython.'''
if value:
if not os.path.exists(value):
return FILE_NOT_FOUND % value
if not os.path.isfile(value):
return VALUE_NOT_FILE % value
if not os.path.basename(value).startswith('python'):
return NO_PYTHON % value
if os.system('%s -c "import uno"' % value):
return True
def isManager(self):
'''Some pages on the tool can only be accessed by managers.'''
if self.user.has_role('Manager'): return 'view'
2012-05-08 07:49:45 -05:00
def isManagerEdit(self):
'''Some pages on the tool can only be accessed by managers, also in
edit mode.'''
2012-05-08 07:49:45 -05:00
if self.user.has_role('Manager'): return True
def computeConnectedUsers(self):
'''Computes a table showing users that are currently connected.'''
res = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="list">' \
'<tr><th></th><th>%s</th></tr>' % \
rows = []
for userId, lastAccess in loggedUsers.items():
user = self.search1('User', noSecurity=True, login=userId)
if not user: continue # Could have been deleted in the meanwhile
fmt = '%s (%s)' % (self.dateFormat, self.hourFormat)
access = time.strftime(fmt, time.localtime(lastAccess))
rows.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>' % \
(user.o.absolute_url(), user.title,access))
return res + '\n'.join(rows) + '</table>'
podOutputFormats = ('odt', 'pdf', 'doc', 'rtf', 'ods', 'xls')
def getPodOutputFormats(self):
'''Gets the available output formats for POD documents.'''
return [(of, self.translate(of)) for of in self.podOutputFormats]
def getInitiator(self, field=False):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
'''Retrieves the object that triggered the creation of the object
being currently created (if any), or the name of the field in this
object if p_field is given.'''
2011-11-25 11:01:20 -06:00
nav = self.o.REQUEST.get('nav', '')
if not nav or not nav.startswith('ref.'): return
if not field: return self.getObject(nav.split('.')[1])
return nav.split('.')[2].split(':')[0]
2009-11-17 03:05:19 -06:00
def getObject(self, uid):
'''Allow to retrieve an object from its unique identifier p_uid.'''
return self.o.getObject(uid, appy=True)
def getDiskFolder(self):
'''Returns the disk folder where the Appy application is stored.'''
2012-05-08 07:49:45 -05:00
return self.o.config.diskFolder
def getClass(self, zopeName):
'''Gets the Appy class corresponding to technical p_zopeName.'''
return self.o.getAppyClass(zopeName)
def getAttributeName(self, attributeType, klass, attrName=None):
'''Some names of Tool attributes are not easy to guess. For example,
the attribute that stores the names of the columns to display in
query results for class A that is in package x.y is
"tool.resultColumnsForx_y_A". This method generates the attribute
name based on p_attributeType, a p_klass from the application, and a
p_attrName (given only if needed). p_attributeType may be:
Stores the pod template for p_attrName.
Stores the output format(s) of a given pod template for
Stores the list of columns that must be shown when displaying
instances of a given root p_klass.
Determines in how many columns the search screen for p_klass
is rendered.
Determines, among all indexed fields for p_klass, which one will
really be used in the search screen.
fullClassName = self.o.getPortalType(klass)
res = '%sFor%s' % (attributeType, fullClassName)
if attrName: res += '_%s' % attrName
return res
def getAvailableLanguages(self):
'''Returns the list of available languages for this application.'''
return [(, t.title) for t in self.translations]
def convert(self, fileName, format):
'''Launches a UNO-enabled Python interpreter as defined in the self for
converting, using OpenOffice in server mode, a file named p_fileName
into an output p_format.'''
convScript = '%s/pod/' % os.path.dirname(appy.__file__)
cmd = '%s %s "%s" %s -p%d' % (self.unoEnabledPython, convScript,
fileName, format, self.openOfficePort)
self.log('Executing %s...' % cmd)
return executeCommand(cmd) # The result can contain an error message
def sendMail(self, to, subject, body, attachments=None):
'''Sends a mail. See doc for appy.gen.mail.sendMail.'''
sendMail(self, to, subject, body, attachments=attachments)
def refreshSecurity(self):
'''Refreshes, on every object in the database, security-related,
workflow-managed information.'''
context = {'nb': 0}
for className in self.o.getProductConfig().allClassNames:
self.compute(className, context=context, noSecurity=True,
expression="ctx['nb'] += int(obj.o.refreshSecurity())")
msg = 'Security refresh: %d object(s) updated.' % context['nb']
def refreshCatalog(self, startObject=None):
'''Reindex all Appy objects. For some unknown reason, method
catalog.refreshCatalog is not able to recatalog Appy objects.'''
if not startObject:
# This is a global refresh. Clear the catalog completely, and then
# reindex all Appy-managed objects, ie those in folders "config"
# and "data".
# First, clear the catalog.
self.log('Recomputing the whole catalog...')
app = self.o.getParentNode()
nb = 1
failed = []
for obj in app.config.objectValues():
subNb, subFailed = self.refreshCatalog(startObject=obj)
nb += subNb
failed += subFailed
# Then, refresh objects in the "data" folder.
for obj in
subNb, subFailed = self.refreshCatalog(startObject=obj)
nb += subNb
failed += subFailed
# Re-try to index all objects for which reindexation has failed.
for obj in failed: obj.reindex()
if failed:
failMsg = ' (%d retried)' % len(failed)
failMsg = ''
self.log('%d object(s) were reindexed%s.' % (nb, failMsg))
nb = 1
failed = []
for obj in startObject.objectValues():
subNb, subFailed = self.refreshCatalog(startObject=obj)
nb += subNb
failed += subFailed
except Exception, e:
return nb, failed
def validate(self, new, errors):
'''Validates that uploaded POD templates and output types are
page = self.request.get('page', 'main')
if page == 'documents':
# Check that uploaded templates and output formats are compatible.
for fieldName in dir(new):
# Ignore fields which are not POD templates.
if not fieldName.startswith('podTemplate'): continue
# Get the file name, either from the newly uploaded file or
# from the existing file stored in the database.
if getattr(new, fieldName):
fileName = getattr(new, fieldName).filename
fileName = getattr(self, fieldName).name
# Get the extension of the uploaded file.
ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1][1:]
# Get the chosen output formats for this template.
formatsFieldName = 'formatsFor%s' % fieldName[14:]
formats = getattr(new, formatsFieldName)
error = False
if ext == 'odt':
error = ('ods' in formats) or ('xls' in formats)
elif ext == 'ods':
error = ('odt' in formats) or ('pdf' in formats) or \
('doc' in formats) or ('rtf' in formats)
if error:
msg = 'This (these) format(s) cannot be used with ' \
'this template.'
setattr(errors, formatsFieldName, msg)
return self._callCustom('validate', new, errors)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------