// Functions related to user authentication
function cookiesAreEnabled() {
// Test whether cookies are enabled by attempting to set a cookie and then
// change its value
var c = "areYourCookiesEnabled=0";
document.cookie = c;
var dc = document.cookie;
// Cookie not set? Fail
if (dc.indexOf(c) == -1) return 0;
// Change test cookie
c = "areYourCookiesEnabled=1";
document.cookie = c;
dc = document.cookie;
// Cookie not changed? fail
if (dc.indexOf(c) == -1) return 0;
// Delete cookie
document.cookie = "areYourCookiesEnabled=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT";
return 1;
function setLoginVars() {
// Indicate if JS is enabled
document.getElementById('js_enabled').value = 1;
// Indicate if cookies are enabled
document.getElementById('cookies_enabled').value = cookiesAreEnabled();
// Copy login and password length to alternative vars since current vars will
// be removed from the request by zope's authentication mechanism.
document.getElementById('login_name').value = document.getElementById('__ac_name').value;
password = document.getElementById('__ac_password');
emptyPassword = document.getElementById('pwd_empty');
if (password.value.length==0) emptyPassword.value = '1';
else emptyPassword.value = '0';
// AJAX machinery
var isIe = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer");
// AJAX machinery
var xhrObjects = new Array(); // An array of XMLHttpRequest objects
function XhrObject() { // Wraps a XmlHttpRequest object
this.freed = 1; // Is this xhr object already dealing with a request or not?
this.xhr = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
else this.xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
this.hook = ''; /* The ID of the HTML element in the page that will be
replaced by result of executing the Ajax request. */
this.onGet = ''; /* The name of a Javascript function to call once we
receive the result. */
this.info = {}; /* An associative array for putting anything else. */
function getAjaxChunk(pos) {
// This function is the callback called by the AJAX machinery (see function
// askAjaxChunk below) when an Ajax response is available.
// First, find back the correct XMLHttpRequest object
if ( (typeof(xhrObjects[pos]) != 'undefined') &&
(xhrObjects[pos].freed == 0)) {
var hook = xhrObjects[pos].hook;
if (xhrObjects[pos].xhr.readyState == 1) {
// The request has been initialized: display the waiting radar
var hookElem = document.getElementById(hook);
if (hookElem) hookElem.innerHTML = "

if (xhrObjects[pos].xhr.readyState == 4) {
// We have received the HTML chunk
var hookElem = document.getElementById(hook);
if (hookElem && (xhrObjects[pos].xhr.status == 200)) {
hookElem.innerHTML = xhrObjects[pos].xhr.responseText;
// Call a custom Javascript function if required
if (xhrObjects[pos].onGet) {
xhrObjects[pos].onGet(xhrObjects[pos], hookElem);
// Eval inner scripts if any.
var innerScripts = document.getElementsByName("appyHook");
for (var i=0; i
= 0) {
masterName = getSlaveInfo(slaves[i], 'masterName');
master = document.getElementById(masterName);
// If master is not here, we can't hide its slaves when appropriate.
if (master) updateSlaves(master, slaves[i]);
i -= 1;
// Function used to submit the appy form on edit.pt
function submitAppyForm(button) {
var theForm = document.getElementById('appyForm');
// On which button has the user clicked?
theForm.button.value = button;
// Function used for triggering a workflow transition
function triggerTransition(transitionId, msg) {
var theForm = document.getElementById('triggerTransitionForm');
theForm.workflow_action.value = transitionId;
if (!msg) {
else { // Ask the user to confirm.
askConfirm('form', 'triggerTransitionForm', msg, true);
function onDeleteObject(objectUid) {
f = document.getElementById('deleteForm');
f.objectUid.value = objectUid;
askConfirm('form', 'deleteForm', delete_confirm);
function onDeleteEvent(objectUid, eventTime) {
f = document.getElementById('deleteEventForm');
f.objectUid.value = objectUid;
f.eventTime.value = eventTime;
askConfirm('form', 'deleteEventForm', delete_confirm);
function onUnlinkObject(sourceUid, fieldName, targetUid) {
f = document.getElementById('unlinkForm');
f.sourceUid.value = sourceUid;
f.fieldName.value = fieldName;
f.targetUid.value = targetUid;
askConfirm('form', 'unlinkForm', unlink_confirm);
function createCookie(name, value, days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
} else expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+escape(value)+expires+"; path=/;";
function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i=0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') { c = c.substring(1,c.length); }
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) {
return unescape(c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length));
return null;
function toggleCookie(cookieId) {
// What is the state of this boolean (expanded/collapsed) cookie?
var state = readCookie(cookieId);
if ((state != 'collapsed') && (state != 'expanded')) {
// No cookie yet, create it.
createCookie(cookieId, 'collapsed');
state = 'collapsed';
var hook = document.getElementById(cookieId); // The hook is the part of
// the HTML document that needs to be shown or hidden.
var displayValue = 'none';
var newState = 'collapsed';
var imgSrc = 'ui/expand.gif';
if (state == 'collapsed') {
// Show the HTML zone
displayValue = 'block';
imgSrc = 'ui/collapse.gif';
newState = 'expanded';
// Update the corresponding HTML element
hook.style.display = displayValue;
var img = document.getElementById(cookieId + '_img');
img.src = imgSrc;
// Inverse the cookie value
createCookie(cookieId, newState);
// Function that allows to generate a document from a pod template.
function generatePodDocument(contextUid, fieldName, podFormat, queryData) {
var theForm = document.getElementsByName("podTemplateForm")[0];
theForm.objectUid.value = contextUid;
theForm.fieldName.value = fieldName;
theForm.podFormat.value = podFormat;
theForm.askAction.value = "False";
theForm.queryData.value = queryData;
var askActionWidget = document.getElementById(contextUid + '_' + fieldName + '_cb');
if (askActionWidget && askActionWidget.checked) {
theForm.askAction.value = "True";
// Functions for opening and closing a popup
function openPopup(popupId, msg) {
// Put the message into the popup
if (msg) {
var confirmElem = document.getElementById('appyConfirmText');
confirmElem.innerHTML = msg;
// Open the popup
var popup = document.getElementById(popupId);
// Put it at the right place on the screen
var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || 0;
popup.style.top = (scrollTop + 150) + 'px';
popup.style.display = "block";
// Show the greyed zone
var greyed = document.getElementById('grey');
greyed.style.top = scrollTop + 'px';
greyed.style.display = "block";
greyed.style.height = document.body.clientHeight;
greyed.style.width = document.body.clientWidth;
function closePopup(popupId) {
// Close the popup
var popup = document.getElementById(popupId);
popup.style.display = "none";
// Hide the greyed zone
var greyed = document.getElementById('grey');
greyed.style.display = "none";
// Function triggered when an action needs to be confirmed by the user
function askConfirm(actionType, action, msg, showComment) {
/* Store the actionType (send a form, call an URL or call a script) and the
related action, and shows the confirm popup. If the user confirms, we
will perform the action. If p_showComment is true, an input field allowing
to enter a comment will be shown in the popup. */
var confirmForm = document.getElementById('confirmActionForm');
confirmForm.actionType.value = actionType;
confirmForm.action.value = action;
var commentArea = document.getElementById('commentArea');
if (showComment) commentArea.style.display = "block";
else commentArea.style.display = "none";
openPopup("confirmActionPopup", msg);
// Function triggered when an action confirmed by the user must be performed
function doConfirm() {
// The user confirmed: perform the required action.
var confirmForm = document.getElementById('confirmActionForm');
var actionType = confirmForm.actionType.value;
var action = confirmForm.action.value;
if (actionType == 'form') {
/* Submit the form whose id is in "action", and transmmit him the comment
from the popup when relevant */
var theForm = document.getElementById(action);
if ((confirmForm.comment.style.display != 'none') &&
(confirmForm.comment.value)) {
theForm.comment.value = confirmForm.comment.value;
else if (actionType == 'url') {
// We must go to the URL defined in "action"
window.location = action;
else if (actionType == 'script') {
// We must execute Javascript code in "action"
var wrongTextInput = '#F9EDBE none';
// Function triggered when the user asks password reinitialisation
function doAskPasswordReinit() {
// Check that the user has typed a login
var theForm = document.getElementById('askPasswordReinitForm');
var login = theForm.login.value.replace(' ', '');
if (!login) { theForm.login.style.background = wrongTextInput; }
else {
// Function that finally posts the edit form after the user has confirmed that
// she really wants to post it.
function postConfirmedEditForm() {
var theForm = document.getElementById('appyForm');
theForm.confirmed.value = "True";
theForm.button.value = 'save';
// Function that shows or hides a tab. p_action is 'show' or 'hide'.
function manageTab(tabId, action) {
// Manage the tab content (show it or hide it)
var content = document.getElementById('tabcontent_' + tabId);
if (action == 'show') { content.style.display = 'table-row'; }
else { content.style.display = 'none'; }
// Manage the tab itself (show as selected or unselected)
var left = document.getElementById('tab_' + tabId + '_left');
var tab = document.getElementById('tab_' + tabId);
var right = document.getElementById('tab_' + tabId + '_right');
if (action == 'show') {
left.src = "ui/tabLeft.png";
tab.style.backgroundImage = "url(ui/tabBg.png)";
right.src = "ui/tabRight.png";
if (action == 'hide') {
left.src = "ui/tabLeftu.png";
tab.style.backgroundImage = "url(ui/tabBgu.png)";
right.src = "ui/tabRightu.png";
// Function used for displaying/hiding content of a tab
function showTab(tabId) {
// 1st, show the tab to show
manageTab(tabId, 'show');
// Compute the number of tabs.
var idParts = tabId.split('_');
var prefix = idParts[0] + '_';
// Store the currently selected tab in a cookie.
createCookie('tab_' + idParts[0], tabId);
var nbOfTabs = idParts[2]*1;
// Then, hide the other tabs.
for (var i=0; i