'''This file contains basic classes that will be added into any user application for creating the basic structure of the application "Tool" which is the set of web pages used for configuring the application. The "Tool" is available to administrators under the standard Plone link "site setup". Plone itself is shipped with several tools used for conguring the various parts of Plone (content types, catalogs, workflows, etc.)''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import copy, types from appy.gen import Type, Integer, String, File, Ref, Boolean, Selection # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ModelClass: '''This class is the abstract class of all predefined application classes used in the Appy model: Tool, Flavour, PodTemplate, etc. All methods and attributes of those classes are part of the Appy machinery and are prefixed with _appy_ in order to avoid name conflicts with user-defined parts of the application model.''' _appy_attributes = [] # We need to keep track of attributes order. _appy_notinit = ('id', 'type', 'pythonType', 'slaves', 'selfClass', 'phase', 'pageShow', 'isSelect') # When creating a new # instance of a ModelClass, those attributes must not be # given in the constructor. @classmethod def _appy_addField(klass, fieldName, fieldType, classDescr): exec "klass.%s = fieldType" % fieldName klass._appy_attributes.append(fieldName) if hasattr(klass, '_appy_classes'): klass._appy_classes[fieldName] = classDescr.name @classmethod def _appy_getTypeBody(klass, appyType): '''This method returns the code declaration for p_appyType.''' typeArgs = '' for attrName, attrValue in appyType.__dict__.iteritems(): if attrName in ModelClass._appy_notinit: continue if isinstance(attrValue, basestring): attrValue = '"%s"' % attrValue elif isinstance(attrValue, Type): attrValue = klass._appy_getTypeBody(attrValue) elif type(attrValue) == type(ModelClass): moduleName = attrValue.__module__ if moduleName.startswith('appy.gen'): attrValue = attrValue.__name__ else: attrValue = '%s.%s' % (moduleName, attrValue.__name__) elif isinstance(attrValue, Selection): attrValue = 'Selection("%s")' % attrValue.methodName typeArgs += '%s=%s,' % (attrName, attrValue) return '%s(%s)' % (appyType.__class__.__name__, typeArgs) @classmethod def _appy_getBody(klass): '''This method returns the code declaration of this class. We will dump this in appyWrappers.py in the resulting product.''' res = '' for attrName in klass._appy_attributes: exec 'appyType = klass.%s' % attrName res += ' %s=%s\n' % (attrName, klass._appy_getTypeBody(appyType)) return res class PodTemplate(ModelClass): description = String(format=String.TEXT) podTemplate = File(multiplicity=(1,1)) podFormat = String(validator=['odt', 'pdf', 'rtf', 'doc'], multiplicity=(1,1), default='odt') phase = String(default='main') _appy_attributes = ['description', 'podTemplate', 'podFormat', 'phase'] defaultFlavourAttrs = ('number', 'enableNotifications') flavourAttributePrefixes = ('optionalFieldsFor', 'defaultValueFor', 'podTemplatesFor', 'podMaxShownTemplatesFor', 'resultColumnsFor', 'showWorkflowFor', 'showWorkflowCommentFieldFor', 'showAllStatesInPhaseFor') # Attribute prefixes of the fields generated on the Flavour for configuring # the application classes. class Flavour(ModelClass): '''For every application, the Flavour may be different (it depends on the fields declared as optional, etc). Instead of creating a new way to generate the Archetypes Flavour class, we create a silly FlavourStub instance and we will use the standard Archetypes generator that generates classes from the application to generate the flavour class.''' number = Integer(default=1, show=False) enableNotifications = Boolean(default=True, page='notifications') _appy_classes = {} # ~{s_attributeName: s_className}~ # We need to remember the original classes related to the flavour attributes _appy_attributes = list(defaultFlavourAttrs) @classmethod def _appy_clean(klass): toClean = [] for k, v in klass.__dict__.iteritems(): if not k.startswith('__') and (not k.startswith('_appy_')): if k not in defaultFlavourAttrs: toClean.append(k) for k in toClean: exec 'del klass.%s' % k klass._appy_attributes = list(defaultFlavourAttrs) klass._appy_classes = {} @classmethod def _appy_copyField(klass, appyType): '''From a given p_appyType, produce a type definition suitable for storing the default value for this field.''' res = copy.copy(appyType) res.editDefault = False res.optional = False res.show = True res.phase = 'main' res.specificReadPermission = False res.specificWritePermission = False res.multiplicity = (0, appyType.multiplicity[1]) if type(res.validator) == types.FunctionType: # We will not be able to call this function from the flavour. res.validator = None if isinstance(appyType, Ref): res.link = True res.add = False res.back = copy.copy(appyType.back) res.back.attribute += 'DefaultValue' res.back.show = False res.select = None # Not callable from flavour return res @classmethod def _appy_addOptionalField(klass, fieldDescr): className = fieldDescr.classDescr.name fieldName = 'optionalFieldsFor%s' % className fieldType = getattr(klass, fieldName, None) if not fieldType: fieldType = String(multiplicity=(0,None)) fieldType.validator = [] klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, fieldDescr.classDescr) fieldType.validator.append(fieldDescr.fieldName) fieldType.page = 'data' fieldType.group = fieldDescr.classDescr.klass.__name__ @classmethod def _appy_addDefaultField(klass, fieldDescr): className = fieldDescr.classDescr.name fieldName = 'defaultValueFor%s_%s' % (className, fieldDescr.fieldName) fieldType = klass._appy_copyField(fieldDescr.appyType) klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, fieldDescr.classDescr) fieldType.page = 'data' fieldType.group = fieldDescr.classDescr.klass.__name__ @classmethod def _appy_addPodField(klass, classDescr): '''Adds a POD field to the flavour and also an integer field that will determine the maximum number of documents to show at once on consult views. If this number is reached, a list is displayed.''' # First, add the POD field that will hold PodTemplates. fieldType = Ref(PodTemplate, multiplicity=(0,None), add=True, link=False, back = Ref(attribute='flavour'), page="documentGeneration", group=classDescr.klass.__name__) fieldName = 'podTemplatesFor%s' % classDescr.name klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) # Then, add the integer field fieldType = Integer(default=1, page='userInterface', group=classDescr.klass.__name__) fieldName = 'podMaxShownTemplatesFor%s' % classDescr.name klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) classDescr.flavourFieldsToPropagate.append( ('podMaxShownTemplatesFor%s', copy.copy(fieldType)) ) @classmethod def _appy_addQueryResultColumns(klass, classDescr): '''Adds, for class p_classDescr, the attribute in the flavour that allows to select what default columns will be shown on query results.''' className = classDescr.name fieldName = 'resultColumnsFor%s' % className fieldType = String(multiplicity=(0,None), validator=Selection( '_appy_getAllFields*%s' % className), page='userInterface', group=classDescr.klass.__name__) klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) @classmethod def _appy_addSearchRelatedFields(klass, classDescr): '''Adds, for class p_classDescr, attributes related to the search functionality for class p_classDescr.''' className = classDescr.name # Field that defines if advanced search is enabled for class # p_classDescr or not. fieldName = 'enableAdvancedSearchFor%s' % className fieldType = Boolean(default=True, page='userInterface', group=classDescr.klass.__name__) klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) # Field that defines how many columns are shown on the custom search # screen. fieldName = 'numberOfSearchColumnsFor%s' % className fieldType = Integer(default=3, page='userInterface', group=classDescr.klass.__name__) klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) # Field that allows to select, among all indexed fields, what fields # must really be used in the search screen. fieldName = 'searchFieldsFor%s' % className defaultValue = [a[0] for a in classDescr.getOrderedAppyAttributes( condition='attrValue.indexed')] fieldType = String(multiplicity=(0,None), validator=Selection( '_appy_getSearchableFields*%s' % className), default=defaultValue, page='userInterface', group=classDescr.klass.__name__) klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) @classmethod def _appy_addImportRelatedFields(klass, classDescr): '''Adds, for class p_classDescr, attributes related to the import functionality for class p_classDescr.''' className = classDescr.name # Field that defines the path of the files to import. fieldName = 'importPathFor%s' % className defValue = classDescr.getCreateMean('Import').path fieldType = String(page='data', multiplicity=(1,1), default=defValue, group=classDescr.klass.__name__) klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) @classmethod def _appy_addWorkflowFields(klass, classDescr): '''Adds, for a given p_classDescr, the workflow-related fields.''' className = classDescr.name groupName = classDescr.klass.__name__ # Adds a field allowing to show/hide completely any workflow-related # information for a given class. defaultValue = False if classDescr.isRoot() or issubclass(classDescr.klass, ModelClass): defaultValue = True fieldName = 'showWorkflowFor%s' % className fieldType = Boolean(default=defaultValue, page='userInterface', group=groupName) klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) # Adds the boolean field for showing or not the field "enter comments". fieldName = 'showWorkflowCommentFieldFor%s' % className fieldType = Boolean(default=defaultValue, page='userInterface', group=groupName) klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) # Adds the boolean field for showing all states in current state or not. # If this boolean is True but the current phase counts only one state, # we will not show the state at all: the fact of knowing in what phase # we are is sufficient. If this boolean is False, we simply show the # current state. defaultValue = False if len(classDescr.getPhases()) > 1: defaultValue = True fieldName = 'showAllStatesInPhaseFor%s' % className fieldType = Boolean(default=defaultValue, page='userInterface', group=groupName) klass._appy_addField(fieldName, fieldType, classDescr) class Tool(ModelClass): flavours = Ref(None, multiplicity=(1,None), add=True, link=False, back=Ref(attribute='tool')) # First arg is None because we don't know yet if it will link # to the predefined Flavour class or a custom class defined # in the application. unoEnabledPython = String(group="connectionToOpenOffice") openOfficePort = Integer(default=2002, group="connectionToOpenOffice") numberOfResultsPerPage = Integer(default=30) listBoxesMaximumWidth = Integer(default=100) _appy_attributes = ['flavours', 'unoEnabledPython', 'openOfficePort', 'numberOfResultsPerPage', 'listBoxesMaximumWidth'] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------