Quick Start =========== Install with: .. code-block:: sh pip install wuttjamaican Create a config file, e.g. ``my.conf``: .. code-block:: ini [foo] bar = A baz = 2 feature = true words = the quick brown fox In your app, load the config and reference its values as needed:: from wuttjamaican.conf import make_config config = make_config('/path/to/my.conf') # this call.. ..returns this value config.get('foo.bar') # 'A' config.get('foo.baz') # '2' config.get_int('foo.baz') # 2 config.get('foo.feature') # 'true' config.get_bool('foo.feature') # True config.get('foo.words') # 'the quick brown fox' config.get_list('foo.words') # ['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox'] For more info see: * :func:`~wuttjamaican.conf.make_config()` * :class:`~wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfig` and especially :meth:`~wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfig.get()` You can also define your own command line interface; see :doc:`/narr/cli/index`.