
221 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from appy.px import Px
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Siblings:
'''Abstract class containing information for navigating from one object to
its siblings.'''
siblingTypes = ('previous', 'next', 'first', 'last')
# Buttons for going to siblings of the current object.
pxNavigate = Px('''
<!-- Go to the source URL (search or referred object) -->
<a if="not inPopup" href=":self.sourceUrl"><img
var="goBack='%s - %s' % (self.getBackText(), _('goto_source'))"
src=":url('gotoSource')" title=":goBack"/></a>
<!-- Go to the first or previous page -->
<a if="self.firstUrl" href=":self.firstUrl"><img title=":_('goto_first')"
if="self.previousUrl" href=":self.previousUrl"><img
title=":_('goto_previous')" src=":url('arrowLeft')"/></a>
<!-- Explain which element is currently shown -->
<span class="discreet">
<x>:self.number</x> <b>//</b>
<x></x> </span>
<!-- Go to the next or last page -->
<a if="self.nextUrl" href=":self.nextUrl"><img title=":_('goto_next')"
if="self.lastUrl" href=":self.lastUrl"><img title=":_('goto_last')"
<!-- Go to the element number... -->
<x if="self.showGotoNumber()"
var2="field=self.field; sourceUrl=self.sourceObject.absolute_url();"><br/><x>:obj.pxGotoNumber</x></x>''')
def get(nav, tool, inPopup):
'''This method analyses the navigation info p_nav and returns the
corresponding concrete Siblings instance.'''
elems = nav.split('.')
params = elems[1:]
if elems[0] == 'ref': return RefSiblings(tool, inPopup, *params)
elif elems[0] == 'search': return SearchSiblings(tool, inPopup, *params)
def computeStartNumber(self):
'''Returns the start number of the batch where the current element
# First index starts at O, so we calibrate self.number
number = self.number - 1
batchSize = self.getBatchSize()
res = 0
while (res <
if (number < res + batchSize): return res
res += batchSize
return res
def __init__(self, tool, inPopup, number, total):
self.tool = tool
self.request = tool.REQUEST
# Are we in a popup window or not?
self.inPopup = inPopup
# The number of the current element
self.number = int(number)
# The total number of siblings = int(total)
# Do I need to navigate to first, previous, next and/or last sibling ?
self.previousNeeded = False # Previous ?
self.previousIndex = self.number - 2
if (self.previousIndex > -1) and ( > self.previousIndex):
self.previousNeeded = True
self.nextNeeded = False # Next ?
self.nextIndex = self.number
if self.nextIndex < self.nextNeeded = True
self.firstNeeded = False # First ?
self.firstIndex = 0
if self.previousIndex > 0: self.firstNeeded = True
self.lastNeeded = False # Last ?
self.lastIndex = - 1
if (self.nextIndex < self.lastIndex): self.lastNeeded = True
# Compute the UIDs of the siblings of the current object
self.siblings = self.getSiblings()
# Compute back URL and URLs to siblings
self.sourceUrl = self.getSourceUrl()
siblingNav = self.getNavKey()
siblingPage = self.request.get('page', 'main')
for urlType in self.siblingTypes:
exec 'needIt = self.%sNeeded' % urlType
urlKey = '%sUrl' % urlType
setattr(self, urlKey, None)
if not needIt: continue
exec 'index = self.%sIndex' % urlType
uid = None
# self.siblings can be a list (ref) or a dict (search)
uid = self.siblings[index]
except KeyError: continue
except IndexError: continue
if not uid: continue
sibling = self.tool.getObject(uid)
if not sibling: continue
setattr(self, urlKey, sibling.getUrl(nav=siblingNav % (index + 1),
page=siblingPage, inPopup=inPopup))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RefSiblings(Siblings):
'''Class containing information for navigating from one object to another
within tied objects from a Ref field.'''
prefix = 'ref'
def __init__(self, tool, inPopup, sourceUid, fieldName, number, total):
# The source object of the Ref field
self.sourceObject = tool.getObject(sourceUid)
# The Ref field in itself
self.field = self.sourceObject.getAppyType(fieldName)
# Call the base constructor
Siblings.__init__(self, tool, inPopup, number, total)
def getNavKey(self):
'''Returns the general navigation key for navigating to another
return self.field.getNavInfo(self.sourceObject, None,
def getBackText(self):
'''Computes the text to display when the user want to navigate back to
the list of tied objects.'''
_ = self.tool.translate
return '%s - %s' % (self.sourceObject.Title(), _(self.field.labelId))
def getBatchSize(self):
'''Returns the maximum number of shown objects at a time for this
return self.field.maxPerPage
def getSiblings(self):
'''Returns the siblings of the current object.'''
return getattr(self.sourceObject,, ())
def getSourceUrl(self):
'''Computes the URL allowing to go back to self.sourceObject's page
where self.field lies and shows the list of tied objects, at the
batch where the current object lies.'''
# Allow to go back to the batch where the current object lies
field = self.field
startNumberKey = '%s_%s_objs_startNumber' % \
startNumber = str(self.computeStartNumber())
return self.sourceObject.getUrl(**{startNumberKey:startNumber,
'page':field.pageName, 'nav':''})
def showGotoNumber(self):
'''Show "goto number" if the Ref field is numbered.'''
return self.field.isNumbered(self.sourceObject)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SearchSiblings(Siblings):
'''Class containing information for navigating from one object to another
within results of a search.'''
prefix = 'search'
def __init__(self, tool, inPopup, className, searchName, number, total):
# The class determining the type of searched objects
self.className = className
# Get the search object
self.searchName = searchName
self.uiSearch = tool.getSearch(className, searchName, ui=True) =
Siblings.__init__(self, tool, inPopup, number, total)
def getNavKey(self):
'''Returns the general navigation key for navigating to another
return 'search.%s.%s.%%d.%d' % (self.className, self.searchName,
def getBackText(self):
'''Computes the text to display when the user want to navigate back to
the list of searched objects.'''
return self.uiSearch.translated
def getBatchSize(self):
'''Returns the maximum number of shown objects at a time for this
def getSiblings(self):
'''Returns the siblings of the current object. For performance reasons,
only a part of the is stored, in the session object.'''
session = self.request.SESSION
searchKey =
if session.has_key(searchKey): res = session[searchKey]
else: res = {}
if (self.previousNeeded and not res.has_key(self.previousIndex)) or \
(self.nextNeeded and not res.has_key(self.nextIndex)):
# The needed sibling UID is not in session. We will need to
# retrigger the query by querying all objects surrounding this one.
newStartNumber = (self.number-1) - ( / 2)
if newStartNumber < 0: newStartNumber = 0
startNumber=newStartNumber, remember=True)
res = session[searchKey]
# For the moment, for first and last, we get them only if we have them
# in session.
if not res.has_key(0): self.firstNeeded = False
if not res.has_key(self.lastIndex): self.lastNeeded = False
return res
def getSourceUrl(self):
'''Computes the (non-Ajax) URL allowing to go back to the search
results, at the batch where the current object lies.'''
params = 'className=%s&search=%s&startNumber=%d' % \
(self.className, self.searchName, self.computeStartNumber())
ref = self.request.get('ref', None)
if ref: params += '&ref=%s' % ref
return '%s/query?%s' % (self.tool.absolute_url(), params)
def showGotoNumber(self): return
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------