'''This script allows to check a LDAP connection.''' import sys, ldap # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class LdapTester: '''Usage: python checkldap.py ldapUri login password base attrs filter ldapUri is, for example, "ldap://" login is the login user DN, ie: "cn=gdy,o=geezteem" password is the password for this login base is the base DN where to perform the search, ie "ou=hr,o=GeezTeem" attrs is a comma-separated list of attrs we will retrieve in the LDAP, ie "uid,login" filter is the query filter, ie "(&(attr1=Geez*)(status=OK))" ''' def __init__(self): # Get params from shell args. if len(sys.argv) != 7: print LdapTester.__doc__ sys.exit(0) s = self s.uri, s.login, s.password, s.base, s.attrs, s.filter = sys.argv[1:] self.attrs = self.attrs.split(',') self.tentatives = 5 self.timeout = 5 self.attrList = ['cfwbV2cn', 'logindisabled'] self.ssl = False def test(self): # Connect the the LDAP print 'Creating server object for server %s...' % self.uri server = ldap.initialize(self.uri) print 'Done. Login with %s...' % self.login server.simple_bind(self.login, self.password) if self.ssl: server.start_tls_s() try: for i in range(self.tentatives): try: print 'Done. Performing a simple query on %s...' % self.base res = server.search_st( self.base, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, filterstr=self.filter, attrlist=self.attrs, timeout=5) print 'Got %d entries' % len(res) break except ldap.TIMEOUT: print 'Got timeout.' except ldap.LDAPError, le: print le.__class__.__name__, le # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': LdapTester().test() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------