.. highlight:: sh Quick Start =========== This should get you up and running with a custom Rattail app within minutes. (For a more thorough treatment see the `Rattail Tutorial`_.) .. _Rattail Tutorial: https://rattailproject.org/docs/rattail-tutorial/ Go to the `Rattail Demo`_ and generate a new "rattail" type project. You must login to get access; use "chuck" / "admin" for credentials. .. _Rattail Demo: https://demo.rattailproject.org/generate-project Name your project whatever you like. The default is "Okay-Then" so we'll assume that here. You should download a zip file, e.g. ``okay-then.zip`` which contains the project files. Extract it somewhere convenient; we'll use ``~/src/okay-then``:: mkdir -p ~/src unzip ~/Downloads/okay-then.zip -d ~/src Your local PostgreSQL service should be available, and user (named ``rattail``) and DB (named ``okay-then``) created:: sudo apt install postgresql sudo -u postgres createuser -P rattail sudo -u postgres createdb -O rattail okay-then Make and activate a virtual environment; e.g. ``/srv/envs/okay-then``:: mkdir -p /srv/envs python -m venv /srv/envs/okay-then source /srv/envs/okay-then/bin/activate With the virtual environment active, run the development bootstrap script:: python ~/src/okay-then/dev/bootstrap.py