diff --git a/corepos/db/__init__.py b/corepos/db/__init__.py
index 5e040df..174fee4 100644
--- a/corepos/db/__init__.py
+++ b/corepos/db/__init__.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# pyCOREPOS -- Python Interface to CORE POS
-# Copyright © 2018 Lance Edgar
+# Copyright © 2018-2020 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of pyCOREPOS.
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ Database Interface
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
-from sqlalchemy import orm
+import warnings
+warnings.warn("The `corepos.db` module is deprecated! "
+ "Please use `corepos.db.office_op` instead.",
+ DeprecationWarning)
-Session = orm.sessionmaker()
+from corepos.db.office_op import *
diff --git a/corepos/db/model.py b/corepos/db/model.py
index 5f4278f..c35a44c 100644
--- a/corepos/db/model.py
+++ b/corepos/db/model.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# pyCOREPOS -- Python Interface to CORE POS
-# Copyright © 2018-2019 Lance Edgar
+# Copyright © 2018-2020 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of pyCOREPOS.
@@ -26,583 +26,9 @@ CORE POS Data Model
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
-import six
-import sqlalchemy as sa
-from sqlalchemy import orm
-from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
-from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
+import warnings
+warnings.warn("The `corepos.db.model` module is deprecated! "
+ "Please use `corepos.db.office_op.model` instead.",
+ DeprecationWarning)
-Base = declarative_base()
-class Parameter(Base):
- """
- Represents a "parameter" value.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'parameters'
- store_id = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- lane_id = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- param_key = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- param_value = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
- is_array = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- def __str__(self):
- return "{}-{} {}".format(self.store_id, self.lane_id, self.param_key)
-class Department(Base):
- """
- Represents a department within the organization.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'departments'
- number = sa.Column('dept_no', sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
- name = sa.Column('dept_name', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- tax = sa.Column('dept_tax', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- food_stampable = sa.Column('dept_fs', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- limit = sa.Column('dept_limit', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
- minimum = sa.Column('dept_minimum', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
- discount = sa.Column('dept_discount', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- # TODO: probably should rename this attribute, but to what?
- dept_see_id = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- modified = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
- modified_by_id = sa.Column('modifiedby', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
- margin = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
- sales_code = sa.Column('salesCode', sa.Integer(), nullable=False, default=0)
- member_only = sa.Column('memberOnly', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, default=0)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name or ''
-class Subdepartment(Base):
- """
- Represents a subdepartment within the organization.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'subdepts'
- __table_args__ = (
- sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['dept_ID'], ['departments.dept_no']),
- )
- number = sa.Column('subdept_no', sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
- name = sa.Column('subdept_name', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- department_number = sa.Column('dept_ID', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- department = orm.relationship(
- Department,
- doc="""
- Reference to the parent :class:`Department` for this subdepartment.
- """)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name or ''
-class Vendor(Base):
- """
- Represents a vendor from which product may be purchased.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'vendors'
- id = sa.Column('vendorID', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
- name = sa.Column('vendorName', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
- abbreviation = sa.Column('vendorAbbreviation', sa.String(length=10), nullable=True)
- discount_rate = sa.Column('discountRate', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
- contact = orm.relationship(
- 'VendorContact',
- uselist=False, doc="""
- Reference to the :class:`VendorContact` instance for this vendor.
- """)
- phone = association_proxy(
- 'contact', 'phone',
- creator=lambda p: VendorContact(phone=p))
- fax = association_proxy(
- 'contact', 'fax',
- creator=lambda f: VendorContact(fax=f))
- email = association_proxy(
- 'contact', 'email',
- creator=lambda e: VendorContact(email=e))
- website = association_proxy(
- 'contact', 'website',
- creator=lambda w: VendorContact(website=w))
- notes = association_proxy(
- 'contact', 'notes',
- creator=lambda n: VendorContact(notes=n))
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name or ''
-class VendorContact(Base):
- """
- A general contact record for a vendor.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'vendorContact'
- vendor_id = sa.Column('vendorID', sa.Integer(), sa.ForeignKey('vendors.vendorID'), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
- phone = sa.Column(sa.String(length=15), nullable=True)
- fax = sa.Column(sa.String(length=15), nullable=True)
- email = sa.Column(sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
- website = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True)
- notes = sa.Column(sa.Text(), nullable=True)
-class Product(Base):
- """
- Represents a product, purchased and/or sold by the organization.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'products'
- __table_args__ = (
- sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['department'], ['departments.dept_no']),
- )
- id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, nullable=False)
- upc = sa.Column(sa.String(length=13), nullable=True)
- description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- brand = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- formatted_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- normal_price = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=True)
- price_method = sa.Column('pricemethod', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- group_price = sa.Column('groupprice', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
- quantity = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- special_price = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=True)
- special_price_method = sa.Column('specialpricemethod', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- special_group_price = sa.Column('specialgroupprice', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
- special_quantity = sa.Column('specialquantity', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- start_date = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
- end_date = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
- department_number = sa.Column('department', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- size = sa.Column(sa.String(length=9), nullable=True)
- tax = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- foodstamp = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- scale = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- scale_price = sa.Column('scaleprice', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=False)
- mix_match_code = sa.Column('mixmatchcode', sa.String(length=13), nullable=True)
- modified = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
- # advertised = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- tare_weight = sa.Column('tareweight', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
- discount = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- discount_type = sa.Column('discounttype', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- line_item_discountable = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- unit_of_measure = sa.Column('unitofmeasure', sa.String(length=15), nullable=True)
- wicable = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- quantity_enforced = sa.Column('qttyEnforced', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- id_enforced = sa.Column('idEnforced', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- cost = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=True, default=0)
- in_use = sa.Column('inUse', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- flags = sa.Column('numflag', sa.Integer(), nullable=True, default=0)
- subdepartment_number = sa.Column('subdept', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- deposit = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=True)
- local = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, default=0)
- store_id = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, default=0)
- default_vendor_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, default=0)
- current_origin_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, default=0)
- department = orm.relationship(
- Department,
- primaryjoin=Department.number == department_number,
- foreign_keys=[department_number],
- doc="""
- Reference to the :class:`Department` to which the product belongs.
- """)
- vendor = orm.relationship(
- Vendor,
- primaryjoin=Vendor.id == default_vendor_id,
- foreign_keys=[default_vendor_id],
- doc="""
- Reference to the default :class:`Vendor` from which the product is obtained.
- """)
- @property
- def full_description(self):
- fields = ['brand', 'description', 'size']
- fields = [getattr(self, f) or '' for f in fields]
- fields = filter(bool, fields)
- return ' '.join(fields)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.description or ''
-class ProductFlag(Base):
- """
- Represents a product flag attribute.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'prodFlags'
- bit_number = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False, default=0)
- description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
- active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=True)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.description or ''
-class Employee(Base):
- """
- Represents an employee within the organization.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'employees'
- number = sa.Column('emp_no', sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
- cashier_password = sa.Column('CashierPassword', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
- admin_password = sa.Column('AdminPassword', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
- first_name = sa.Column('FirstName', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
- last_name = sa.Column('LastName', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
- job_title = sa.Column('JobTitle', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
- active = sa.Column('EmpActive', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- frontend_security = sa.Column('frontendsecurity', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- backend_security = sa.Column('backendsecurity', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- birth_date = sa.Column('birthdate', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
- def __str__(self):
- return ' '.join([self.first_name or '', self.last_name or '']).strip()
-class MemberType(Base):
- """
- Represents a type of membership within the organization.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'memtype'
- id = sa.Column('memtype', sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, nullable=False, default=0)
- description = sa.Column('memDesc', sa.String(length=20), nullable=True)
- customer_type = sa.Column('custdataType', sa.String(length=10), nullable=True)
- discount = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- staff = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- ssi = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
- # TODO: this was apparently added "recently" - isn't present in all DBs
- # (need to figure out how to conditionally include it in model?)
- # sales_code = sa.Column('salesCode', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.description or ""
-class Customer(Base):
- """
- Represents a customer of the organization.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'custdata'
- id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, nullable=False)
- card_number = sa.Column('CardNo', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
- person_number = sa.Column('personNum', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, default=1)
- first_name = sa.Column('FirstName', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- last_name = sa.Column('LastName', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- cash_back = sa.Column('CashBack', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=60)
- balance = sa.Column('Balance', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
- discount = sa.Column('Discount', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- member_discount_limit = sa.Column('MemDiscountLimit', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
- charge_limit = sa.Column('ChargeLimit', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
- charge_ok = sa.Column('ChargeOk', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False)
- write_checks = sa.Column('WriteChecks', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=True)
- store_coupons = sa.Column('StoreCoupons', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=True)
- type = sa.Column('Type', sa.String(length=10), nullable=False, default='pc')
- member_type_id = sa.Column('memType', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- member_type = orm.relationship(
- MemberType,
- primaryjoin=MemberType.id == member_type_id,
- foreign_keys=[member_type_id],
- doc="""
- Reference to the :class:`MemberType` to which this member belongs.
- """)
- staff = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False)
- ssi = sa.Column('SSI', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False)
- purchases = sa.Column('Purchases', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
- number_of_checks = sa.Column('NumberOfChecks', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, default=0)
- member_coupons = sa.Column('memCoupons', sa.Integer(), nullable=False, default=1)
- blue_line = sa.Column('blueLine', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
- shown = sa.Column('Shown', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=True)
- last_change = sa.Column('LastChange', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False)
- member_info = orm.relationship(
- 'MemberInfo',
- primaryjoin='MemberInfo.card_number == Customer.card_number',
- foreign_keys=[card_number],
- uselist=False,
- back_populates='customers',
- doc="""
- Reference to the :class:`MemberInfo` instance for this customer.
- """)
- def __str__(self):
- return "{} {}".format(self.first_name or '', self.last_name or '').strip()
-class MemberInfo(Base):
- """
- Contact info regarding a member of the organization.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'meminfo'
- card_number = sa.Column('card_no', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
- last_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- first_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- other_last_name = sa.Column('othlast_name', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- other_first_name = sa.Column('othfirst_name', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- street = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
- city = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True)
- state = sa.Column(sa.String(length=2), nullable=True)
- zip = sa.Column(sa.String(length=10), nullable=True)
- phone = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- email = sa.Column('email_1', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
- email2 = sa.Column('email_2', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
- ads_ok = sa.Column('ads_OK', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=True)
- customers = orm.relationship(
- Customer,
- primaryjoin=Customer.card_number == card_number,
- foreign_keys=[Customer.card_number],
- back_populates='member_info',
- remote_side=Customer.card_number,
- doc="""
- List of :class:`Customer` instances which are associated with this member info.
- """)
- dates = orm.relationship(
- 'MemberDate',
- primaryjoin='MemberDate.card_number == MemberInfo.card_number',
- foreign_keys='MemberDate.card_number',
- cascade='all, delete-orphan',
- doc="""
- List of date records for the member.
- """,
- backref=orm.backref(
- 'member',
- doc="""
- Reference to the member to whom the date record applies.
- """))
- @property
- def full_name(self):
- return '{} {}'.format(self.first_name or '', self.last_name or '').strip()
- def __str__(self):
- return self.full_name
-class MemberDate(Base):
- """
- Join/exit dates for members
- """
- __tablename__ = 'memDates'
- card_number = sa.Column('card_no', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
- start_date = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
- end_date = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
- def __str__(self):
- return "{} thru {}".format(
- self.start_date.date() if self.start_date else "??",
- self.end_date.date() if self.end_date else "??")
-class MemberContact(Base):
- """
- Contact preferences for members
- """
- __tablename__ = 'memContact'
- card_number = sa.Column('card_no', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
- preference = sa.Column('pref', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
- member = orm.relationship(
- MemberInfo,
- primaryjoin=MemberInfo.card_number == card_number,
- foreign_keys=[MemberInfo.card_number],
- uselist=False,
- doc="""
- Reference to the member to whom the contact record applies.
- """,
- backref=orm.backref(
- 'contact',
- uselist=False,
- doc="""
- Reference to contact preference record for the member.
- """))
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.preference)
-class HouseCoupon(Base):
- """
- Represents a "house" (store) coupon.
- """
- __tablename__ = 'houseCoupons'
- __table_args__ = (
- sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['department'], ['departments.dept_no']),
- )
- coupon_id = sa.Column('coupID', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
- start_date = sa.Column('startDate', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
- end_date = sa.Column('endDate', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
- limit = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- member_only = sa.Column('memberOnly', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
- discount_type = sa.Column('discountType', sa.String(length=2), nullable=True)
- discount_value = sa.Column('discountValue', sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=2), nullable=True)
- min_type = sa.Column('minType', sa.String(length=2), nullable=True)
- min_value = sa.Column('minValue', sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=2), nullable=True)
- department_id = sa.Column('department', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
- department = orm.relationship(Department)
- auto = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=False)
- # TODO: this isn't yet supported in all production DBs
- # virtual_only = sa.Column('virtualOnly', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=False)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.description or ''
+from corepos.db.office_op.model import *
diff --git a/corepos/db/office_op/__init__.py b/corepos/db/office_op/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f70d689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corepos/db/office_op/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
+# pyCOREPOS -- Python Interface to CORE POS
+# Copyright © 2018-2020 Lance Edgar
+# This file is part of pyCOREPOS.
+# pyCOREPOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# pyCOREPOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# pyCOREPOS. If not, see .
+Database Interface
+from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
+from sqlalchemy import orm
+Session = orm.sessionmaker()
diff --git a/corepos/db/office_op/model.py b/corepos/db/office_op/model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..824ec07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corepos/db/office_op/model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
+# pyCOREPOS -- Python Interface to CORE POS
+# Copyright © 2018-2020 Lance Edgar
+# This file is part of pyCOREPOS.
+# pyCOREPOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# pyCOREPOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# pyCOREPOS. If not, see .
+CORE POS Data Model
+from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
+import six
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy import orm
+from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
+from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
+Base = declarative_base()
+class Parameter(Base):
+ """
+ Represents a "parameter" value.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'parameters'
+ store_id = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ lane_id = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ param_key = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ param_value = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
+ is_array = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{}-{} {}".format(self.store_id, self.lane_id, self.param_key)
+class Department(Base):
+ """
+ Represents a department within the organization.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'departments'
+ number = sa.Column('dept_no', sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
+ name = sa.Column('dept_name', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ tax = sa.Column('dept_tax', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ food_stampable = sa.Column('dept_fs', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ limit = sa.Column('dept_limit', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
+ minimum = sa.Column('dept_minimum', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
+ discount = sa.Column('dept_discount', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ # TODO: probably should rename this attribute, but to what?
+ dept_see_id = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ modified = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
+ modified_by_id = sa.Column('modifiedby', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
+ margin = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
+ sales_code = sa.Column('salesCode', sa.Integer(), nullable=False, default=0)
+ member_only = sa.Column('memberOnly', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, default=0)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name or ''
+class Subdepartment(Base):
+ """
+ Represents a subdepartment within the organization.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'subdepts'
+ __table_args__ = (
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['dept_ID'], ['departments.dept_no']),
+ )
+ number = sa.Column('subdept_no', sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
+ name = sa.Column('subdept_name', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ department_number = sa.Column('dept_ID', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ department = orm.relationship(
+ Department,
+ doc="""
+ Reference to the parent :class:`Department` for this subdepartment.
+ """)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name or ''
+class Vendor(Base):
+ """
+ Represents a vendor from which product may be purchased.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'vendors'
+ id = sa.Column('vendorID', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
+ name = sa.Column('vendorName', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
+ abbreviation = sa.Column('vendorAbbreviation', sa.String(length=10), nullable=True)
+ discount_rate = sa.Column('discountRate', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
+ contact = orm.relationship(
+ 'VendorContact',
+ uselist=False, doc="""
+ Reference to the :class:`VendorContact` instance for this vendor.
+ """)
+ phone = association_proxy(
+ 'contact', 'phone',
+ creator=lambda p: VendorContact(phone=p))
+ fax = association_proxy(
+ 'contact', 'fax',
+ creator=lambda f: VendorContact(fax=f))
+ email = association_proxy(
+ 'contact', 'email',
+ creator=lambda e: VendorContact(email=e))
+ website = association_proxy(
+ 'contact', 'website',
+ creator=lambda w: VendorContact(website=w))
+ notes = association_proxy(
+ 'contact', 'notes',
+ creator=lambda n: VendorContact(notes=n))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name or ''
+class VendorContact(Base):
+ """
+ A general contact record for a vendor.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'vendorContact'
+ vendor_id = sa.Column('vendorID', sa.Integer(), sa.ForeignKey('vendors.vendorID'), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
+ phone = sa.Column(sa.String(length=15), nullable=True)
+ fax = sa.Column(sa.String(length=15), nullable=True)
+ email = sa.Column(sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
+ website = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True)
+ notes = sa.Column(sa.Text(), nullable=True)
+class Product(Base):
+ """
+ Represents a product, purchased and/or sold by the organization.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'products'
+ __table_args__ = (
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['department'], ['departments.dept_no']),
+ )
+ id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, nullable=False)
+ upc = sa.Column(sa.String(length=13), nullable=True)
+ description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ brand = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ formatted_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ normal_price = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=True)
+ price_method = sa.Column('pricemethod', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ group_price = sa.Column('groupprice', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
+ quantity = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ special_price = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=True)
+ special_price_method = sa.Column('specialpricemethod', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ special_group_price = sa.Column('specialgroupprice', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
+ special_quantity = sa.Column('specialquantity', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ start_date = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
+ end_date = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
+ department_number = sa.Column('department', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ size = sa.Column(sa.String(length=9), nullable=True)
+ tax = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ foodstamp = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ scale = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ scale_price = sa.Column('scaleprice', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=False)
+ mix_match_code = sa.Column('mixmatchcode', sa.String(length=13), nullable=True)
+ modified = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
+ # advertised = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ tare_weight = sa.Column('tareweight', sa.Float(), nullable=True)
+ discount = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ discount_type = sa.Column('discounttype', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ line_item_discountable = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ unit_of_measure = sa.Column('unitofmeasure', sa.String(length=15), nullable=True)
+ wicable = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ quantity_enforced = sa.Column('qttyEnforced', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ id_enforced = sa.Column('idEnforced', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ cost = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=True, default=0)
+ in_use = sa.Column('inUse', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ flags = sa.Column('numflag', sa.Integer(), nullable=True, default=0)
+ subdepartment_number = sa.Column('subdept', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ deposit = sa.Column(sa.Float(), nullable=True)
+ local = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, default=0)
+ store_id = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, default=0)
+ default_vendor_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, default=0)
+ current_origin_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, default=0)
+ department = orm.relationship(
+ Department,
+ primaryjoin=Department.number == department_number,
+ foreign_keys=[department_number],
+ doc="""
+ Reference to the :class:`Department` to which the product belongs.
+ """)
+ vendor = orm.relationship(
+ Vendor,
+ primaryjoin=Vendor.id == default_vendor_id,
+ foreign_keys=[default_vendor_id],
+ doc="""
+ Reference to the default :class:`Vendor` from which the product is obtained.
+ """)
+ @property
+ def full_description(self):
+ fields = ['brand', 'description', 'size']
+ fields = [getattr(self, f) or '' for f in fields]
+ fields = filter(bool, fields)
+ return ' '.join(fields)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.description or ''
+class ProductFlag(Base):
+ """
+ Represents a product flag attribute.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'prodFlags'
+ bit_number = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False, default=0)
+ description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
+ active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.description or ''
+class Employee(Base):
+ """
+ Represents an employee within the organization.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'employees'
+ number = sa.Column('emp_no', sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
+ cashier_password = sa.Column('CashierPassword', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
+ admin_password = sa.Column('AdminPassword', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
+ first_name = sa.Column('FirstName', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
+ last_name = sa.Column('LastName', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
+ job_title = sa.Column('JobTitle', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
+ active = sa.Column('EmpActive', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ frontend_security = sa.Column('frontendsecurity', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ backend_security = sa.Column('backendsecurity', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ birth_date = sa.Column('birthdate', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ' '.join([self.first_name or '', self.last_name or '']).strip()
+class MemberType(Base):
+ """
+ Represents a type of membership within the organization.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'memtype'
+ id = sa.Column('memtype', sa.SmallInteger(), primary_key=True, nullable=False, default=0)
+ description = sa.Column('memDesc', sa.String(length=20), nullable=True)
+ customer_type = sa.Column('custdataType', sa.String(length=10), nullable=True)
+ discount = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ staff = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ ssi = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+ # TODO: this was apparently added "recently" - isn't present in all DBs
+ # (need to figure out how to conditionally include it in model?)
+ # sales_code = sa.Column('salesCode', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.description or ""
+class Customer(Base):
+ """
+ Represents a customer of the organization.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'custdata'
+ id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, nullable=False)
+ card_number = sa.Column('CardNo', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
+ person_number = sa.Column('personNum', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, default=1)
+ first_name = sa.Column('FirstName', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ last_name = sa.Column('LastName', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ cash_back = sa.Column('CashBack', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=60)
+ balance = sa.Column('Balance', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
+ discount = sa.Column('Discount', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ member_discount_limit = sa.Column('MemDiscountLimit', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
+ charge_limit = sa.Column('ChargeLimit', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
+ charge_ok = sa.Column('ChargeOk', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False)
+ write_checks = sa.Column('WriteChecks', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=True)
+ store_coupons = sa.Column('StoreCoupons', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=True)
+ type = sa.Column('Type', sa.String(length=10), nullable=False, default='pc')
+ member_type_id = sa.Column('memType', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ member_type = orm.relationship(
+ MemberType,
+ primaryjoin=MemberType.id == member_type_id,
+ foreign_keys=[member_type_id],
+ doc="""
+ Reference to the :class:`MemberType` to which this member belongs.
+ """)
+ staff = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False)
+ ssi = sa.Column('SSI', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False)
+ purchases = sa.Column('Purchases', sa.Float(), nullable=False, default=0)
+ number_of_checks = sa.Column('NumberOfChecks', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, default=0)
+ member_coupons = sa.Column('memCoupons', sa.Integer(), nullable=False, default=1)
+ blue_line = sa.Column('blueLine', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
+ shown = sa.Column('Shown', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=True)
+ last_change = sa.Column('LastChange', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False)
+ member_info = orm.relationship(
+ 'MemberInfo',
+ primaryjoin='MemberInfo.card_number == Customer.card_number',
+ foreign_keys=[card_number],
+ uselist=False,
+ back_populates='customers',
+ doc="""
+ Reference to the :class:`MemberInfo` instance for this customer.
+ """)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{} {}".format(self.first_name or '', self.last_name or '').strip()
+class MemberInfo(Base):
+ """
+ Contact info regarding a member of the organization.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'meminfo'
+ card_number = sa.Column('card_no', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
+ last_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ first_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ other_last_name = sa.Column('othlast_name', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ other_first_name = sa.Column('othfirst_name', sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ street = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)
+ city = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True)
+ state = sa.Column(sa.String(length=2), nullable=True)
+ zip = sa.Column(sa.String(length=10), nullable=True)
+ phone = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ email = sa.Column('email_1', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
+ email2 = sa.Column('email_2', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)
+ ads_ok = sa.Column('ads_OK', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=True)
+ customers = orm.relationship(
+ Customer,
+ primaryjoin=Customer.card_number == card_number,
+ foreign_keys=[Customer.card_number],
+ back_populates='member_info',
+ remote_side=Customer.card_number,
+ doc="""
+ List of :class:`Customer` instances which are associated with this member info.
+ """)
+ dates = orm.relationship(
+ 'MemberDate',
+ primaryjoin='MemberDate.card_number == MemberInfo.card_number',
+ foreign_keys='MemberDate.card_number',
+ cascade='all, delete-orphan',
+ doc="""
+ List of date records for the member.
+ """,
+ backref=orm.backref(
+ 'member',
+ doc="""
+ Reference to the member to whom the date record applies.
+ """))
+ @property
+ def full_name(self):
+ return '{} {}'.format(self.first_name or '', self.last_name or '').strip()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.full_name
+class MemberDate(Base):
+ """
+ Join/exit dates for members
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'memDates'
+ card_number = sa.Column('card_no', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
+ start_date = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
+ end_date = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{} thru {}".format(
+ self.start_date.date() if self.start_date else "??",
+ self.end_date.date() if self.end_date else "??")
+class MemberContact(Base):
+ """
+ Contact preferences for members
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'memContact'
+ card_number = sa.Column('card_no', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, nullable=False)
+ preference = sa.Column('pref', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
+ member = orm.relationship(
+ MemberInfo,
+ primaryjoin=MemberInfo.card_number == card_number,
+ foreign_keys=[MemberInfo.card_number],
+ uselist=False,
+ doc="""
+ Reference to the member to whom the contact record applies.
+ """,
+ backref=orm.backref(
+ 'contact',
+ uselist=False,
+ doc="""
+ Reference to contact preference record for the member.
+ """))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.preference)
+class HouseCoupon(Base):
+ """
+ Represents a "house" (store) coupon.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'houseCoupons'
+ __table_args__ = (
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['department'], ['departments.dept_no']),
+ )
+ coupon_id = sa.Column('coupID', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True)
+ start_date = sa.Column('startDate', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
+ end_date = sa.Column('endDate', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)
+ limit = sa.Column(sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ member_only = sa.Column('memberOnly', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)
+ discount_type = sa.Column('discountType', sa.String(length=2), nullable=True)
+ discount_value = sa.Column('discountValue', sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=2), nullable=True)
+ min_type = sa.Column('minType', sa.String(length=2), nullable=True)
+ min_value = sa.Column('minValue', sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=2), nullable=True)
+ department_id = sa.Column('department', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
+ department = orm.relationship(Department)
+ auto = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=False)
+ # TODO: this isn't yet supported in all production DBs
+ # virtual_only = sa.Column('virtualOnly', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, default=False)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.description or ''