Base Templates ============== This describes the base templates. When creating a custom page template, you most often need to inherit from one of these: * :ref:`page_base_template` * :ref:`form_base_template` * :ref:`master_base_templates` .. note:: Any of these templates may be overridden; see :ref:`mako-template-override`. Global Base ~~~~~~~~~~~ There is exactly one "true base template" for the web app, designated as: ``/base.mako`` The default base template is ``wuttaweb:templates/base.mako`` and all page templates inherit from it. However they inherit it by *name* only (``/base.mako``) - therefore if you override this via custom template search paths, effectively you have changed the **theme**. In addition to general layout/structure, this template is reponsible for creating the Vue app which encompasses the whole of every page. It also establishes the ``WholePage`` component which is the Vue app's one and only child component. (``WholePage`` in turn will have other children, for page content.) There is usually no need to define a template which inherits directly from ``/base.mako``, rather you should inherit from ``/page.mako`` (see next section) or similar. As pertains to Vue component logic, there are 3 blocks which you may find a need to override. These are defined by ``/base.mako`` so will apply to *all* templates: * ``render_vue_templates()`` * ``modify_vue_vars()`` * ``make_vue_components()`` Most often it is necessary to customize ``modify_vue_vars()`` but keep reading for an example. .. _page_base_template: Page Base ~~~~~~~~~ The common base template for pages, designated as: ``/page.mako`` This extends the Vue logic from ``/base.mako`` by establishing ``ThisPage`` component, which wraps all content within the current page. The final structure then is conceptually like: .. code-block:: html
Simple usage is to create a template which inherits from ``/page.mako`` and defines a ``page_content()`` block, e.g.: .. code-block:: mako <%inherit file="/page.mako" /> <%def name="page_content()">

hello world!

The default ``/page.mako`` logic knows where to render the ``page_content()`` block so that it fits properly into the component/layout structure. Often you may need to customize Vue component logic for a page; this is done by defining one of the blocks mentioned in previous section. Here is a simple example which shows how this works: .. code-block:: mako <%inherit file="/page.mako" /> <%def name="page_content()"> Alert <%def name="modify_vue_vars()"> ${parent.modify_vue_vars()} You can see that ``page_content()`` is able to reference things from ``ThisPage`` component, while the ``modify_vue_vars()`` block is used to define those same things on the component. .. _form_base_template: Form Base ~~~~~~~~~ The common base template for pages with a form, designated as: ``/form.mako`` This expects the context dict to contain ``'form'`` which points to a :class:`~wuttaweb.forms.base.Form` instance. This template extends the Vue logic from ``/page.mako`` by establishing a Vue component specific to the form object. The final structure then is conceptually like: .. code-block:: html
A simple example which assumes one of the form fields exposes a button with click event that triggers ``alertFoo()`` method on the form component: .. code-block:: mako <%inherit file="/form.mako" /> <%def name="modify_vue_vars()"> ${parent.modify_vue_vars()} .. note:: By default, ``${form.vue_compoment}`` is rendered as ``WuttaForm`` but that is not guaranteed. You should resist the temptation to hard-code that; always use ``${form.vue_component}`` and (where applicable) ``${form.vue_tagname}``. The reason for this is to allow multiple forms to exist on a single page, each with a separate Vue component. (Which is not shown in the above example.) See also :attr:`~wuttaweb.forms.base.Form.vue_component` and :attr:`~wuttaweb.forms.base.Form.vue_tagname`. .. _master_base_templates: Master Base ~~~~~~~~~~~ These templates are for use with :class:`~wuttaweb.views.master.MasterView`. Each is the default template used for the corresponding route/view, unless a more specific template is defined. The "index" template is unique in that it is (usually) for listing the model data: * ``/master/index.mako`` The "form" template is just a base template, does not directly correspond to a route/view. Other CRUD templates inherit from it. This inherits from ``/form.mako`` (see previous section). * ``/master/form.mako`` These CRUD templates inherit from ``/master/form.mako`` and so require a ``'form'`` in the context dict. * ``/master/create.mako`` * ``/master/view.mako`` * ``/master/edit.mako`` * ``/master/delete.mako`` The "configure" template is for master views which have a configuration page. * ``/master/configure.mako`` Usage for these is not significantly different from the ones shown above, in cases where you actually need to override the template. As an example let's say you have defined a ``WidgetMasterView`` class and want to override its "view" template. You would then create a file as ``/widgets/view.mako`` (within your templates folder) and be sure to inherit from the correct base template: .. code-block:: mako <%inherit file="/master/view.mako" /> <%def name="page_content()">


## nb. the form will appear here ${parent.page_content()}