# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import re, os, os.path, Cookie
from appy.gen import Type, Search, Selection
from appy.gen.utils import FieldDescr, SomeObjects, sequenceTypes
from appy.gen.plone25.mixins import AbstractMixin
from appy.gen.plone25.mixins.FlavourMixin import FlavourMixin
from appy.gen.plone25.wrappers import AbstractWrapper
from appy.gen.plone25.descriptors import ArchetypesClassDescriptor

_PY = 'Please specify a file corresponding to a Python interpreter ' \
      '(ie "/usr/bin/python").'
FILE_NOT_FOUND = 'Path "%s" was not found.'
VALUE_NOT_FILE = 'Path "%s" is not a file. ' + _PY
NO_PYTHON = "Name '%s' does not starts with 'python'. " + _PY
NOT_UNO_ENABLED_PYTHON = '"%s" is not a UNO-enabled Python interpreter. ' \
                         'To check if a Python interpreter is UNO-enabled, ' \
                         'launch it and type "import uno". If you have no ' \
                         'ImportError exception it is ok.'
jsMessages = ('no_elem_selected', 'delete_confirm')

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ToolMixin(AbstractMixin):
    _appy_meta_type = 'tool'
    def _appy_validateUnoEnabledPython(self, value):
        '''This method represents the validator for field unoEnabledPython.
           This field is present on the Tool only if POD is needed.'''
        if value:
            if not os.path.exists(value):
                return FILE_NOT_FOUND % value
            if not os.path.isfile(value):
                return VALUE_NOT_FILE % value
            if not os.path.basename(value).startswith('python'):
                return NO_PYTHON % value
            if os.system('%s -c "import uno"' % value):
                return NOT_UNO_ENABLED_PYTHON % value
        return None

    def getFlavour(self, contextObjOrPortalType, appy=False):
        '''Gets the flavour that corresponds to p_contextObjOrPortalType.'''
        if isinstance(contextObjOrPortalType, basestring):
            portalTypeName = contextObjOrPortalType
            # It is the contextObj, not a portal type name
            portalTypeName = contextObjOrPortalType.portal_type
        res = None
        appyTool = self.appy()
        flavourNumber = None
        nameElems = portalTypeName.split('_')
        if len(nameElems) > 1:
                flavourNumber = int(nameElems[-1])
            except ValueError:
        appName = self.getProductConfig().PROJECTNAME
        if flavourNumber != None:
            for flavour in appyTool.flavours:
                if flavourNumber == flavour.number:
                    res = flavour
        elif portalTypeName == ('%sFlavour' % appName):
            # Current object is the Flavour itself. In this cas we simply
            # return the wrapped contextObj. Here we are sure that
            # contextObjOrPortalType is an object, not a portal type.
            res = contextObjOrPortalType.appy()
        if not res and appyTool.flavours:
            res = appyTool.flavours[0]
        # If appy=False, return the Plone object and not the Appy wrapper
        # (this way, we avoid Zope security/access-related problems while
        # using this object in Zope Page Templates)
        if res and not appy:
            res = res.o
        return res

    def getFlavoursInfo(self):
        '''Returns information about flavours.'''
        res = []
        appyTool = self.appy()
        for flavour in appyTool.flavours:
            if isinstance(flavour.o, FlavourMixin):
                # This is a bug: sometimes other objects are associated as
                # flavours.
                res.append({'title': flavour.title, 'number':flavour.number})
        return res

    def getAppName(self):
        '''Returns the name of this application.'''
        return self.getProductConfig().PROJECTNAME

    def getAppFolder(self):
        '''Returns the folder at the root of the Plone site that is dedicated
           to this application.'''
        cfg = self.getProductConfig()
        portal = cfg.getToolByName(self, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
        return getattr(portal, self.getAppName())

    def getRootClasses(self):
        '''Returns the list of root classes for this application.'''
        return self.getProductConfig().rootClasses

    def showPortlet(self):
        return not self.portal_membership.isAnonymousUser()

    def getObject(self, uid, appy=False):
        '''Allows to retrieve an object from its p_uid.'''
        res = self.uid_catalog(UID=uid)
        if res: return res[0].getObject()
        return None

    _sortFields = {'title': 'sortable_title'}
    def executeQuery(self, contentType, flavourNumber=1, searchName=None,
                     startNumber=0, search=None, remember=False,
                     brainsOnly=False, maxResults=None, noSecurity=False):
        '''Executes a query on a given p_contentType (or several, separated
           with commas) in Plone's portal_catalog. Portal types are from the
           flavour numbered p_flavourNumber. If p_searchName is specified, it
           corresponds to:
             1) a search defined on p_contentType: additional search criteria
                will be added to the query, or;
             2) "_advanced": in this case, additional search criteria will also
                be added to the query, but those criteria come from the session
                (in key "searchCriteria") and were created from search.pt.

           We will retrieve objects from p_startNumber. If p_search is defined,
           it corresponds to a custom Search instance (instead of a predefined
           named search like in p_searchName). If both p_searchName and p_search
           are given, p_search is ignored.

           This method returns a list of objects in the form of the
           __dict__ attribute of an instance of SomeObjects (see in
           appy.gen.utils). We return the __dict__ attribute instead of real
           instance: that way, it can be used in ZPTs without security problems.
           If p_brainsOnly is True, it returns a list of brains instead (can be
           useful for some usages like knowing the number of objects without
           needing to get information about them). If no p_maxResults is
           specified, the method returns maximum
           self.getNumberOfResultsPerPage(). The method returns all objects if
           p_maxResults equals string "NO_LIMIT".

           If p_noSecurity is True, it gets all the objects, even those that the
           currently logged user can't see.'''
        # Is there one or several content types ?
        if contentType.find(',') != -1:
            # Several content types are specified
            portalTypes = contentType.split(',')
            if flavourNumber != 1:
                portalTypes = ['%s_%d' % (pt, flavourNumber) \
                               for pt in portalTypes]
            portalTypes = contentType
        params = {'portal_type': portalTypes}
        if not brainsOnly: params['batch'] = True
        # Manage additional criteria from a search when relevant
        if searchName or search:
            # In this case, contentType must contain a single content type.
            appyClass = self.getAppyClass(contentType)
            if searchName:
                if searchName != '_advanced':
                    search = ArchetypesClassDescriptor.getSearch(
                        appyClass, searchName)
                    fields = self.REQUEST.SESSION['searchCriteria']
                    search = Search('customSearch', **fields)
        if search:
            # Add additional search criteria
            for fieldName, fieldValue in search.fields.iteritems():
                # Make the correspondance between the name of the field and the
                # name of the corresponding index.
                attrName = fieldName
                if attrName == 'title': attrName = 'Title'
                elif attrName == 'description': attrName = 'Description'
                elif attrName == 'state': attrName = 'review_state'
                else: attrName = 'get%s%s'% (fieldName[0].upper(),fieldName[1:])
                # Express the field value in the way needed by the index
                if isinstance(fieldValue, basestring) and \
                    v = fieldValue[:-1]
                    params[attrName] = {'query':(v,v+'Z'), 'range':'minmax'}
                elif type(fieldValue) in sequenceTypes:
                    if fieldValue and isinstance(fieldValue[0], basestring):
                        # We have a list of string values (ie: we need to
                        # search v1 or v2 or...)
                        params[attrName] = fieldValue
                        # We have a range of (int, float, DateTime...) values
                        minv, maxv = fieldValue
                        rangev = 'minmax'
                        queryv = fieldValue
                        if minv == None:
                            rangev = 'max'
                            queryv = maxv
                        elif maxv == None:
                            rangev = 'min'
                            queryv = minv
                        params[attrName] = {'query':queryv, 'range':rangev}
                    params[attrName] = fieldValue
            # Add a sort order if specified
            sb = search.sortBy
            if sb:
                # For field 'title', Plone has created a specific index
                # 'sortable_title', because index 'Title' is a ZCTextIndex
                # (for searchability) and can't be used for sorting.
                if self._sortFields.has_key(sb): sb = self._sortFields[sb]
                params['sort_on'] = sb
        # Determine what method to call on the portal catalog
        if noSecurity: catalogMethod = 'unrestrictedSearchResults'
        else:          catalogMethod = 'searchResults'
        exec 'brains = self.portal_catalog.%s(**params)' % catalogMethod
        if brainsOnly:
            # Return brains only.
            if not maxResults: return brains
            else: return brains[:maxResults]
        if not maxResults: maxResults = self.getNumberOfResultsPerPage()
        elif maxResults == 'NO_LIMIT': maxResults = None
        res = SomeObjects(brains, maxResults, startNumber,noSecurity=noSecurity)
        # In some cases (p_remember=True), we need to keep some information
        # about the query results in the current user's session, allowing him
        # to navigate within elements without re-triggering the query every
        # time a page for an element is consulted.
        if remember:
            if not searchName:
                # It is the global search for all objects pf p_contentType
                searchName = contentType
            s = self.REQUEST.SESSION
            uids = {}
            i = -1
            for obj in res.objects:
                i += 1
                uids[startNumber+i] = obj.UID()
            s['search_%s_%s' % (flavourNumber, searchName)] = uids
        return res.__dict__

    def getResultColumnsNames(self, contentType):
        contentTypes = contentType.strip(',').split(',')
        resSet = None # Temporary set for computing intersections.
        res = [] # Final, sorted result.
        flavour = None
        fieldNames = None
        for cType in contentTypes:
            # Get the flavour tied to those content types
            if not flavour:
                flavour = self.getFlavour(cType, appy=True)
            if flavour.number != 1:
                cType = cType.rsplit('_', 1)[0]
            fieldNames = getattr(flavour, 'resultColumnsFor%s' % cType)
            if not resSet:
                resSet = set(fieldNames)
                resSet = resSet.intersection(fieldNames)
        # By converting to set, we've lost order. Let's put things in the right
        # order.
        for fieldName in fieldNames:
            if fieldName in resSet:
        return res

    def getResultColumns(self, anObject, contentType):
        '''What columns must I show when displaying a list of root class
           instances? Result is a list of tuples containing the name of the
           column (=name of the field) and a FieldDescr instance.'''
        res = []
        for fieldName in self.getResultColumnsNames(contentType):
            if fieldName == 'workflowState':
                # We do not return a FieldDescr instance if the attributes is
                # not a *real* attribute but the workfow state.
                # Create a FieldDescr instance
                appyType = anObject.getAppyType(fieldName)
                if not appyType:
                    res.append({'atField': None, 'name': fieldName})
                    # The field name is wrong.
                    # We return it so we can show it in an error message.
                    atField = anObject.schema.get(fieldName)
                    fieldDescr = FieldDescr(atField, appyType, None)
        return res

    xhtmlToText = re.compile('<.*?>', re.S)
    def getReferenceLabel(self, brain, appyType):
        '''p_appyType is a Ref with link=True. I need to display, on an edit
           view, the referenced object p_brain in the listbox that will allow
           the user to choose which object(s) to link through the Ref.
           According to p_appyType, the label may only be the object title,
           or more if parameter appyType.shownInfo is used.'''
        res = brain.Title
        if 'title' in appyType['shownInfo']:
            # We may place it at another place
            res = ''
        appyObj = brain.getObject().appy()
        for fieldName in appyType['shownInfo']:
            value = getattr(appyObj, fieldName)
            if isinstance(value, AbstractWrapper):
                value = value.title.decode('utf-8')
            elif isinstance(value, basestring):
                value = value.decode('utf-8')
                refAppyType = appyObj.o.getAppyType(fieldName)
                if refAppyType and (refAppyType['type'] == 'String') and \
                   (refAppyType['format'] == 2):
                    value = self.xhtmlToText.sub(' ', value)
                value = str(value)
            prefix = ''
            if res:
                prefix = ' | '
            res += prefix + value.encode('utf-8')
        maxWidth = self.getListBoxesMaximumWidth()
        if len(res) > maxWidth:
            res = res[:maxWidth-2] + '...'
        return res

    translationMapping = {'portal_path': ''}
    def translateWithMapping(self, label):
        '''Translates p_label in the application domain, with a default
           translation mapping.'''
        if not self.translationMapping['portal_path']:
            self.translationMapping['portal_path'] = \
        appName = self.getProductConfig().PROJECTNAME
        return self.utranslate(label, self.translationMapping, domain=appName)

    def getPublishedObject(self):
        '''Gets the currently published object.'''
        rq = self.REQUEST
        obj = rq['PUBLISHED']
        parent = obj.getParentNode()
        if parent.id == 'skyn': return parent.getParentNode()
        return rq['PUBLISHED']

    def getAppyClass(self, contentType):
        '''Gets the Appy Python class that is related to p_contentType.'''
        # Retrieve first the Archetypes class corresponding to p_ContentType
        portalType = self.portal_types.get(contentType)
        atClassName = portalType.getProperty('content_meta_type')
        appName = self.getProductConfig().PROJECTNAME
        exec 'from Products.%s.%s import %s as atClass' % \
            (appName, atClassName, atClassName)
        # Get then the Appy Python class
        return atClass.wrapperClass.__bases__[-1]
    def getCreateMeans(self, contentTypeOrAppyClass):
        '''Gets the different ways objects of p_contentTypeOrAppyClass (which
           can be a Plone content type or a Appy class) can be created
           (via a web form, by importing external data, etc). Result is a
           dict whose keys are strings (ie "form", "import"...) and whose
           values are additional data bout the particular mean.'''
        pythonClass = contentTypeOrAppyClass
        if isinstance(contentTypeOrAppyClass, basestring):
            pythonClass = self.getAppyClass(pythonClass)
        res = {}
        if not pythonClass.__dict__.has_key('create'):
            res['form'] = None
            # No additional data for this means, which is the default one.
            means = pythonClass.create
            if means:
                if isinstance(means, basestring): res[means] = None
                elif isinstance(means, list) or isinstance(means, tuple):
                    for mean in means:
                        if isinstance(mean, basestring):
                            res[mean] = None
                            res[mean.id] = mean.__dict__
                    res[means.id] = means.__dict__
        return res

    def onImportObjects(self):
        '''This method is called when the user wants to create objects from
           external data.'''
        rq = self.REQUEST
        appyClass = self.getAppyClass(rq.get('type_name'))
        importPaths = rq.get('importPath').split('|')
        appFolder = self.getAppFolder()
        for importPath in importPaths:
            if not importPath: continue
            objectId = os.path.basename(importPath)
            self.appy().create(appyClass, id=objectId, _data=importPath)
        return self.goto(rq['HTTP_REFERER'])

    def isAlreadyImported(self, contentType, importPath):
        appFolder = self.getAppFolder()
        objectId = os.path.basename(importPath)
        if hasattr(appFolder.aq_base, objectId):
            return True
            return False

    def _searchValueIsEmpty(self, key):
        '''Returns True if request value in key p_key can be considered as
        rq = self.REQUEST.form
        if key.endswith('*int') or key.endswith('*float'):
            # We return True if "from" AND "to" values are empty.
            toKey = '%s_to' % key[2:key.find('*')]
            return not rq[key].strip() and not rq[toKey].strip()
        elif key.endswith('*date'):
            # We return True if "from" AND "to" values are empty. A value is
            # considered as not empty if at least the year is specified.
            toKey = '%s_to_year' % key[2:-5]
            return not rq[key] and not rq[toKey]
            return not rq[key]

    def _getDateTime(self, year, month, day, setMin):
        '''Gets a valid DateTime instance from date information coming from the
           request as strings in p_year, p_month and p_day. Returns None if
           p_year is empty. If p_setMin is True, when some
           information is missing (month or day), we will replace it with the
           minimum value (=1). Else, we will replace it with the maximum value
           (=12, =31).'''
        if not year: return None
        if not month:
            if setMin: month = 1
            else:      month = 12
        if not day:
            if setMin: day = 1
            else:      day = 31
        DateTime = self.getProductConfig().DateTime
        # We loop until we find a valid date. For example, we could loop from
        # 2009/02/31 to 2009/02/28.
        dateIsWrong = True
        while dateIsWrong:
                res = DateTime('%s/%s/%s' % (year, month, day))
                dateIsWrong = False
                day = int(day)-1
        return res

    def onSearchObjects(self):
        '''This method is called when the user triggers a search from
        rq = self.REQUEST
        # Store the search criteria in the session
        criteria = {}
        for attrName in rq.form.keys():
            if attrName.startswith('w_') and \
               not self._searchValueIsEmpty(attrName):
                # We have a(n interval of) value(s) that is not empty for a
                # given field.
                attrValue = rq.form[attrName]
                if attrName.find('*') != -1:
                    attrName, attrType = attrName.split('*')
                    if attrType == 'bool':
                        exec 'attrValue = %s' % attrValue
                    elif attrType in ('int', 'float'):
                        # Get the "from" value
                        if not attrValue.strip(): attrValue = None
                            exec 'attrValue = %s(attrValue)' % attrType
                        # Get the "to" value
                        toValue = rq.form['%s_to' % attrName[2:]].strip()
                        if not toValue: toValue = None
                            exec 'toValue = %s(toValue)' % attrType
                        attrValue = (attrValue, toValue)
                    elif attrType == 'date':
                        prefix = attrName[2:]
                        # Get the "from" value
                        year  = attrValue
                        month = rq.form['%s_from_month' % prefix]
                        day   = rq.form['%s_from_day' % prefix]
                        fromDate = self._getDateTime(year, month, day, True)
                        # Get the "to" value"
                        year  = rq.form['%s_to_year' % prefix]
                        month = rq.form['%s_to_month' % prefix]
                        day   = rq.form['%s_to_day' % prefix]
                        toDate = self._getDateTime(year, month, day, False)
                        attrValue = (fromDate, toDate)
                if isinstance(attrValue, list):
                    attrValue = ' OR '.join(attrValue)
                criteria[attrName[2:]] = attrValue
        rq.SESSION['searchCriteria'] = criteria
        # Goto the screen that displays search results
        backUrl = '%s/query?type_name=%s&flavourNumber=%d&search=_advanced' % \
            (os.path.dirname(rq['URL']), rq['type_name'], rq['flavourNumber'])
        return self.goto(backUrl)

    def getJavascriptMessages(self):
        '''Returns the translated version of messages that must be shown in
           Javascript popups.'''
        res = ''
        for msg in jsMessages:
            res += 'var %s = "%s";\n' % (msg, self.translate(msg))
        return res

    def getSearches(self, contentType):
        '''Returns the list of searches that are defined for p_contentType.
           Every list item is a dict that contains info about a search or about
           a group of searches.'''
        appyClass = self.getAppyClass(contentType)
        res = []
        visitedGroups = {} # Names of already visited search groups
        for search in ArchetypesClassDescriptor.getSearches(appyClass):
            # Determine first group label, we will need it.
            groupLabel = ''
            if search.group:
                groupLabel = '%s_searchgroup_%s' % (contentType, search.group)
            # Add an item representing the search group if relevant
            if search.group and (search.group not in visitedGroups):
                group = {'name': search.group, 'isGroup': True,
                         'labelId': groupLabel, 'searches': [],
                         'label': self.translate(groupLabel),
                         'descr': self.translate('%s_descr' % groupLabel),
                visitedGroups[search.group] = group
            # Add the search itself
            searchLabel = '%s_search_%s' % (contentType, search.name)
            dSearch = {'name': search.name, 'isGroup': False,
                       'label': self.translate(searchLabel),
                       'descr': self.translate('%s_descr' % searchLabel)}
            if search.group:
        return res

    def getCookieValue(self, cookieId, default=''):
        '''Server-side code for getting the value of a cookie entry.'''
        cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie(self.REQUEST['HTTP_COOKIE'])
        cookieValue = cookie.get(cookieId)
        if cookieValue: return cookieValue.value
        return default

    def getQueryUrl(self, contentType, flavourNumber, searchName, ajax=True,
        '''This method creates the URL that allows to perform an ajax GET
           request for getting queried objects from a search named p_searchName
           on p_contentType from flavour numbered p_flavourNumber. If p_ajax
           is False, it returns the non-ajax URL.'''
        baseUrl = self.getAppFolder().absolute_url() + '/skyn'
        baseParams = 'type_name=%s&flavourNumber=%s'%(contentType,flavourNumber)
        # Manage start number
        rq = self.REQUEST
        if startNumber != None:
            baseParams += '&startNumber=%s' % startNumber
        elif rq.has_key('startNumber'):
            baseParams += '&startNumber=%s' % rq['startNumber']
        # Manage search name
        if searchName or ajax: baseParams += '&search=%s' % searchName
        if ajax:
            return '%s/ajax?objectUid=%s&page=macros&macro=queryResult&%s' % \
                   (baseUrl, self.UID(), baseParams)
            return '%s/query?%s' % (baseUrl, baseParams)

    def computeStartNumberFrom(self, currentNumber, totalNumber, batchSize):
        '''Returns the number (start at 0) of the first element in a list
           containing p_currentNumber (starts at 0) whose total number is
           p_totalNumber and whose batch size is p_batchSize.'''
        startNumber = 0
        res = startNumber
        while (startNumber < totalNumber):
            if (currentNumber < startNumber + batchSize):
                return startNumber
                startNumber += batchSize
        return startNumber

    def getNavigationInfo(self):
        '''Extracts navigation information from request/nav and returns a dict
           with the info that a page can use for displaying object
        res = {}
        t,d1,d2,currentNumber,totalNumber = self.REQUEST.get('nav').split('.')
        res['currentNumber'] = int(currentNumber)
        res['totalNumber'] = int(totalNumber)
        # Compute the label of the search, or ref field
        if t == 'search':
            searchName = d2
            if not searchName:
                # We search all objects of a given type.
                label = '%s_plural' % d1.split(':')[0]
            elif searchName == '_advanced':
                # This is an advanced, custom search.
                label = 'search_results'
                # This is a named, predefined search.
                label = '%s_search_%s' % (d1.split(':')[0], searchName)
            res['backText'] = self.translate(label)
            sourceObj = self.uid_catalog(UID=d1)[0].getObject()
            label = '%s_%s' % (sourceObj.meta_type, d2)
            res['backText'] = u'%s : %s' % (sourceObj.Title().decode('utf-8'),
        newNav = '%s.%s.%s.%%d.%s' % (t, d1, d2, totalNumber)
        # Among, first, previous, next and last, which one do I need?
        previousNeeded = False # Previous ?
        previousIndex = res['currentNumber'] - 2
        if (previousIndex > -1) and (res['totalNumber'] > previousIndex):
            previousNeeded = True
        nextNeeded = False     # Next ?
        nextIndex = res['currentNumber']
        if nextIndex < res['totalNumber']: nextNeeded = True
        firstNeeded = False    # First ?
        firstIndex = 0
        if previousIndex > 0: firstNeeded = True
        lastNeeded = False     # Last ?
        lastIndex = res['totalNumber'] - 1
        if (nextIndex < lastIndex): lastNeeded = True
        # Get the list of available UIDs surrounding the current object
        if t == 'ref': # Manage navigation from a reference
            fieldName = d2
            masterObj = self.getObject(d1)
            batchSize = masterObj.getAppyType(fieldName)['maxPerPage']
            uids = getattr(masterObj, '_appy_%s' % fieldName)
            # In the case of a reference, we retrieve ALL surrounding objects.
            # Display the reference widget at the page where the current object
            # lies.
            startNumberKey = '%s%s_startNumber' % (masterObj.UID(), fieldName)
            startNumber = self.computeStartNumberFrom(res['currentNumber']-1,
                res['totalNumber'], batchSize)
            res['sourceUrl'] = '%s?%s=%s' % (masterObj.getUrl(),
                startNumberKey, startNumber)
        else:          # Manage navigation from a search
            contentType, flavourNumber = d1.split(':')
            flavourNumber = int(flavourNumber)
            searchName = keySuffix = d2
            batchSize = self.getNumberOfResultsPerPage()
            if not searchName: keySuffix = contentType
            s = self.REQUEST.SESSION
            searchKey = 'search_%s_%s' % (flavourNumber, keySuffix)
            if s.has_key(searchKey): uids = s[searchKey]
            else:                    uids = {}
            # In the case of a search, we retrieve only a part of all
            # surrounding objects, those that are stored in the session.
            if (previousNeeded and not uids.has_key(previousIndex)) or \
               (nextNeeded and not uids.has_key(nextIndex)):
                # I do not have this UID in session. I will need to
                # retrigger the query by querying all objects surrounding
                # this one.
                newStartNumber = (res['currentNumber']-1) - (batchSize / 2)
                if newStartNumber < 0: newStartNumber = 0
                self.executeQuery(contentType, flavourNumber,
                    searchName=searchName, startNumber=newStartNumber,
                uids = s[searchKey]
            # For the moment, for first and last, we get them only if we have
            # them in session.
            if not uids.has_key(0): firstNeeded = False
            if not uids.has_key(lastIndex): lastNeeded = False
            # Compute URL of source object
            startNumber = self.computeStartNumberFrom(res['currentNumber']-1,
                res['totalNumber'], batchSize)
            res['sourceUrl'] = self.getQueryUrl(contentType, flavourNumber,
                searchName, ajax=False, startNumber=startNumber)
        # Compute URLs
        for urlType in ('previous', 'next', 'first', 'last'):
            exec 'needIt = %sNeeded' % urlType
            urlKey = '%sUrl' % urlType
            res[urlKey] = None
            if needIt:
                exec 'index = %sIndex' % urlType
                uid = None
                    uid = uids[index]
                    # uids can be a list (ref) or a dict (search)
                except KeyError: pass
                except IndexError: pass
                if uid:
                    brain = self.uid_catalog(UID=uid)
                    if brain:
                        baseUrl = brain[0].getObject().getUrl()
                        navUrl = baseUrl + '/?nav=' + newNav % (index + 1)
                        res[urlKey] = navUrl
        return res

    def tabularize(self, data, numberOfRows):
        '''This method transforms p_data, which must be a "flat" list or tuple,
           into a list of lists, where every sub-list has length p_numberOfRows.
           This method is typically used for rendering elements in a table of
           p_numberOfRows rows.'''
        if numberOfRows > 1:
            res = []
            row = []
            for elem in data:
                if len(row) == numberOfRows:
                    row = []
            # Complete the last unfinished line if required.
            if row:
                while len(row) < numberOfRows: row.append(None)
            return res
            return data

    def truncate(self, value, numberOfChars):
        '''Truncates string p_value to p_numberOfChars.'''
        if len(value) > numberOfChars: return value[:numberOfChars] + '...'
        return value

    monthsIds = {
        1:  'month_jan', 2:  'month_feb', 3:  'month_mar', 4:  'month_apr',
        5:  'month_may', 6:  'month_jun', 7:  'month_jul', 8:  'month_aug',
        9:  'month_sep', 10: 'month_oct', 11: 'month_nov', 12: 'month_dec'}
    def getMonthName(self, monthNumber):
        '''Gets the translated month name of month numbered p_monthNumber.'''
        return self.translate(self.monthsIds[int(monthNumber)], domain='plone')

    def getSelectValues(self, appyType):
        '''Return the possible values (with their translation) of String type
           p_appyType (dict version) which is a string whose validator limits
           the possible values, either statically (validator is simply a list
           of values) or dynamically (validator is a Selection instance).'''
        validator = appyType['validator']
        if isinstance(validator, Selection):
            vocab = self._appy_getDynamicDisplayList(validator.methodName)
            return vocab.items()
            res = []
            for v in validator:
                text = self.translate('%s_list_%s' % (appyType['label'], v))
                res.append((v, self.truncate(text, 30)))
        return res

    def logout(self):
        '''Logs out the current user when he clicks on "disconnect".'''
        rq = self.REQUEST
        userId = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getId()
        # Perform the logout in acl_users
        skinvar = self.portal_skins.getRequestVarname()
        path = '/' + self.absolute_url(1)
        if rq.has_key(skinvar) and not self.portal_skins.getCookiePersistence():
            rq.RESPONSE.expireCookie(skinvar, path=path)
        # Invalidate existing sessions, but only if they exist.
        sdm = self.session_data_manager
        session = sdm.getSessionData(create=0)
        if session is not None:
        from Products.CMFPlone import transaction_note
        transaction_note('Logged out')
        # Remove user from variable "loggedUsers"
        from appy.gen.plone25.installer import loggedUsers
        if loggedUsers.has_key(userId): del loggedUsers[userId]
        return self.goto(self.getParentNode().absolute_url())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------