[tox] envlist = py27, py35 [testenv] deps = coverage fixture mock nose commands = pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager Tailbone rattail[auth,bouncer] rattail-tempmon nosetests {posargs} [testenv:py27] # TODO: this is only here to avoid "latest" packages which break us on python2.7 deps = coverage fixture mock nose SQLAlchemy<1.4 SQLAlchemy-Utils<0.36.7 [testenv:coverage] basepython = python3 # TODO: capping sqlalchemy for now, to avoid issues w/ zope.sqlalchemy deps = coverage fixture mock nose SQLAlchemy<1.4 commands = pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager Tailbone rattail[auth,bouncer] rattail-tempmon nosetests {posargs:--with-coverage --cover-html-dir={envtmpdir}/coverage} [testenv:docs] basepython = python3 # TODO: capping sqlalchemy for now, to avoid issues w/ zope.sqlalchemy deps = Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme SQLAlchemy<1.4 changedir = docs commands = pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager Tailbone rattail[auth,bouncer] rattail-tempmon sphinx-build -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees -W -T . {envtmpdir}/docs