Display templates as links if a few number of templates must be shownDisplay templates as a list if a lot of templates must be shown
For some fields we simply use the standard Archetypes
macro for showing it. Special Appy field types like Ref and Computed have their
corresponding Archetypes fields set as invisible, so they won't be shown by the following
tal:showField.For other fields like Refs we use specific view/edit macros.
Table containing the history
Display the previous values of the fields whose value were modified in this change.
Global elements used in every page.Javascript messages"Static" javascriptsGlobal form for deleting an objectGlobal form for generating a document from a pod template.
Information that is common to all tabs (object title, state, etc)
Title, edit icon and state
Show the phase name tied to this page−
When no tabs are shown, we provide an edit icon.
Content type description
Creator and last modification datePlus/minus icon for accessing historyShow document creator
Show last modification date
Object history
Workflow-related information and actions
This macro displays phases defined for a given content type,
only if more than one phase is defined.
Buttons for navigating among a list of elements (next, back, first, last, etc).
Go to the first page
Go to the previous page
Explain which elements are currently shown
Go to the next page
Go to the last page
Buttons for going to next/previous elements if this one is among bunch of referenced or searched objects.
currentNumber starts with 1.