#!/usr/bin/python # Imports ---------------------------------------------------------------------- import os, os.path, sys, shutil, re, zipfile, sys, ftplib, time import appy from appy.shared import appyPath from appy.shared.utils import FolderDeleter, LinesCounter from appy.shared.packaging import Debianizer from appy.bin.clean import Cleaner from appy.gen.utils import produceNiceMessage # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ versionRex = re.compile('(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') distInfo = '''from distutils.core import setup setup(name = "appy", version = "%s", description = "The Appy framework", long_description = "Appy builds simple but complex web Python apps.", author = "Gaetan Delannay", author_email = "gaetan.delannay AT geezteem.com", license = "GPL", platforms="all", url = 'http://appyframework.org', packages = [%s], package_data = {'':["*.*"]}) ''' manifestInfo = ''' recursive-include appy/bin * recursive-include appy/gen * recursive-include appy/pod * recursive-include appy/shared * ''' def askLogin(): print 'Login: ', login = sys.stdin.readline().strip() print 'Password: ', passwd = sys.stdin.readline().strip() return (login, passwd) class FtpFolder: '''Represents a folder on a FTP site.''' def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.parent = None self.subFolders = [] self.files = [] self.isComplete = False # Is True if all contained files and direct # subFolders were analysed. def getFullName(self): if not self.parent: res = '.' else: res = '%s/%s' % (self.parent.getFullName(), self.name) return res def addSubFolder(self, subFolder): self.subFolders.append(subFolder) subFolder.parent = self def isFullyComplete(self): res = self.isComplete for subFolder in self.subFolders: res = res and subFolder.isFullyComplete() return res def getIncompleteSubFolders(self): res = [] for subFolder in self.subFolders: if not subFolder.isComplete: res.append(subFolder) elif not subFolder.isFullyComplete(): res += subFolder.getIncompleteSubFolders() return res def __str__(self): res = 'Folder %s' % self.getFullName() if self.files: res += '\nFiles:\n' for f in self.files: res += '%s\n' % f if self.subFolders: res += '\nSubFolders:\n' for subFolder in self.subFolders: res += str(subFolder) return res def clean(self, site): '''Cleans this folder''' # First, clean subFolders if they exist print 'Cleaning', self.getFullName(), len(self.subFolders), 'subFolders' for subFolder in self.subFolders: subFolder.clean(site) # Remove the subFolder site.rmd(subFolder.getFullName()) # Then, remove the files contained in the folder. for f in self.files: fileName = '%s/%s' % (self.getFullName(), f) site.delete(fileName) print fileName, 'removed.' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AppySite: '''Represents the Appy web sie where the project is published.''' name = 'appyframework.org' textExtensions = ('.htm', '.html', '.css', '.txt') def __init__(self): # Delete the "egg" folder on not-yet-copied local site. eggFolder = '%s/temp/egg' % appyPath if os.path.isdir(eggFolder): FolderDeleter.delete(eggFolder) # Ask user id and password for FTP transfer userId, userPassword = askLogin() self.site = ftplib.FTP(self.name) self.site.login(userId, userPassword) self.rootFolder = None # Root folder of appy site ~FtpFolder~ self.currentFolder = None # Currently visited folder ~FtpFolder~ def analyseFolderEntry(self, folderEntry): '''p_line corresponds to a 'ls' entry.''' elems = folderEntry.split(' ') elemName = elems[len(elems)-1] if (elemName.startswith('.') or elemName.startswith('_')) and \ (not elemName.startswith('__init__.py')): return if elems[0].startswith('d'): self.currentFolder.addSubFolder(FtpFolder(elemName)) else: self.currentFolder.files.append(elemName) def createFolderProxies(self): '''Creates a representation of the FTP folders of the appy site in the form of FtpFolder instances.''' self.rootFolder = FtpFolder('.') self.currentFolder = self.rootFolder self.site.dir(self.currentFolder.getFullName(), self.analyseFolderEntry) self.rootFolder.isComplete = True while not self.rootFolder.isFullyComplete(): incompleteFolders = self.rootFolder.getIncompleteSubFolders() for folder in incompleteFolders: self.currentFolder = folder self.site.dir(self.currentFolder.getFullName(), self.analyseFolderEntry) self.currentFolder.isComplete = True def copyFile(self, fileName): '''Copies a file on the FTP server.''' localFile = file(fileName) cmd = 'STOR %s' % fileName fileExt = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] if fileExt in self.textExtensions: # Make a transfer in text mode print 'Transfer file %s (text mode)' % fileName self.site.storlines(cmd, localFile) else: # Make a transfer in binary mode print 'Transfer file %s (binary mode)' % fileName self.site.storbinary(cmd, localFile) def publish(self): # Delete the existing content of the distant site self.createFolderProxies() print 'Removing existing data on site...' self.rootFolder.clean(self.site) curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir('%s/temp' % appyPath) for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): for folder in dirs: folderName = '%s/%s' % (root, folder) self.site.mkd(folderName) for f in files: fileName = '%s/%s' % (root, f) self.copyFile(fileName) os.chdir(curDir) self.site.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Text2Html: '''Converts a text file into a HTML file.''' def __init__(self, txtFile, htmlFile): self.txtFile = file(txtFile) self.htmlFile = file(htmlFile, 'w') def retainLine(self, line): '''Must we dump this line in the result ?''' pass def getFirstChar(self, line): '''Gets the first relevant character of the line. For a TodoConverter this is not really the first one because lines taken into account start with a 'v' character.''' return line[self.firstChar] def getCleanLine(self, line, isTitle=False): '''Gets the line as it will be inserted in the HTML result: remove some leading and trailing characters.''' start = self.firstChar if not isTitle: start += 1 return line[start:-1] def getProlog(self): '''If you want to write a small prolog in the HTML file, you may generate it here.''' return '' def run(self): self.htmlFile.write('\n\n%s\n\n' \ '\n' % self.title) self.htmlFile.write(self.getProlog()) inList = False for line in self.txtFile: if self.retainLine(line): firstChar = self.getFirstChar(line) if firstChar == '-': if not inList: # Begin a new bulleted list self.htmlFile.write('\n') inList = False self.htmlFile.write( '


\n' % self.getCleanLine(line, True)) self.htmlFile.write('\n\n\n') self.txtFile.close() self.htmlFile.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Publisher: '''Publishes Appy on the web.''' pageBody = re.compile('(.*)', re.S) def __init__(self): self.genFolder = '%s/temp' % appyPath self.ftp = None # FTP connection to appyframework.org # Retrieve version-related information versionFileName = '%s/doc/version.txt' % appyPath f = file(versionFileName) self.versionShort = f.read().strip() # Long version includes release date self.versionLong = '%s (%s)' % (self.versionShort, time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')) f.close() # In silent mode (option -s), no question is asked, default answers are # automatically given. if (len(sys.argv) > 1) and (sys.argv[1] == '-s'): self.silent = True else: self.silent = False def askQuestion(self, question, default='yes'): '''Asks a question to the user (yes/no) and returns True if the user answered "yes".''' if self.silent: return (default == 'yes') defaultIsYes = (default.lower() in ('y', 'yes')) if defaultIsYes: yesNo = '[Y/n]' else: yesNo = '[y/N]' print question + ' ' + yesNo + ' ', response = sys.stdin.readline().strip().lower() res = False if response in ('y', 'yes'): res = True elif response in ('n', 'no'): res = False elif not response: # It depends on default value if defaultIsYes: res = True else: res = False return res def executeCommand(self, cmd): '''Executes the system command p_cmd.''' print 'Executing %s...' % cmd os.system(cmd) distExcluded = ('appy/doc', 'appy/temp', 'appy/versions', 'appy/gen/test') def isDistExcluded(self, name): '''Returns True if folder named p_name must be included in the distribution.''' if '.bzr' in name: return True for prefix in self.distExcluded: if name.startswith(prefix): return True def createDebianRelease(self): '''Creates a Debian package for Appy.''' j = os.path.join sign = self.askQuestion('Sign the Debian package?', default='no') Debianizer(j(self.genFolder, 'appy'), j(appyPath, 'versions'), appVersion=self.versionShort, depends=[], sign=sign).run() def createDistRelease(self): '''Create the distutils package.''' curdir = os.getcwd() distFolder = '%s/dist' % self.genFolder # Create setup.py os.mkdir(distFolder) f = file('%s/setup.py' % distFolder, 'w') # List all packages to include packages = [] os.chdir(os.path.dirname(appyPath)) for dir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('appy'): if self.isDistExcluded(dir): continue packageName = dir.replace('/', '.') packages.append('"%s"' % packageName) f.write(distInfo % (self.versionShort, ','.join(packages))) f.close() # Create MANIFEST.in f = file('%s/MANIFEST.in' % distFolder, 'w') f.write(manifestInfo) f.close() # Move appy sources within the dist folder os.rename('%s/appy' % self.genFolder, '%s/appy' % distFolder) # Create the source distribution os.chdir(distFolder) self.executeCommand('python setup.py sdist') # DistUtils has created the .tar.gz file. Move it to folder "versions" name = 'appy-%s.tar.gz' % self.versionShort os.rename('%s/dist/%s' % (distFolder, name), '%s/versions/%s' % (appyPath, name)) os.rmdir('%s/dist' % distFolder) # Upload the package on Pypi? if self.askQuestion('Upload %s on PyPI?' % name, default='no'): self.executeCommand('python setup.py sdist upload') # Clean temp files os.chdir(curdir) # Keep the Appy source for building the Debian package afterwards os.rename(os.path.join(self.genFolder, 'dist', 'appy'), \ os.path.join(self.genFolder, 'appy')) FolderDeleter.delete(os.path.join(self.genFolder, 'dist')) def createZipRelease(self): '''Creates a zip file with the appy sources.''' newZipRelease = '%s/versions/appy-%s.zip' % (appyPath,self.versionShort) if os.path.exists(newZipRelease): if not self.askQuestion('"%s" already exists. Replace it?' % \ newZipRelease, default='yes'): print 'Publication canceled.' sys.exit(1) print 'Removing obsolete %s...' % newZipRelease os.remove(newZipRelease) zipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(newZipRelease, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.genFolder) for dir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('appy'): for f in filenames: fileName = os.path.join(dir, f) zipFile.write(fileName) # [2:] is there to avoid havin './' in the path in the zip file. zipFile.close() os.chdir(curdir) def applyTemplate(self): '''Decorates each page with the template.''' # First, load the template into memory templateFileName = '%s/doc/template.html' % appyPath templateFile = open(templateFileName) templateContent = templateFile.read() templateFile.close() # Then, decorate each other html file for pageName in os.listdir(self.genFolder): if pageName.endswith('.html'): pageFileName = '%s/%s' % (self.genFolder, pageName) pageFile = file(pageFileName) pageContent = pageFile.read() pageFile.close() # Extract the page title (excepted for the main page, we don't # need this title, to save space. pageTitle = '' if pageName != 'index.html': i, j = pageContent.find(''), \ pageContent.find('') pageTitle = '%s' % pageContent[i+7:j] # Extract the body tag content from the page pageContent = self.pageBody.search(pageContent).group(1) pageFile = open(pageFileName, 'w') templateWithTitle = templateContent.replace('{{ title }}', pageTitle) pageFile.write(templateWithTitle.replace('{{ content }}', pageContent)) pageFile.close() def _getPageTitle(self, url): '''Returns the documentation page title from its URL.''' res = url.split('.')[0] if res not in ('pod', 'gen'): res = produceNiceMessage(res[3:]) return res mainToc = re.compile('(.*?)', re.S) tocLink = re.compile('(.*?)') subSection = re.compile('


') subSectionContent = re.compile('.*?(.*)') def createDocToc(self): res = '' docToc = '%s/docToc.html' % self.genFolder # First, parse template.html to get the main TOC structure template = file('%s/doc/template.html' % appyPath) mainData = self.mainToc.search(template.read()).group(0) links = self.tocLink.findall(mainData) sectionNb = 0 for url, title in links: if title in ('appy.gen', 'appy.pod'): tag = 'h1' indent = 0 styleBegin = '' styleEnd = '' if title == 'pod': res += '' res += '
' else: tag = 'p' indent = 2 styleBegin = '' styleEnd = '' tabs = ' ' * indent * 2 res += '<%s>%s%s%s%s\n' % \ (tag, tabs, styleBegin, url, self._getPageTitle(url), styleEnd, tag) # Parse each HTML file and retrieve sections title that have an # anchor defined docFile = file('%s/doc/%s' % (appyPath, url)) docContent = docFile.read() docFile.close() sections = self.subSection.findall(docContent) for section in sections: r = self.subSectionContent.search(section) if r: sectionNb += 1 tabs = ' ' * 8 res += '
%s%d. %s
\n' % \ (tabs, sectionNb, url, r.group(1), r.group(2)) res += '
' f = file(docToc) toc = f.read() f.close() toc = toc.replace('{{ doc }}', res) f = file(docToc, 'w') f.write(toc) f.close() privateScripts = ('publish.py', 'zip.py', 'startoo') def prepareGenFolder(self, minimalist=False): '''Creates the basic structure of the temp folder where the appy website will be generated.''' # Reinitialise temp folder where the generated website will be dumped if os.path.exists(self.genFolder): FolderDeleter.delete(self.genFolder) shutil.copytree('%s/doc' % appyPath, self.genFolder) # Copy appy.css from gen, with minor updates. f = file('%s/gen/ui/appy.css' % appyPath) css = f.read().replace('ui/li.gif', 'img/li.gif') f.close() f = file('%s/appy.css' % self.genFolder, 'w') f.write(css) f.close() shutil.copy('%s/gen/ui/li.gif' % appyPath, '%s/img' % self.genFolder) # Create a temp clean copy of appy sources (without .svn folders, etc) genSrcFolder = '%s/appy' % self.genFolder os.mkdir(genSrcFolder) for aFile in ('__init__.py',): shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (appyPath, aFile), genSrcFolder) for aFolder in ('bin', 'gen', 'pod', 'px', 'shared'): shutil.copytree('%s/%s' % (appyPath, aFolder), '%s/%s' % (genSrcFolder, aFolder)) # Remove some scripts from bin for script in self.privateScripts: os.remove('%s/bin/%s' % (genSrcFolder, script)) if minimalist: FolderDeleter.delete('%s/pod/test' % genSrcFolder) # Write the appy version into the code itself (in appy/version.py)''' print 'Publishing version %s...' % self.versionShort # Dump version info in appy/version.py f = file('%s/version.py' % genSrcFolder, 'w') f.write('short = "%s"\n' % self.versionShort) f.write('verbose = "%s"' % self.versionLong) f.close() # Remove unwanted files os.remove('%s/version.txt' % self.genFolder) os.remove('%s/license.txt' % self.genFolder) os.remove('%s/template.html' % self.genFolder) os.remove('%s/artwork.odg' % self.genFolder) # Remove subversion folders for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.genFolder): for dirName in dirs: if dirName == '.svn': FolderDeleter.delete(os.path.join(root, dirName)) def run(self): Cleaner().run(verbose=False) # Perform a small analysis on the Appy code LinesCounter(appy).run() print 'Generating site in %s...' % self.genFolder minimalist = self.askQuestion('Minimalist (shipped without tests)?', default='no') self.prepareGenFolder(minimalist) self.createDocToc() self.applyTemplate() self.createZipRelease() self.createDistRelease() self.createDebianRelease() # Remove folder 'appy', in order to avoid copying it on the website FolderDeleter.delete(os.path.join(self.genFolder, 'appy')) if self.askQuestion('Publish on appyframework.org?', default='no'): AppySite().publish() if self.askQuestion('Delete locally generated site ?', default='no'): FolderDeleter.delete(self.genFolder) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': Publisher().run() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------