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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
from unittest import TestCase
from wuttjamaican.testing import FileConfigTestCase
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.router import Router
from wuttaweb import app as mod
class TestMakeWuttaConfig(FileConfigTestCase):
def test_config_path_required(self):
# settings must define config path, else error
settings = {}
self.assertRaises(ValueError, mod.make_wutta_config, settings)
def test_basic(self):
# mock path to config file
myconf = self.write_file('my.conf', '')
settings = {'wutta.config': myconf}
# can make a config okay
config = mod.make_wutta_config(settings)
# and that config is also stored in settings
self.assertIn('wutta_config', settings)
self.assertIs(settings['wutta_config'], config)
class TestMakePyramidConfig(TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
settings = {}
config = mod.make_pyramid_config(settings)
self.assertIsInstance(config, Configurator)
class TestMain(FileConfigTestCase):
def test_basic(self):
global_config = None
myconf = self.write_file('my.conf', '')
settings = {'wutta.config': myconf}
app = mod.main(global_config, **settings)
self.assertIsInstance(app, Router)