2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
import os, os.path, subprocess, md5, shutil, random
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
from appy.shared.utils import getOsTempFolder, FolderDeleter, cleanFolder
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
debianInfo = '''Package: python-appy%s
Version: %s
Architecture: all
Maintainer: Gaetan Delannay <gaetan.delannay@geezteem.com>
Installed-Size: %d
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
Depends: python (>= %s)%s
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
Section: python
Priority: optional
Homepage: http://appyframework.org
Description: Appy builds simple but complex web Python apps.
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
appCtl = '''#! /usr/lib/zope2.12/bin/python
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
import sys
from appy.bin.zopectl import ZopeRunner
args = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], '-C', '/etc/%s.conf', args]
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
appRun = '''#! /bin/sh
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
exec "/usr/lib/zope2.12/bin/runzope" -C "/etc/%s.conf" "$@"
2012-02-27 07:06:39 -06:00
ooStart = '#! /bin/sh\nsoffice -invisible -headless -nofirststartwizard ' \
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
zopeConf = '''# Zope configuration.
%%define INSTANCE %s
%%define DATA %s
%%define LOG %s
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
%%define HTTPPORT %s
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
%%define ZOPE_USER zope
instancehome $INSTANCE
effective-user $ZOPE_USER
level info
path $LOG/event.log
level info
<logger access>
level WARN
path $LOG/Z2.log
format %%(message)s
address $HTTPPORT
<zodb_db main>
path $DATA/Data.fs
mount-point /
<zodb_db temporary>
name temporary storage for sessioning
mount-point /temp_folder
container-class Products.TemporaryFolder.TemporaryContainer
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
# initScript below will be used to define the scripts that will run the
# app-powered Zope instance and OpenOffice in server mode at boot time.
initScript = '''#! /bin/sh
# Provides: %s
# Required-Start: $syslog $remote_fs
# Required-Stop: $syslog $remote_fs
# Should-Start: $remote_fs
# Should-Stop: $remote_fs
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start %s
2012-02-27 07:06:39 -06:00
# Description: %s
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
case "$1" in
echo "Usage: $0 start|restart|stop" >&2
exit 3
exit 0
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
class Debianizer:
'''This class allows to produce a Debian package from a Python (Appy)
def __init__(self, app, out, appVersion='0.1.0',
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
pythonVersions=('2.6',), zopePort=8080,
2012-02-15 04:38:13 -06:00
depends=('zope2.12', 'openoffice.org', 'imagemagick'),
2012-02-21 05:09:42 -06:00
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# app is the path to the Python package to Debianize.
self.app = app
self.appName = os.path.basename(app)
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
self.appNameLower = self.appName.lower()
2012-02-15 04:38:13 -06:00
# Must we sign the Debian package? If yes, we make the assumption that
# the currently logged user has a public/private key pair in ~/.gnupg,
# generated with command "gpg --gen-key".
self.sign = sign
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# out is the folder where the Debian package will be generated.
self.out = out
# What is the version number for this app ?
self.appVersion = appVersion
# On which Python versions will the Debian package depend?
self.pythonVersions = pythonVersions
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
# Port for Zope
self.zopePort = zopePort
2012-01-18 11:37:38 -06:00
# Debian package dependencies
self.depends = depends
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
# Zope 2.12 requires Python 2.6
if 'zope2.12' in depends: self.pythonVersions = ('2.6',)
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
def run(self):
'''Generates the Debian package.'''
curdir = os.getcwd()
j = os.path.join
tempFolder = getOsTempFolder()
# Create, in the temp folder, the required sub-structure for the Debian
# package.
debFolder = j(tempFolder, 'debian')
if os.path.exists(debFolder):
# Copy the Python package into it
srcFolder = j(debFolder, 'usr', 'lib')
for version in self.pythonVersions:
libFolder = j(srcFolder, 'python%s' % version)
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
destFolder = j(libFolder, self.appName)
shutil.copytree(self.app, destFolder)
# Clean dest folder (.svn/.bzr files)
cleanFolder(destFolder, folders=('.svn', '.bzr'))
# When packaging Appy itself, everything is in /usr/lib/pythonX. When
# packaging an Appy app, we will generate more files for creating a
# running instance.
if self.appName != 'appy':
# Create the folders that will collectively represent the deployed
# Zope instance.
binFolder = j(debFolder, 'usr', 'bin')
# <app>ctl
name = '%s/%sctl' % (binFolder, self.appNameLower)
f = file(name, 'w')
f.write(appCtl % self.appNameLower)
os.chmod(name, 0744) # Make it executable by owner.
# <app>run
name = '%s/%srun' % (binFolder, self.appNameLower)
f = file(name, 'w')
f.write(appRun % self.appNameLower)
os.chmod(name, 0744) # Make it executable by owner.
# startoo
name = '%s/startoo' % binFolder
f = file(name, 'w')
2012-02-27 07:06:39 -06:00
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
os.chmod(name, 0744) # Make it executable by owner.
# /var/lib/<app> (will store Data.fs, lock files, etc)
varLibFolder = j(debFolder, 'var', 'lib', self.appNameLower)
f = file('%s/README' % varLibFolder, 'w')
f.write('This folder stores the %s database.\n' % self.appName)
# /var/log/<app> (will store event.log and Z2.log)
varLogFolder = j(debFolder, 'var', 'log', self.appNameLower)
f = file('%s/README' % varLogFolder, 'w')
f.write('This folder stores the log files for %s.\n' % self.appName)
# /etc/<app>.conf (Zope configuration file)
etcFolder = j(debFolder, 'etc')
name = '%s/%s.conf' % (etcFolder, self.appNameLower)
n = self.appNameLower
f = file(name, 'w')
productsFolder = '/usr/lib/python%s/%s/zope' % \
(self.pythonVersions[0], self.appName)
f.write(zopeConf % ('/var/lib/%s' % n, '/var/lib/%s' % n,
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
'/var/log/%s' % n, str(self.zopePort),
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
'products %s\n' % productsFolder))
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
# /etc/init.d/<app> (start the app at boot time)
initdFolder = j(etcFolder, 'init.d')
name = '%s/%s' % (initdFolder, self.appNameLower)
f = file(name, 'w')
n = self.appNameLower
2012-02-27 07:06:39 -06:00
f.write(initScript % (n, n, 'Start Zope with the Appy-based %s ' \
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
'application.' % n, '%sctl start' % n,
'%sctl restart' % n, '%sctl stop' % n))
os.chmod(name, 0744) # Make it executable by owner.
# /etc/init.d/oo (start OpenOffice at boot time)
name = '%s/oo' % initdFolder
f = file(name, 'w')
f.write(initScript % ('oo', 'oo', 'Start OpenOffice in server mode',
2012-02-27 07:06:39 -06:00
'startoo', 'startoo', "#Can't stop OO."))
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
os.chmod(name, 0744) # Make it executable by owner.
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# Get the size of the app, in Kb.
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
cmd = subprocess.Popen(['du', '-b', '-s', 'debian'],
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
size = int(int(cmd.stdout.read().split()[0])/1024.0)
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
# Create data.tar.gz based on it.
os.system('tar czvf data.tar.gz *')
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# Create the control file
f = file('control', 'w')
nameSuffix = ''
2012-01-18 11:37:38 -06:00
dependencies = []
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
if self.appName != 'appy':
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
nameSuffix = '-%s' % self.appNameLower
2012-01-18 11:37:38 -06:00
if self.depends:
for d in self.depends: dependencies.append(d)
depends = ''
if dependencies:
depends = ', ' + ', '.join(dependencies)
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
f.write(debianInfo % (nameSuffix, self.appVersion, size,
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
self.pythonVersions[0], depends))
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# Create md5sum file
f = file('md5sums', 'w')
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
toWalk = ['usr']
if self.appName != 'appy':
toWalk += ['etc', 'var']
for folderToWalk in toWalk:
for dir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(folderToWalk):
for name in filenames:
m = md5.new()
pathName = j(dir, name)
currentFile = file(pathName, 'rb')
while True:
data = currentFile.read(8096)
if not data:
# Add the md5 sum to the file
f.write('%s %s\n' % (m.hexdigest(), pathName))
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
2012-01-20 09:12:00 -06:00
# Create postinst, a script that will:
# - bytecompile Python files after the Debian install
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
# - change ownership of some files if required
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
# - [in the case of an app-package] call update-rc.d for starting it at
# boot time.
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
f = file('postinst', 'w')
content = '#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n'
for version in self.pythonVersions:
2012-01-20 09:12:00 -06:00
bin = '/usr/bin/python%s' % version
lib = '/usr/lib/python%s' % version
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
cmds = ' %s -m compileall -q %s/%s 2> /dev/null\n' % (bin, lib,
2012-01-20 09:12:00 -06:00
content += 'if [ -e %s ]\nthen\n%sfi\n' % (bin, cmds)
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
if self.appName != 'appy':
# Allow user "zope", that runs the Zope instance, to write the
# database and log files.
content += 'chown -R zope:root /var/lib/%s\n' % self.appNameLower
content += 'chown -R zope:root /var/log/%s\n' % self.appNameLower
2012-02-07 05:17:10 -06:00
# Call update-rc.d for starting the app at boot time
content += 'update-rc.d %s defaults\n' % self.appNameLower
content += 'update-rc.d oo defaults\n'
2012-02-02 10:30:54 -06:00
# (re-)start the app
content += '%sctl restart\n' % self.appNameLower
# (re-)start oo
content += 'startoo\n'
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# Create prerm, a script that will remove all pyc files before removing
# the Debian package.
f = file('prerm', 'w')
content = '#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n'
for version in self.pythonVersions:
content += 'find /usr/lib/python%s/%s -name "*.pyc" -delete\n' % \
(version, self.appName)
# Create control.tar.gz
os.system('tar czvf control.tar.gz ./control ./md5sums ./postinst ' \
# Create debian-binary
f = file('debian-binary', 'w')
2012-02-15 04:38:13 -06:00
# Create the signature if required
if self.sign:
# Create the concatenated version of all files within the deb
os.system('cat debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.gz > ' \
os.system('gpg -abs -o _gpgorigin /tmp/combined-contents')
signFile = '_gpgorigin '
# Export the public key and name it according to its ID as found by
# analyzing the result of command "gpg --fingerprint".
cmd = subprocess.Popen(['gpg', '--fingerprint'],
fingerprint = cmd.stdout.read().split('\n')
id = 'pubkey'
for line in fingerprint:
if '=' not in line: continue
id = line.split('=')[1].strip()
id = ''.join(id.split()[-4:])
os.system('gpg --export -a > %s/%s.asc' % (self.out, id))
signFile = ''
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# Create the .deb package
debName = 'python-appy%s-%s.deb' % (nameSuffix, self.appVersion)
2012-02-15 04:38:13 -06:00
os.system('ar -r %s %sdebian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.gz' % \
(debName, signFile))
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# Move it to self.out
os.rename(j(debFolder, debName), j(self.out, debName))
# Clean temp files
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
definitionJson = '''{
"name": "%s",
"description": "%s, a Appy-based application",
"packages": [{"name": "python-appy" }, {"name": "python-appy-%s" }],
"files": [
{ "group": "root", "mode": "644", "name": "%s.conf",
"owner": "root", "path": "/etc/%s.conf",
"template": "%s"
"handlers": [
{ "on": ["_install"] },
{ "on": ["_uninstall" ] },
{ "on": ["%s_http_port"],
"do": [
{ "action": "update", "resource": "file://%s.conf" },
{ "action": "restart", "resource": "service://%s" }
2012-02-15 04:38:13 -06:00
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
"services": [
{ "name": "%s", "enabled": "true", "running": "false" },
2012-02-15 04:38:13 -06:00
{ "name": "oo", "enabled": "true", "running": "false" }]
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
definitionJsonConf = '''{
"name": "%s.conf",
"uuid": "%s",
"parameters": [
{ "key": "%s_http_port", "name": "%s HTTP port",
"description": "%s HTTP port for the Zope process",
"value": "8080"}
2012-02-15 04:38:13 -06:00
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
class Cortexer:
'''This class allows to produce a Cortex application definition for
2012-02-21 05:09:42 -06:00
a Debianized Python/Appy application.
Once the "cortex.admin" folder and its content has been generated, in
order to push the app definition into Cortex, go in the folder where
"cortex.admin" lies and type (command-line tool "cortex-client" must
be installed):
cortex-client sync push --api http://<cortex-host-ip>/api
2012-02-14 05:52:36 -06:00
def __init__(self, app, pythonVersions=('2.6',)):
self.appName = os.path.basename(app)
self.pythonVersions = pythonVersions
appFolder = os.path.dirname(app)
# Prepare the output folder (remove any existing one)
cortexFolder = os.path.join(appFolder, 'cortex.admin')
if os.path.exists(cortexFolder):
allFolders = os.path.join(cortexFolder, 'applications', self.appName)
self.out = allFolders
uuidChars= ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F']
def generateUid(self):
'''Generates a 32-chars-wide UID for identifying the configuration file
in the Cortex DB.'''
res = ''
for i in range(32):
res += self.uuidChars[random.randint(0,15)]
return res
def run(self):
# Create the root app description file "definition.json".
uid = self.generateUid()
name = os.path.join(self.out, 'definition.json')
f = file(name, 'w')
n = self.appName
nl = self.appName.lower()
f.write(definitionJson % (n, n, nl, nl, nl, uid, nl, nl, nl, nl))
# Create the folder corresponding to the config file, and its content.
confFolder = os.path.join(self.out, '%s.conf' % nl)
# Create the definition file for this config file, that will contain
# the names of Cortex-managed variables within the configuration file.
name = os.path.join(confFolder, 'definition.json')
f = file(name, 'w')
f.write(definitionJsonConf % (nl, uid, nl, n, n))
# Create the Zope config file, with Cortex-like variables within in.
name = os.path.join(confFolder, '%s.conf' % nl)
f = file(name, 'w')
productsFolder='/usr/lib/python%s/%s/zope' % (self.pythonVersions[0],n)
f.write(zopeConf % ('/var/lib/%s' % n, '/var/lib/%s' % n,
'/var/log/%s' % n, '${%s_http_port}' % nl,
'products %s\n' % productsFolder))
2012-01-18 07:27:24 -06:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------