'''This file contains basic classes that will be added into any user application for creating the basic structure of the application "Tool" which is the set of web pages used for configuring the application.''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import types import appy.gen as gen # Prototypical instances of every type ----------------------------------------- class Protos: protos = {} # List of attributes that can't be given to a Type constructor notInit = ('id', 'type', 'pythonType', 'slaves', 'isSelect', 'hasLabel', 'hasDescr', 'hasHelp', 'required', 'filterable', 'validable', 'backd', 'isBack', 'sync', 'pageName', 'shownInfoWidths', 'masterName') @classmethod def get(self, appyType): '''Returns a prototype instance for p_appyType.''' className = appyType.__class__.__name__ isString = (className == 'String') if isString: # For Strings, we create one prototype per format, because default # values may change according to format. className += str(appyType.format) if className in self.protos: return self.protos[className] # The prototype does not exist yet: create it if isString: proto = appyType.__class__(format=appyType.format) # Now, we fake to be able to detect default values proto.format = 0 else: proto = appyType.__class__() self.protos[className] = proto return proto # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ModelClass: '''This class is the abstract class of all predefined application classes used in the Appy model: Tool, User, etc. All methods and attributes of those classes are part of the Appy machinery and are prefixed with _appy_ in order to avoid name conflicts with user-defined parts of the application model.''' _appy_attributes = [] # We need to keep track of attributes order. @classmethod def _appy_getTypeBody(klass, appyType, wrapperName): '''This method returns the code declaration for p_appyType.''' typeArgs = '' proto = Protos.get(appyType) for name, value in appyType.__dict__.iteritems(): # Some attrs can't be given to the constructor if name in Protos.notInit: continue # If the given value corresponds to the default value, don't give it if value == getattr(proto, name): continue if name == 'layouts': # For Tool attributes we do not copy layout info. Indeed, most # fields added to the Tool are config-related attributes whose # layouts must be standard. if klass.__name__ == 'Tool': continue layouts = appyType.getInputLayouts() # For the Translation class that has potentially thousands of # attributes, the most used layout is cached in a global var in # named "tfw" in wrappers.py. if (klass.__name__ == 'Translation') and \ (layouts == '{"edit":"f","cell":"f","view":"f",}'): value = 'tfw' else: value = appyType.getInputLayouts() elif isinstance(value, basestring): value = '"%s"' % value elif isinstance(value, gen.Ref): if not value.isBack: continue value = klass._appy_getTypeBody(value, wrapperName) elif type(value) == type(ModelClass): moduleName = value.__module__ if moduleName.startswith('appy.gen'): value = value.__name__ else: value = '%s.%s' % (moduleName, value.__name__) elif isinstance(value, gen.Selection): value = 'Selection("%s")' % value.methodName elif isinstance(value, gen.Group): value = 'Grp("%s")' % value.name elif isinstance(value, gen.Page): value = 'pages["%s"]' % value.name elif callable(value): value = '%s.%s' % (wrapperName, value.__name__) typeArgs += '%s=%s,' % (name, value) return '%s(%s)' % (appyType.__class__.__name__, typeArgs) @classmethod def _appy_getBody(klass): '''This method returns the code declaration of this class. We will dump this in wrappers.py in the Zope product.''' className = klass.__name__ # Determine the name of the class and its wrapper. Because so much # attributes can be generated on a TranslationWrapper, shortcutting it # to 'TW' may reduce the generated file from several kilobytes. if className == 'Translation': wrapperName = 'WT' else: wrapperName = 'W%s' % className res = 'class %s(%s):\n' % (className, wrapperName) # Tool must be folderish if className == 'Tool': res += ' folder=True\n' # First, scan all attributes, determine all used pages and create a # dict with it. It will prevent us from creating a new Page instance # for every field. pages = {} layouts = [] for name in klass._appy_attributes: exec 'appyType = klass.%s' % name if appyType.page.name not in pages: pages[appyType.page.name] = appyType.page res += ' pages = {' for page in pages.itervalues(): # Determine page show pageShow = page.show if isinstance(pageShow, basestring): pageShow='"%s"' % pageShow res += '"%s":Page("%s", show=%s),'% (page.name, page.name, pageShow) res += '}\n' # Secondly, dump every attribute for name in klass._appy_attributes: exec 'appyType = klass.%s' % name typeBody = klass._appy_getTypeBody(appyType, wrapperName) res += ' %s=%s\n' % (name, typeBody) return res # The User class --------------------------------------------------------------- class User(ModelClass): # In a ModelClass we need to declare attributes in the following list. _appy_attributes = ['title', 'name', 'firstName', 'login', 'password1', 'password2', 'roles'] # All methods defined below are fake. Real versions are in the wrapper. title = gen.String(show=False, indexed=True) gm = {'group': 'main', 'multiplicity': (1,1), 'width': 25} name = gen.String(**gm) firstName = gen.String(**gm) def showLogin(self): pass def validateLogin(self): pass login = gen.String(show=showLogin, validator=validateLogin, indexed=True, **gm) def showPassword(self): pass def validatePassword(self): pass password1 = gen.String(format=gen.String.PASSWORD, show=showPassword, validator=validatePassword, **gm) password2 = gen.String(format=gen.String.PASSWORD, show=showPassword, **gm) gm['multiplicity'] = (0, None) roles = gen.String(validator=gen.Selection('getGrantableRoles'), indexed=True, **gm) # The Group class -------------------------------------------------------------- class Group(ModelClass): # In a ModelClass we need to declare attributes in the following list. _appy_attributes = ['title', 'login', 'roles', 'users'] # All methods defined below are fake. Real versions are in the wrapper. m = {'group': 'main', 'width': 25, 'indexed': True} title = gen.String(multiplicity=(1,1), **m) def showLogin(self): pass def validateLogin(self): pass login = gen.String(show=showLogin, validator=validateLogin, multiplicity=(1,1), **m) roles = gen.String(validator=gen.Selection('getGrantableRoles'), multiplicity=(0,None), **m) users = gen.Ref(User, multiplicity=(0,None), add=False, link=True, back=gen.Ref(attribute='groups', show=True), showHeaders=True, shownInfo=('title', 'login')) # The Translation class -------------------------------------------------------- class Translation(ModelClass): _appy_attributes = ['po', 'title'] # All methods defined below are fake. Real versions are in the wrapper. def getPoFile(self): pass po = gen.Action(action=getPoFile, page=gen.Page('actions', show='view'), result='filetmp') title = gen.String(show=False, indexed=True) def label(self): pass def show(self, name): pass # The Tool class --------------------------------------------------------------- # Here are the prefixes of the fields generated on the Tool. toolFieldPrefixes = ('defaultValue', 'podTemplate', 'formats', 'resultColumns', 'enableAdvancedSearch', 'numberOfSearchColumns', 'searchFields', 'optionalFields', 'showWorkflow', 'showWorkflowCommentField', 'showAllStatesInPhase') defaultToolFields = ('users', 'groups', 'translations', 'enableNotifications', 'unoEnabledPython', 'openOfficePort', 'numberOfResultsPerPage', 'listBoxesMaximumWidth', 'appyVersion', 'refreshSecurity') class Tool(ModelClass): # In a ModelClass we need to declare attributes in the following list. _appy_attributes = list(defaultToolFields) # Tool attributes def validPythonWithUno(self, value): pass # Real method in the wrapper unoEnabledPython = gen.String(group="connectionToOpenOffice", validator=validPythonWithUno) openOfficePort = gen.Integer(default=2002, group="connectionToOpenOffice") numberOfResultsPerPage = gen.Integer(default=30, show=False) listBoxesMaximumWidth = gen.Integer(default=100, show=False) appyVersion = gen.String(show=False, layouts='f') def refreshSecurity(self): pass # Real method in the wrapper refreshSecurity = gen.Action(action=refreshSecurity, confirm=True) # Ref(User) will maybe be transformed into Ref(CustomUserClass). users = gen.Ref(User, multiplicity=(0,None), add=True, link=False, back=gen.Ref(attribute='toTool', show=False), page=gen.Page('users', show='view'), queryable=True, queryFields=('title', 'login'), showHeaders=True, shownInfo=('title', 'login', 'roles')) groups = gen.Ref(Group, multiplicity=(0,None), add=True, link=False, back=gen.Ref(attribute='toTool2', show=False), page=gen.Page('groups', show='view'), queryable=True, queryFields=('title', 'login'), showHeaders=True, shownInfo=('title', 'login', 'roles')) translations = gen.Ref(Translation, multiplicity=(0,None), add=False, link=False, show='view', back=gen.Ref(attribute='trToTool', show=False), page=gen.Page('translations', show='view')) enableNotifications = gen.Boolean(default=True, page=gen.Page('notifications', show=False)) @classmethod def _appy_clean(klass): toClean = [] for k, v in klass.__dict__.iteritems(): if not k.startswith('__') and (not k.startswith('_appy_')): if k not in defaultToolFields: toClean.append(k) for k in toClean: exec 'del klass.%s' % k klass._appy_attributes = list(defaultToolFields) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------