.. highlight:: ini Config File Inheritance ======================= It may already be obvious, if you read :doc:`paths`, but it's possible for config files to "inherit" from one another. The general idea is that all config is collected from various files, when assembling the "final" config to be used by the app. For a simple example let's assume you have just 2 typical config files in your app dir: * ``/srv/envs/poser/app/rattail.conf`` * ``/srv/envs/poser/app/quiet.conf`` Let's say that ``rattail.conf`` is a "complete" config file and may be used directly, as-is. And that ``quiet.conf`` is not complete but "inherits" from ``rattail.conf`` (as is typical) so that it also may be used directly. In other words either of these commands should work when ran from ``/srv/envs/poser``: .. code-block:: sh bin/rattail -c app/rattail.conf make-uuid bin/rattail -c app/quiet.conf make-uuid The contents of ``quiet.conf`` are usually quite minimal:: [rattail.config] include = %(here)s/rattail.conf [handler_console] level = INFO The "include" option within "rattail.config" section above, tells the Rattail config parser to bring in the contents of ``rattail.conf`` whenever it is reading ``quiet.conf`` - although any settings defined in ``quiet.conf`` will override whatever was brought in from ``rattail.conf``. (In this example, ``quiet.conf`` only needs to set ``level = INFO`` to cut down on some logging output on the console.) Caveats ------- There is a gotcha which can break the inheritance logic, but it can be avoided if you follow one simple rule: The primary config file you reference when invoking the app (e.g. ``bin/rattail -c qpp/quiet.conf ...``) must *not* contain a 'loggers' section, i.e. it should *not* have a snippet like this:: [loggers] keys = root, exc_logger, ... To be clear the gotcha only exists when: * config file which app is told to read, contains snippet like above * config file has an ``include`` setting, meaning inheritance should happen * config file also says to configure logging The reason it breaks is that we let Python standard ``logging`` module take care of the logging configuration, but it will try to do so using the specified config file (e.g. ``quiet.conf``) *only* instead of doing so with the combined result. So again, just make sure there is no 'loggers' section in the config file you present to your app. Or alternatively, you can make sure that same config file *does* have all logging config within it, so e.g. inheritance would not affect that part.