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2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
'''This package contains mixin classes that are mixed in with generated classes:
- mixins/BaseMixin is mixed in with Standard Archetypes classes;
- mixins/ToolMixin is mixed in with the generated application Tool class.'''
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, os.path, types, mimetypes
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
import appy.gen
from appy.gen import Type, String, Selection, Role
from appy.gen.utils import *
from appy.gen.layout import Table, defaultPageLayouts
from appy.gen.plone25.descriptors import ClassDescriptor
from appy.gen.plone25.utils import updateRolesForPermission
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BaseMixin:
'''Every Archetype class generated by appy.gen inherits from this class or
a subclass of it.'''
_appy_meta_type = 'Class'
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def createOrUpdate(self, created, values):
'''This method creates (if p_created is True) or updates an object.
p_values are manipulated versions of those from the HTTP request.
In the case of an object creation (p_created is True), p_self is a
temporary object created in the request by portal_factory, and this
method creates the corresponding final object. In the case of an
update, this method simply updates fields of p_self.'''
rq = self.REQUEST
obj = self
if created:
obj = self.portal_factory.doCreate(self, # portal_factory
# creates the final object from the temp object.
previousData = None
if not created: previousData = self.rememberPreviousData()
# Perform the change on the object, unless self is a tool being created.
if (obj._appy_meta_type == 'Tool') and created:
# We do not process form data (=real update on the object) if the
# tool itself is being created.
# Store in the database the new value coming from the form
for appyType in self.getAppyTypes('edit', rq.get('page')):
value = getattr(values,, None), value)
if created:
# Now we have a title for the object, so we derive a nice id
if previousData:
# Keep in history potential changes on historized fields
# Manage potential link with an initiator object
if created and rq.get('nav', None):
# Get the initiator
splitted = rq['nav'].split('.')
if splitted[0] == 'search': return # Not an initiator but a search.
initiator = self.uid_catalog(UID=splitted[1])[0].getObject()
fieldName = splitted[2].split(':')[0]
initiator.appy().link(fieldName, obj)
# Call the custom "onEdit" if available
if obj.wrapperClass:
appyObject = obj.appy()
if hasattr(appyObject, 'onEdit'): appyObject.onEdit(created)
# Manage "add" permissions and reindex the object
return obj
def delete(self):
'''This methods is self's suicide.'''
def onCreate(self):
'''This method is called when a user wants to create a root object in
the application folder or an object through a reference field.'''
rq = self.REQUEST
typeName = rq.get('type_name')
# Create the params to add to the URL we will redirect the user to
# create the object.
urlParams = {'mode':'edit', 'page':'main', 'nav':''}
if rq.get('nav', None):
# The object to create will be linked to an initiator object through
# a ref field. We create here a new navigation string with one more
# item, that will be the currently created item.
splitted = rq.get('nav').split('.')
splitted[-1] = splitted[-2] = str(int(splitted[-1])+1)
urlParams['nav'] = '.'.join(splitted)
# Determine base URL
baseUrl = self.absolute_url()
if (self._appy_meta_type == 'Tool') and not urlParams['nav']:
# This is the creation of a root object in the app folder
baseUrl = self.getAppFolder().absolute_url()
objId = self.generateUniqueId(typeName)
editUrl = '%s/portal_factory/%s/%s/skyn/edit' % \
(baseUrl, typeName, objId)
return self.goto(self.getUrl(editUrl, **urlParams))
def onCreateWithoutForm(self):
'''This method is called when a user wants to create a object from a
reference field, automatically (without displaying a form).'''
rq = self.REQUEST
def intraFieldValidation(self, errors, values):
'''This method performs field-specific validation for every field from
the page that is being created or edited. For every field whose
validation generates an error, we add an entry in p_errors. For every
field, we add in p_values an entry with the "ready-to-store" field
rq = self.REQUEST
for appyType in self.getAppyTypes('edit', rq.form.get('page')):
if not appyType.validable: continue
value = appyType.getRequestValue(rq)
message = appyType.validate(self, value)
if message:
setattr(errors,, message)
setattr(values,, appyType.getStorableValue(value))
def interFieldValidation(self, errors, values):
'''This method is called when individual validation of all fields
succeed (when editing or creating an object). Then, this method
performs inter-field validation. This way, the user must first
correct individual fields before being confronted to potential
inter-field validation errors.'''
obj = self.appy()
if not hasattr(obj, 'validate'): return
obj.validate(values, errors)
# Those custom validation methods may have added fields in the given
# p_errors object. Within this object, for every error message that is
# not a string, we replace it with the standard validation error for the
# corresponding field.
for key, value in errors.__dict__.iteritems():
resValue = value
if not isinstance(resValue, basestring):
appyType = self.getAppyType(key)
msgId = '%s_valid' % appyType.labelId
resValue = self.translate(msgId)
setattr(errors, key, resValue)
def onUpdate(self):
'''This method is executed when a user wants to update an object.
The object may be a temporary object created by portal_factory in
the request. In this case, the update consists in the creation of
the "final" object in the database. If the object is not a temporary
one, this method updates its fields in the database.'''
rq = self.REQUEST
errorMessage = self.translate(
'Please correct the indicated errors.', domain='plone')
isNew = rq.get('is_new') == 'True'
# Go back to the consult view if the user clicked on 'Cancel'
if rq.get('buttonCancel.x', None):
if isNew:
if rq.get('nav', ''):
# We can go back to the initiator page.
splitted = rq['nav'].split('.')
initiator = self.getTool().getObject(splitted[1])
initiatorPage = splitted[2].split(':')[1]
urlBack = initiator.getUrl(page=initiatorPage, nav='')
# Go back to the Plone site (no better solution at present).
urlBack = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().absolute_url()
urlBack = self.getUrl()
self.translate('Changes canceled.', domain='plone'))
return self.goto(urlBack)
# Object for storing validation errors
errors = AppyObject()
# Object for storing the (converted) values from the request
values = AppyObject()
# Trigger field-specific validation
self.intraFieldValidation(errors, values)
if errors.__dict__:
rq.set('errors', errors.__dict__)
return self.skyn.edit(self)
# Trigger inter-field validation
self.interFieldValidation(errors, values)
if errors.__dict__:
rq.set('errors', errors.__dict__)
return self.skyn.edit(self)
# Create or update the object in the database
obj = self.createOrUpdate(isNew, values)
# Redirect the user to the appropriate page
msg = obj.translate('Changes saved.', domain='plone')
if rq.get('buttonOk.x', None):
# Go to the consult view for this object
return self.goto(obj.getUrl())
if rq.get('buttonPrevious.x', None):
# Go to the previous page for this object.
# We recompute the list of phases and pages because things
# may have changed since the object has been updated (ie,
# additional pages may be shown or hidden now, so the next and
# previous pages may have changed). Moreover, previous and next
# pages may not be available in "edit" mode, so we return the edit
# or view pages depending on
phaseInfo = self.getAppyPhases(currentOnly=True, layoutType='edit')
pageName, pageInfo = self.getPreviousPage(phaseInfo, rq['page'])
if pageName:
# Return to the edit or view page?
if pageInfo['showOnEdit']:
rq.set('page', pageName)
return obj.skyn.edit(obj)
return self.goto(obj.getUrl(page=pageName))
return self.goto(obj.getUrl())
if rq.get('buttonNext.x', None):
# Go to the next page for this object
phaseInfo = self.getAppyPhases(currentOnly=True, layoutType='edit')
pageName, pageInfo = self.getNextPage(phaseInfo, rq['page'])
if pageName:
# Return to the edit or view page?
if pageInfo['showOnEdit']:
rq.set('page', pageName)
return obj.skyn.edit(obj)
return self.goto(obj.getUrl(page=pageName))
return self.goto(obj.getUrl())
return obj.skyn.edit(obj)
def onDelete(self):
rq = self.REQUEST
msg = self.translate('delete_done')
def rememberPreviousData(self):
'''This method is called before updating an object and remembers, for
every historized field, the previous value. Result is a dict
~{s_fieldName: previousFieldValue}~'''
res = {}
for appyType in self.getAllAppyTypes():
if appyType.historized:
res[] = appyType.getValue(self)
return res
def addDataChange(self, changes):
'''This method allows to add "manually" a data change into the objet's
history. Indeed, data changes are "automatically" recorded only when
a HTTP form is uploaded, not if, in the code, a setter is called on
a field. The method is also called by the method historizeData below,
that performs "automatic" recording when a HTTP form is uploaded.'''
# Add to the p_changes dict the field labels
for fieldName in changes.iterkeys():
appyType = self.getAppyType(fieldName)
changes[fieldName] = (changes[fieldName], appyType.labelId)
# Create the event to record in the history
DateTime = self.getProductConfig().DateTime
state = self.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(self, 'review_state')
user = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()
event = {'action': '_datachange_', 'changes': changes,
'review_state': state, 'actor':,
'time': DateTime(), 'comments': ''}
# Add the event to the history
histKey = self.workflow_history.keys()[0]
self.workflow_history[histKey] += (event,)
def historizeData(self, previousData):
'''Records in the object history potential changes on historized fields.
p_previousData contains the values, before an update, of the
historized fields, while p_self already contains the (potentially)
modified values.'''
# Remove from previousData all values that were not changed
for field in previousData.keys():
prev = previousData[field]
appyType = self.getAppyType(field)
curr = appyType.getValue(self)
2009-12-15 14:30:43 -06:00
if (prev == curr) or ((prev == None) and (curr == '')) or \
((prev == '') and (curr == None)):
del previousData[field]
if (appyType.type == 'Ref') and (field in previousData):
titles = [r.title for r in previousData[field]]
previousData[field] = ','.join(titles)
if previousData:
2010-01-08 11:03:59 -06:00
def goto(self, url, addParams=False):
'''Brings the user to some p_url after an action has been executed.'''
return self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(url)
def showField(self, name, layoutType='view'):
'''Must I show field named p_name on this p_layoutType ?'''
return self.getAppyType(name).isShowable(self, layoutType)
def getMethod(self, methodName):
'''Returns the method named p_methodName.'''
return getattr(self, methodName, None)
def getFieldValue(self, name, onlyIfSync=False, layoutType=None):
'''Returns the database value of field named p_name for p_self.
If p_onlyIfSync is True, it returns the value only if appyType can be
retrieved in synchronous mode.'''
appyType = self.getAppyType(name)
if not onlyIfSync or (onlyIfSync and appyType.sync[layoutType]):
return appyType.getValue(self)
return None
def getFormattedFieldValue(self, name, value):
'''Gets a nice, string representation of p_value which is a value from
field named p_name.'''
return self.getAppyType(name).getFormattedValue(self, value)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def getAppyRefs(self, name, startNumber=None):
'''Gets the objects linked to me through Ref field named p_name.
If p_startNumber is None, this method returns all referred objects.
If p_startNumber is a number, this method will return
appyType.maxPerPage objects, starting at p_startNumber.'''
appyType = self.getAppyType(name)
return appyType.getValue(self, type='zobjects', someObjects=True,
def getSelectableAppyRefs(self, name):
'''p_name is the name of a Ref field. This method returns the list of
all objects that can be selected to be linked as references to p_self
through field p_name.'''
appyType = self.getAppyType(name)
if not
# No select method has been defined: we must retrieve all objects
# of the referred type that the user is allowed to access.
return self.appy().search(appyType.klass)
xhtmlToText = re.compile('<.*?>', re.S)
def getReferenceLabel(self, name, refObject):
'''p_name is the name of a Ref field with link=True. I need to display,
on an edit view, the p_refObject in the listbox that will allow
the user to choose which object(s) to link through the Ref.
The information to display may only be the object title or more if
field.shownInfo is used.'''
appyType = self.getAppyType(name)
res = refObject.title
if 'title' in appyType.shownInfo:
# We may place it at another place
res = ''
for fieldName in appyType.shownInfo:
refType = refObject.o.getAppyType(fieldName)
value = getattr(refObject, fieldName)
value = refType.getFormattedValue(refObject.o, value)
if (refType.type == 'String') and (refType.format == 2):
value = self.xhtmlToText.sub(' ', value)
prefix = ''
if res:
prefix = ' | '
res += prefix + value
maxWidth = appyType.width or 30
if len(res) > maxWidth:
res = res[:maxWidth-2] + '...'
return res
def getReferenceUid(self, refObject):
'''Returns the UID of referred object p_refObject.'''
return refObject.o.UID()
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def getAppyRefIndex(self, fieldName, obj):
'''Gets the position of p_obj within Ref field named p_fieldName.'''
2010-02-12 03:59:42 -06:00
sortedObjectsUids = self._appy_getSortedField(fieldName)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
res = sortedObjectsUids.index(obj.UID())
return res
def getAppyType(self, name, asDict=False, className=None):
'''Returns the Appy type named p_name. If no p_className is defined, the
field is supposed to belong to self's class.'''
className = className or self.__class__.__name__
attrs = self.getProductConfig().attributesDict[className]
appyType = attrs.get(name, None)
if appyType and asDict: return appyType.__dict__
return appyType
def getAllAppyTypes(self, className=None):
'''Returns the ordered list of all Appy types for self's class if
p_className is not specified, or for p_className else.'''
className = className or self.__class__.__name__
return self.getProductConfig().attributes[className]
def getGroupedAppyTypes(self, layoutType, pageName):
'''Returns the fields sorted by group. For every field, the appyType
(dict version) is given.'''
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
res = []
groups = {} # The already encountered groups
for appyType in self.getAllAppyTypes():
if != pageName: continue
if not appyType.isShowable(self, layoutType): continue
if not
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# Insert the GroupDescr instance corresponding to
# at the right place
groupDescr =, groups,, self.meta_type)
GroupDescr.addWidget(groupDescr, appyType.__dict__)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
return res
def getAppyTypes(self, layoutType, pageName):
'''Returns the list of appyTypes that belong to a given p_page, for a
given p_layoutType.'''
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
res = []
for appyType in self.getAllAppyTypes():
if != pageName: continue
if not appyType.isShowable(self, layoutType): continue
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
return res
def getCssAndJs(self, layoutType, page):
'''Returns the CSS and Javascript files that need to be loaded by the
p_page for the given p_layoutType.'''
css = []
js = []
for appyType in self.getAppyTypes(layoutType, page):
typeCss = appyType.getCss(layoutType)
if typeCss:
for tcss in typeCss:
if tcss not in css: css.append(tcss)
typeJs = appyType.getJs(layoutType)
if typeJs:
for tjs in typeJs:
if tjs not in js: js.append(tjs)
return css, js
def getAppyTypesFromNames(self, fieldNames, asDict=True):
'''Gets the Appy types names p_fieldNames.'''
return [self.getAppyType(name, asDict) for name in fieldNames]
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def getAppyStates(self, phase, currentOnly=False):
'''Returns information about the states that are related to p_phase.
If p_currentOnly is True, we return the current state, even if not
related to p_phase.'''
res = []
dcWorkflow = self.getWorkflow(appy=False)
if not dcWorkflow: return res
currentState = self.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(self, 'review_state')
if currentOnly:
return [StateDescr(currentState,'current').get()]
workflow = self.getWorkflow(appy=True)
if workflow:
stateStatus = 'done'
for stateName in workflow._states:
if stateName == currentState:
stateStatus = 'current'
elif stateStatus != 'done':
stateStatus = 'future'
state = getattr(workflow, stateName)
if (state.phase == phase) and \
res.append(StateDescr(stateName, stateStatus).get())
return res
def getAppyTransitions(self):
'''Returns the transitions that the user can trigger on p_self.'''
transitions = self.portal_workflow.getTransitionsFor(self)
res = []
if transitions:
# Retrieve the corresponding Appy transition, to check if the user
# may view it.
workflow = self.getWorkflow(appy=True)
if not workflow: return transitions
for transition in transitions:
# Get the corresponding Appy transition
appyTr = workflow._transitionsMapping[transition['id']]
if self._appy_showTransition(workflow,
return res
def getAppyPhases(self, currentOnly=False, layoutType='view'):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
'''Gets the list of phases that are defined for this content type. If
p_currentOnly is True, the search is limited to the phase where the
current page (as defined in the request) lies.'''
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# Get the list of phases
res = [] # Ordered list of phases
phases = {} # Dict of phases
for appyType in self.getAllAppyTypes():
typePhase =
if typePhase not in phases:
states = self.getAppyStates(typePhase)
phase = PhaseDescr(typePhase, states, self)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
phases[typePhase] = phase
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
phase = phases[typePhase]
phase.addPage(appyType, self, layoutType)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# Remove phases that have no visible page
for i in range(len(res)-1, -1, -1):
if not res[i]['pages']:
del phases[res[i]['name']]
del res[i]
# Then, compute status of phases
for ph in phases.itervalues():
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
ph.totalNbOfPhases = len(res)
# Restrict the result to the current phase if required
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
if currentOnly:
rq = self.REQUEST
page = rq.get('page', 'main')
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
for phaseInfo in res:
if page in phaseInfo['pages']:
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
return phaseInfo
# If I am here, it means that the page as defined in the request,
# or 'main' by default, is not existing nor visible in any phase.
# In this case I set the page as being the first visible page in
# the first visible phase.
rq.set('page', res[0]['pages'][0])
return res[0]
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
return res
def getPreviousPage(self, phase, page):
'''Returns the page that precedes p_page which is in p_phase.'''
pageIndex = phase['pages'].index(page)
if pageIndex > 0:
# We stay on the same phase, previous page
res = phase['pages'][pageIndex-1]
resInfo = phase['pagesInfo'][res]
return res, resInfo
if phase['previousPhase']:
# We go to the last page of previous phase
previousPhase = phase['previousPhase']
res = previousPhase['pages'][-1]
resInfo = previousPhase['pagesInfo'][res]
return res, resInfo
return None, None
def getNextPage(self, phase, page):
'''Returns the page that follows p_page which is in p_phase.'''
pageIndex = phase['pages'].index(page)
if pageIndex < len(phase['pages'])-1:
# We stay on the same phase, next page
res = phase['pages'][pageIndex+1]
resInfo = phase['pagesInfo'][res]
return res, resInfo
if phase['nextPhase']:
# We go to the first page of next phase
nextPhase = phase['nextPhase']
res = nextPhase['pages'][0]
resInfo = nextPhase['pagesInfo'][res]
return res, resInfo
return None, None
def changeRefOrder(self, fieldName, objectUid, newIndex, isDelta):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
'''This method changes the position of object with uid p_objectUid in
reference field p_fieldName to p_newIndex i p_isDelta is False, or
to actualIndex+p_newIndex if p_isDelta is True.'''
2010-02-12 03:59:42 -06:00
sortedObjectsUids = self._appy_getSortedField(fieldName)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
oldIndex = sortedObjectsUids.index(objectUid)
if isDelta:
newIndex = oldIndex + newIndex
pass # To implement later on
sortedObjectsUids.insert(newIndex, objectUid)
def onChangeRefOrder(self):
'''This method is called when the user wants to change order of an
item in a reference field.'''
rq = self.REQUEST
# Move the item up (-1), down (+1) ?
move = -1 # Move up
if rq['move'] == 'down':
move = 1 # Down
isDelta = True
self.changeRefOrder(rq['fieldName'], rq['refObjectUid'], move, isDelta)
def onSortReference(self):
'''This method is called when the user wants to sort the content of a
reference field.'''
rq = self.REQUEST
fieldName = rq.get('fieldName')
sortKey = rq.get('sortKey')
reverse = rq.get('reverse') == 'True'
self.appy().sort(fieldName, sortKey=sortKey, reverse=reverse)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def getWorkflow(self, appy=True):
'''Returns the Appy workflow instance that is relevant for this
object. If p_appy is False, it returns the DC workflow.'''
res = None
if appy:
# Get the workflow class first
workflowClass = None
if self.wrapperClass:
appyClass = self.wrapperClass.__bases__[-1]
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
if hasattr(appyClass, 'workflow'):
workflowClass = appyClass.workflow
if workflowClass:
# Get the corresponding prototypical workflow instance
res = self.getProductConfig().workflowInstances[workflowClass]
dcWorkflows = self.portal_workflow.getWorkflowsFor(self)
if dcWorkflows:
res = dcWorkflows[0]
return res
def getWorkflowLabel(self, stateName=None):
'''Gets the i18n label for the workflow current state. If no p_stateName
is given, workflow label is given for the current state.'''
res = ''
wf = self.getWorkflow(appy=False)
if wf:
res = stateName
if not res:
res = self.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(self, 'review_state')
appyWf = self.getWorkflow(appy=True)
if appyWf:
res = '%s_%s' % (, res)
return res
def hasHistory(self):
'''Has this object an history?'''
if hasattr(self.aq_base, 'workflow_history') and self.workflow_history:
key = self.workflow_history.keys()[0]
for event in self.workflow_history[key]:
if event['action'] and (event['comments'] != '_invisible_'):
return True
return False
def getHistory(self, startNumber=0, reverse=True, includeInvisible=False):
'''Returns the history for this object, sorted in reverse order (most
recent change first) if p_reverse is True.'''
batchSize = 5
key = self.workflow_history.keys()[0]
history = list(self.workflow_history[key][1:])
if not includeInvisible:
history = [e for e in history if e['comments'] != '_invisible_']
if reverse: history.reverse()
return {'events': history[startNumber:startNumber+batchSize],
'totalNumber': len(history), 'batchSize':batchSize}
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def may(self, transitionName):
'''May the user execute transition named p_transitionName?'''
# Get the Appy workflow instance
workflow = self.getWorkflow()
res = False
if workflow:
# Get the corresponding Appy transition
transition = workflow._transitionsMapping[transitionName]
user = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()
if isinstance(transition.condition, Role):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# It is a role. Transition may be triggered if the user has this
# role.
res = user.has_role(, self)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
elif type(transition.condition) == types.FunctionType:
res = transition.condition(workflow, self.appy())
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
elif type(transition.condition) in (tuple, list):
# It is a list of roles and or functions. Transition may be
# triggered if user has at least one of those roles and if all
# functions return True.
hasRole = None
for roleOrFunction in transition.condition:
if isinstance(roleOrFunction, basestring):
if hasRole == None:
hasRole = False
if user.has_role(roleOrFunction, self):
hasRole = True
elif type(roleOrFunction) == types.FunctionType:
if not roleOrFunction(workflow, self.appy()):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
return False
if hasRole != False:
res = True
return res
def executeAppyAction(self, actionName, reindex=True):
'''Executes action with p_fieldName on this object.'''
appyType = self.getAppyType(actionName)
actionRes = appyType(self.appy())
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
return appyType.result, actionRes
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def onExecuteAppyAction(self):
'''This method is called every time a user wants to execute an Appy
action on an object.'''
rq = self.REQUEST
resultType, actionResult = self.executeAppyAction(rq['fieldName'])
successfull, msg = actionResult
if not msg:
# Use the default i18n messages
suffix = 'ko'
if successfull:
suffix = 'ok'
appyType = self.getAppyType(rq['fieldName'])
label = '%s_action_%s' % (appyType.labelId, suffix)
msg = self.translate(label)
if (resultType == 'computation') or not successfull:
return self.goto(self.getUrl(rq['HTTP_REFERER']))
# msg does not contain a message, but a complete file to show as is.
# (or, if your prefer, the message must be shown directly to the
# user, not encapsulated in a Plone page).
res = self.getProductConfig().File(,, msg,
return res.index_html(rq, rq.RESPONSE)
def onTriggerTransition(self):
'''This method is called whenever a user wants to trigger a workflow
transition on an object.'''
rq = self.REQUEST
self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(self, rq['workflow_action'],
comment = rq.get('comment', ''))
# Where to redirect the user back ?
urlBack = rq['HTTP_REFERER']
if urlBack.find('?') != -1:
# Remove params; this way, the user may be redirected to correct
# phase when relevant.
urlBack = urlBack[:urlBack.find('?')]
msg = self.translate(u'Your content\'s status has been modified.',
2010-01-12 01:58:40 -06:00
return self.goto(urlBack)
def fieldValueSelected(self, fieldName, vocabValue, dbValue):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
'''When displaying a selection box (ie a String with a validator being a
list), must the _vocabValue appear as selected?'''
rq = self.REQUEST
# Get the value we must compare (from request or from database)
if rq.has_key(fieldName):
compValue = rq.get(fieldName)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
compValue = dbValue
# Compare the value
if type(compValue) in sequenceTypes:
if vocabValue in compValue: return True
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
if vocabValue == compValue: return True
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def checkboxChecked(self, fieldName, dbValue):
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
'''When displaying a checkbox, must it be checked or not?'''
rq = self.REQUEST
# Get the value we must compare (from request or from database)
if rq.has_key(fieldName):
compValue = rq.get(fieldName)
compValue = compValue in ('True', 1, '1')
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
compValue = dbValue
# Compare the value
return compValue
def dateValueSelected(self, fieldName, fieldPart, dateValue, dbValue):
'''When displaying a date field, must the particular p_dateValue be
selected in the field corresponding to the date part?'''
# Get the value we must compare (from request or from database)
rq = self.REQUEST
partName = '%s_%s' % (fieldName, fieldPart)
if rq.has_key(partName):
compValue = rq.get(partName)
if compValue.isdigit():
compValue = int(compValue)
compValue = dbValue
if compValue:
compValue = getattr(compValue, fieldPart)()
# Compare the value
return compValue == dateValue
def getPossibleValues(self, name, withTranslations, withBlankValue,
'''Gets the possible values for field named p_name. This field must be a
String with isSelection()=True. If p_withTranslations is True,
instead of returning a list of string values, the result is a list
of tuples (s_value, s_translation). If p_withBlankValue is True, a
blank value is prepended to the list. If no p_className is defined,
the field is supposed to belong to self's class'''
appyType = self.getAppyType(name, className=className)
return appyType.getPossibleValues(self,withTranslations,withBlankValue)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def appy(self):
'''Returns a wrapper object allowing to manipulate p_self the Appy
# Create the dict for storing Appy wrapper on the REQUEST if needed.
rq = self.REQUEST
if not hasattr(rq, 'appyWrappers'): rq.appyWrappers = {}
# Return the Appy wrapper from rq.appyWrappers if already there
uid = self.UID()
if uid in rq.appyWrappers: return rq.appyWrappers[uid]
# Create the Appy wrapper, cache it in rq.appyWrappers and return it
wrapper = self.wrapperClass(self)
rq.appyWrappers[uid] = wrapper
return wrapper
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def _appy_showState(self, workflow, stateShow):
'''Must I show a state whose "show value" is p_stateShow?'''
if callable(stateShow):
return stateShow(workflow, self.appy())
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
else: return stateShow
def _appy_showTransition(self, workflow, transitionShow):
'''Must I show a transition whose "show value" is p_transitionShow?'''
if callable(transitionShow):
return transitionShow(workflow, self.appy())
else: return transitionShow
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def _appy_managePermissions(self):
'''When an object is created or updated, we must update "add"
permissions accordingly: if the object is a folder, we must set on
it permissions that will allow to create, inside it, objects through
Ref fields; if it is not a folder, we must update permissions on its
parent folder instead.'''
# Determine on which folder we need to set "add" permissions
folder = self
if not self.isPrincipiaFolderish:
folder = self.getParentNode()
# On this folder, set "add" permissions for every content type that will
# be created through reference fields
allCreators = {} # One key for every add permission
addPermissions = self.getProductConfig().ADD_CONTENT_PERMISSIONS
for appyType in self.getAllAppyTypes():
if appyType.type != 'Ref': continue
if appyType.isBack or continue
# Indeed, no possibility to create objects with such Ref
refType = self.getTool().getPortalType(appyType.klass)
if refType not in addPermissions: continue
# Get roles that may add this content type
creators = getattr(appyType.klass, 'creators', None)
if not creators:
creators = self.getProductConfig().defaultAddRoles
# Add those creators to the list of creators for this meta_type
addPermission = addPermissions[refType]
if addPermission in allCreators:
allCreators[addPermission] = allCreators[\
allCreators[addPermission] = set(creators)
# Update the permissions
for permission, creators in allCreators.iteritems():
updateRolesForPermission(permission, tuple(creators), folder)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# Beyond content-type-specific "add" permissions, creators must also
# have the main permission "Add portal content".
permission = 'Add portal content'
for creators in allCreators.itervalues():
updateRolesForPermission(permission, tuple(creators), folder)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
def _appy_getPortalType(self, request):
'''Guess the portal_type of p_self from info about p_self and
res = None
# If the object is being created, self.portal_type is not correctly
# initialized yet.
if request.has_key('__factory__info__'):
factoryInfo = request['__factory__info__']
if factoryInfo.has_key('stack'):
res = factoryInfo['stack'][0]
if not res:
res = self.portal_type
return res
2010-02-12 03:59:42 -06:00
def _appy_getSortedField(self, fieldName):
'''Gets, for reference field p_fieldName, the Appy persistent list
that contains the sorted list of referred object UIDs. If this list
does not exist, it is created.'''
sortedFieldName = '_appy_%s' % fieldName
if not hasattr(self.aq_base, sortedFieldName):
pList = self.getProductConfig().PersistentList
exec 'self.%s = pList()' % sortedFieldName
return getattr(self, sortedFieldName)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
getUrlDefaults = {'page':True, 'nav':True}
def getUrl(self, base=None, mode='view', **kwargs):
'''Returns a Appy URL.
* If p_base is None, it will be the base URL for this object
(ie, self.absolute_url()).
* p_mode can de "edit" or "view".
* p_kwargs can store additional parameters to add to the URL.
In this dict, every value that is a string will be added to the
URL as-is. Every value that is True will be replaced by the value
in the request for the corresponding key (if existing; else, the
param will not be included in the URL at all).'''
# Define base URL if ommitted
if not base:
base = '%s/skyn/%s' % (self.absolute_url(), mode)
# Manage default args
if not kwargs: kwargs = self.getUrlDefaults
if 'page' not in kwargs: kwargs['page'] = True
if 'nav' not in kwargs: kwargs['nav'] = True
# Create URL parameters from kwargs
params = []
for name, value in kwargs.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, basestring):
params.append('%s=%s' % (name, value))
elif self.REQUEST.get(name, ''):
params.append('%s=%s' % (name, self.REQUEST[name]))
if params:
params = '&'.join(params)
if base.find('?') != -1: params = '&' + params
else: params = '?' + params
params = ''
return '%s%s' % (base, params)
def translate(self, label, mapping={}, domain=None, default=None,
'''Translates a given p_label into p_domain with p_mapping.'''
cfg = self.getProductConfig()
if not domain: domain = cfg.PROJECTNAME
return self.Control_Panel.TranslationService.utranslate(
domain, label, mapping, self, default=default,
def getPageLayout(self, layoutType):
'''Returns the layout corresponding to p_layoutType for p_self.'''
appyClass = self.wrapperClass.__bases__[-1]
if hasattr(appyClass, 'layouts'):
layout = appyClass.layouts[layoutType]
if isinstance(layout, basestring):
layout = Table(layout)
layout = defaultPageLayouts[layoutType]
return layout.get()
def getPageTemplate(self, skyn, templateName):
'''Returns, in the skyn folder, the page template corresponding to
res = skyn
for name in templateName.split('/'):
res = res.get(name)
return res
def download(self):
'''Downloads the content of the file that is in the File field named
name = self.REQUEST.get('name')
if not name: return
appyType = self.getAppyType(name)
if (not appyType.type =='File') or not appyType.isShowable(self,'view'):
theFile = getattr(self, name, None)
if theFile:
response = self.REQUEST.RESPONSE
response.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'inline;filename="%s"' % \
response.setHeader('Cachecontrol', 'no-cache')
response.setHeader('Expires', 'Thu, 11 Dec 1975 12:05:05 GMT')
return theFile.index_html(self.REQUEST, self.REQUEST.RESPONSE)
2009-06-29 07:06:01 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------