.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


.. module:: tailbone.views.master

Model Master View

This module contains the "model master" view class.  This is a convenience
abstraction which provides some patterns/consistency for the typical set of
views needed to expose a table's data for viewing/editing/etc.  Usually this
means providing something like the following view methods for a model:

* index (list/filter)
* create
* view
* edit
* delete

The actual list of provided view methods will depend on usage.  Generally
speaking, each view method which is provided by the master class may be
configured in some way by the subclass (e.g. add extra filters to a grid).

.. autoclass:: MasterView

   .. automethod:: index

   .. automethod:: create

   .. automethod:: view

   .. automethod:: edit

   .. automethod:: delete

Attributes to Override

The following is a list of attributes which you can (and in some cases must)
override when defining your subclass.

   .. attribute:: MasterView.model_class

      All master view subclasses *must* define this attribute.  Its value must
      be a data model class which has been mapped via SQLAlchemy, e.g.

   .. attribute:: MasterView.normalized_model_name

      Name of the model class which has been "normalized" for the sake of usage
      as a key (for grid settings etc.).  If not defined by the subclass, the
      default will be the lower-cased model class name, e.g. 'product'.

   .. attribute:: grid_key

      Unique value to be used as a key for the grid settings, etc.  If not
      defined by the subclass, the normalized model name will be used.

   .. attribute:: MasterView.route_prefix

      Value with which all routes provided by the view class will be prefixed.
      If not defined by the subclass, a default will be constructed by simply
      adding an 's' to the end of the normalized model name, e.g. 'products'.
   .. attribute:: MasterView.grid_factory

      Factory callable to be used when creating new grid instances; defaults to

.. Methods to Override
.. -------------------
.. The following is a list of methods which you can override when defining your
.. subclass.
..    .. automethod:: MasterView.get_settings