# -*- coding: utf-8; -*- ################################################################################ # # Rattail -- Retail Software Framework # Copyright © 2010-2022 Lance Edgar # # This file is part of Rattail. # # Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Rattail. If not, see . # ################################################################################ """ Invoice data models """ import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import orm from rattail.db import model from rattail.db.core import filename_column from rattail.util import OrderedDict class QuickbooksExportableInvoice(model.Base): """ Represents a vendor invoice capable of being exported to Quickbooks. """ __tablename__ = 'quickbooks_exportable_invoice' __table_args__ = ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['store_uuid'], ['store.uuid'], name='quickbooks_exportable_invoice_fk_store'), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['vendor_uuid'], ['vendor.uuid'], name='quickbooks_exportable_invoice_fk_vendor'), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['deleted_by_uuid'], ['user.uuid'], name='quickbooks_exportable_invoice_fk_deleted_by'), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['exported_by_uuid'], ['user.uuid'], name='quickbooks_exportable_invoice_fk_exported_by'), ) __versioned__ = {} STATUS_NOT_YET_REFRESHED = 1 STATUS_EXPORTABLE = 2 STATUS_STORE_NOT_FOUND = 3 STATUS_VENDOR_NOT_FOUND = 4 STATUS_VENDOR_BAD_INFO = 5 STATUS_PO_NOT_FOUND = 6 STATUS_PO_BAD_INFO = 7 STATUS_DIST_PROBLEMS = 8 STATUS_DEPTS_IGNORED = 9 STATUS_EXPORTED = 10 STATUS_DELETED = 11 STATUS = OrderedDict([ (STATUS_NOT_YET_REFRESHED, "data not yet refreshed"), (STATUS_EXPORTABLE, "exportable"), (STATUS_STORE_NOT_FOUND, "store not found"), (STATUS_VENDOR_NOT_FOUND, "vendor not found"), (STATUS_VENDOR_BAD_INFO, "vendor info is invalid"), (STATUS_PO_NOT_FOUND, "PO not found"), (STATUS_PO_BAD_INFO, "PO info is invalid"), (STATUS_DIST_PROBLEMS, "see distribution problem(s)"), (STATUS_DEPTS_IGNORED, "all departments ignored"), (STATUS_EXPORTED, "exported"), (STATUS_DELETED, "deleted"), ]) uuid = model.uuid_column() ################################################## # columns whose values come from source data ################################################## store_id = sa.Column(sa.String(length=4), nullable=True, doc=""" ID string for the store which must pay the invoice. """) vendor_id = sa.Column(sa.String(length=14), nullable=True, doc=""" ID string for the vendor which sent the invoice. """) txn_id = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" ID string for the transaction represented by the invoice, if applicable. """) invoice_number = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" Invoice number, per source data. """) invoice_date = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Date of the invoice, per source data. """) invoice_total = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=False, doc=""" Total amount for the invoice, per source data. """) ################################################## # columns whose values come from data refresh ################################################## store_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) store = orm.relationship( model.Store, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`rattail:~rattail.db.model.Store` instance associated with the invoice, or ``None``. """) vendor_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) vendor = orm.relationship( model.Vendor, doc=""" Reference to the vendor associated with the invoice, or ``None``. """, backref=orm.backref( 'dtail_qbo_invoices', cascade='all')) quickbooks_vendor_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Quickbooks name for the invoice vendor. """) quickbooks_vendor_terms = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Quickbooks terms for the invoice vendor. """) quickbooks_bank_account = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Quickbooks bank account for the invoice vendor. """) quickbooks_export_template = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Name of the Quickbooks export template to use for this invoice. """) status_code = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False, doc=""" Status code for the invoice; indicates whether it's exportable etc. """) status_text = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True, doc=""" Extra text relating to the invoice status, if applicable. """) ################################################## # other columns ################################################## deleted = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True, doc=""" Timestamp when the invoice was marked as deleted, or ``None``. """) deleted_by_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) deleted_by = orm.relationship( model.User, primaryjoin='User.uuid == QuickbooksExportableInvoice.deleted_by_uuid', doc=""" Reference to the :class:`rattail:~rattail.db.model.User` instance who marked the invoice as deleted, or ``None``. """) exported = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True, doc=""" Timestamp when the invoice was exported, or ``None``. """) exported_by_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) exported_by = orm.relationship( model.User, primaryjoin='User.uuid == QuickbooksExportableInvoice.exported_by_uuid', doc=""" Reference to the :class:`rattail:~rattail.db.model.User` instance who exported the invoice, or ``None``. """) def __str__(self): return "{}, {}, {} (trans. {})".format(self.store_id, self.vendor_id, self.invoice_number, self.txn_id) def add_distribution(self, **kwargs): dist = QuickbooksExportableInvoiceDistribution(**kwargs) if not dist.status_code: dist.status_code = dist.STATUS_NOT_YET_REFRESHED self.distributions.append(dist) class QuickbooksExportableInvoiceDistribution(model.Base): """ Represents a "distribution" for a department, within the context of a vendor invoice which is to be exported to Quickbooks. """ __tablename__ = 'quickbooks_exportable_invoice_dist' __table_args__ = ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['invoice_uuid'], ['quickbooks_exportable_invoice.uuid'], name='quickbooks_exportable_invoice_dist_fk_invoice'), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['department_uuid'], ['department.uuid'], name='quickbooks_exportable_invoice_dist_fk_department'), ) STATUS_NOT_YET_REFRESHED = 1 STATUS_EXPORTABLE = 2 STATUS_DEPT_NOT_FOUND = 3 STATUS_DEPT_IGNORED = 4 STATUS_DEPT_BAD_INFO = 5 STATUS_EXPORTED = 6 STATUS = OrderedDict([ (STATUS_NOT_YET_REFRESHED, "data not yet refreshed"), (STATUS_EXPORTABLE, "exportable"), (STATUS_DEPT_NOT_FOUND, "department not found"), (STATUS_DEPT_IGNORED, "department ignored"), (STATUS_DEPT_BAD_INFO, "department info is invalid"), (STATUS_EXPORTED, "exported"), ]) uuid = model.uuid_column() invoice_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) invoice = orm.relationship( QuickbooksExportableInvoice, doc=""" Reference to the parent invoice. """, backref=orm.backref( 'distributions', cascade='all', doc=""" Sequence of :class:`QuickbooksExportableInvoiceDistribution` instances which belong to the invoice. """)) ################################################## # columns whose values come from source data ################################################## department_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False, doc=""" Department ID for the distribution, per source data. """) source_amount = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=False, doc=""" Dollar amount for the distribution, per source data. """) ################################################## # columns whose values come from data refresh ################################################## department_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) department = orm.relationship( model.Department, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`rattail:~rattail.db.model.Department` instance associated with the distribution, or ``None``. """) quickbooks_expense_account = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Quickbooks expense account for the department. """) quickbooks_expense_class = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Quickbooks expense class for the department. """) calculated_percent = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=3), nullable=True, doc=""" Percentage of the invoice total which should be considered attributable to the current distribution (department). This is calculated after taking "ignored" departments into consideration, etc. """) calculated_amount = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Dollar amount for the distribution, per business logic. """) status_code = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False, doc=""" Status code for the distribution; indicates whether it's exportable etc. """) class QuickbooksInvoiceExport(model.ExportMixin, model.Base): """ Invoice export file, for *consumption* by Quickbooks. """ __tablename__ = 'quickbooks_invoice_export' filename = filename_column(nullable=True, doc=""" Filename for the export. """)