# -*- coding: utf-8; -*- ################################################################################ # # Rattail -- Retail Software Framework # Copyright © 2010-2020 Lance Edgar # # This file is part of Rattail. # # Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Rattail. If not, see . # ################################################################################ """ Views for pricing batches """ from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import from rattail.db import model from rattail.time import localtime from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML from tailbone.views.batch import BatchMasterView class PricingBatchView(BatchMasterView): """ Master view for pricing batches. """ model_class = model.PricingBatch model_row_class = model.PricingBatchRow default_handler_spec = 'rattail.batch.pricing:PricingBatchHandler' model_title_plural = "Pricing Batches" route_prefix = 'batch.pricing' url_prefix = '/batches/pricing' template_prefix = '/batch/pricing' creatable = True downloadable = True bulk_deletable = True rows_editable = True rows_bulk_deletable = True labels = { 'min_diff_threshold': "Min $ Diff", 'min_diff_percent': "Min % Diff", 'auto_generate_from_srp_breach': "Automatic (from SRP Breach)", } grid_columns = [ 'id', 'description', 'created', 'created_by', 'rowcount', # 'status_code', # 'complete', 'executed', 'executed_by', ] form_fields = [ 'id', 'input_filename', 'description', 'min_diff_threshold', 'min_diff_percent', 'calculate_for_manual', 'auto_generate_from_srp_breach', 'notes', 'created', 'created_by', 'rowcount', 'executed', 'executed_by', ] row_labels = { 'upc': "UPC", 'vendor_id': "Vendor ID", 'regular_unit_cost': "Reg. Cost", 'price_diff': "$ Diff", 'price_diff_percent': "% Diff", 'brand_name': "Brand", 'price_markup': "Markup", 'manually_priced': "Manual", } row_grid_columns = [ 'sequence', 'upc', 'brand_name', 'description', 'size', 'vendor_id', 'discounted_unit_cost', 'old_price', 'new_price', 'price_margin', 'price_diff', 'price_diff_percent', 'manually_priced', 'status_code', ] row_form_fields = [ 'sequence', 'product', 'upc', 'brand_name', 'description', 'size', 'department_number', 'department_name', 'subdepartment_number', 'subdepartment_name', 'family_code', 'report_code', 'alternate_code', 'vendor', 'vendor_item_code', 'regular_unit_cost', 'discounted_unit_cost', 'suggested_price', 'old_price', 'new_price', 'price_diff', 'price_diff_percent', 'price_markup', 'price_margin', 'old_price_margin', 'margin_diff', 'status_code', 'status_text', ] def configure_form(self, f): super(PricingBatchView, self).configure_form(f) f.set_type('min_diff_threshold', 'currency') # input_filename if self.creating: f.set_type('input_filename', 'file') else: f.set_readonly('input_filename') f.set_renderer('input_filename', self.render_downloadable_file) # auto_generate_from_srp_breach if self.creating: f.set_type('auto_generate_from_srp_breach', 'boolean') else: f.remove_field('auto_generate_from_srp_breach') # note, the input file is normally required, but should *not* be if the # user wants to auto-generate the new batch if self.request.method == 'POST': if self.request.POST.get('auto_generate_from_srp_breach') == 'true': f.set_required('input_filename', False) def get_batch_kwargs(self, batch, mobile=False): kwargs = super(PricingBatchView, self).get_batch_kwargs(batch, mobile=mobile) kwargs['min_diff_threshold'] = batch.min_diff_threshold kwargs['min_diff_percent'] = batch.min_diff_percent kwargs['calculate_for_manual'] = batch.calculate_for_manual # are we auto-generating from SRP breach? if self.request.POST.get('auto_generate_from_srp_breach') == 'true': # assign batch param params = kwargs.get('params', {}) params['auto_generate_from_srp_breach'] = True kwargs['params'] = params # provide default description if not kwargs.get('description'): kwargs['description'] = "auto-generated from SRP breach" return kwargs def configure_row_grid(self, g): super(PricingBatchView, self).configure_row_grid(g) g.set_joiner('vendor_id', lambda q: q.outerjoin(model.Vendor)) g.set_sorter('vendor_id', model.Vendor.id) g.set_filter('vendor_id', model.Vendor.id) g.set_renderer('vendor_id', self.render_vendor_id) g.set_type('old_price', 'currency') g.set_type('new_price', 'currency') g.set_type('price_diff', 'currency') g.set_renderer('current_price', self.render_current_price) def render_vendor_id(self, row, field): vendor_id = row.vendor.id if row.vendor else None if not vendor_id: return "" return vendor_id def row_grid_extra_class(self, row, i): extra_class = None # primary class comes from row status if row.status_code in (row.STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND, row.STATUS_CANNOT_CALCULATE_PRICE, row.STATUS_PRICE_BREACHES_SRP): extra_class = 'warning' elif row.status_code in (row.STATUS_PRICE_INCREASE, row.STATUS_PRICE_DECREASE): extra_class = 'notice' # but we want to indicate presence of current price also if row.current_price: extra_class = "{} has-current-price".format(extra_class or '') return extra_class def render_current_price(self, row, field): value = row.current_price if value is None: return "" if value < 0: text = "(${:0,.2f})".format(0 - value) else: text = "${:0,.2f}".format(value) if row.current_price_ends: ends = localtime(self.rattail_config, row.current_price_ends, from_utc=True) ends = "ends on {}".format(ends.date()) else: ends = "never ends" title = "{}, {}".format( self.enum.PRICE_TYPE.get(row.current_price_type, "unknown type"), ends) return HTML.tag('span', title=title, c=text) def configure_row_form(self, f): super(PricingBatchView, self).configure_row_form(f) # readonly fields f.set_readonly('product') f.set_readonly('upc') f.set_readonly('brand_name') f.set_readonly('description') f.set_readonly('size') f.set_readonly('department_number') f.set_readonly('department_name') f.set_readonly('vendor') # product f.set_renderer('product', self.render_product) # currency fields f.set_type('suggested_price', 'currency') f.set_type('old_price', 'currency') f.set_type('new_price', 'currency') f.set_type('price_diff', 'currency') # vendor f.set_renderer('vendor', self.render_vendor) def render_vendor(self, row, field): vendor = row.vendor if not vendor: return "" text = "({}) {}".format(vendor.id, vendor.name) url = self.request.route_url('vendors.view', uuid=vendor.uuid) return tags.link_to(text, url) def get_row_csv_fields(self): fields = super(PricingBatchView, self).get_row_csv_fields() if 'vendor_uuid' in fields: i = fields.index('vendor_uuid') fields.insert(i + 1, 'vendor_id') fields.insert(i + 2, 'vendor_abbreviation') fields.insert(i + 3, 'vendor_name') else: fields.append('vendor_id') fields.append('vendor_abbreviation') fields.append('vendor_name') return fields # TODO: this is the same as xlsx row! should merge/share somehow? def get_row_csv_row(self, row, fields): csvrow = super(PricingBatchView, self).get_row_csv_row(row, fields) vendor = row.vendor if 'vendor_id' in fields: csvrow['vendor_id'] = (vendor.id or '') if vendor else '' if 'vendor_abbreviation' in fields: csvrow['vendor_abbreviation'] = (vendor.abbreviation or '') if vendor else '' if 'vendor_name' in fields: csvrow['vendor_name'] = (vendor.name or '') if vendor else '' return csvrow # TODO: this is the same as csv row! should merge/share somehow? def get_row_xlsx_row(self, row, fields): xlrow = super(PricingBatchView, self).get_row_xlsx_row(row, fields) vendor = row.vendor if 'vendor_id' in fields: xlrow['vendor_id'] = (vendor.id or '') if vendor else '' if 'vendor_abbreviation' in fields: xlrow['vendor_abbreviation'] = (vendor.abbreviation or '') if vendor else '' if 'vendor_name' in fields: xlrow['vendor_name'] = (vendor.name or '') if vendor else '' return xlrow def includeme(config): PricingBatchView.defaults(config)