# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import re sequenceTypes = (list, tuple) # Classes used by edit/view templates for accessing information ---------------- class Descr: '''Abstract class for description classes.''' def get(self): return self.__dict__ class FieldDescr(Descr): def __init__(self, atField, appyType, fieldRel): # The corresponding Archetypes field (may be None in the case of # backward references) self.atField = atField # The corresponding Appy type self.appyType = appyType # The field relationship, needed when the field description is a # backward reference. self.fieldRel = fieldRel # Can we sort this field ? at = self.appyType self.sortable = False if not fieldRel and ((self.atField.getName() == 'title') or \ (at['indexed'])): self.sortable = True # Can we filter this field? self.filterable = False if not fieldRel and at['indexed'] and (at['type'] == 'String') and \ (at['format'] == 0) and not at['isSelect']: self.filterable = True if fieldRel: self.widgetType = 'backField' self.group = appyType['backd']['group'] self.show = appyType['backd']['show'] self.page = appyType['backd']['page'] else: self.widgetType = 'field' self.group = appyType['group'] self.show = appyType['show'] self.page = appyType['page'] fieldName = self.atField.getName() class GroupDescr(Descr): def __init__(self, name, cols, page): self.name = name self.cols = cols # The nb of columns for placing fields into the group self.rows = None # The number of rows self.page = page self.fields = [] self.widgetType = 'group' def computeRows(groupDict): '''Computes self.rows. But because at this time the object has already been converted to a dict (for being maniputated within ZPTs, this method is a static method that takes the dict as arg.''' groupDict['rows'] = len(groupDict['fields']) / groupDict['cols'] if len(groupDict['fields']) % groupDict['cols']: groupDict['rows'] += 1 computeRows = staticmethod(computeRows) def getGroupInfo(groupName): '''In the group name, the user may optionally specify at the end the number of columns for placing fields into the group. This method returns the real group name and the number of columns.''' res = groupName.rsplit('_', 1) if len(res) == 1: res.append(1) # Append the default numer of columns else: try: res[1] = int(res[1]) except ValueError: res[1] = 1 return res getGroupInfo = staticmethod(getGroupInfo) class PageDescr(Descr): def getPageInfo(pageOrName, pageKlass): '''pageOrName can be: - a string containing the name of the page - a string containing _ - a appy.gen.Page instance for a more detailed page description. This method returns a normalized tuple containing page-related information.''' if isinstance(pageOrName, pageKlass): res = [pageOrName.name, pageOrName.phase, pageOrName.show] else: res = pageOrName.rsplit('_', 1) if len(res) == 1: res.append('main') res.append(True) return res getPageInfo = staticmethod(getPageInfo) class PhaseDescr(Descr): def __init__(self, name, states, forPlone, ploneObj): self.name = name self.states = states self.forPlone = forPlone self.ploneObj = ploneObj self.phaseStatus = None self.pages = [] # The list of pages in this phase self.totalNbOfPhases = None def addPage(self, appyType, obj): toAdd = appyType['page'] if (toAdd == 'main') and self.forPlone: toAdd = 'default' if (toAdd not in self.pages) and \ obj._appy_showPage(appyType['page'], appyType['pageShow']): self.pages.append(toAdd) def computeStatus(self): '''Compute status of whole phase based on individual status of states in this phase. If this phase includes no state, the concept of phase is simply used as a tab, and its status depends on the page currently shown.''' res = 'Current' if self.states: # Compute status base on states res = self.states[0]['stateStatus'] if len(self.states) > 1: for state in self.states[1:]: if res != state['stateStatus']: res = 'Current' break else: # Compute status based on current page rq = self.ploneObj.REQUEST if rq.has_key('fieldset'): pageName = rq['fieldset'] if not self.forPlone and (pageName == 'default'): pageName = 'main' else: pageName = rq.get('pageName', 'main') if pageName in self.pages: res = 'Current' else: res = 'Deselected' self.phaseStatus = res class StateDescr(Descr): def __init__(self, name, stateStatus): self.name = name self.stateStatus = stateStatus.capitalize() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ upperLetter = re.compile('[A-Z]') def produceNiceMessage(msg): '''Transforms p_msg into a nice msg.''' res = '' if msg: res = msg[0].upper() for c in msg[1:]: if c == '_': res += ' ' elif upperLetter.match(c): res += ' ' + c.lower() else: res += c return res # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ValidationErrors: pass class AppyRequest: def __init__(self, zopeRequest, appyObj=None): self.zopeRequest = zopeRequest self.appyObj = appyObj def __str__(self): return '' def __repr__(self): return '' def __getattr__(self, attr): res = None if self.appyObj: # I can retrieve type information from the ploneObj. appyType = self.appyObj.o.getAppyType(attr) if appyType['type'] == 'Ref': res = self.zopeRequest.get('appy_ref_%s' % attr, None) else: res = self.zopeRequest.get(attr, None) if appyType['pythonType']: try: exec 'res = %s' % res # bool('False') gives True, so we # can't write: res = appyType['pythonType'](res) except SyntaxError, se: # Can happen when for example, an Integer value is empty res = None else: res = self.zopeRequest.get(attr, None) return res # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class SomeObjects: '''Represents a bunch of objects retrieved from a reference or a query in portal_catalog.''' def __init__(self, objects=None, batchSize=None, startNumber=0, noSecurity=False): self.objects = objects or [] # The objects self.totalNumber = len(self.objects) # self.objects may only represent a # part of all available objects. self.batchSize = batchSize or self.totalNumber # The max length of # self.objects. self.startNumber = startNumber # The index of first object in # self.objects in the whole list. self.noSecurity = noSecurity def brainsToObjects(self): '''self.objects has been populated from brains from the portal_catalog, not from True objects. This method turns them (or some of them depending on batchSize and startNumber) into real objects. If self.noSecurity is True, it gets the objects even if the logged user does not have the right to get them.''' start = self.startNumber brains = self.objects[start:start + self.batchSize] if self.noSecurity: getMethod = '_unrestrictedGetObject' else: getMethod = 'getObject' self.objects = [getattr(b, getMethod)() for b in brains] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Keywords: '''This class allows to handle keywords that a user enters and that will be used as basis for performing requests in a Zope ZCTextIndex.''' toRemove = '?-+*()' def __init__(self, keywords, operator='AND'): # Clean the p_keywords that the user has entered. words = keywords.strip() if words == '*': words = '' for c in self.toRemove: words = words.replace(c, ' ') self.keywords = words.split() # Store the operator to apply to the keywords (AND or OR) self.operator = operator def merge(self, other, append=False): '''Merges our keywords with those from p_other. If p_append is True, p_other keywords are appended at the end; else, keywords are appended at the begin.''' for word in other.keywords: if word not in self.keywords: if append: self.keywords.append(word) else: self.keywords.insert(0, word) def get(self): '''Returns the keywords as needed by the ZCTextIndex.''' if self.keywords: op = ' %s ' % self.operator return op.join(self.keywords)+'*' return '' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FakeBrain: '''This class behaves like a brain retrieved from a query to a ZCatalog. It is used for representing a fake brain that was generated from a search in a distant portal_catalog.''' Creator = None created = None modified = None review_state = None def has_key(self, key): return hasattr(self, key) def getPath(self): return self.path def getURL(self, relative=0): return self.url def _unrestrictedGetObject(self): return self def pretty_title_or_id(self): return self.Title def getObject(self, REQUEST=None): return self def getRID(self): return self.url # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------