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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of Appy, a framework for building applications in the Python
# language. Copyright (C) 2007 Gaetan Delannay
# Appy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Appy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Appy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from appy import Object
from appy.px import Px
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Phase:
'''A group of pages.'''
pxView = Px('''
<tr var="singlePage=len(phase.pages) == 1">
<td var="label='%s_phase_%s' % (zobj.meta_type, phase.name)">
<!-- The title of the phase -->
<div class="portletGroup"
if="not singlePhase and not singlePage">::_(label)</div>
<!-- The page(s) within the phase -->
<x for="aPage in phase.pages">
<!-- First line: page name and icons -->
<div if="not (singlePhase and singlePage)"
class=":aPage==page and 'portletCurrent portletPage' or \
<a href=":zobj.getUrl(page=aPage)">::_('%s_page_%s' % \
(zobj.meta_type, aPage))</a>
<x var="locked=zobj.isLocked(user, aPage);
editable=mayEdit and phase.pagesInfo[aPage].showOnEdit">
<a if="editable and not locked"
href=":zobj.getUrl(mode='edit', page=aPage)">
<img src=":url('edit')" title=":_('object_edit')"/></a>
<a if="editable and locked">
<img style="cursor: help"
lockMap={'user':ztool.getUserName(locked[0]), \
lockMsg=_('page_locked', mapping=lockMap)"
src=":url('locked')" title=":lockMsg"/></a>
<a if="editable and locked and user.has_role('Manager')">
<img class="clickable" title=":_('page_unlock')" src=":url('unlock')"
onclick=":'onUnlockPage(%s,%s)' % \
(q(zobj.UID()), q(aPage))"/></a>
<!-- Next lines: links -->
<x var="links=phase.pagesInfo[aPage].links" if="links">
<div for="link in links"><a href=":link.url">:link.title</a></div>
def __init__(self, name, obj):
self.name = name
self.obj = obj
# The list of names of pages in this phase
self.pages = []
# The list of hidden pages in this phase
self.hiddenPages = []
# The dict below stores info about every page listed in self.pages.
self.pagesInfo = {}
self.totalNbOfPhases = None
# The following attributes allows to browse, from a given page, to the
# last page of the previous phase and to the first page of the following
# phase if allowed by phase state.
self.previousPhase = None
self.nextPhase = None
def addPageLinks(self, field, obj):
'''If p_field is a navigable Ref, we must add, within self.pagesInfo,
objects linked to p_obj through this ReF as links.'''
if field.page.name in self.hiddenPages: return
infos = []
for ztied in field.getValue(obj, type='zobjects'):
infos.append(Object(title=ztied.title, url=ztied.absolute_url()))
self.pagesInfo[field.page.name].links = infos
def addPage(self, field, obj, layoutType):
'''Adds page-related information in the phase.'''
# If the page is already there, we have nothing more to do.
if (field.page.name in self.pages) or \
(field.page.name in self.hiddenPages): return
# Add the page only if it must be shown.
isShowableOnView = field.page.isShowable(obj, 'view')
isShowableOnEdit = field.page.isShowable(obj, 'edit')
if isShowableOnView or isShowableOnEdit:
# The page must be added.
# Create the dict about page information and add it in self.pageInfo
pageInfo = Object(page=field.page, showOnView=isShowableOnView,
showOnEdit=isShowableOnEdit, links=None)
pageInfo.update(field.page.getInfo(obj, layoutType))
self.pagesInfo[field.page.name] = pageInfo
def computeNextPrevious(self, allPhases):
'''This method also fills fields "previousPhase" and "nextPhase"
if relevant, based on list of p_allPhases.'''
# Identify previous and next phases
for phase in allPhases:
if phase.name == self.name:
i = allPhases.index(phase)
if i > 0:
self.previousPhase = allPhases[i-1]
if i < (len(allPhases)-1):
self.nextPhase = allPhases[i+1]
def getPreviousPage(self, page):
'''Returns the page that precedes p_page in this phase.'''
pageIndex = self.pages.index(page)
except ValueError:
# The current page is probably not visible anymore. Return the
# first available page in current phase.
res = self.pages[0]
return res, self.pagesInfo[res]
if pageIndex > 0:
# We stay on the same phase, previous page
res = self.pages[pageIndex-1]
return res, self.pagesInfo[res]
if self.previousPhase:
# We go to the last page of previous phase
previousPhase = self.previousPhase
res = previousPhase.pages[-1]
return res, previousPhase.pagesInfo[res]
return None, None
def getNextPage(self, page):
'''Returns the page that follows p_page in this phase.'''
pageIndex = self.pages.index(page)
except ValueError:
# The current page is probably not visible anymore. Return the
# first available page in current phase.
res = self.pages[0]
return res, self.pagesInfo[res]
if pageIndex < (len(self.pages)-1):
# We stay on the same phase, next page
res = self.pages[pageIndex+1]
return res, self.pagesInfo[res]
if self.nextPhase:
# We go to the first page of next phase
nextPhase = self.nextPhase
res = nextPhase.pages[0]
return res, nextPhase.pagesInfo[res]
return None, None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------