'''This module allows to call RFC functions exposed by a distant SAP system. It requires the "pysap" module available at http://pysaprfc.sourceforge.net and the library librfccm.so that one can download from the "SAP MarketPlace", a website by SAP requiring a login/password.''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from appy.gen.utils import sequenceTypes class SapError(Exception): pass SAP_MODULE_ERROR = 'Module pysap was not found (you can get it at ' \ 'http://pysaprfc.sourceforge.net)' SAP_CONNECT_ERROR = 'Error while connecting to SAP (conn_string: %s). %s' SAP_FUNCTION_ERROR = 'Error while calling function "%s". %s' SAP_DISCONNECT_ERROR = 'Error while disconnecting from SAP. %s' SAP_TABLE_PARAM_ERROR = 'Param "%s" does not correspond to a valid table ' \ 'parameter for function "%s".' SAP_STRUCT_ELEM_NOT_FOUND = 'Structure used by parameter "%s" does not define '\ 'an attribute named "%s."' SAP_STRING_REQUIRED = 'Type mismatch for attribute "%s" used in parameter ' \ '"%s": a string value is expected (SAP type is %s).' SAP_STRING_OVERFLOW = 'A string value for attribute "%s" used in parameter ' \ '"%s" is too long (SAP type is %s).' SAP_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND = 'Function "%s" does not exist.' SAP_FUNCTION_INFO_ERROR = 'Error while asking information about function ' \ '"%s". %s' SAP_GROUP_NOT_FOUND = 'Group of functions "%s" does not exist or is empty.' # Is the pysap module present or not ? hasSap = True try: import pysap except ImportError: hasSap = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class SapResult: '''Represents a result as returned by SAP. It defines a __getattr__ method that allows to retrieve SAP "output" parameters (export, tables) by their name (as if they were attributes of this class), in a Python format (list, dict, simple value).''' def __init__(self, function): # The pysap function obj that was called and that produced this result. self.function = function def __getattr__(self, name): '''Allows a smart access to self.function's results.''' if name.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError paramValue = self.function[name] paramType = paramValue.__class__.__name__ if paramType == 'ItTable': return paramValue.to_list() elif paramType == 'STRUCT': return paramValue.to_dict() else: return paramValue # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Sap: '''Represents a remote SAP system. This class allows to connect to a distant SAP system and perform RFC calls.''' def __init__(self, host, sysnr, client, user, password): self.host = host # Hostname or IP address of SAP server self.sysnr = sysnr # The system number of SAP server/gateway self.client = client # The instance/client number self.user = user self.password = password self.sap = None # Will hold the handler to the SAP distant system. self.functionName = None # The name of the next function to call. if not hasSap: raise SapError(SAP_MODULE_ERROR) def connect(self): '''Connects to the SAP system.''' params = 'ASHOST=%s SYSNR=%s CLIENT=%s USER=%s PASSWD=%s' % (self.host, self.sysnr, self.client, self.user, self.password) try: self.sap = pysap.Rfc_connection(conn_string = params) self.sap.open() except pysap.BaseSapRfcError, se: # Put in the error message the connection string without the # password. connNoPasswd = params[:params.index('PASSWD')] + 'PASSWD=********' raise SapError(SAP_CONNECT_ERROR % (connNoPasswd, str(se))) def createStructure(self, structDef, userData, paramName): '''Create a struct corresponding to SAP/C structure definition p_structDef and fills it with dict p_userData.''' res = structDef() for name, value in userData.iteritems(): if name not in structDef._sfield_names_: raise SapError(SAP_STRUCT_ELEM_NOT_FOUND % (paramName, name)) sapType = structDef._sfield_sap_types_[name] # Check if the value is valid according to the required type if sapType[0] == 'C': sType = '%s%d' % (sapType[0], sapType[1]) # "None" value is tolerated. if value == None: value = '' if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise SapError( SAP_STRING_REQUIRED % (name, paramName, sType)) if len(value) > sapType[1]: raise SapError( SAP_STRING_OVERFLOW % (name, paramName, sType)) # Left-fill the string with blanks. v = value.ljust(sapType[1]) else: v = value res[name.lower()] = v return res def call(self, functionName=None, **params): '''Calls a function on the SAP server.''' try: if not functionName: functionName = self.functionName function = self.sap.get_interface(functionName) # Specify the parameters for name, value in params.iteritems(): if type(value) == dict: # The param corresponds to a SAP/C "struct" v = self.createStructure( self.sap.get_structure(name),value, name) elif type(value) in sequenceTypes: # The param must be a SAP/C "table" (a list of structs) # Retrieve the name of the struct type related to this # table. fDesc = self.sap.get_interface_desc(functionName) tableTypeName = '' for tDesc in fDesc.tables: if tDesc.name == name: # We have found the correct table param tableTypeName = tDesc.field_def break if not tableTypeName: raise SapError(\ SAP_TABLE_PARAM_ERROR % (name, functionName)) v = self.sap.get_table(tableTypeName) for dValue in value: v.append(self.createStructure(v.struc, dValue, name)) else: v = value function[name] = v # Call the function function() except pysap.BaseSapRfcError, se: raise SapError(SAP_FUNCTION_ERROR % (functionName, str(se))) return SapResult(function) def __getattr__(self, name): '''The user can directly call self.(params) instead of calling self.call(, params).''' if name.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError self.functionName = name return self.call def getTypeInfo(self, typeName): '''Returns information about the type (structure) named p_typeName.''' res = '' tInfo = self.sap.get_structure(typeName) for fName, fieldType in tInfo._fields_: res += ' %s: %s (%s)\n' % (fName, tInfo.sap_def(fName), tInfo.sap_type(fName)) return res def getFunctionInfo(self, functionName): '''Returns information about the RFC function named p_functionName.''' try: res = '' usedTypes = set() # Names of type definitions used in parameters. fDesc = self.sap.get_interface_desc(functionName) functionDescr = str(fDesc).strip() if functionDescr: res += functionDescr # Import parameters if fDesc.imports: res += '\nIMPORTS\n' for iDesc in fDesc.imports: res += ' %s\n' % str(iDesc) usedTypes.add(iDesc.field_def) # Export parameters if fDesc.exports: res += '\nEXPORTS\n' for eDesc in fDesc.exports: res += ' %s\n' % str(eDesc) usedTypes.add(eDesc.field_def) if fDesc.tables: res += '\nTABLES\n' for tDesc in fDesc.tables: res += ' %s\n' % str(tDesc) usedTypes.add(tDesc.field_def) if fDesc.exceptions: res += '\nEXCEPTIONS\n' for eDesc in fDesc.exceptions: res += ' %s\n' % str(eDesc) # Add information about used types if usedTypes: res += '\nTypes used by the parameters:\n' for typeName in usedTypes: # Dump info only if it is a structure, not a simple type try: self.sap.get_structure(typeName) res += '%s\n%s\n\n' % \ (typeName, self.getTypeInfo(typeName)) except pysap.BaseSapRfcError, ee: pass return res except pysap.BaseSapRfcError, se: if se.value == 'FU_NOT_FOUND': raise SapError(SAP_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND % (functionName)) else: raise SapError(SAP_FUNCTION_INFO_ERROR % (functionName,str(se))) def getGroupInfo(self, groupName): '''Gets information about the functions that are available in group of functions p_groupName.''' if groupName == '_all_': # Search everything. functions = self.sap.search_functions('*') else: functions = self.sap.search_functions('*', grpname=groupName) if not functions: raise SapError(SAP_GROUP_NOT_FOUND % (groupName)) res = 'Available functions:\n' for f in functions: res += ' %s' % f.funcname if groupName == '_all_': res += ' (group: %s)' % f.groupname res += '\n' return res def disconnect(self): '''Disconnects from SAP.''' try: self.sap.close() except pysap.BaseSapRfcError, se: raise SapError(SAP_DISCONNECT_ERROR % str(se)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------