'''This module contains classes used for layouting graphical elements (fields, widgets, groups, ...).''' # A layout defines how a given field is rendered in a given context. Several # contexts exist: # "view" represents a given page for a given Appy class, in read-only mode. # "edit" represents a given page for a given Appy class, in edit mode. # "cell" represents a cell in a table, like when we need to render a field # value in a query result or in a reference table. # "search" represents an advanced search screen. # Layout elements for a class or page ------------------------------------------ # s - The page summary, containing summarized information about the page or # class, workflow information and object history. # w - The widgets of the current page/class # n - The navigation panel (inter-objects navigation) # b - The range of buttons (intra-object navigation, save, edit, delete...) # Layout elements for a field -------------------------------------------------- # l - "label" The field label # d - "description" The field description (a description is always visible) # h - "help" Help for the field (typically rendered as an icon, # clicking on it shows a popup with online help # v - "validation" The icon that is shown when a validation error occurs # (typically only used on "edit" layouts) # r - "required" The icon that specified that the field is required (if # relevant; typically only used on "edit" layouts) # f - "field" The field value, or input for entering a value. # c - "changes" The button for displaying changes to a field # For every field of a Appy class, you can define, for every layout context, # what field-related information will appear, and how it will be rendered. # Variables defaultPageLayouts and defaultFieldLayouts defined below give the # default layouts for pages and fields respectively. # # How to express a layout? You simply define a string that is made of the # letters corresponding to the field elements you want to render. The order of # elements correspond to the order into which they will be rendered. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rowDelimiters = {'-':'middle', '=':'top', '_':'bottom'} rowDelms = ''.join(rowDelimiters.keys()) cellDelimiters = {'|': 'center', ';': 'left', '!': 'right'} cellDelms = ''.join(cellDelimiters.keys()) pxDict = { # Page-related elements 's': 'pxHeader', 'w': 'pxFields', 'n': 'pxNavigateSiblings', 'b': 'pxButtons', # Field-related elements 'l': 'pxLabel', 'd': 'pxDescription', 'h': 'pxHelp', 'v': 'pxValidation', 'r': 'pxRequired', 'c': 'pxChanges'} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Cell: '''Represents a cell in a row in a table.''' def __init__(self, content, align, isHeader=False): self.align = align self.width = None self.content = None self.colspan = 1 if isHeader: self.width = content else: self.content = [] # The list of widgets to render in the cell self.decodeContent(content) def decodeContent(self, content): digits = '' # We collect the digits that will give the colspan for char in content: if char.isdigit(): digits += char else: # It is a letter corresponding to a macro if char in pxDict: self.content.append(pxDict[char]) elif char == 'f': # The exact macro to call will be known at render-time self.content.append('?') # Manage the colspan if digits: self.colspan = int(digits) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Row: '''Represents a row in a table.''' def __init__(self, content, valign, isHeader=False): self.valign = valign self.cells = [] self.decodeCells(content, isHeader) # Compute the row length length = 0 for cell in self.cells: length += cell.colspan self.length = length def decodeCells(self, content, isHeader): '''Decodes the given chunk of layout string p_content containing column-related information (if p_isHeader is True) or cell content (if p_isHeader is False) and produces a list of Cell instances.''' cellContent = '' for char in content: if char in cellDelimiters: align = cellDelimiters[char] self.cells.append(Cell(cellContent, align, isHeader)) cellContent = '' else: cellContent += char # Manage the last cell if any if cellContent: self.cells.append(Cell(cellContent, 'left', isHeader)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Table: '''Represents a table where to dispose graphical elements.''' simpleParams = ('style', 'css_class', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'width', 'align') derivedRepls = {'view': 'hrvd', 'search': '', 'cell': 'ldc'} def __init__(self, layoutString=None, style=None, css_class='', cellpadding=0, cellspacing=0, width='100%', align='left', other=None, derivedType=None): if other: # We need to create a Table instance from another Table instance, # given in p_other. In this case, we ignore previous params. if derivedType != None: # We will not simply mimic p_other. If p_derivedType is: # - "view", p_derivedFrom is an "edit" layout, and we must # create the corresponding "view" layout; # - "cell", p_derivedFrom is a "view" layout, and we must # create the corresponding "cell" layout; self.layoutString = Table.deriveLayout(other.layoutString, derivedType) else: self.layoutString = other.layoutString source = 'other.' else: source = '' self.layoutString = layoutString # Initialise simple params, either from the true params, either from # the p_other Table instance. for param in Table.simpleParams: exec 'self.%s = %s%s' % (param, source, param) # The following attribute will store a special Row instance used for # defining column properties. self.headerRow = None # The content rows will be stored hereafter. self.rows = [] self.decodeRows(self.layoutString) @staticmethod def deriveLayout(layout, derivedType): '''Returns a layout derived from p_layout.''' res = layout for letter in Table.derivedRepls[derivedType]: res = res.replace(letter, '') # Strip the derived layout res = res.lstrip(rowDelms); res = res.lstrip(cellDelms) if derivedType == 'cell': res = res.rstrip(rowDelms); res = res.rstrip(cellDelms) return res def addCssClasses(self, css_class): '''Adds a single or a group of p_css_class.''' if not self.css_class: self.css_class = css_class else: self.css_class += ' ' + css_class # Ensures that every class appears once self.css_class = ' '.join(set(self.css_class.split())) def isHeaderRow(self, rowContent): '''Determines if p_rowContent specified the table header row or a content row.''' # Find the first char that is a number or a letter for char in rowContent: if char not in cellDelimiters: if char.isdigit(): return True else: return False return True def decodeRows(self, layoutString): '''Decodes the given p_layoutString and produces a list of Row instances.''' # Split the p_layoutString with the row delimiters rowContent = '' for char in layoutString: if char in rowDelimiters: valign = rowDelimiters[char] if self.isHeaderRow(rowContent): if not self.headerRow: self.headerRow = Row(rowContent, valign, isHeader=True) else: self.rows.append(Row(rowContent, valign)) rowContent = '' else: rowContent += char # Manage the last row if any if rowContent: self.rows.append(Row(rowContent, 'middle')) def removeElement(self, elem): '''Removes given p_elem from myself.''' macroToRemove = pxDict[elem] for row in self.rows: for cell in row.cells: if macroToRemove in cell.content: cell.content.remove(macroToRemove) # Some base layouts to use, for fields and pages ------------------------------- # The default layouts for pages. defaultPageLayouts = { 'view': Table('w-b'), 'edit': Table('w-b', width=None)} # A layout for pages, containing the page summary. summaryPageLayouts = {'view': Table('s-w-b'), 'edit': Table('w-b', width=None)} widePageLayouts = {'view': Table('w-b'), 'edit': Table('w-b')} centeredPageLayouts = { 'view': Table('w|-b|', align="center"), 'edit': Table('w|-b|', width=None, align='center') } # The default layout for fields. Alternative layouts may exist and are declared # as static attributes of the concerned Type subclass. defaultFieldLayouts = {'edit': 'lrv-f', 'search': 'l-f'} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ColumnLayout: '''A "column layout" dictates the way a table column must be rendered. Such a layout is of the form: [*width][,|!|`|`] * "name" is the name of the field whose content must be shown in column's cells; * "width" is the width of the column. Any valid value for the "width" attribute of the "td" HTML tag is accepted; * , | or ! indicates column alignment: respectively, left, centered or right. ''' def __init__(self, layoutString): self.layoutString = layoutString def get(self): '''Returns a list containing the separate elements that are within self.layoutString.''' consumed = self.layoutString # Determine column alignment align = 'left' lastChar = consumed[-1] if lastChar in cellDelimiters: align = cellDelimiters[lastChar] consumed = consumed[:-1] # Determine name and width if '*' in consumed: name, width = consumed.rsplit('*', 1) else: name = consumed width = '' return name, width, align # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------