Rattail Manual ============== This is "the reference manual" for Rattail, intended primarily for developers. It assumes the reader is involved with the creation, customization and/or maintenance of a Poser/Rattail app. It tries to explain the concepts involved and hopefully tie them all together. If you prefer step-by-step instructions for creating your own app then see also the `Rattail Tutorial`_. .. _Rattail Tutorial: https://rattailproject.org/docs/rattail-tutorial/ This manual is primarily organized around the possible "layers" of a Poser/Rattail app: * :doc:`base/index` - general app install, command line, plus filemon etc. * :doc:`data/index` - when a DB or data import/export come into it * :doc:`web/index` - all things web * :doc:`luigi/index` - using Luigi for better overnight automation * :doc:`deploy/index` - deals with production deployment * :doc:`backup/index` - backing up the production system Please see `https://rattailproject.org/docs/rattail-manual/ `_ for the latest version of this document. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: readfirst background base/index data/index web/index luigi/index deploy/index backup/index Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`