var wrongTextInput = '#F9EDBE none'; var loadingLink = ''; var loadingButton = ''; var loadingZone = '
'; var lsTimeout; // Timout for the live search var podTimeout; // Timeout for checking status of pod downloads // Functions related to user authentication function cookiesAreEnabled() { // Test whether cookies are enabled by attempting to set a cookie and then // change its value var c = "areYourCookiesEnabled=0"; document.cookie = c; var dc = document.cookie; // Cookie not set? Fail if (dc.indexOf(c) == -1) return 0; // Change test cookie c = "areYourCookiesEnabled=1"; document.cookie = c; dc = document.cookie; // Cookie not changed? fail if (dc.indexOf(c) == -1) return 0; // Delete cookie document.cookie = "areYourCookiesEnabled=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT"; return 1; } function setLoginVars() { // Indicate if JS is enabled document.getElementById('js_enabled').value = 1; // Indicate if cookies are enabled document.getElementById('cookies_enabled').value = cookiesAreEnabled(); // Copy login and password length to alternative vars since current vars will // be removed from the request by zope's authentication mechanism. document.getElementById('login_name').value = document.getElementById('__ac_name').value; password = document.getElementById('__ac_password'); emptyPassword = document.getElementById('pwd_empty'); if (password.value.length==0) emptyPassword.value = '1'; else emptyPassword.value = '0'; } function showLoginForm() { // Hide the login link. var loginLink = document.getElementById('loginLink'); = "none"; // Displays the login form. var loginFields = document.getElementById('loginFields'); = "inline"; } function goto(url) { window.location = url } function len(dict) { var res = 0; for (var key in dict) res += 1; return res; } function switchLanguage(selectWidget, siteUrl) { var language = selectWidget.options[selectWidget.selectedIndex].value; goto(siteUrl + '/config/changeLanguage?language=' + language); } var isIe = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"); function getElementsHavingName(tag, name) { if (!isIe) return document.getElementsByName(name); var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); var res = new Array(); for (var i=0; i:, the PX will be found on the field named instead of being found directly on the object at p_url. p_hook is the ID of the XHTML element that will be filled with the XHTML result from the server. If it starts with ':', we will find the element in the top browser window and not in the current one (that can be an iframe). p_beforeSend is a Javascript function to call before sending the request. This function will get 2 args: the XMLHttpRequest object and the p_params. This method can return, in a string, additional parameters to send, ie: "¶m1=blabla¶m2=blabla". p_onGet is a Javascript function to call when we will receive the answer. This function will get 2 args, too: the XMLHttpRequest object and the HTML node element into which the result has been inserted. */ // First, get a non-busy XMLHttpRequest object. var pos = -1; for (var i=0; i < xhrObjects.length; i++) { if (xhrObjects[i].freed == 1) { pos = i; break; } } if (pos == -1) { pos = xhrObjects.length; xhrObjects[pos] = new XhrObject(); } xhrObjects[pos].hook = hook; xhrObjects[pos].onGet = onGet; if (xhrObjects[pos].xhr) { var rq = xhrObjects[pos]; rq.freed = 0; // Construct parameters var paramsFull = 'px=' + px; if (params) { for (var paramName in params) paramsFull = paramsFull + '&' + paramName + '=' + params[paramName]; } // Call beforeSend if required if (beforeSend) { var res = beforeSend(rq, params); if (res) paramsFull = paramsFull + res; } // Construct the URL to call var urlFull = url + '/ajax'; if (mode == 'GET') { urlFull = urlFull + '?' + paramsFull; } /* Display the preloader (rq.hook may be null if the ajax result would be the same as what is currently shown, as when inline-editing a rich text field). */ if (rq.hook) injectChunk(getAjaxHook(rq.hook), loadingZone, true); // Perform the asynchronous HTTP GET or POST, urlFull, true); if (mode == 'POST') { // Set the correct HTTP headers rq.xhr.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); // rq.xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-length", paramsFull.length); // rq.xhr.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); rq.xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ getAjaxChunk(pos); } rq.xhr.send(paramsFull); } else if (mode == 'GET') { rq.xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { getAjaxChunk(pos); } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { rq.xhr.send(null); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { rq.xhr.send(); } } } } // Object representing all the data required to perform an Ajax request function AjaxData(hook, px, params, parentHook, url, mode, beforeSend, onGet) { this.hook = hook; this.mode = mode; if (!mode) this.mode = 'GET'; this.url = url; this.px = px; this.params = params; this.beforeSend = beforeSend; this.onGet = onGet; /* If a parentHook is spefified, this AjaxData must be completed with a parent AjaxData instance. */ this.parentHook = parentHook; // Inject this AjaxData instance into p_hook getAjaxHook(hook, true)['ajax'] = this; } function askAjax(hook, form, params) { /* Call askAjaxChunk by getting an AjaxData instance from p_hook, a potential action from p_form and additional parameters from p_param. */ var d = getAjaxHook(hook)['ajax']; // Complete data with a parent data if present if (d['parentHook']) { var parentHook = d['parentHook']; if (hook[0] == ':') parentHook = ':' + parentHook; var parent = getAjaxHook(parentHook)['ajax']; for (var key in parent) { if (key == 'params') continue; // Will get a specific treatment herafter if (!d[key]) d[key] = parent[key]; // Override if no value on child } // Merge parameters if (parent.params) { for (var key in parent.params) { if (key in d.params) continue; // Override if not value on child d.params[key] = parent.params[key]; } } } // Resolve dynamic parameter "cbChecked" if present if ('cbChecked' in d.params) { var cb = getAjaxHook(d.params['cbChecked'], true); if (cb) d.params['cbChecked'] = cb.checked; else delete d.params['cbChecked']; } // If a p_form id is given, integrate the form submission in the ajax request if (form) { var f = document.getElementById(form); var mode = 'POST'; // Deduce the action from the form action d.params['action'] = _rsplit(f.action, '/', 2)[1]; // Get the other params var elems = f.elements; for (var i=0; i < elems.length; i++) { var value = elems[i].value; if (elems[i].name == 'comment') value = encodeURIComponent(value); d.params[elems[i].name] = value; } } else var mode = d.mode; // Get p_params if given. Note that they override anything else. if (params && ('mode' in params)) { mode = params['mode']; delete params['mode'] } if (params) { for (var key in params) d.params[key] = params[key]; } askAjaxChunk(hook,mode,d.url,d.px,d.params,d.beforeSend,evalInnerScripts); } function askBunch(hookId, startNumber) { askAjax(hookId, null, {'startNumber': startNumber})} function askBunchSorted(hookId, sortKey, sortOrder) { var data = {'startNumber': '0', 'sortKey': sortKey, 'sortOrder': sortOrder}; askAjax(hookId, null, data); } function askBunchFiltered(hookId, filterKey) { var data = {'startNumber': '0', 'filterKey': filterKey, 'filterValue': ''}; var node = document.getElementById(hookId + '_' + filterKey); if (node.value) data['filterValue'] = encodeURIComponent(node.value); askAjax(hookId, null, data); } function askBunchMove(hookId, startNumber, uid, move){ var moveTo = move; if (typeof move == 'object'){ // Get the new index from an input field var id =; id = id.substr(0, id.length-4) + '_v'; var input = document.getElementById(id); if (isNaN(input.value)) { = wrongTextInput; return; } moveTo = 'index_' + input.value; } var data = {'startNumber': startNumber, 'action': 'doChangeOrder', 'refObjectUid': uid, 'move': moveTo}; askAjax(hookId, null, data); } function askBunchSortRef(hookId, startNumber, sortKey, reverse) { var data = {'startNumber': startNumber, 'action': 'sort', 'sortKey': sortKey, 'reverse': reverse}; askAjax(hookId, null, data); } function clickOn(node) { // If node is a form, disable all form buttons if (node.tagName == 'FORM') { var i = node.elements.length -1; while (i >= 0) { if (node.elements[i].type == 'button') { clickOn(node.elements[i]); } i = i - 1; } return; } // Disable any click on p_node to be protected against double-click var cn = (node.className)? 'unclickable ' + node.className : 'unclickable'; node.className = cn; /* For a button, show the preloader directly. For a link, show it only after a while, if the target page is still not there. */ if (node.tagName != 'A') injectChunk(node, loadingButton); else setTimeout(function(){injectChunk(node, loadingLink)}, 700); } function gotoTied(objectUrl, field, numberWidget, total) { // Check that the number is correct try { var number = parseInt(numberWidget.value); if (!isNaN(number)) { if ((number >= 1) && (number <= total)) { goto(objectUrl + '/gotoTied?field=' + field + '&number=' + number); } else = wrongTextInput; } else = wrongTextInput; } catch (err) { = wrongTextInput; } } function askField(hookId, objectUrl, layoutType, customParams, showChanges, masterValues, requestValue, error, className){ // Sends an Ajax request for getting the content of any field var fieldName = hookId.split('_')[1]; var params = {'layoutType': layoutType, 'showChanges': showChanges}; if (customParams){for (var key in customParams) params[key]=customParams[key]} if (masterValues) params['masterValues'] = masterValues.join('*'); if (requestValue) params[fieldName] = requestValue; if (error) params[fieldName + '_error'] = error; var px = fieldName + ':pxRender'; if (className) px = className + ':' + px; askAjaxChunk(hookId, 'GET', objectUrl, px, params, null, evalInnerScripts); } function doInlineSave(objectUid, name, objectUrl, content, language){ /* Ajax-saves p_content of field named p_name (or only on part corresponding to p_language if the field is multilingual) on object whose id is p_objectUid and whose URL is p_objectUrl. Asks a confirmation before doing it. */ var doIt = confirm(save_confirm); var params = {'action': 'storeFromAjax', 'layoutType': 'view'}; if (language) params['languageOnly'] = language; var hook = null; if (!doIt) { params['cancel'] = 'True'; hook = objectUid + '_' + name; } else { params['fieldContent'] = encodeURIComponent(content) } askAjaxChunk(hook, 'POST', objectUrl, name + ':pxRender', params, null, evalInnerScripts); } // Used by checkbox widgets for having radio-button-like behaviour. function toggleCheckbox(visibleCheckbox, hiddenBoolean) { vis = document.getElementById(visibleCheckbox); hidden = document.getElementById(hiddenBoolean); if (vis.checked) hidden.value = 'True'; else hidden.value = 'False'; } // JS implementation of Python ''.rsplit function _rsplit(s, delimiter, limit) { var elems = s.split(delimiter); var exc = elems.length - limit; if (exc <= 0) return elems; // Merge back first elements to get p_limit elements var head = ''; var res = []; for (var i=0; i < elems.length; i++) { if (exc > 0) { head += elems[i] + delimiter; exc -= 1 } else { if (exc == 0) { res.push(head + elems[i]); exc -= 1 } else res.push(elems[i]) } } return res; } // (Un)checks a checkbox corresponding to a linked object function toggleCb(checkbox) { var name = checkbox.getAttribute('name'); var elems = _rsplit(name, '_', 3); // Get the DOM node corresponding to the Ref field var node = document.getElementById(elems[0] + '_' + elems[1]); // Get the array that stores checkbox statuses. var statuses = node['_appy_' + elems[2] + '_cbs']; // Get the array semantics var semantics = node['_appy_' + elems[2] + '_sem']; var uid = checkbox.value; if (semantics == 'unchecked') { if (!checkbox.checked) statuses[uid] = null; else {if (uid in statuses) delete statuses[uid]}; } else { // semantics is 'checked' if (checkbox.checked) statuses[uid] = null; else {if (uid in statuses) delete statuses[uid]}; } } function findNode(node, id) { /* When coming back from the iframe popup, we are still in the context of the iframe, which can cause problems for finding nodes. We have found that this case can be detected by checking node.window. */ if (node.window) var container = node.window.document; else var container = window.parent.document; return container.getElementById(id); } // Initialise checkboxes of a Ref field or Search function initCbs(id) { var elems = _rsplit(id, '_', 3); // Get the DOM node corresponding to the Ref field var node = document.getElementById(elems[0] + '_' + elems[1]); // Get the array that stores checkbox statuses var statuses = node['_appy_' + elems[2] + '_cbs']; // Get the array semantics var semantics = node['_appy_' + elems[2] + '_sem']; var value = (semantics == 'unchecked')? false: true; // Update visible checkboxes var checkboxes = getElementsHavingName('input', id); for (var i=0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].value in statuses) checkboxes[i].checked = value; else checkboxes[i].checked = !value; } } // Toggle all checkboxes of a Ref field or Search function toggleAllCbs(id) { var elems = _rsplit(id, '_', 3); // Get the DOM node corresponding to the Ref field var node = document.getElementById(elems[0] + '_' + elems[1]); // Empty the array that stores checkbox statuses var statuses = node['_appy_' + elems[2] + '_cbs']; for (var key in statuses) delete statuses[key]; // Switch the array semantics var semAttr = '_appy_' + elems[2] + '_sem'; if (node[semAttr] == 'unchecked') node[semAttr] = 'checked'; else node[semAttr] = 'unchecked'; // Update the visible checkboxes initCbs(id); } // Shows/hides a dropdown menu function toggleDropdown(dropdownId, forcedValue){ var dropdown = document.getElementById(dropdownId); // Force to p_forcedValue if specified if (forcedValue) { = forcedValue} else { var displayValue =; if (displayValue == 'block') = 'none'; else = 'block'; } } // Function that sets a value for showing/hiding sub-titles function setSubTitles(value, tag) { createCookie('showSubTitles', value); // Get the sub-titles var subTitles = getElementsHavingName(tag, 'subTitle'); if (subTitles.length == 0) return; // Define the display style depending on p_tag var displayStyle = 'inline'; if (tag == 'tr') displayStyle = 'table-row'; for (var i=0; i < subTitles.length; i++) { if (value == 'true') subTitles[i].style.display = displayStyle; else subTitles[i].style.display = 'none'; } } // Function that toggles the value for showing/hiding sub-titles function toggleSubTitles(tag) { // Get the current value var value = readCookie('showSubTitles'); if (value == null) value = 'true'; // Toggle the value var newValue = 'true'; if (value == 'true') newValue = 'false'; if (!tag) tag = 'div'; setSubTitles(newValue, tag); } // Functions used for master/slave relationships between widgets function getSlaveInfo(slave, infoType) { // Returns the appropriate info about slavery, depending on p_infoType var cssClasses = slave.className.split(' '); var masterInfo = null; // Find the CSS class containing master-related info for (var j=0; j < cssClasses.length; j++) { if (cssClasses[j].indexOf('slave*') == 0) { // Extract, from this CSS class, master name or master values masterInfo = cssClasses[j].split('*'); if (infoType == 'masterName') return masterInfo[1]; else return masterInfo.slice(2); } } } function getMasterValues(master) { // Returns the list of values that p_master currently has var res = null; if ((master.tagName == 'INPUT') && (master.type != 'checkbox')) { res = master.value; if ((res.charAt(0) == '(') || (res.charAt(0) == '[')) { // There are multiple values, split it values = res.substring(1, res.length-1).split(','); res = []; var v = null; for (var i=0; i < values.length; i++){ v = values[i].replace(' ', ''); res.push(v.substring(1, v.length-1)); } } else res = [res]; // A single value } else if (master.type == 'checkbox') { res = master.checked + ''; res = res.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + res.substr(1); res = [res]; } else { // SELECT widget res = []; for (var i=0; i < master.options.length; i++) { if (master.options[i].selected) res.push(master.options[i].value); } } return res; } function getSlaves(master) { // Gets all the slaves of master allSlaves = getElementsHavingName('table', 'slave'); res = []; masterName = master.attributes['name'].value; // Remove leading 'w_' if the master is in a search screen if (masterName.indexOf('w_') == 0) masterName = masterName.slice(2); if (master.type == 'checkbox') { masterName = masterName.substr(0, masterName.length-8); } slavePrefix = 'slave*' + masterName + '*'; for (var i=0; i < allSlaves.length; i++){ cssClasses = allSlaves[i].className.split(' '); for (var j=0; j < cssClasses.length; j++) { if (cssClasses[j].indexOf(slavePrefix) == 0) { res.push(allSlaves[i]); break; } } } return res; } function updateSlaves(master, slave, objectUrl, layoutType, requestValues, errors, className){ /* Given the value(s) in a master field, we must update slave's visibility or value(s). If p_slave is given, it updates only this slave. Else, it updates all slaves of p_master. */ var slaves = null; if (slave) { slaves = [slave]; } else { slaves = getSlaves(master); } masterValues = getMasterValues(master); for (var i=0; i < slaves.length; i++) { slaveryValues = getSlaveInfo(slaves[i], 'masterValues'); if (slaveryValues[0] != '+') { // Update slaves visibility depending on master values var showSlave = false; for (var j=0; j < slaveryValues.length; j++) { for (var k=0; k< masterValues.length; k++) { if (slaveryValues[j] == masterValues[k]) showSlave = true; } } if (showSlave) slaves[i].style.display = ''; else slaves[i].style.display = 'none'; } else { // Update slaves' values depending on master values var slaveId = slaves[i].id; var slaveName = slaveId.split('_')[1]; var reqValue = null; if (requestValues && (slaveName in requestValues)) reqValue = requestValues[slaveName]; var err = null; if (errors && (slaveName in errors)) err = errors[slaveName]; askField(slaveId, objectUrl, layoutType, null, false, masterValues, reqValue, err, className); } } } function initSlaves(objectUrl, layoutType, requestValues, errors) { /* When the current page is loaded, we must set the correct state for all slave fields. For those that are updated via Ajax requests, their p_requestValues and validation p_errors must be carried to those requests. */ slaves = getElementsHavingName('table', 'slave'); i = slaves.length -1; while (i >= 0) { masterName = getSlaveInfo(slaves[i], 'masterName'); master = document.getElementById(masterName); // If master is not here, we can't hide its slaves when appropriate. if (master) { updateSlaves(master,slaves[i],objectUrl,layoutType,requestValues,errors);} i -= 1; } } // Function used to submit the appy form on pxEdit function submitAppyForm(button) { var f = document.getElementById('appyForm'); // On which button has the user clicked ? f.button.value =; f.submit(); clickOn(button); } function submitForm(formId, msg, showComment, back) { var f = document.getElementById(formId); if (!msg) { /* Submit the form and either refresh the entire page (back is null) or ajax-refresh a given part only (p_back corresponds to the id of the DOM node to be refreshed. */ if (back) { askAjax(back, formId); } else { f.submit(); clickOn(f) } } else { // Ask a confirmation to the user before proceeding if (back) { var js = "askAjax('"+back+"', '"+formId+"');"; askConfirm('form-script', formId+'+'+js, msg, showComment); } else askConfirm('form', formId, msg, showComment); } } // Function used for triggering a workflow transition function triggerTransition(formId, node, msg, back) { var f = document.getElementById(formId); f.transition.value =; submitForm(formId, msg, true, back); } function onDeleteObject(uid, back) { var f = document.getElementById('deleteForm'); f.uid.value = uid; submitForm('deleteForm', action_confirm, false, back); } function onDeleteEvent(objectUid, eventTime) { f = document.getElementById('deleteEventForm'); f.objectUid.value = objectUid; f.eventTime.value = eventTime; askConfirm('form', 'deleteEventForm', action_confirm); } function onLink(action, sourceUid, fieldName, targetUid) { f = document.getElementById('linkForm'); f.linkAction.value = action; f.sourceUid.value = sourceUid; f.fieldName.value = fieldName; f.targetUid.value = targetUid; f.submit(); } function stringFromDictKeys(d){ // Gets a string containing comma-separated keys from dict p_d var res = []; for (var key in d) res.push(key); return res.join(); } function onLinkMany(action, id) { var elems = _rsplit(id, '_', 3); // Get the DOM node corresponding to the Ref field var node = document.getElementById(elems[0] + '_' + elems[1]); // Get the uids of (un-)checked objects. var statuses = node['_appy_' + elems[2] + '_cbs']; var uids = stringFromDictKeys(statuses); // Get the array semantics var semantics = node['_appy_' + elems[2] + '_sem']; // Show an error message if no element is selected if ((semantics == 'checked') && (len(statuses) == 0)) { openPopup('alertPopup', no_elem_selected); return; } // Fill the form and ask for a confirmation f = document.getElementById('linkForm'); f.linkAction.value = action + '_many'; f.sourceUid.value = elems[0]; f.fieldName.value = elems[1]; f.targetUid.value = uids; f.semantics.value = semantics; askConfirm('form', 'linkForm', action_confirm); } function onUnlockPage(objectUid, pageName) { f = document.getElementById('unlockForm'); f.objectUid.value = objectUid; f.pageName.value = pageName; askConfirm('form', 'unlockForm', action_confirm); } function createCookie(name, value, days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+escape(value)+expires+"; path=/;"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i=0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') { c = c.substring(1,c.length); } if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) { return unescape(c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length)); } } return null; } function toggleCookie(cookieId, display, defaultValue) { // What is the state of this boolean (expanded/collapsed) cookie? var state = readCookie(cookieId); if ((state != 'collapsed') && (state != 'expanded')) { // No cookie yet, create it createCookie(cookieId, defaultValue); state = defaultValue; } var hook = document.getElementById(cookieId); // The hook is the part of // the HTML document that needs to be shown or hidden. var displayValue = 'none'; var newState = 'collapsed'; var imgSrc = 'ui/expand.gif'; if (state == 'collapsed') { // Show the HTML zone displayValue = display; imgSrc = 'ui/collapse.gif'; newState = 'expanded'; } // Update the corresponding HTML element = displayValue; var img = document.getElementById(cookieId + '_img'); img.src = imgSrc; // Inverse the cookie value createCookie(cookieId, newState); } function podDownloadStatus(node, data) { // Checks the status of cookie "podDownload" var status = readCookie('podDownload'); // Stop the timeout if the download is complete if (status == 'false') return; clearInterval(podTimeout); for (var key in data) node.setAttribute(key, data[key]); } // Function that allows to generate a document from a pod template function generatePod(node, uid, fieldName, template, podFormat, queryData, customParams, getChecked, mailing) { var f = document.getElementById('podForm'); f.objectUid.value = uid; f.fieldName.value = fieldName; f.template.value = template; f.podFormat.value = podFormat; f.queryData.value = queryData; if (customParams) { f.customParams.value = customParams; } else { f.customParams.value = ''; } if (mailing) f.mailing.value = mailing; // Transmit value of cookie "showSubTitles" f.showSubTitles.value = readCookie('showSubTitles') || 'true'; f.action.value = 'generate'; f.checkedUids.value = ''; f.checkedSem.value = ''; if (getChecked) { // We must collect selected objects from a Ref field var cNode = document.getElementById(uid + '_' + getChecked); if (cNode && cNode.hasOwnProperty('_appy_objs_cbs')) { f.checkedUids.value = stringFromDictKeys(cNode['_appy_objs_cbs']); f.checkedSem.value = cNode['_appy_objs_sem']; } } // Submitting the form at the end blocks the animated gifs on FF f.submit(); // If p_node is an image, replace it with a preloader to prevent double-clicks if (node.tagName == 'IMG') { var data = {'src': node.src, 'class': node.className, 'onclick': node.attributes.onclick.value}; node.setAttribute('onclick', ''); node.className = ''; var src2 = node.src.replace(podFormat + '.png', 'loadingPod.gif'); node.setAttribute('src', src2); // Initialize the pod download cookie. "false" means: not downloaded yet createCookie('podDownload', 'false'); // Set a timer that will check the cookie value podTimeout = window.setInterval(function(){ podDownloadStatus(node, data)}, 700); } } // Function that allows to (un-)freeze a document from a pod template function freezePod(uid, fieldName, template, podFormat, action) { var f = document.getElementById('podForm'); f.objectUid.value = uid; f.fieldName.value = fieldName; f.template.value = template; f.podFormat.value = podFormat; f.action.value = action; askConfirm('form', 'podForm', action_confirm); } // Function that allows to upload a file for freezing it in a pod field function uploadPod(uid, fieldName, template, podFormat) { var f = document.getElementById('uploadForm'); f.objectUid.value = uid; f.fieldName.value = fieldName; f.template.value = template; f.podFormat.value = podFormat; f.uploadedFile.value = null; openPopup('uploadPopup'); } function protectAppyForm() { window.onbeforeunload = function(e){ f = document.getElementById("appyForm"); if (f.button.value == "") { var e = e || window.event; if (e) {e.returnValue = warn_leave_form;} return warn_leave_form; } } } // Functions for opening and closing a popup function openPopup(popupId, msg, width, height, back) { // Put the message into the popup if (msg) { var msgHook = (popupId == 'alertPopup')? 'appyAlertText': 'appyConfirmText'; var confirmElem = document.getElementById(msgHook); confirmElem.innerHTML = msg; } // Open the popup var popup = document.getElementById(popupId); // Put it at the right place on the screen and give it the right dimensions var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || 0; = (scrollTop + 150) + 'px'; if (width) = width + 'px'; if (height) = height + 'px'; if (popupId == 'iframePopup') { // Initialize iframe's width var iframe = document.getElementById('appyIFrame'); if (!width) width = window.innerWidth - 200; if (!height) { height = window.innerHeight - 200; = ((window.innerHeight - height) / 2).toFixed() + 'px'; } = ((window.innerWidth - width) / 2).toFixed() + 'px'; = width + 'px'; = (width-20) + 'px'; = height + 'px'; = (height-20) + 'px'; popup['back'] = back; } = 'block'; } function closePopup(popupId, clean) { // Get the popup var container = null; if (popupId == 'iframePopup') container = window.parent.document; else container = window.document; var popup = container.getElementById(popupId); // Close the popup = 'none'; = null; // Clean field "clean" if specified if (clean) { var f = popup.getElementsByTagName('form')[0]; f.elements[clean].value = ''; } if (popupId == 'iframePopup') { // Reinitialise the enclosing iframe var iframe = container.getElementById('appyIFrame'); = null; while (iframe.firstChild) iframe.removeChild(iframe.firstChild); // Leave the form silently if we are on an edit page iframe.contentWindow.onbeforeunload = null; } return popup; } function backFromPopup() { var popup = closePopup('iframePopup'); if (popup['back']) askAjax(':'+popup['back']); else window.parent.location = window.parent.location; } function showAppyMessage(message) { // Fill the message zone with the message to display var messageZone = getAjaxHook(':appyMessageContent'); messageZone.innerHTML = message; // Display the message zone var messageDiv = getAjaxHook(':appyMessage'); = 'block'; } // Function triggered when an action needs to be confirmed by the user function askConfirm(actionType, action, msg, showComment) { /* Store the actionType (send a form, call an URL or call a script) and the related action, and shows the confirm popup. If the user confirms, we will perform the action. If p_showComment is true, an input field allowing to enter a comment will be shown in the popup. */ var confirmForm = document.getElementById('confirmActionForm'); confirmForm.actionType.value = actionType; confirmForm.action.value = action; if (!msg) msg = action_confirm; var commentArea = document.getElementById('commentArea'); if (showComment) = 'block'; else = 'none'; openPopup("confirmActionPopup", msg); } // Transfer comment from the confirm form to some other form function transferComment(confirmForm, targetForm) { if (( != 'none') && (confirmForm.comment.value)) { targetForm.comment.value = confirmForm.comment.value; // Clean the confirm form confirmForm.comment.value = ''; } } // Function triggered when an action confirmed by the user must be performed function doConfirm() { // The user confirmed: perform the required action closePopup('confirmActionPopup'); var confirmForm = document.getElementById('confirmActionForm'); var actionType = confirmForm.actionType.value; var action = confirmForm.action.value; if (actionType == 'form') { /* Submit the form whose id is in "action", and transmit him the comment from the popup when relevant. */ var f = document.getElementById(action); transferComment(confirmForm, f); f.submit(); clickOn(f); } else if (actionType == 'url') { goto(action) } // Go to some URL else if (actionType == 'script') { eval(action) } // Exec some JS code else if (actionType == 'form+script') { var elems = action.split('+'); var f = document.getElementById(elems[0]); // Submit the form in elems[0] and execute the JS code in elems[1] transferComment(confirmForm, f); f.submit(); clickOn(f); eval(elems[1]); } else if (actionType == 'form-script') { /* Similar to form+script, but the form must not be submitted. It will probably be used by the JS code, so the comment must be transfered. */ var elems = action.split('+'); var f = document.getElementById(elems[0]); // Submit the form in elems[0] and execute the JS code in elems[1] transferComment(confirmForm, f); eval(elems[1]); } } // Function triggered when the user asks password reinitialisation function doAskPasswordReinit() { // Check that the user has typed a login var f = document.getElementById('askPasswordReinitForm'); var login = f.login.value.replace(' ', ''); if (!login) { = wrongTextInput; } else { closePopup('askPasswordReinitPopup'); f.submit(); } } // Function that finally posts the edit form after the user has confirmed that // she really wants to post it. function postConfirmedEditForm() { var f = document.getElementById('appyForm'); f.confirmed.value = "True"; f.button.value = 'save'; f.submit(); } // Function that shows or hides a tab. p_action is 'show' or 'hide'. function manageTab(tabId, action) { // Manage the tab content (show it or hide it) var content = document.getElementById('tabcontent_' + tabId); if (action == 'show') { = 'table-row'; } else { = 'none'; } // Manage the tab itself (show as selected or unselected) var left = document.getElementById('tab_' + tabId + '_left'); var tab = document.getElementById('tab_' + tabId); var right = document.getElementById('tab_' + tabId + '_right'); if (action == 'show') { left.src = "ui/tabLeft.png"; = "url(ui/tabBg.png)"; right.src = "ui/tabRight.png"; } if (action == 'hide') { left.src = "ui/tabLeftu.png"; = "url(ui/tabBgu.png)"; right.src = "ui/tabRightu.png"; } } // Function used for displaying/hiding content of a tab function showTab(tabId) { // 1st, show the tab to show manageTab(tabId, 'show'); // Compute the number of tabs var idParts = tabId.split('_'); var prefix = idParts[0] + '_'; // Store the currently selected tab in a cookie createCookie('tab_' + idParts[0], tabId); var nbOfTabs = idParts[2]*1; // Then, hide the other tabs for (var i=0; i 0) j = i-1; else j = len-1; } else { if (i < (len-1)) j = i+1; else j = 0; } results[i].className = ''; results[j].className = 'lsSelected'; break; } } if (isNaN(j)) results[0].className = 'lsSelected'; } // Function that allows to go to a selected search result function gotoLSLink(dropdown) { var results = dropdown.children[0].getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i=0, len=results.length; i