#!/usr/bin/python2.4.4 # Imports ---------------------------------------------------------------------- import os, os.path, shutil, re, zipfile, sys, ftplib from appy.shared import appyPath from appy.shared.utils import FolderDeleter from appy.bin.clean import Cleaner from appy.gen.utils import produceNiceMessage # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ versionRex = re.compile('(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') eggInfo = '''import os, setuptools setuptools.setup( name = "appy", version = "%s", description = "The Appy framework", long_description = "See http://appyframework.org", author = "Gaetan Delannay", author_email = "gaetan.delannay AT gmail.com", license = "GPL", keywords = "plone, pod, pdf, odt, document", url = 'http://appyframework.org', classifiers = ['Development Status :: 4 - Beta', "License :: OSI Approved"], packages = setuptools.find_packages('src'), include_package_data = True, package_dir = {'':'src'}, data_files = [('.', [])], namespace_packages = ['appy'], zip_safe = False)''' def askLogin(): print 'Login: ', login = sys.stdin.readline().strip() print 'Password: ', passwd = sys.stdin.readline().strip() return (login, passwd) def askQuestion(question, default='yes'): '''Asks a question to the user (yes/no) and returns True if the user answered "yes".''' defaultIsYes = (default.lower() in ('y', 'yes')) if defaultIsYes: yesNo = '[Y/n]' else: yesNo = '[y/N]' print question + ' ' + yesNo + ' ', response = sys.stdin.readline().strip().lower() res = False if response in ('y', 'yes'): res = True elif response in ('n', 'no'): res = False elif not response: # It depends on default value if defaultIsYes: res = True else: res = False return res class FtpFolder: '''Represents a folder on a FTP site.''' def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.parent = None self.subFolders = [] self.files = [] self.isComplete = False # Is True if all contained files and direct # subFolders were analysed. def getFullName(self): if not self.parent: res = '.' else: res = '%s/%s' % (self.parent.getFullName(), self.name) return res def addSubFolder(self, subFolder): self.subFolders.append(subFolder) subFolder.parent = self def isFullyComplete(self): res = self.isComplete for subFolder in self.subFolders: res = res and subFolder.isFullyComplete() return res def getIncompleteSubFolders(self): res = [] for subFolder in self.subFolders: if not subFolder.isComplete: res.append(subFolder) elif not subFolder.isFullyComplete(): res += subFolder.getIncompleteSubFolders() return res def __str__(self): res = 'Folder %s' % self.getFullName() if self.files: res += '\nFiles:\n' for f in self.files: res += '%s\n' % f if self.subFolders: res += '\nSubFolders:\n' for subFolder in self.subFolders: res += str(subFolder) return res def clean(self, site): '''Cleans this folder''' # First, clean subFolders if they exist for subFolder in self.subFolders: subFolder.clean(site) # Remove the subFolder site.rmd(subFolder.getFullName()) # Then, remove the files contained in the folder. for f in self.files: fileName = '%s/%s' % (self.getFullName(), f) site.delete(fileName) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AppySite: '''Represents the Appy web sie where the project is published.''' name = 'appyframework.org' textExtensions = ('.htm', '.html', '.css', '.txt') def __init__(self): # Delete the "egg" folder on not-yet-copied local site. eggFolder = '%s/temp/egg' % appyPath if os.path.isdir(eggFolder): FolderDeleter.delete(eggFolder) # Ask user id and password for FTP transfer userId, userPassword = askLogin() self.site = ftplib.FTP(self.name) self.site.login(userId, userPassword) self.rootFolder = None # Root folder of appy site ~FtpFolder~ self.currentFolder = None # Currently visited folder ~FtpFolder~ def analyseFolderEntry(self, folderEntry): '''p_line corresponds to a 'ls' entry.''' elems = folderEntry.split(' ') elemName = elems[len(elems)-1] if (not elemName.startswith('.')) and \ (not elemName.startswith('_')): if elems[0].startswith('d'): self.currentFolder.addSubFolder(FtpFolder(elemName)) else: self.currentFolder.files.append(elemName) def createFolderProxies(self): '''Creates a representation of the FTP folders of the appy site in the form of FtpFolder instances.''' self.rootFolder = FtpFolder('.') self.currentFolder = self.rootFolder self.site.dir(self.currentFolder.getFullName(), self.analyseFolderEntry) self.rootFolder.isComplete = True while not self.rootFolder.isFullyComplete(): incompleteFolders = self.rootFolder.getIncompleteSubFolders() for folder in incompleteFolders: self.currentFolder = folder self.site.dir(self.currentFolder.getFullName(), self.analyseFolderEntry) self.currentFolder.isComplete = True def copyFile(self, fileName): '''Copies a file on the FTP server.''' localFile = file(fileName) cmd = 'STOR %s' % fileName fileExt = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] if fileExt in self.textExtensions: # Make a transfer in text mode print 'Transfer file %s (text mode)' % fileName self.site.storlines(cmd, localFile) else: # Make a transfer in binary mode print 'Transfer file %s (binary mode)' % fileName self.site.storbinary(cmd, localFile) def publish(self): # Delete the existing content of the distant site self.createFolderProxies() print 'Removing existing data on site...' self.rootFolder.clean(self.site) curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir('%s/temp' % appyPath) for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): for folder in dirs: folderName = '%s/%s' % (root, folder) self.site.mkd(folderName) for f in files: fileName = '%s/%s' % (root, f) self.copyFile(fileName) os.chdir(curDir) self.site.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Text2Html: '''Converts a text file into a HTML file.''' def __init__(self, txtFile, htmlFile): self.txtFile = file(txtFile) self.htmlFile = file(htmlFile, 'w') def retainLine(self, line): '''Must we dump this line in the result ?''' pass def getFirstChar(self, line): '''Gets the first relevant character of the line. For a TodoConverter this is not really the first one because lines taken into account start with a 'v' character.''' return line[self.firstChar] def getCleanLine(self, line, isTitle=False): '''Gets the line as it will be inserted in the HTML result: remove some leading and trailing characters.''' start = self.firstChar if not isTitle: start += 1 return line[start:-1] def getProlog(self): '''If you want to write a small prolog in the HTML file, you may generate it here.''' return '' def run(self): self.htmlFile.write('\n\n%s\n\n' \ '\n' % self.title) self.htmlFile.write(self.getProlog()) inList = False for line in self.txtFile: if self.retainLine(line): firstChar = self.getFirstChar(line) if firstChar == '-': if not inList: # Begin a new bulleted list self.htmlFile.write('\n') inList = False self.htmlFile.write( '


\n' % self.getCleanLine(line, True)) self.htmlFile.write('\n\n\n') self.txtFile.close() self.htmlFile.close() class VersionsConverter(Text2Html): title = 'Versions' firstChar = 0 svnUrl = 'http://svn.communesplone.org/svn/communesplone/appy' setupToolsUrl = 'http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools' def retainLine(self, line): return len(line) > 1 def getCleanLine(self, line, isTitle=False): line = Text2Html.getCleanLine(self, line, isTitle) if isTitle: # This title represents a version of the appy framework. version = versionRex.search(line).group(1) if os.path.exists('%s/versions/appy.%s.zip' % ( appyPath, version)): line = '%s (download zip)' %( line, version) return line def getProlog(self): return '

Appy releases are available for download as zip files ' \ 'below. Under Windows, unzip the file with a tool like ' \ '7zip and copy the ' \ '"appy" folder to <where_you_installed_python>\Lib\s' \ 'ite-packages\. Under Linux, unzip the file by typing "unzip ' \ 'appy-x.x.x.zip", copy the appy folder wherever you want (in ' \ '/opt/appy for example) and make a symbolic link in your ' \ 'Python lib folder (for example: "ln -s /opt/appy /usr/lib/' \ 'python2.5/site-packages/appy").

' \ ' ' \ '

In order to check that everything works, launch a Python ' \ 'shell and type "import appy". If you get the >>> '\ 'prompt again without error it\'s ok. You may also want to ' \ 'launch the automated pod test suite: go to the pod test ' \ 'folder (in <pod folder>/test, where <pod ' \ 'folder> may be something like /usr/lib/python2.5/' \ 'site-packages/appy/pod or /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/' \ 'appy-0.3.0-py2.5.egg/appy/pod) and type "sudo python ' \ 'Tester.py".

' \ '' % ( self.setupToolsUrl, self.setupToolsUrl, self.svnUrl, self.svnUrl) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Publisher: '''Publishes Appy on the web.''' pageBody = re.compile('(.*)', re.S) eggVersion = re.compile('version\s*=\s*".*?"') pythonTargets = ('2.4', '2.5') svnServer = 'http://svn.communesplone.org/svn/communesplone/appy' def __init__(self): self.genFolder = '%s/temp' % appyPath self.ftp = None # FTP connection to appyframework.org # Retrieve version-related information versionFileName = '%s/doc/version.txt' % appyPath f = file(versionFileName) self.versionLong = f.readline().strip() # Long version includes version number & date self.versionShort = versionRex.search(self.versionLong).group(1).strip() # Short version includes version number only f.close() def executeCommand(self, cmd): '''Executes the system command p_cmd.''' print 'Executing %s...' % cmd os.system(cmd) def createCodeAndEggReleases(self): '''Updates the subversion repository as needed (tags, branches) and publishes the needed eggs on pypi.python.org.''' # Update subversion repository curdir = os.getcwd() # Create a branch for this new version if the user wants it. lastDotIndex = self.versionShort.rfind('.') branchName = self.versionShort[:lastDotIndex] cmd = 'svn cp -m "Branch for releases %s.x" %s/trunk %s/branches/%s' % ( branchName, self.svnServer, self.svnServer, branchName) if askQuestion('Create new branch? (%s)' % cmd, default='no'): os.system(cmd) # Create a tag for this version if the user wants it. tagUrl = '%s/tags/%s' % (self.svnServer, self.versionShort) cmd = 'svn cp -m "Tag for release %s" %s/trunk %s' % ( self.versionShort, self.svnServer, tagUrl) if askQuestion('Create new tag? (%s)' % cmd, default='no'): os.system(cmd) if askQuestion('Upload eggs on PyPI?', default='no'): # Create egg structure eggFolder = '%s/egg' % self.genFolder os.mkdir(eggFolder) f = file('%s/setup.py' % eggFolder, 'w') f.write(eggInfo % self.versionShort) f.close() os.mkdir('%s/docs' % eggFolder) os.mkdir('%s/src' % eggFolder) os.mkdir('%s/src/appy' % eggFolder) shutil.copy('%s/doc/version.txt' % appyPath, '%s/docs/HISTORY.txt' % eggFolder) shutil.copy('%s/doc/license.txt' % appyPath, '%s/docs/LICENSE.txt' % eggFolder) # Move appy sources within the egg os.rename('%s/appy' % self.genFolder, '%s/src/appy' % eggFolder) # Create eggs and publish them on pypi os.chdir(eggFolder) print 'Uploading appy%s source egg on PyPI...' % self.versionShort #self.executeCommand('python setup.py sdist upload') self.executeCommand('python setup.py sdist') for pythonTarget in self.pythonTargets: print 'Uploading appy%s binary egg for python%s...' % \ (self.versionShort, pythonTarget) #self.executeCommand('python%s setup.py bdist_egg upload' % \ # pythonTarget) self.executeCommand('python%s setup.py bdist_egg' % \ pythonTarget) os.chdir(curdir) def createZipRelease(self): '''Creates a zip file with the appy sources.''' newZipRelease = '%s/versions/appy.%s.zip' % (appyPath, self.versionShort) if os.path.exists(newZipRelease): if not askQuestion('"%s" already exists. Replace it?' % \ newZipRelease, default='yes'): print 'Publication cancelled.' sys.exit(1) print 'Removing obsolete %s...' % newZipRelease os.remove(newZipRelease) zipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(newZipRelease, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.genFolder) for dir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('appy'): for f in filenames: fileName = os.path.join(dir, f) zipFile.write(fileName) # [2:] is there to avoid havin './' in the path in the zip file. zipFile.close() # Copy the new zip release to the gen folder shutil.copy(newZipRelease, '%s/versions' % self.genFolder) os.chdir(curdir) def applyTemplate(self): '''Decorates each page with the template.''' # First, load the template into memory templateFileName = '%s/doc/template.html' % appyPath templateFile = open(templateFileName) templateContent = templateFile.read() templateFile.close() # Then, decorate each other html file for pageName in os.listdir(self.genFolder): if pageName.endswith('.html'): pageFileName = '%s/%s' % (self.genFolder, pageName) pageFile = file(pageFileName) pageContent = pageFile.read() pageFile.close() # Extract the page title i, j = pageContent.find(''), pageContent.find('') pageTitle = pageContent[i+7:j] # Extract the body tag content from the page pageContent = self.pageBody.search(pageContent).group(1) pageFile = open(pageFileName, 'w') templateWithTitle = templateContent.replace('{{ title }}', pageTitle) pageFile.write(templateWithTitle.replace('{{ content }}', pageContent)) pageFile.close() def _getPageTitle(self, url): '''Returns the documentation page title from its URL.''' res = url.split('.')[0] if res not in ('pod', 'gen'): res = produceNiceMessage(res[3:]) return res mainToc = re.compile('') tocLink = re.compile('(.*?)') subSection = re.compile('


') subSectionContent = re.compile('.*?(.*)') def createDocToc(self): res = '' docToc = '%s/docToc.html' % self.genFolder # First, parse template.html to get the main TOC structure template = file('%s/doc/template.html' % appyPath) mainData = self.mainToc.search(template.read()).group(0) links = self.tocLink.findall(mainData)[1:] sectionNb = 0 for url, title in links: if title in ('gen', 'pod'): tag = 'h1' indent = 0 styleBegin = '' styleEnd = '' if title == 'pod': res += '' res += '
' else: tag = 'p' indent = 2 styleBegin = '' styleEnd = '' tabs = ' ' * indent * 2 res += '<%s>%s%s%s%s\n' % \ (tag, tabs, styleBegin, url, self._getPageTitle(url), styleEnd, tag) # Parse each HTML file and retrieve sections title that have an # anchor defined docFile = file('%s/doc/%s' % (appyPath, url)) docContent = docFile.read() docFile.close() sections = self.subSection.findall(docContent) for section in sections: r = self.subSectionContent.search(section) if r: sectionNb += 1 tabs = ' ' * 8 res += '
%s%d. %s
\n' % \ (tabs, sectionNb, url, r.group(1), r.group(2)) res += '
' f = file(docToc) toc = f.read() f.close() toc = toc.replace('{{ doc }}', res) f = file(docToc, 'w') f.write(toc) f.close() privateScripts = ('publish.py', 'zip.py', 'runOpenOffice.sh') def prepareGenFolder(self): '''Creates the basic structure of the temp folder where the appy website will be generated.''' # Reinitialise temp folder where the generated website will be dumped if os.path.exists(self.genFolder): FolderDeleter.delete(self.genFolder) shutil.copytree('%s/doc' % appyPath, self.genFolder) shutil.copytree('%s/versions' % appyPath, '%s/versions' %self.genFolder) # Create a temp clean copy of appy sources (without .svn folders, etc) genSrcFolder = '%s/appy' % self.genFolder os.mkdir(genSrcFolder) for aFile in ('__init__.py',): shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (appyPath, aFile), genSrcFolder) for aFolder in ('gen', 'pod', 'shared', 'bin'): shutil.copytree('%s/%s' % (appyPath, aFolder), '%s/%s' % (genSrcFolder, aFolder)) # Remove some scripts from bin for script in self.privateScripts: os.remove('%s/bin/%s' % (genSrcFolder, script)) # Write the appy version into the code itself (in appy/version.py)''' print 'Publishing version %s...' % self.versionShort # Dump version info in appy/version.py f = file('%s/version.py' % genSrcFolder, 'w') f.write('short = "%s"\n' % self.versionShort) f.write('verbose = "%s"' % self.versionLong) f.close() # Remove unwanted files os.remove('%s/version.txt' % self.genFolder) os.remove('%s/license.txt' % self.genFolder) os.remove('%s/template.html' % self.genFolder) os.remove('%s/artwork.odg' % self.genFolder) # Remove subversion folders for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.genFolder): for dirName in dirs: if dirName == '.svn': FolderDeleter.delete(os.path.join(root, dirName)) # Generates the "versions" page, based on version.txt VersionsConverter('%s/doc/version.txt' % appyPath, '%s/version.html' % self.genFolder).run() def run(self): Cleaner().run(verbose=False) print 'Generating site in %s...' % self.genFolder self.prepareGenFolder() self.createDocToc() self.applyTemplate() self.createZipRelease() self.createCodeAndEggReleases() if askQuestion('Do you want to publish the site on ' \ 'appyframework.org?', default='no'): AppySite().publish() if askQuestion('Delete locally generated site ?', default='no'): FolderDeleter.delete(self.genFolder) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': Publisher().run() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------