diff --git a/tailbone/templates/customers/pending/view.mako b/tailbone/templates/customers/pending/view.mako
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9e54c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tailbone/templates/customers/pending/view.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+## -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
+<%inherit file="/master/view.mako" />
+## <%namespace file="/util.mako" import="view_profiles_helper" />
+<%def name="object_helpers()">
+ ${parent.object_helpers()}
+ % if instance.custorder_records:
+ % endif
+ ## % if instance.status_code == enum.PENDING_CUSTOMER_STATUS_PENDING and master.has_any_perm('resolve_person', 'resolve_customer'):
+ % if instance.status_code == enum.PENDING_CUSTOMER_STATUS_PENDING and master.has_perm('resolve_person'):
+ Resolve Person
+ If this Person already exists, you can declare that by
+ identifying the record below.
+ The app will take care of updating any Customer Orders
+ etc. as needed once you declare the match.
Resolve Product
++ If this Product already exists, you can declare that by + identifying the record below. +
++ The app will take care of updating any Customer Orders + etc. as needed once you declare the match. +