# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os, re, time, copy from utils import produceNiceMessage # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ poHeader = '''msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: %s\\n" "POT-Creation-Date: %s\\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\\n" "Language-code: %s\\n" "Language-name: %s\\n" "Preferred-encodings: utf-8 latin1\\n" "Domain: %s\\n" %s ''' fallbacks = {'en': 'en-us en-ca', 'fr': 'fr-be fr-ca fr-lu fr-mc fr-ch fr-fr'} # Default values for i18n labels whose ids are not fixed. CONFIG = "Configuration panel for product '%s'" CONFIRM = 'Are you sure ?' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PoMessage: '''Represents a i18n message (po format).''' def __init__(self, id, msg, default, fuzzy=False, comments=[], niceDefault=False): self.id = id self.msg = msg self.default = default if niceDefault: self.produceNiceDefault() self.fuzzy = fuzzy # True if the default value has changed in the pot # file: the msg in the po file needs to be translated again. self.comments = comments def update(self, newMsg, isPot, language): '''Updates me with new values from p_newMsg. If p_isPot is True (which means that the current file is a pot file), I do not care about filling self.msg.''' if isPot: self.msg = "" if not self.default: self.default = newMsg.default # It means that if the default message has changed, we will not # update it in the pot file. We will always keep the one that # the user may have changed in the pot file. We will write a # default message only when no default message is defined. else: # newMsg comes from a pot file or from a base po file (like a # standard Appy po file). We must update the corresponding # message in the current po file. oldDefault = self.default if self.default != newMsg.default: # The default value has changed in the pot file oldDefault = self.default self.default = newMsg.default self.fuzzy = False if self.msg.strip(): self.fuzzy = True # We mark the message as "fuzzy" (=may need to be rewritten # because the default value has changed) only if the user # has already entered a message. Else, this has no sense to # rewrite the empty message. if not oldDefault.strip(): # This is a strange case: the old default value did not # exist. Maybe was this PO file generated from some # tool, but simply without any default value. So in # this case, we do not consider the label as fuzzy. self.fuzzy = False # If p_newMsg contains a message, and no message is defined for # self, copy it. if newMsg.msg and not self.msg: self.msg = newMsg.msg # For english, the the default value from a pot file can be used as # value for the po file. if (language == 'en'): if not self.msg: # Put the default message into msg for english self.msg = self.default if self.fuzzy and (self.msg == oldDefault): # The message was equal to the old default value. It means # that the user did not change it, because for English we # fill by default the message with the default value (see # code just above). So in this case, the message was not # really fuzzy. self.fuzzy = False self.msg = self.default def produceNiceDefault(self): '''Transforms self.default into a nice msg.''' self.default = produceNiceMessage(self.default) def generate(self): '''Produces myself as I must appear in a po(t) file.''' res = '' for comment in self.comments: res += comment + '\n' if self.default != None: res = '#. Default: "%s"\n' % self.default if self.fuzzy: res += '#, fuzzy\n' res += 'msgid "%s"\n' % self.id res += 'msgstr "%s"\n' % self.msg return res def __repr__(self): return '' % \ (self.id, self.msg, self.default) def getMessage(self): '''Returns self.msg, but with some replacements.''' return self.msg.replace('
', '\n').replace('\\"', '"') class PoMessages: '''A list of po messages under construction.''' def __init__(self): # The list of messages self.messages = [] # A dict of message ids, useful for efficiently checking if an id is # already in the list or not. self.ids = {} def append(self, id, default, nice=True): '''Creates a new PoMessage and adds it to self.messages. If p_nice is True, it produces a nice default value for the message.''' # Avoir creating duplicate ids if id in self.ids: return message = PoMessage(id, '', default, niceDefault=nice) self.messages.append(message) self.ids[id] = True def get(self): return self.messages class PoHeader: def __init__(self, name, value): self.name = name self.value = value def generate(self): '''Generates the representation of myself into a po(t) file.''' return '"%s: %s\\n"\n' % (self.name, self.value) class PoFile: '''Represents a i18n file.''' def __init__(self, fileName): self.fileName = fileName self.isPot = fileName.endswith('.pot') self.messages = [] # Ordered list of messages self.messagesDict = {} # Dict of the same messages, indexed by msgid self.headers = [] self.headersDict = {} # Get application name, domain name and language from fileName self.applicationName = '' self.language = '' self.domain = '' baseName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileName))[0] elems = baseName.split('-') if self.isPot: if len(elems) == 1: self.applicationName = self.domain = elems[0] else: self.applicationName, self.domain = elems else: if len(elems) == 1: self.applicationName = self.domain = '' self.language = elems[0] elif len(elems) == 2: self.applicationName = self.domain = elems[0] self.language = elems[1] else: self.applicationName, self.domain, self.language = elems self.generated = False # Will be True during the generation process, # once this file will have been generated. def addMessage(self, newMsg, needsCopy=True): if needsCopy: res = copy.copy(newMsg) else: res = newMsg self.messages.append(res) self.messagesDict[res.id] = res return res def addHeader(self, newHeader): self.headers.append(newHeader) self.headersDict[newHeader.name] = newHeader def update(self, newMessages, removeNotNewMessages=False, keepExistingOrder=True): '''Updates the existing messages with p_newMessages. If p_removeNotNewMessages is True, all messages in self.messages that are not in newMessages will be removed, excepted if they start with "custom_". If p_keepExistingOrder is False, self.messages will be sorted according to p_newMessages. Else, newMessages that are not yet in self.messages will be appended to the end of self.messages.''' # First, remove not new messages if necessary newIds = [m.id for m in newMessages] removedIds = [] if removeNotNewMessages: i = len(self.messages)-1 while i >= 0: oldId = self.messages[i].id if not oldId.startswith('custom_') and (oldId not in newIds): del self.messages[i] del self.messagesDict[oldId] removedIds.append(oldId) i -= 1 if keepExistingOrder: # Update existing messages and add inexistent messages to the end. for newMsg in newMessages: if self.messagesDict.has_key(newMsg.id): msg = self.messagesDict[newMsg.id] else: msg = self.addMessage(newMsg) msg.update(newMsg, self.isPot, self.language) else: # Keep the list of all old messages not being in new messages. # We will append them at the end of the new messages. notNewMessages = [m for m in self.messages if m.id not in newIds] del self.messages[:] for newMsg in newMessages: if self.messagesDict.has_key(newMsg.id): msg = self.messagesDict[newMsg.id] self.messages.append(msg) else: msg = self.addMessage(newMsg) msg.update(newMsg, self.isPot, self.language) # Append the list of old messages to the end self.messages += notNewMessages return removedIds def generateHeaders(self, f): if not self.headers: creationTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M-%S", time.localtime()) fb = '' if not self.isPot: # I must add fallbacks if fallbacks.has_key(self.language): fb = '"X-is-fallback-for: %s\\n"' % fallbacks[self.language] f.write(poHeader % (self.applicationName, creationTime, self.language, self.language, self.domain, fb)) else: # Some headers were already found, we dump them as is f.write('msgid ""\nmsgstr ""\n') for header in self.headers: f.write(header.generate()) f.write('\n') def generate(self): '''Generates the corresponding po or pot file.''' folderName = os.path.dirname(self.fileName) if not os.path.exists(folderName): os.makedirs(folderName) f = file(self.fileName, 'w') self.generateHeaders(f) for msg in self.messages: f.write(msg.generate()) f.write('\n') f.close() self.generated = True def getPoFileName(self, language): '''Gets the name of the po file that corresponds to this pot file and the given p_language.''' if self.applicationName == self.domain: res = '%s-%s.po' % (self.applicationName, language) else: res = '%s-%s-%s.po' % (self.applicationName, self.domain, language) return res def getCustomMessages(self): '''Returns, the list of messages from self.messages whose ID starts with "custom_".''' return [m for m in self.messages if m.id.startswith('custom_')] class PoParser: '''Allows to parse a i18n file. The result is produced in self.res as a PoFile instance.''' def __init__(self, fileName): self.res = PoFile(fileName) # Regular expressions for msgIds, msgStrs and default values. re_default = re.compile('#\.\s+Default\s*:\s*"(.*)"') re_fuzzy = re.compile('#,\s+fuzzy') re_id = re.compile('msgid\s+"(.*)"') re_msg = re.compile('msgstr\s+"(.*)"') def parse(self): '''Parses all i18n messages in the file, stores it in self.res.messages and returns self.res.''' f = file(self.res.fileName) # Currently parsed values msgDefault = msgFuzzy = msgId = msgStr = None comments = [] # Walk every line of the po(t) file for line in f: lineContent = line.strip() if lineContent and (not lineContent.startswith('"')): r = self.re_default.match(lineContent) if r: msgDefault = r.group(1) else: r = self.re_fuzzy.match(lineContent) if r: msgFuzzy = True else: r = self.re_id.match(lineContent) if r: msgId = r.group(1) else: r = self.re_msg.match(lineContent) if r: msgStr = r.group(1) else: if lineContent.startswith('#'): comments.append(lineContent.strip()) if msgStr != None: if not ((msgId == '') and (msgStr == '')): poMsg = PoMessage(msgId, msgStr, msgDefault, msgFuzzy, comments) self.res.addMessage(poMsg) msgDefault = msgFuzzy = msgId = msgStr = None comments = [] if lineContent.startswith('"'): # It is a header value name, value = lineContent.strip('"').split(':', 1) if value.endswith('\\n'): value = value[:-2] self.res.addHeader(PoHeader(name.strip(), value.strip())) f.close() return self.res # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------