'''This script allows to create a brand new ready-to-use Plone/Zone instance. As prerequisite, you must have installed Plone through the Unifier installer available at http://plone.org.''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os, os.path, sys, shutil, re from optparse import OptionParser from appy.shared.utils import cleanFolder, copyFolder from appy.shared.packaging import ooStart, zopeConf # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class NewError(Exception): pass ERROR_CODE = 1 WRONG_NB_OF_ARGS = 'Wrong number of args.' WRONG_PLONE_VERSION = 'Plone version must be among %s.' WRONG_PLONE_PATH = 'Path "%s" is not an existing folder.' PYTHON_NOT_FOUND = 'Python interpreter was not found in "%s". Are you sure ' \ 'we are in the folder hierarchy created by the Plone installer?' PYTHON_EXE_NOT_FOUND = '"%s" does not exist.' MKZOPE_NOT_FOUND = 'Script mkzopeinstance.py not found in "%s and ' \ 'subfolders. Are you sure we are in the folder hierarchy created by ' \ 'the Plone installer?' WRONG_INSTANCE_PATH = '"%s" must be an existing folder for creating the ' \ 'instance in it.' # zopectl template file for a pure Zope instance ------------------------------- zopeCtl = '''#!/bin/sh PYTHON="/usr/lib/zope2.12/bin/python" INSTANCE_HOME="%s" CONFIG_FILE="$INSTANCE_HOME/etc/zope.conf" ZDCTL="/usr/lib/zope2.12/bin/zopectl" export INSTANCE_HOME export PYTHON exec "$ZDCTL" -C "$CONFIG_FILE" "$@" ''' # runzope template file for a pure Zope instance ------------------------------- runZope = '''#!/bin/sh INSTANCE_HOME="%s" CONFIG_FILE="$INSTANCE_HOME/etc/zope.conf" ZOPE_RUN="/usr/lib/zope2.12/bin/runzope" export INSTANCE_HOME exec "$ZOPE_RUN" -C "$CONFIG_FILE" "$@" ''' # zopectl template for a Plone (4) Zope instance ------------------------------- zopeCtlPlone = '''#!/bin/sh PYTHON="%s" INSTANCE_HOME="%s" CONFIG_FILE="$INSTANCE_HOME/etc/zope.conf" PYTHONPATH="$INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python" ZDCTL="%s/Zope2/Startup/zopectl.py" export INSTANCE_HOME export PYTHON export PYTHONPATH exec "$PYTHON" "$ZDCTL" -C "$CONFIG_FILE" "$@" ''' # runzope template for a Plone (4) Zope instance ------------------------------- runZopePlone = '''#! /bin/sh PYTHON="%s" INSTANCE_HOME="%s" CONFIG_FILE="$INSTANCE_HOME/etc/zope.conf" PYTHONPATH="$INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python" ZOPE_RUN="%s/Zope2/Startup/run.py" export INSTANCE_HOME export PYTHON export PYTHONPATH exec "$PYTHON" "$ZOPE_RUN" -C "$CONFIG_FILE" "$@" ''' # Patch to apply to file pkg_resources.py in a Plone4 Zope instance ------------ pkgResourcesPatch = '''import os, os.path productsFolder = os.path.join(os.environ["INSTANCE_HOME"], "Products") for name in os.listdir(productsFolder): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(productsFolder, name)): if name not in appyVersions: appyVersions[name] = "1.0" appyVersions['Products.%s' % name] = "1.0" def getAppyVersion(req, location): global appyVersions if req.project_name not in appyVersions: raise DistributionNotFound(req) return Distribution(project_name=req.project_name, version=appyVersions[req.project_name], platform='linux2', location=location) ''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ZopeInstanceCreator: '''This class allows to create a Zope instance. It makes the assumption that Zope was installed via the Debian package zope2.12.''' def __init__(self, instancePath): self.instancePath = instancePath def run(self): # Create the instance folder hierarchy if not os.path.exists(self.instancePath): os.makedirs(self.instancePath) curdir = os.getcwd() # Create bin/zopectl os.chdir(self.instancePath) os.mkdir('bin') f = file('bin/zopectl', 'w') f.write(zopeCtl % self.instancePath) f.close() os.chmod('bin/zopectl', 0744) # Make it executable by owner. # Create bin/runzope f = file('bin/runzope', 'w') f.write(runZope % self.instancePath) f.close() os.chmod('bin/runzope', 0744) # Make it executable by owner. # Create bin/startoo f = file('bin/startoo', 'w') f.write(ooStart) f.close() os.chmod('bin/startoo', 0744) # Make it executable by owner. # Create etc/zope.conf os.mkdir('etc') f = file('etc/zope.conf', 'w') f.write(zopeConf % (self.instancePath, '%s/var' % self.instancePath, '%s/log' % self.instancePath, '8080', '')) f.close() # Create other folders for name in ('Extensions', 'log', 'Products', 'var'): os.mkdir(name) f = file('Products/__init__.py', 'w') f.write('#Makes me a Python package.\n') f.close() # Create 'inituser' file with admin password import binascii try: from hashlib import sha1 as sha except: from sha import new as sha f = open('inituser', 'w') password = binascii.b2a_base64(sha('admin').digest())[:-1] f.write('admin:{SHA}%s\n' % password) f.close() os.chmod('inituser', 0644) # User "zope" must own this instance os.system('chown -R zope %s' % self.instancePath) print('Zope instance created in %s.' % self.instancePath) os.chdir(curdir) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class NewScript: '''usage: %prog ploneVersion plonePath instancePath "ploneVersion" can be plone25, plone30, plone3x, plone4 or zope (plone3x represents Plone 3.2.x, Plone 3.3.5...) "plonePath" is the (absolute) path to your plone (or zope) installation. Plone 2.5 and 3.0 are typically installed in /opt/Plone-x.x.x, while Plone 3 > 3.0 is typically installed in in /usr/local/Plone. "instancePath" is the (absolute) path where you want to create your instance (should not already exist).''' ploneVersions = ('plone25', 'plone30', 'plone3x', 'plone4', 'zope') def installPlone25or30Stuff(self, linksForProducts): '''Here, we will copy all Plone2-related stuff in the Zope instance we've created, to get a full Plone-ready Zope instance. If p_linksForProducts is True, we do not perform a real copy: we will create symlinks to products lying within Plone installer files.''' j = os.path.join if self.ploneVersion == 'plone25': sourceFolders = ('zeocluster/Products',) else: sourceFolders = ('zinstance/Products', 'zinstance/lib/python') for sourceFolder in sourceFolders: sourceBase = j(self.plonePath, sourceFolder) destBase = j(self.instancePath, sourceFolder[sourceFolder.find('/')+1:]) for name in os.listdir(sourceBase): folderName = j(sourceBase, name) if os.path.isdir(folderName): destFolder = j(destBase, name) # This is a Plone product. Copy it to the instance. if linksForProducts: # Create a symlink to this product in the instance cmd = 'ln -s %s %s' % (folderName, destFolder) os.system(cmd) else: # Copy thre product into the instance copyFolder(folderName, destFolder) filesToPatch = ('meta.zcml', 'configure.zcml', 'overrides.zcml') patchRex = re.compile('', re.S) def patchPlone3x(self): '''Auto-proclaimed ugly code in z3c forces us to patch some files in Products.CMFPlone because these guys make the assumption that "plone.*" packages are within eggs when they've implemented their ZCML directives "includePlugins" and "includePluginsOverrides". So in this method, I remove every call to those directives in CMFPlone files. It does not seem to affect Plone behaviour. Indeed, these directives seem to be useful only when adding sad (ie, non Appy) Plone plug-ins.''' j = os.path.join ploneFolder = os.path.join(self.productsFolder, 'CMFPlone') # Patch files for fileName in self.filesToPatch: filePath = os.path.join(ploneFolder, fileName) f = file(filePath) fileContent = f.read() f.close() f = file(filePath, 'w') f.write(self.patchRex.sub('',fileContent)) f.close() missingIncludes = ('plone.app.upgrade', 'plonetheme.sunburst', 'plonetheme.classic') def patchPlone4(self, versions): '''Patches Plone 4 that can't live without buildout as-is.''' self.patchPlone3x() # We still need this for Plone 4 as well. # bin/zopectl content = zopeCtlPlone % (self.pythonPath, self.instancePath, self.zopePath) f = file('%s/bin/zopectl' % self.instancePath, 'w') f.write(content) f.close() # bin/runzope content = runZopePlone % (self.pythonPath, self.instancePath, self.zopePath) f = file('%s/bin/runzope' % self.instancePath, 'w') f.write(content) f.close() j = os.path.join # As eggs have been deleted, versions of components are lost. Reify # them from p_versions. dVersions = ['"%s":"%s"' % (n, v) for n, v in versions.iteritems()] sVersions = 'appyVersions = {' + ','.join(dVersions) + '}' codeFile = "%s/pkg_resources.py" % self.libFolder f = file(codeFile) content = f.read().replace("raise DistributionNotFound(req)", "dist = getAppyVersion(req, '%s')" % self.instancePath) content = sVersions + '\n' + pkgResourcesPatch + '\n' + content f.close() f = file(codeFile, 'w') f.write(content) f.close() # Some 'include' directives must be added with our install. configPlone = j(self.productsFolder, 'CMFPlone', 'configure.zcml') f = file(configPlone) content = f.read() f.close() missing = '' for missingInclude in self.missingIncludes: missing += ' \n' % missingInclude content = content.replace('', '%s\n' % missing) f = file(configPlone, 'w') f.write(content) f.close() def copyEggs(self): '''Copy content of eggs into the Zope instance. This method also retrieves every egg version and returns a dict {s_egg:s_version}.''' j = os.path.join eggsFolder = j(self.plonePath, 'buildout-cache/eggs') res = {} for name in os.listdir(eggsFolder): if name == 'EGG-INFO': continue splittedName = name.split('-') res[splittedName[0]] = splittedName[1] if splittedName[0].startswith('Products.'): res[splittedName[0][9:]] = splittedName[1] absName = j(eggsFolder, name) # Copy every file or sub-folder into self.libFolder or # self.productsFolder. for fileName in os.listdir(absName): absFileName = j(absName, fileName) if fileName == 'Products' and not name.startswith('Zope2-'): # Copy every sub-folder into self.productsFolder for folderName in os.listdir(absFileName): absFolder = j(absFileName, folderName) if not os.path.isdir(absFolder): continue copyFolder(absFolder, j(self.productsFolder,folderName)) elif os.path.isdir(absFileName): copyFolder(absFileName, j(self.libFolder, fileName)) else: shutil.copy(absFileName, self.libFolder) return res def createInstance(self, linksForProducts): '''Calls the Zope script that allows to create a Zope instance and copy into it all the Plone packages and products.''' j = os.path.join # Find the Python interpreter running Zope for elem in os.listdir(self.plonePath): pythonPath = None elemPath = j(self.plonePath, elem) if elem.startswith('Python-') and os.path.isdir(elemPath): pythonPath = elemPath + '/bin/python' if not os.path.exists(pythonPath): raise NewError(PYTHON_EXE_NOT_FOUND % pythonPath) break if not pythonPath: raise NewError(PYTHON_NOT_FOUND % self.plonePath) self.pythonPath = pythonPath # Find the Zope script mkzopeinstance.py and Zope itself makeInstancePath = None self.zopePath = None for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(self.plonePath): # Find Zope for folderName in dirs: if folderName.startswith('Zope2-'): self.zopePath = j(dirname, folderName) # Find mkzopeinstance for fileName in files: if fileName == 'mkzopeinstance.py': if self.ploneVersion == 'plone4': makeInstancePath = j(dirname, fileName) else: if ('/buildout-cache/' not in dirname): makeInstancePath = j(dirname, fileName) if not makeInstancePath: raise NewError(MKZOPE_NOT_FOUND % self.plonePath) # Execute mkzopeinstance.py with the right Python interpreter. # For Plone4, we will call it later. cmd = '%s %s -d %s' % (pythonPath, makeInstancePath, self.instancePath) if self.ploneVersion != 'plone4': print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # Now, make the instance Plone-ready action = 'Copying' if linksForProducts: action = 'Symlinking' print('%s Plone stuff in the Zope instance...' % action) if self.ploneVersion in ('plone25', 'plone30'): self.installPlone25or30Stuff(linksForProducts) elif self.ploneVersion in ('plone3x', 'plone4'): versions = self.copyEggs() if self.ploneVersion == 'plone3x': self.patchPlone3x() elif self.ploneVersion == 'plone4': # Create the Zope instance os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '%s:%s' % \ (j(self.instancePath,'Products'), j(self.instancePath, 'lib/python')) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) self.patchPlone4(versions) # Remove .bat files under Linux if os.name == 'posix': cleanFolder(j(self.instancePath, 'bin'), exts=('.bat',)) def manageArgs(self, args): '''Ensures that the script was called with the right parameters.''' if len(args) != 3: raise NewError(WRONG_NB_OF_ARGS) self.ploneVersion, self.plonePath, self.instancePath = args # Add some more folder definitions j = os.path.join self.productsFolder = j(self.instancePath, 'Products') self.libFolder = j(self.instancePath, 'lib/python') # Check Plone version if self.ploneVersion not in self.ploneVersions: raise NewError(WRONG_PLONE_VERSION % str(self.ploneVersions)) # Check Plone path if not os.path.exists(self.plonePath) \ or not os.path.isdir(self.plonePath): raise NewError(WRONG_PLONE_PATH % self.plonePath) # Check instance path parentFolder = os.path.dirname(self.instancePath) if not os.path.exists(parentFolder) or not os.path.isdir(parentFolder): raise NewError(WRONG_INSTANCE_PATH % parentFolder) def run(self): optParser = OptionParser(usage=NewScript.__doc__) optParser.add_option("-l", "--links", action="store_true", help="[Linux, plone25 or plone30 only] Within the created " \ "instance, symlinks to Products lying within the Plone " \ "installer files are created instead of copying them into " \ "the instance. This avoids duplicating the Products source " \ "code and is interesting if you create a lot of Zope " \ "instances.") (options, args) = optParser.parse_args() linksForProducts = options.links try: self.manageArgs(args) if self.ploneVersion != 'zope': print('Creating new %s instance...' % self.ploneVersion) self.createInstance(linksForProducts) else: ZopeInstanceCreator(self.instancePath).run() except NewError, ne: optParser.print_help() sys.stderr.write(str(ne)) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.exit(ERROR_CODE) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': NewScript().run() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------