
257 lines
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, re, httplib, sys, stat, urlparse, time
from urllib import quote
from StringIO import StringIO
from mimetypes import guess_type
from base64 import encodestring
from appy import Object
from appy.shared.utils import copyData
from appy.gen.utils import sequenceTypes
from appy.shared.xml_parser import XmlUnmarshaller, XmlMarshaller
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class FormDataEncoder:
'''Allows to encode form data for sending it through a HTTP request.'''
def __init__(self, data): = data # The data to encode, as a dict
def marshalValue(self, name, value):
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return '%s=%s' % (name, quote(str(value)))
elif isinstance(value, float):
return '%s:float=%s' % (name, value)
elif isinstance(value, int):
return '%s:int=%s' % (name, value)
elif isinstance(value, long):
res = '%s:long=%s' % (name, value)
if res[-1] == 'L':
res = res[:-1]
return res
raise 'Cannot encode value %s' % str(value)
def encode(self):
res = []
for name, value in
res.append(self.marshalValue(name, value))
return '&'.join(res)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SoapDataEncoder:
'''Allows to encode SOAP data for sending it through a HTTP request.'''
namespaces = {'SOAP-ENV': '',
'xsd' : '',
'xsi' : ''}
namespacedTags = {'Envelope': 'SOAP-ENV', 'Body': 'SOAP-ENV', '*': 'py'}
def __init__(self, data, namespace=''): = data
# p_data can be:
# - a string already containing a complete SOAP message
# - a Python object, that we will convert to a SOAP message
# Define the namespaces for this request
self.ns = self.namespaces.copy()
self.ns['py'] = namespace
def encode(self):
# Do nothing if we have a SOAP message already
if isinstance(, basestring): return
# is here a Python object. Wrap it a SOAP Body.
soap = Object(
# Marshall it.
marshaller = XmlMarshaller(rootTag='Envelope', namespaces=self.ns,
return marshaller.marshall(soap)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class HttpResponse:
'''Stores information about a HTTP response.'''
def __init__(self, code, text, headers, body, duration=None):
self.code = code # The return code, ie 404, 200, ...
self.text = text # Textual description of the code
self.headers = headers # A dict-like object containing the headers
self.body = body # The body of the HTTP response
# p_duration, if given, is the time, in seconds, we have waited, before
# getting this response after having sent the request.
self.duration = duration
# The following attribute may contain specific data extracted from
# the previous fields. For example, when response if 302 (Redirect),
# contains the URI where we must redirect the user to. = self.extractData()
def __repr__(self):
duration = ''
if self.duration: duration = ', got in %.4f seconds' % self.duration
return '<HttpResponse %s (%s)%s>' % (self.code, self.text, duration)
def extractData(self):
'''This method extracts, from the various parts of the HTTP response,
some useful information. For example, it will find the URI where to
redirect the user to if self.code is 302, or will unmarshall XML
data into Python objects.'''
if self.code == 302:
return urlparse.urlparse(self.headers['location'])[2]
elif self.headers.has_key('content-type') and \
# Return an unmarshalled version of the XML content, for easy use
# in Python.
return XmlUnmarshaller().parse(self.body)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
urlRex = re.compile(r'http://([^:/]+)(:[0-9]+)?(/.+)?', re.I)
binaryRex = re.compile(r'[\000-\006\177-\277]')
class Resource:
'''Every instance of this class represents some web resource accessible
through HTTP.'''
def __init__(self, url, username=None, password=None, measure=False):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.url = url
# If some headers must be sent with any request sent through this
# resource (like a cookie), you can store them in the following dict.
self.headers = {}
# If p_measure is True, we will measure, for every request sent, the
# time we wait until we receive the response.
self.measure = measure
# If measure is True, we will store hereafter, the total time (in
# seconds) spent waiting for the server for all requests sent through
# this resource object.
self.serverTime = 0
# Split the URL into its components
res = urlRex.match(url)
if res:
host, port, uri =,2,3) = host
self.port = port and int(port[1:]) or 80
self.uri = uri or '/'
else: raise 'Wrong URL: %s' % str(url)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Dav resource at %s>' % self.url
def updateHeaders(self, headers):
# Add credentials if present
if not (self.username and self.password): return
if headers.has_key('Authorization'): return
credentials = '%s:%s' % (self.username,self.password)
credentials = credentials.replace('\012','')
headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % encodestring(credentials)
headers['User-Agent'] = 'WebDAV.client'
headers['Host'] =
headers['Connection'] = 'close'
headers['Accept'] = '*/*'
return headers
def send(self, method, uri, body=None, headers={}, bodyType=None):
'''Sends a HTTP request with p_method, for p_uri.'''
conn = httplib.HTTP()
conn.connect(, self.port)
# Tell what kind of HTTP request it will be.
conn.putrequest(method, uri)
# Add HTTP headers
if self.headers: headers.update(self.headers)
for n, v in headers.items(): conn.putheader(n, v)
# Add HTTP body
if body:
if not bodyType: bodyType = 'string'
copyData(body, conn, 'send', type=bodyType)
# Send the request, get the reply
if self.measure: startTime = time.time()
code, text, headers = conn.getreply()
if self.measure: endTime = time.time()
body = conn.getfile().read()
# Return a smart object containing the various parts of the response
duration = None
if self.measure:
duration = endTime - startTime
self.serverTime += duration
return HttpResponse(code, text, headers, body, duration=duration)
def mkdir(self, name):
'''Creates a folder named p_name in this resource.'''
folderUri = self.uri + '/' + name
#body = '<d:propertyupdate xmlns:d="DAV:"><d:set><d:prop>' \
# '<d:displayname>%s</d:displayname></d:prop></d:set>' \
# '</d:propertyupdate>' % name
return self.send('MKCOL', folderUri)
def delete(self, name):
'''Deletes a file or a folder (and all contained files if any) named
p_name within this resource.'''
toDeleteUri = self.uri + '/' + name
return self.send('DELETE', toDeleteUri)
def add(self, content, type='fileName', name=''):
'''Adds a file in this resource. p_type can be:
- "fileName" In this case, p_content is the path to a file on disk
and p_name is ignored;
- "zope" In this case, p_content is an instance of
OFS.Image.File and the name of the file is given in
if type == 'fileName':
# p_content is the name of a file on disk
size = os.stat(content)[stat.ST_SIZE]
body = file(content, 'rb')
name = os.path.basename(content)
fileType, encoding = guess_type(content)
bodyType = 'file'
elif type == 'zope':
# p_content is a "Zope" file, ie a OFS.Image.File instance
# p_name is given
fileType = content.content_type
encoding = None
size = content.size
body = content
bodyType = 'zope'
fileUri = self.uri + '/' + name
headers = {'Content-Length': str(size)}
if fileType: headers['Content-Type'] = fileType
if encoding: headers['Content-Encoding'] = encoding
res = self.send('PUT', fileUri, body, headers, bodyType=bodyType)
# Close the file when relevant
if type =='fileName': body.close()
return res
def get(self, uri=None, headers={}):
'''Perform a HTTP GET on the server.'''
if not uri: uri = self.uri
return self.send('GET', uri, headers=headers)
def post(self, data=None, uri=None, headers={}, encode='form'):
'''Perform a HTTP POST on the server. If p_encode is "form", p_data is
considered to be a dict representing form data that will be
form-encoded. Else, p_data will be considered as the ready-to-send
body of the HTTP request.'''
if not uri: uri = self.uri
# Prepare the data to send
headers['Host'] =
if encode == 'form':
# Format the form data and prepare headers
body = FormDataEncoder(data).encode()
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body = data
headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(body))
return self.send('POST', uri, headers=headers, body=body)
def soap(self, data, uri=None, headers={}, namespace=None):
'''Sends a SOAP message to this resource. p_namespace is the URL of the
server-specific namespace.'''
if not uri: uri = self.uri
# Prepare the data to send
data = SoapDataEncoder(data, namespace).encode()
headers['SOAPAction'] = self.url
headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
res =, uri, headers=headers, encode=None)
# Unwrap content from the SOAP envelope =
return res
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