vpod v- Error in buffers.py line 422 (in method evaluate): evalEntry.action may be None but I don't know why (maybe due to buffers cut?) v- Document the ability to read the template from memory, not only from the file system (it seems to work) v- Size of resulting ODTs is too big. v- Try to convert xhtml chunks that are not utf-8-encoded v- XHTML conversion is not implemented for all XHTML tags. v- XHTML conversion produces empty results for some XHTML tag combinations v- Implement a function "pod" that allows to insert the content of another pod template into the current file v- Implement a "retry n times" function when calling OO in server mode ("n" should be parameterized) v- Add a "do bullet" (li, ul) ? v- Add a function "text" that replaces "carriage returns" with </p><p> (ou <br/>?) and that replaces leading dashes with bullets. v- Deprecate "xhtml" function -> New function text(format=...) with format="xhtml" or "text" or... v- ImageImporter: adding 'g' to file names may lead to too long file names. v- Finalize function "document" (manage Microsoft formats: doc, xls...) v- converter.py: allow to call converter.py without updating sections and/or indexes (may cause performance problems?) v- When an error occurs in a for loop, the iteratr variable may not be incremented, which duplicates the errors in subsequent iterations. Try:finally? vgen v- View on AppyFolder must be query.pt v- Build automatically a research page (included fields are selectable through the flavour) only with "searchable" fields. v- Correct some navigation problems (after actions like delete, edit, etc) v- Validation system: check if it is possible to forget about duplicating page and group labels in child classes. Possible to remove xxx_list labels? v- Add a button for checking if current Python running Zope is UNO-compliant. v- __setattr__ for Refs on Wrappers do not work, but the problem is solved in method "create" (inspiration source). v- Generate a static site from a gen-application v- Xml export (on file system or via webdav/REST) v- Add an option to generator, where un-managed i18n labels are removed (useful during development, when fields are creates, deleted, renamed...) v- Make the list of reserved attribute and method names (tool, trigger, state, ...) and raise errors on generation if those names are used by a gen-class v- produceNiceDefault: manage numbers (when a number is encountered, add a space, etc). v- When editing (not creating) a flavour (or when reinstalling the product), create ALL the portal_types if they do not exist (some may have been added after flavour creation). v- By flavour or date object, add 2 params: date format with and without hour. Create a appy-specific macro for displaying dates, that will use those params. v- Move some generated code (appyMixins, CommonMethods...) in appy.gen (minimize generated code). v- Create the "pod" field type v- Add on tool special action "uninstall" (similar to special action "install") + question "update workflow settings or not" ? v- At startup, patch actions "tool.install" -> show = si selon Plone le Product doit etre reinstallé, i18n messages, etc. v- Allow to create objects in the app root folder (and not only in the tool) from the tool (or anywhere else). v- On dashboards and Ref tables, fields rendering does not always take into account permissions, show, etc. v- Add "self.flavour" on any wrapper. v- Config instance: add supposed number of flavours (for generating corresponding i18n labels _1, _2, etc, for flavour-specific content-types) v- Config instance: create a defaultWorkflow attribute, similar to defaultCreators v- Duplicate all special fields (optionalFieldsFor, defaultValueFor, etc) generated in a flavour for all child classes of a given class. v- Permissions-to-roles mappings: if you don't specify a value for a given field-specific read/write permission, by default it will take the same value as for the whole-gen-class read/write permission. v- Implement abstract workflows v- displayTabs: do not display tabs for which no widget shows up (ie edit tabs on which no Ref widget is shown) v- Add i18n labels for messages when transitions are triggered (! transition may potentially return a custom message!) v- On all widgets: implement "warning method" -> kind of condition. If True, a warning message appears somewhere near the field. Useful for actions, transitions and pod templates. v- Action fields: add param "confirm" (also for workflow transitions): if True a popup appears (with possibility to define a i18n message) v- Ref fields: add parameter "sort" for sorting Ref fields (this param may be the name of a field or a custom method). On Refs with link=True, it is used for sorting the list of all references that may be linked with the current object; on Refs with add=True, it is used for inserting the newly created object. v- tool.getReferenceLabel: use brain if fields are indexed (wake up object only when needed) v- Delete tool.maxListBoxWidth and use param "width" of Ref field instead. v- Comments in ZPTs: use everywhere tal tag "comment" v- Common method "fieldValueSelected" -> does it produce the right value when the page is shown again due to a validation error? Must we check this case explicitly via emptyness of dict "errors" in request? v- Document how to write your own code generator v- pod integratio: when returning a PDF/ODT file, file name is not set (or file extension). v- Add a param to pod fields will allow to freeze generated result, and to unfreeze or re-generate them (with admin access only or...?) v- Take into account field-specific permissions when displaying backward fields v- Improve graphical rendering of pages with additional classes (Group, Page,...) that may be specified instead of strings for parameters "group", "page" on fields v- Add an event management system (generalize the mail notification mechanism from PloneMeeting) that one may customize per flavour, with some predefined action types (emails, log, freeze pdf,...) v- Interoperability: class and worklow inheritance from one product to another and Refs to objects coming from other standard non Appy Plone products. v- Add a mechanism that will allow developers to add things like ZPTs, etc, into the Plone product. v- Write a test system. v- Bug (seems to come from standard Plone): when defining a field multiselection mandatory, when unselecting all values, it does not do anything (if the field is not mandatory it works). v- When we copy fields in class Flavour (because of editDefault), we must also recopy methods that were defined on the original Appy class on the FLavour class generated in appyWrappers.py. v- Check accessors get_flavour defined multiple times in PodTemplate_Wrapper v- Bug: when we specify encoding in a Python file, the generated Python AST is empty. v- plone25: remove warnings by setting deprecated=True for all generated classes in configure.zcml v- Workflow dependencies: permissions of a given object can depend on the ones defined on another (containing?). v- Add an on-line help system (popup for every field)