'''This file contains the main Generator class used for generating a Plone 2.5-compliant product.''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os, os.path, re, sys import appy.gen from appy.gen import * from appy.gen.po import PoMessage, PoFile, PoParser from appy.gen.generator import Generator as AbstractGenerator from appy.gen.utils import getClassName from appy.gen.descriptors import WorkflowDescriptor from descriptors import ClassDescriptor, ToolClassDescriptor, \ UserClassDescriptor, TranslationClassDescriptor from model import ModelClass, User, Tool, Translation # Common methods that need to be defined on every Archetype class -------------- COMMON_METHODS = ''' def getTool(self): return self.%s def getProductConfig(self): return Products.%s.config def skynView(self): """Redirects to skyn/view. Transfers the status message if any.""" rq = self.REQUEST msg = rq.get('portal_status_message', '') if msg: url = self.getUrl(portal_status_message=msg) else: url = self.getUrl() return rq.RESPONSE.redirect(url) ''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Generator(AbstractGenerator): '''This generator generates a Plone 2.5-compliant product from a given appy application.''' poExtensions = ('.po', '.pot') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Tool._appy_clean() AbstractGenerator.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Set our own Descriptor classes self.descriptorClasses['class'] = ClassDescriptor # Create our own Tool, User and Translation instances self.tool = ToolClassDescriptor(Tool, self) self.user = UserClassDescriptor(User, self) self.translation = TranslationClassDescriptor(Translation, self) # i18n labels to generate self.labels = [] # i18n labels self.toolInstanceName = 'portal_%s' % self.applicationName.lower() self.portletName = '%s_portlet' % self.applicationName.lower() self.skinsFolder = 'skins/%s' % self.applicationName # The following dict, pre-filled in the abstract generator, contains a # series of replacements that need to be applied to file templates to # generate files. commonMethods = COMMON_METHODS % \ (self.toolInstanceName, self.applicationName) self.repls.update( {'toolInstanceName': self.toolInstanceName, 'commonMethods': commonMethods}) self.referers = {} versionRex = re.compile('(.*?\s+build)\s+(\d+)') def initialize(self): # Determine version number of the Plone product self.version = '0.1 build 1' versionTxt = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, 'version.txt') if os.path.exists(versionTxt): f = file(versionTxt) oldVersion = f.read().strip() f.close() res = self.versionRex.search(oldVersion) self.version = res.group(1) + ' ' + str(int(res.group(2))+1) # Existing i18n files self.i18nFiles = {} #~{p_fileName: PoFile}~ # Retrieve existing i18n files if any i18nFolder = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, 'i18n') if os.path.exists(i18nFolder): for fileName in os.listdir(i18nFolder): name, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName) if ext in self.poExtensions: poParser = PoParser(os.path.join(i18nFolder, fileName)) self.i18nFiles[fileName] = poParser.parse() def finalize(self): # Some useful aliases msg = PoMessage app = self.applicationName # Some global i18n messages poMsg = msg(app, '', app); poMsg.produceNiceDefault() self.labels += [poMsg, msg('workflow_state', '', msg.WORKFLOW_STATE), msg('appy_title', '', msg.APPY_TITLE), msg('data_change', '', msg.DATA_CHANGE), msg('modified_field', '', msg.MODIFIED_FIELD), msg('previous_value', '', msg.PREVIOUS_VALUE), msg('phase', '', msg.PHASE), msg('root_type', '', msg.ROOT_TYPE), msg('workflow_comment', '', msg.WORKFLOW_COMMENT), msg('choose_a_value', '', msg.CHOOSE_A_VALUE), msg('choose_a_doc', '', msg.CHOOSE_A_DOC), msg('min_ref_violated', '', msg.MIN_REF_VIOLATED), msg('max_ref_violated', '', msg.MAX_REF_VIOLATED), msg('no_ref', '', msg.REF_NO), msg('add_ref', '', msg.REF_ADD), msg('ref_actions', '', msg.REF_ACTIONS), msg('move_up', '', msg.REF_MOVE_UP), msg('move_down', '', msg.REF_MOVE_DOWN), msg('query_create', '', msg.QUERY_CREATE), msg('query_import', '', msg.QUERY_IMPORT), msg('query_no_result', '', msg.QUERY_NO_RESULT), msg('query_consult_all', '', msg.QUERY_CONSULT_ALL), msg('import_title', '', msg.IMPORT_TITLE), msg('import_show_hide', '', msg.IMPORT_SHOW_HIDE), msg('import_already', '', msg.IMPORT_ALREADY), msg('import_many', '', msg.IMPORT_MANY), msg('import_done', '', msg.IMPORT_DONE), msg('search_title', '', msg.SEARCH_TITLE), msg('search_button', '', msg.SEARCH_BUTTON), msg('search_objects', '', msg.SEARCH_OBJECTS), msg('search_results', '', msg.SEARCH_RESULTS), msg('search_results_descr', '', ' '), msg('search_new', '', msg.SEARCH_NEW), msg('search_from', '', msg.SEARCH_FROM), msg('search_to', '', msg.SEARCH_TO), msg('search_or', '', msg.SEARCH_OR), msg('search_and', '', msg.SEARCH_AND), msg('ref_invalid_index', '', msg.REF_INVALID_INDEX), msg('bad_long', '', msg.BAD_LONG), msg('bad_float', '', msg.BAD_FLOAT), msg('bad_date', '', msg.BAD_DATE), msg('bad_email', '', msg.BAD_EMAIL), msg('bad_url', '', msg.BAD_URL), msg('bad_alphanumeric', '', msg.BAD_ALPHANUMERIC), msg('bad_select_value', '', msg.BAD_SELECT_VALUE), msg('select_delesect', '', msg.SELECT_DESELECT), msg('no_elem_selected', '', msg.NO_SELECTION), msg('delete_confirm', '', msg.DELETE_CONFIRM), msg('delete_done', '', msg.DELETE_DONE), msg('goto_first', '', msg.GOTO_FIRST), msg('goto_previous', '', msg.GOTO_PREVIOUS), msg('goto_next', '', msg.GOTO_NEXT), msg('goto_last', '', msg.GOTO_LAST), msg('goto_source', '', msg.GOTO_SOURCE), msg('whatever', '', msg.WHATEVER), msg('yes', '', msg.YES), msg('no', '', msg.NO), msg('field_required', '', msg.FIELD_REQUIRED), msg('field_invalid', '', msg.FIELD_INVALID), msg('file_required', '', msg.FILE_REQUIRED), msg('image_required', '', msg.IMAGE_REQUIRED), msg('odt', '', msg.FORMAT_ODT), msg('pdf', '', msg.FORMAT_PDF), msg('doc', '', msg.FORMAT_DOC), msg('rtf', '', msg.FORMAT_RTF), ] # Create a label for every role added by this application for role in self.getAllUsedRoles(): self.labels.append(msg('role_%s' % role.name,'', role.name, niceDefault=True)) # Create basic files (config.py, Install.py, etc) self.generateTool() self.generateInit() self.generateTests() if self.config.frontPage: self.generateFrontPage() self.copyFile('Install.py', self.repls, destFolder='Extensions') self.generateConfigureZcml() self.copyFile('import_steps.xml', self.repls, destFolder='profiles/default') self.copyFile('ProfileInit.py', self.repls, destFolder='profiles', destName='__init__.py') self.copyFile('Portlet.pt', self.repls, destName='%s.pt' % self.portletName, destFolder=self.skinsFolder) self.copyFile('tool.gif', {}) self.copyFile('Styles.css.dtml',self.repls, destFolder=self.skinsFolder, destName = '%s.css.dtml' % self.applicationName) self.copyFile('IEFixes.css.dtml',self.repls,destFolder=self.skinsFolder) if self.config.minimalistPlone: self.copyFile('colophon.pt', self.repls,destFolder=self.skinsFolder) self.copyFile('footer.pt', self.repls, destFolder=self.skinsFolder) # Create version.txt f = open(os.path.join(self.outputFolder, 'version.txt'), 'w') f.write(self.version) f.close() # Make Extensions and tests Python packages for moduleFolder in ('Extensions', 'tests'): initFile = '%s/%s/__init__.py' % (self.outputFolder, moduleFolder) if not os.path.isfile(initFile): f = open(initFile, 'w') f.write('') f.close() # Decline i18n labels into versions for child classes for classDescr in self.classes: for poMsg in classDescr.labelsToPropagate: for childDescr in classDescr.getChildren(): childMsg = poMsg.clone(classDescr.name, childDescr.name) if childMsg not in self.labels: self.labels.append(childMsg) # Generate i18n pot file potFileName = '%s.pot' % self.applicationName if self.i18nFiles.has_key(potFileName): potFile = self.i18nFiles[potFileName] else: fullName = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, 'i18n/%s' % potFileName) potFile = PoFile(fullName) self.i18nFiles[potFileName] = potFile # We update the POT file with our list of automatically managed labels. removedLabels = potFile.update(self.labels, self.options.i18nClean, not self.options.i18nSort) if removedLabels: print 'Warning: %d messages were removed from translation ' \ 'files: %s' % (len(removedLabels), str(removedLabels)) # Before generating the POT file, we still need to add one label for # every page for the Translation class. We've not done it yet because # the number of pages depends on the total number of labels in the POT # file. pageLabels = [] nbOfPages = int(len(potFile.messages)/self.config.translationsPerPage)+1 for i in range(nbOfPages): msgId = '%s_page_%d' % (self.translation.name, i+2) pageLabels.append(msg(msgId, '', 'Page %d' % (i+2))) potFile.update(pageLabels, keepExistingOrder=False) potFile.generate() # Generate i18n po files for language in self.config.languages: # I must generate (or update) a po file for the language(s) # specified in the configuration. poFileName = potFile.getPoFileName(language) if self.i18nFiles.has_key(poFileName): poFile = self.i18nFiles[poFileName] else: fullName = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, 'i18n/%s' % poFileName) poFile = PoFile(fullName) self.i18nFiles[poFileName] = poFile poFile.update(potFile.messages, self.options.i18nClean, not self.options.i18nSort) poFile.generate() # Generate corresponding fields on the Translation class page = 'main' i = 0 for message in potFile.messages: i += 1 # A computed field is used for displaying the text to translate. self.translation.addLabelField(message.id, page) # A String field will hold the translation in itself. self.translation.addMessageField(message.id, page, self.i18nFiles) if (i % self.config.translationsPerPage) == 0: # A new page must be defined. if page == 'main': page = '2' else: page = str(int(page)+1) # Generate i18n po files for other potential files for poFile in self.i18nFiles.itervalues(): if not poFile.generated: poFile.generate() self.generateWrappers() self.generateConfig() def getAllUsedRoles(self, plone=None, local=None, grantable=None): '''Produces a list of all the roles used within all workflows and classes defined in this application. If p_plone is True, it keeps only Plone-standard roles; if p_plone is False, it keeps only roles which are specific to this application; if p_plone is None it has no effect (so it keeps both roles). If p_local is True, it keeps only local roles (ie, roles that can only be granted locally); if p_local is False, it keeps only "global" roles; if p_local is None it has no effect (so it keeps both roles). If p_grantable is True, it keeps only roles that the admin can grant; if p_grantable is False, if keeps only ungrantable roles (ie those that are implicitly granted by the system like role "Authenticated"); if p_grantable is None it keeps both roles.''' allRoles = {} # ~{s_roleName:Role_role}~ # Gather roles from workflow states and transitions for wfDescr in self.workflows: for attr in dir(wfDescr.klass): attrValue = getattr(wfDescr.klass, attr) if isinstance(attrValue, State) or \ isinstance(attrValue, Transition): for role in attrValue.getUsedRoles(): if role.name not in allRoles: allRoles[role.name] = role # Gather roles from "creators" attributes from every class for cDescr in self.getClasses(include='all'): for role in cDescr.getCreators(): if role.name not in allRoles: allRoles[role.name] = role res = allRoles.values() # Filter the result according to parameters for p in ('plone', 'local', 'grantable'): if eval(p) != None: res = [r for r in res if eval('r.%s == %s' % (p, p))] return res def addReferer(self, fieldDescr, relationship): '''p_fieldDescr is a Ref type definition. We will create in config.py a dict that lists all back references, by type.''' k = fieldDescr.appyType.klass refClassName = getClassName(k, self.applicationName) if not self.referers.has_key(refClassName): self.referers[refClassName] = [] self.referers[refClassName].append( (fieldDescr, relationship)) def getAppyTypePath(self, name, appyType, klass, isBack=False): '''Gets the path to the p_appyType when a direct reference to an appyType must be generated in a Python file.''' if issubclass(klass, ModelClass): res = 'wraps.%s.%s' % (klass.__name__, name) else: res = '%s.%s.%s' % (klass.__module__, klass.__name__, name) if isBack: res += '.back' return res def generateConfigureZcml(self): '''Generates file configure.zcml.''' repls = self.repls.copy() # Note every class as "deprecated". depr = '' for klass in self.getClasses(include='all'): depr += '\n' % \ (klass.name, klass.name) repls['deprecated'] = depr self.copyFile('configure.zcml', repls) def generateConfig(self): repls = self.repls.copy() # Get some lists of classes classes = self.getClasses() classesWithCustom = self.getClasses(include='custom') classesButTool = self.getClasses(include='allButTool') classesAll = self.getClasses(include='all') # Compute imports imports = ['import %s' % self.applicationName] for classDescr in (classesWithCustom + self.workflows): theImport = 'import %s' % classDescr.klass.__module__ if theImport not in imports: imports.append(theImport) repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports) # Compute default add roles repls['defaultAddRoles'] = ','.join( ['"%s"' % r for r in self.config.defaultCreators]) # Compute list of add permissions addPermissions = '' for classDescr in classesButTool: addPermissions += ' "%s":"%s: Add %s",\n' % (classDescr.name, self.applicationName, classDescr.name) repls['addPermissions'] = addPermissions # Compute root classes repls['rootClasses'] = ','.join(["'%s'" % c.name \ for c in classesButTool if c.isRoot()]) # Compute list of class definitions repls['appClasses'] = ','.join(['%s.%s' % (c.klass.__module__, \ c.klass.__name__) for c in classes]) # Compute lists of class names repls['appClassNames'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % c.name \ for c in classes]) repls['allClassNames'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % c.name \ for c in classesButTool]) # Compute classes whose instances must not be catalogued. catalogMap = '' blackClasses = [self.tool.name] for blackClass in blackClasses: catalogMap += "catalogMap['%s'] = {}\n" % blackClass catalogMap += "catalogMap['%s']['black'] = " \ "['portal_catalog']\n" % blackClass repls['catalogMap'] = catalogMap # Compute the list of ordered attributes (forward and backward, # inherited included) for every Appy class. attributes = [] attributesDict = [] for classDescr in classesAll: titleFound = False attrs = [] attrNames = [] for name, appyType, klass in classDescr.getOrderedAppyAttributes(): attrs.append(self.getAppyTypePath(name, appyType, klass)) attrNames.append(name) if name == 'title': titleFound = True # Add the "title" mandatory field if not found if not titleFound: attrs.insert(0, 'copy.deepcopy(appy.gen.title)') attrNames.insert(0, 'title') # Any backward attributes to append? if classDescr.name in self.referers: for field, rel in self.referers[classDescr.name]: try: getattr(field.classDescr.klass, field.fieldName) klass = field.classDescr.klass except AttributeError: klass = field.classDescr.modelClass attrs.append(self.getAppyTypePath(field.fieldName, field.appyType, klass, isBack=True)) attrNames.append(field.appyType.back.attribute) attributes.append('"%s":[%s]' % (classDescr.name,','.join(attrs))) aDict = '' i = -1 for attr in attrs: i += 1 aDict += '"%s":attributes["%s"][%d],' % \ (attrNames[i], classDescr.name, i) attributesDict.append('"%s":{%s}' % (classDescr.name, aDict)) repls['attributes'] = ',\n '.join(attributes) repls['attributesDict'] = ',\n '.join(attributesDict) # Compute list of used roles for registering them if needed specificRoles = self.getAllUsedRoles(plone=False) repls['roles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % r.name for r in specificRoles]) globalRoles = self.getAllUsedRoles(plone=False, local=False) repls['gRoles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % r.name for r in globalRoles]) grantableRoles = self.getAllUsedRoles(local=False, grantable=True) repls['grRoles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % r.name for r in grantableRoles]) # Generate configuration options repls['showPortlet'] = self.config.showPortlet repls['languages'] = ','.join('"%s"' % l for l in self.config.languages) repls['languageSelector'] = self.config.languageSelector repls['minimalistPlone'] = self.config.minimalistPlone repls['appFrontPage'] = bool(self.config.frontPage) repls['sourceLanguage'] = self.config.sourceLanguage self.copyFile('config.py', repls) def generateInit(self): # Compute imports imports = [] classNames = [] for c in self.getClasses(include='all'): importDef = ' import %s' % c.name if importDef not in imports: imports.append(importDef) classNames.append("%s.%s" % (c.name, c.name)) repls = self.repls.copy() repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports) repls['classes'] = ','.join(classNames) repls['totalNumberOfTests'] = self.totalNumberOfTests self.copyFile('__init__.py', repls) def generateWrapperProperty(self, name, type): '''Generates the getter for attribute p_name.''' res = ' def get_%s(self):\n ' % name if name == 'title': res += 'return self.o.Title()\n' else: suffix = '' if type == 'Ref': suffix = ', noListIfSingleObj=True' res += 'return self.o.getAppyType("%s").getValue(self.o%s)\n' % \ (name, suffix) res += ' %s = property(get_%s)\n\n' % (name, name) return res def getClasses(self, include=None): '''Returns the descriptors for all the classes in the generated gen-application. If p_include is: * "all" it includes the descriptors for the config-related classes (tool, user, translation) * "allButTool" it includes the same descriptors, the tool excepted * "custom" it includes descriptors for the config-related classes for which the user has created a sub-class.''' if not include: return self.classes res = self.classes[:] configClasses = [self.tool, self.user, self.translation] if include == 'all': res += configClasses elif include == 'allButTool': res += configClasses[1:] elif include == 'custom': res += [c for c in configClasses if c.customized] elif include == 'predefined': res = configClasses return res def getClassesInOrder(self, allClasses): '''When generating wrappers, classes mut be dumped in order (else, it generates forward references in the Python file, that does not compile).''' res = [] # Appy class descriptors resClasses = [] # Corresponding real Python classes for classDescr in allClasses: klass = classDescr.klass if not klass.__bases__ or \ (klass.__bases__[0].__name__ == 'ModelClass'): # This is a root class. We dump it at the begin of the file. res.insert(0, classDescr) resClasses.insert(0, klass) else: # If a child of this class is already present, we must insert # this klass before it. lowestChildIndex = sys.maxint for resClass in resClasses: if klass in resClass.__bases__: lowestChildIndex = min(lowestChildIndex, resClasses.index(resClass)) if lowestChildIndex != sys.maxint: res.insert(lowestChildIndex, classDescr) resClasses.insert(lowestChildIndex, klass) else: res.append(classDescr) resClasses.append(klass) return res def generateWrappers(self): # We must generate imports and wrapper definitions imports = [] wrappers = [] allClasses = self.getClasses(include='all') for c in self.getClassesInOrder(allClasses): if not c.predefined or c.customized: moduleImport = 'import %s' % c.klass.__module__ if moduleImport not in imports: imports.append(moduleImport) # Determine parent wrapper and class parentClasses = c.getParents(allClasses) wrapperDef = 'class %s_Wrapper(%s):\n' % \ (c.name, ','.join(parentClasses)) wrapperDef += ' security = ClassSecurityInfo()\n' titleFound = False for attrName in c.orderedAttributes: if attrName == 'title': titleFound = True try: attrValue = getattr(c.klass, attrName) except AttributeError: attrValue = getattr(c.modelClass, attrName) if isinstance(attrValue, Type): wrapperDef += self.generateWrapperProperty(attrName, attrValue.type) # Generate properties for back references if self.referers.has_key(c.name): for refDescr, rel in self.referers[c.name]: attrName = refDescr.appyType.back.attribute wrapperDef += self.generateWrapperProperty(attrName, 'Ref') if not titleFound: # Implicitly, the title will be added by Archetypes. So I need # to define a property for it. wrapperDef += self.generateWrapperProperty('title', 'String') if c.customized: # For custom tool, add a call to a method that allows to # customize elements from the base class. wrapperDef += " if hasattr(%s, 'update'):\n " \ "%s.update(%s)\n" % (parentClasses[1], parentClasses[1], parentClasses[0]) # For custom tool, add security declaration that will allow to # call their methods from ZPTs. for parentClass in parentClasses: wrapperDef += " for elem in dir(%s):\n " \ "if not elem.startswith('_'): security.declarePublic" \ "(elem)\n" % (parentClass) # Register the class in Zope. wrapperDef += 'InitializeClass(%s_Wrapper)\n' % c.name wrappers.append(wrapperDef) repls = self.repls.copy() repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports) repls['wrappers'] = '\n'.join(wrappers) for klass in self.getClasses(include='predefined'): modelClass = klass.modelClass repls['%s' % modelClass.__name__] = modelClass._appy_getBody() self.copyFile('appyWrappers.py', repls, destFolder='Extensions') def generateTests(self): '''Generates the file needed for executing tests.''' repls = self.repls.copy() modules = self.modulesWithTests repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(['import %s' % m for m in modules]) repls['modulesWithTests'] = ','.join(modules) self.copyFile('testAll.py', repls, destFolder='tests') def generateFrontPage(self): fp = self.config.frontPage repls = self.repls.copy() template = 'frontPage.pt' if self.config.frontPageTemplate== 'appy': template = 'frontPageAppy.pt' if fp == True: # We need a front page, but no specific one has been given. # So we will create a basic one that will simply display # some translated text. self.labels.append(PoMessage('front_page_text', '', PoMessage.FRONT_PAGE_TEXT)) repls['pageContent'] = '' else: # The user has specified a macro to show. So in the generated front # page, we will call this macro. The user will need to add itself # a .pt file containing this macro in the skins folder of the # generated Plone product. page, macro = fp.split('/') repls['pageContent'] = '' % (page, macro) self.copyFile(template, repls, destFolder=self.skinsFolder, destName='%sFrontPage.pt' % self.applicationName) def generateTool(self): '''Generates the Plone tool that corresponds to this application.''' Msg = PoMessage # Create Tool-related i18n-related messages self.labels += [ Msg(self.tool.name, '', Msg.CONFIG % self.applicationName), Msg('%s_edit_descr' % self.tool.name, '', ' ')] # Tune the Ref field between Tool and User Tool.users.klass = User if self.user.customized: Tool.users.klass = self.user.klass # Generate the Tool-related classes (User, Translation) for klass in (self.user, self.translation): klassType = klass.name[len(self.applicationName):] klass.generateSchema() self.labels += [ Msg(klass.name, '', klassType), Msg('%s_edit_descr' % klass.name, '', ' '), Msg('%s_plural' % klass.name,'', klass.name+'s')] repls = self.repls.copy() repls.update({'fields': klass.schema, 'methods': klass.methods, 'genClassName': klass.name, 'imports': '','baseMixin':'BaseMixin', 'baseSchema': 'BaseSchema', 'global_allow': 1, 'parents': 'BaseMixin, BaseContent', 'static': '', 'classDoc': 'User class for %s' % self.applicationName, 'implements': "(getattr(BaseContent,'__implements__',()),)", 'register': "registerType(%s, '%s')" % (klass.name, self.applicationName)}) self.copyFile('Class.py', repls, destName='%s.py' % klass.name) # Before generating the Tool class, finalize it with query result # columns, with fields to propagate, workflow-related fields. for classDescr in self.getClasses(include='allButTool'): for fieldName, fieldType in classDescr.toolFieldsToPropagate: for childDescr in classDescr.getChildren(): childFieldName = fieldName % childDescr.name fieldType.group = childDescr.klass.__name__ self.tool.addField(childFieldName, fieldType) if classDescr.isRoot(): # We must be able to configure query results from the tool. self.tool.addQueryResultColumns(classDescr) # Add the search-related fields. self.tool.addSearchRelatedFields(classDescr) importMean = classDescr.getCreateMean('Import') if importMean: self.tool.addImportRelatedFields(classDescr) self.tool.addWorkflowFields(self.user) self.tool.generateSchema() # Generate the Tool class repls = self.repls.copy() repls.update({'fields': self.tool.schema, 'methods': self.tool.methods, 'genClassName': self.tool.name, 'imports':'', 'baseMixin':'ToolMixin', 'baseSchema': 'OrderedBaseFolderSchema', 'global_allow': 0, 'parents': 'ToolMixin, UniqueObject, OrderedBaseFolder', 'classDoc': 'Tool class for %s' % self.applicationName, 'implements': "(getattr(UniqueObject,'__implements__',()),) + " \ "(getattr(OrderedBaseFolder,'__implements__',()),)", 'register': "registerType(%s, '%s')" % (self.tool.name, self.applicationName), 'static': "left_slots = ['here/portlet_prefs/macros/portlet']\n " \ "right_slots = []\n " \ "def __init__(self, id=None):\n " \ " OrderedBaseFolder.__init__(self, '%s')\n " \ " self.setTitle('%s')\n" % (self.toolInstanceName, self.applicationName)}) self.copyFile('Class.py', repls, destName='%s.py' % self.tool.name) def generateClass(self, classDescr): '''Is called each time an Appy class is found in the application, for generating the corresponding Archetype class and schema.''' k = classDescr.klass print 'Generating %s.%s (gen-class)...' % (k.__module__, k.__name__) if not classDescr.isAbstract(): self.tool.addWorkflowFields(classDescr) # Determine base archetypes schema and class baseClass = 'BaseContent' baseSchema = 'BaseSchema' if classDescr.isFolder(): baseClass = 'OrderedBaseFolder' baseSchema = 'OrderedBaseFolderSchema' parents = ['BaseMixin', baseClass] imports = [] implements = [baseClass] for baseClass in classDescr.klass.__bases__: if self.determineAppyType(baseClass) == 'class': bcName = getClassName(baseClass) parents.remove('BaseMixin') parents.insert(0, bcName) implements.append(bcName) imports.append('from %s import %s' % (bcName, bcName)) baseSchema = '%s.schema' % bcName break parents = ','.join(parents) implements = '+'.join(['(getattr(%s,"__implements__",()),)' % i \ for i in implements]) classDoc = classDescr.klass.__doc__ if not classDoc: classDoc = 'Class generated with appy.gen.' # If the class is abstract I will not register it register = "registerType(%s, '%s')" % (classDescr.name, self.applicationName) if classDescr.isAbstract(): register = '' repls = self.repls.copy() classDescr.generateSchema() repls.update({ 'imports': '\n'.join(imports), 'parents': parents, 'className': classDescr.klass.__name__, 'global_allow': 1, 'genClassName': classDescr.name, 'baseMixin':'BaseMixin', 'classDoc': classDoc, 'applicationName': self.applicationName, 'fields': classDescr.schema, 'methods': classDescr.methods, 'implements': implements, 'baseSchema': baseSchema, 'static': '', 'register': register, 'toolInstanceName': self.toolInstanceName}) fileName = '%s.py' % classDescr.name # Create i18n labels (class name, description and plural form) poMsg = PoMessage(classDescr.name, '', classDescr.klass.__name__) poMsg.produceNiceDefault() self.labels.append(poMsg) poMsgDescr = PoMessage('%s_edit_descr' % classDescr.name, '', ' ') self.labels.append(poMsgDescr) poMsgPl = PoMessage('%s_plural' % classDescr.name, '', classDescr.klass.__name__+'s') poMsgPl.produceNiceDefault() self.labels.append(poMsgPl) # Create i18n labels for searches for search in classDescr.getSearches(classDescr.klass): searchLabel = '%s_search_%s' % (classDescr.name, search.name) labels = [searchLabel, '%s_descr' % searchLabel] if search.group: grpLabel = '%s_searchgroup_%s' % (classDescr.name, search.group) labels += [grpLabel, '%s_descr' % grpLabel] for label in labels: default = ' ' if label == searchLabel: default = search.name poMsg = PoMessage(label, '', default) poMsg.produceNiceDefault() if poMsg not in self.labels: self.labels.append(poMsg) # Generate the resulting Archetypes class and schema. self.copyFile('Class.py', repls, destName=fileName) def generateWorkflow(self, wfDescr): '''This method creates the i18n labels related to the workflow described by p_wfDescr.''' k = wfDescr.klass print 'Generating %s.%s (gen-workflow)...' % (k.__module__, k.__name__) # Identify workflow name wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(wfDescr.klass) # Add i18n messages for states for name in dir(wfDescr.klass): if not isinstance(getattr(wfDescr.klass, name), State): continue poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, name), '', name) poMsg.produceNiceDefault() self.labels.append(poMsg) # Add i18n messages for transitions for name in dir(wfDescr.klass): transition = getattr(wfDescr.klass, name) if not isinstance(transition, Transition): continue poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, name), '', name) poMsg.produceNiceDefault() self.labels.append(poMsg) if transition.confirm: # We need to generate a label for the message that will be shown # in the confirm popup. label = '%s_%s_confirm' % (wfName, name) poMsg = PoMessage(label, '', PoMessage.CONFIRM) self.labels.append(poMsg) if transition.notify: # Appy will send a mail when this transition is triggered. # So we need 2 i18n labels: one for the mail subject and one for # the mail body. subjectLabel = '%s_%s_mail_subject' % (wfName, name) poMsg = PoMessage(subjectLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_SUBJECT) self.labels.append(poMsg) bodyLabel = '%s_%s_mail_body' % (wfName, name) poMsg = PoMessage(bodyLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_BODY) self.labels.append(poMsg) # 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