specifically this is b/c of a production demo which makes use of multiple triggers of the same "type" but my dev maching has older MariaDB which doesn't allow such multiple triggers
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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2021 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Fabric Library for MySQL
from rattail_fabric2 import apt, make_deploy, sed
deploy = make_deploy(__file__)
def install(c):
Install the MySQL database service
# TODO: must install 'mysql-server' instead for Ubuntu 16.04
apt.install(c, 'default-mysql-server')
def set_bind_address(c, address):
Configure the 'bind-address' setting with the given value.
sed(c, '/etc/mysql/my.cnf',
'bind-address = {}'.format(address),
def restart(c):
Restart the MySQL database service
c.sudo('systemctl restart mysql.service')
def user_exists(c, name, host='localhost'):
Determine if a given MySQL user exists.
user = sql(c, "SELECT User FROM user WHERE User = '{0}' and Host = '{1}'".format(name, host), database='mysql').stdout.strip()
return user == name
def create_user(c, name, host='localhost', password=None, checkfirst=True):
Create a MySQL user account.
if not checkfirst or not user_exists(c, name, host):
sql(c, "CREATE USER '{}'@'{}';".format(name, host))
if password:
# supposedly this is the new way to do it
result = sql(c, "ALTER USER '{}'@'{}' IDENTIFIED BY '{}';".format(
name, host, password),
echo=False, hide=True, warn=True)
if result.failed: # but this may fail for older systems
# in which case we try it the old way
sql(c, "SET PASSWORD FOR '{}'@'{}' = PASSWORD('{}');".format(
name, host, password),
echo=False, hide=True)
def db_exists(c, name):
Determine if a given MySQL database exists.
db = sql(c, "SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '{0}'".format(name), database='information_schema').stdout.strip()
return db == name
def create_db(c, name, checkfirst=True, user=None):
Create a MySQL database.
if not checkfirst or not db_exists(c, name):
# note, we force sudo "as root" to ensure -H flag is used
# (which allows us to leverage /root/.my.cnf config file)
c.sudo('mysqladmin create {}'.format(name), user='root')
if user:
grant_access(c, name, user)
def drop_db(c, name, checkfirst=True):
Drop a MySQL database.
if not checkfirst or db_exists(c, name):
# note, we force sudo "as root" to ensure -H flag is used
# (which allows us to leverage /root/.my.cnf config file)
c.sudo('mysqladmin drop --force {}'.format(name), user='root')
def grant_access(c, dbname, username):
Grant full access to the given database for the given user. Note that the
username should be given in MySQL's native format, e.g. 'myuser@localhost'.
sql(c, 'grant all on `{}`.* to {}'.format(dbname, username))
def table_exists(c, tblname, dbname):
Determine if given table exists in given DB.
# TODO: should avoid sql injection here...
query = "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '{}' AND TABLE_NAME = '{}'".format(dbname, tblname)
name = sql(c, query, database='information_schema').stdout.strip()
return name == tblname
def sql(c, sql, database='', **kwargs):
Execute some SQL.
# some crazy quoting required here, see also
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/1250279
sql = sql.replace("'", "'\"'\"'")
# note, we force sudo "as root" to ensure -H flag is used
# (which allows us to leverage /root/.my.cnf config file)
kwargs['user'] = 'root'
return c.sudo("mysql --execute='{}' --batch --skip-column-names {}".format(sql, database), **kwargs)
def script(c, path, database=''):
Execute a SQL script against the given database.
c.sudo("bash -c 'mysql {} < {}'".format(database, path))
def download_db(c, name, destination=None, **kwargs):
Download a database from the "current" server.
if destination is None:
destination = './{}.sql.gz'.format(name)
triggers = '--skip-triggers' if kwargs.get('skip_triggers') else ''
mysqldump = 'mysqldump {0} --result-file={1}.sql {1}'.format(triggers, name)
# note, we force sudo "as root" to ensure -H flag is used
# (which allows us to leverage /root/.my.cnf config file)
c.sudo(mysqldump, user='root')
c.sudo('gzip --force {}.sql'.format(name))
c.get('{}.sql.gz'.format(name), destination)
c.sudo('rm {}.sql.gz'.format(name))
def clone_db(c, name, download, user=None, force=False):
Clone a MySQL database from a (presumably live) server
:param name: Name of the database.
:param force: Whether the target database should be forcibly dropped, if it
exists already.
if db_exists(c, name):
if force:
drop_db(c, name, checkfirst=False)
raise RuntimeError("Database '{}' already exists! (pass force=True to override)".format(name))
create_db(c, name, checkfirst=False)
# obtain database dump from live server
download(c, '{}.sql.gz'.format(name), user=user or c.user)
# upload database dump to target server
c.local('rm {}.sql.gz'.format(name))
# restore database on target server
c.run('gunzip --force {}.sql.gz'.format(name))
c.sudo("bash -c 'mysql {0} < {0}.sql'".format(name))
c.run('rm {}.sql'.format(name))